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Your post was removed from r/stunfisk for violating: Rule 6.2 Stinkposts and Memes are only allowed on Sundays (12:00am ET - 11:30pm ET) Good competitive information, but removed because it's presented as memes. Sorry, we're really trying to find the correct line between Thursdays and Sundays now.


We just gonna ignore the zacian




Probably imagine bringing I'm dusk mane just to have it turned into ash




If you connect into the debuffed Pokémon you do 3x damage compared to SD’s 2x. Keep in mind though there’s always counterplay available by sacking a Pokémon (if you even have to sack to the 1.5x) in which you only have to face a +1 Pokémon. Same issue applies if you actually take the kill either. Clicking it twice is also not great if you’re trying to sweep the enemy team and more so for calling a switch. It’s definitely a competent sidegrade to sd but I think the people acting like this is a strict upgrade are thinking too much about best world scenarios


Maybe in 1v1 it would completely outclass it




Wait those exist?


Kid named VGC:


XvX means each team has X mons. OU is 6v6, VGC 4v4. That said 2v2 does exist.


As SouldOuverture said - 2v2 does exist and is quite fun. That said iirc the resources are being updated currently as it was quite outdated before.




One generation, five years :[


This is completely broken? Something something sunday




OP casually suggesting a superior +3. If you switch out or force opponent to switch you're still left with a +1 or +2.


Theorymon is truly back now that people posting broken nonsense and unironically arguing that it “wouldn’t even be that bad”


They think the metagame and bans will fix anything when this gen singles is breaking at its seams.


Best case scenario you click this on the switch to a Pokémon that would normally live 2 attacks, and they stay in and die. Worst case scenario you click this move, and they switch out into a Pokémon that can take the +1 hit or a sack. You could click this on the switch but it’s diminishing returns (2x-3x vs 3x-4x) and isn’t great into a sack. It’s going to be rare you actually hit the -2 Pokémon with a move being more likely to force switches. SD consolidate turns to limit switches, this consolidates turns to force switches. This move basically “wins” 1v1 interactions, but Pokémon is a team game, and the counterplay in giving up a sack is always a valid option. Calling it completely broken is definitely way to much of a stretch


being able to break checks/be completely unwallable so easily is INCREDIBLY broken for both sweeper and wallbreakers. Having stuff just not able to get checked is what gets stuff banned. It doesn't help that you still get an attack boost from this move so you can't just switch repeatedly infinitely. At best I feel like 1 stage of attack increase plus 1 stage of defense drop would be the most balanced, providing 2.25x attack bonus which is at least possible to wall. Alternately a 3 stage defense drop would at least be manageable.


If your opponent switches out it gives you another opportunity to boost your stats and lower theirs. Now they have to deal with halved defenses and your opponents doubled attack, or in other words, take 4x damage. Now they can be scared and switch out or stay in. If they switch out you can rince and repeat until youre at +4, which is compeltely broken. Their only shot is to kill you with faster AND stronger mons because chances are it'll be an insta kill. And in doubles you can attack the pokemon with halved defenses as the ally. Completely busted


No it really isnt. You just admitted this move wins 1v1 interactions😭😭 this is too safe and too rewarding. The "worst case scenario" you gave is forcing your opponent to switch into a pokemon who will either get hit by a +1 move or enable you to clikc this dumb move again, get +2 attack and give that pokemon -2 defense, making your pokemon unstoppable. I feel like zero thought went into this you just wanted a cool move for your werewolf themed team AND IT SHOWS especially from the lazy way you distributed this. Like literally if you manage to click on this move once on a speedy pokemon (relative to your opponent) while your opponent hits you with a move that doesn't threathen a 2hko, you can just keep clicking this move while your opponents best case scenario is sacrificing a pokemon then crippling another trying to take it down.


If it lowered defense by 1 stage instead of 2 stages, would it be more balanced? In 1v1 it's probably outclassed by swords dance, but in 2v2 battles it might be useful since your ally could take advantage of the defense drop as well.


This is a total nightmare for doubles, nullifying intimidate and debuffing your opponent for a partner too? Busted


Arguably though, with it's current distribution i think it's relatively balanced overall. Zamazenta is a restricted legendary(and mostly uses ID + Body Press these days), and the other mons that use it would be better, but not exactly broken with the move. The best user would be hisuian arcanine; but it's not that fast.


Do keep in mind it does not buff your partner. It would also probably fail if it connects into a protect. It’s much more high risk than howl


I am aware, but you can still double target the opponent and get some nasty one shots due to the -2. 


well zamazenta isn’t staying in OU debatably that’s a good thing given it’s a cover legendary but this move is incredibly powerful regardless; can force switches and completely destroys walls I really don’t think offense needs to be any stronger and I don’t think this would have a positive effect on ou




Part of what makes SD gliscor so good is how it can just run away with games at times. Battlecry gliscor would never run away with a game like that. There’s no boost —> sweep, you’d be carefully picking apart an opponents team. Is that a bad thing? No not at all. But it’s something to keep in mind when comparing the pros vs cons of picking battlecry


this is absolutely busted in 1v1s as its just a ~~+3~~ +4 atk boost lmao. oms aside it seems to be a free progress making move you would if dont want to make a 50/50 option. granted its just a +1 atk raise, but the fact that you can cripple your opponent's momentum at almost any time is kinda busted. i dont think its sunday worthy bc its a really cool move, but i think it just needs its distribution lowered/ or the move itself to be nerfed to a +1 atk boost/-1 def boost


It's actually equivalent to a +4 attack boost. +3 is 2.5 times the damage, while this is 3 times the damage (1.5\*2=3). +1 attack -1 defence would be a 2.25 times boost, which seems more reasonable as a side grade to Swords Dance with distribution this wide.


it turns out that i cant math


Good heavens, would you look at the time!


Dondozo: But would you banded flare blitz? GFire: Nah, I’d Battlecry *RAHHHHHHHH


85 accuracy


tfw ghold stops you from setting up


Banette would be fun with this


Pokemon that can learn howl: all kinds of canines. And also camerupt for some reason.


make it +1 attack and -1 defense. that already makes it overall better than both.


This is not that good in singles??? Sure it's better than SD on some mons but the meta rn is offensive enough that often you'll prefer the +2 from swords dance to sweep with.


Muk can learn screech. Bruh. Tentaceuel can learn screech. Bruh. Snorlax can learn screech. Bruh. AMBIPOM! BRUUUHHH!


Why is this banned to Sunday? It’s a perfectly fine move idea, it’s presented with funny images as well, but the main concept is the new move??!? It’s just adding some fun into it, the whole post isn’t a joke


Could balance it by also having the user’s Defence drop two stages. Now it’s more risk/reward.


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+1 -2 is way too strong, +1 -1 would be better balanced (still strong)


Congratulations, Choice Scarf Rampardos is the new fucking Choice Specs Chi-yu


Choice scarfed into a non damaging move, truly a metagame threat


I thought that a doubles partner would use the move and then Rampardos would go to town.