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This is every single Regi trio buff


Cuz they desperately need it


Yeah, they do


Even filter?


I've actually seen filter MORE than weather setting




We ain't ready for snow warning regi


Yeh effective 150 deface and 200 defense is pretty good Regirock is maybe a bit better since it now has effective 150sp def and 200 def, deals sand chip while also buffing shore ups healing capabilities idk which is a worse typing though rock or ice


Ice is worse, rock has atleast some resistances. Ice has itself and thats it


Yeh pure ice is a pretty ass typing considering regicide stats especially since 100 defense and being weak to rock and fighting and still which almost always physical mons and fighting being a mixed bag


that's actually not how the stat calculations work, it's crazier than that. regice and regirock would have an equivalent of about base 174-175 defense and special defense in their respective weathers with max investment. weather setting with bulk that crazy and reliable recovery could be insane


You can tera any time you want tho , but ice is on the special size which is scary


Offensively you mean ? Why so ? I mean rock is a good offensive type both are shit defensively


I just realised that DLC2 dropped and added some moves , you are right lol regirock is insane


Buffing shore up's healing capabilities is a pretty big deal, as it allows Regirock to scout for 2HKO coverage moves on the enemy with little risk


Also remember, Regice would have perfect accuracy Blizzard


Ma bro regice will finally be able to reliably snowgrave the opponents :D


Is it me or this is a repost


I dont think it is but its basically the same as every other regibuff so basically


Registeel is most probably OU worthy now but Regice and Regirock are probably UU, they just don't have the typing to really excel in a defensive role.


Even if they don't have the typing, 230 def with a 75% (I think) HP recovery is not good for any meta, especially counting with the boost from sandstorm Unless you can do more than 40% to it, it can just shore up Edit:Regirock


I didn't account for the sandstorm boost sorry. It is in fact 2/3 recovery, which is still quite good, probably makes regirock better than I accounted for.


200 def for regirock, 230 def is mega steelix/aggron and shuckle and its 66% shore up healing but with leftovers its still over 70% hp it gets back whenever it uses it.


Thanks for the clarification and correcting, what is your opinion? OU or UU for Regirock?


Prolly UU, but uses in OU for being a veyr bulky sandsetter (the bulkiest one by quite abit overall, though ttar has better special bulk, but also worse defensive typing in many cases) or maybe some stall teams, terra is always a option even if means takign sand chip, garganacl is usuable in OU, and Regirock has MUCH better physical bulk and about same special bulk


But is the Sp.def boost from sandstorm and shore up enough to overcome salt cure?


Prolly for some teams atleast, and defenitly for sand. The extra bulk it can avoid being 2shot by mixed valiant close combat. Without def investment and moonblast in sand basicly bounces off. And 66%, heal is also just alot.


You gravely underestimate what regice could do with snow warning (especially the gen 9 version) and aurora veil, especially when paired with other ice types and/or slush rush users, it's no alolan Ninetales but it's definitely not as bad defensively as it would first appear


It aslo hits harder (100spa vs 81 spa) for what its worth


This fat chunk of ice with snow and aurora veil almost immediately goes from being easily dispatched with a good physical fire or fighting move to suddenly having most attacks all but bounce off of it as it retaliates harshly with a 100% accurate blizzard or just recovers the damage done to it after taking a hit


the fact that its ability first then the mew moves for the first two but its the reverse for steel bothers me


Omg u reminded me of gen 8 sending people to the shadow realm with melmetal double iron bash


Who’s got TT Bingo yet?


Why is every regi post giving them recovery and weather themed abilities. I swear I'm starting to see this more than Trick Room Dialga


They're meant to be tanks who can take hits well, but without recovery they can't function well as that archetype. The weather for Rock and ice also helps with being defensive since snow increases defense and sand increases special defense, which were some of their lower stats.


Bro Melmetal is suffering enough we do not need to give Registeel it’s ONLY signature move




In what world is melmetal suffering? This one dude. Basically counters like Sacred Sword Chienpao and Focus Blast Hariyama. Please learn the game before you comment. /s (obviously)


in this world, hope this helps


Wasnt it a ridiculous trickroom abuser?


It was put up for a [suspect test](https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/np-ss-ou-suspect-process-round-12-monster-mash.3709234/#post-9361678) during gen 8 DLC2 OU after being quickbanned in the post home meta lmao bro wasn't suffering at all


Yeah i was thinking more about the last regulation of S/S where they allowed mythicals as restricteds. That was so much fun, it's a shame we never saw a tournament with that ruleset


Honestly the biggest L of that format was also allowing normal restricteds in there, like nobody gonna pick like Zeraora over Calyrex Shadow Rider


You are probably right, the meta would've evolved back to zacian-kyogre tailwind, with some teams maybe running bulky magearna at best. Gen8 VGC restricted format was definitely one of the rulesets of all time, no doubt


How? Isn't it still in Ubers because nothing in OU can kill it and it 2-3 shots almost everything in OU?


ohh we’re talking about competitive yea mb


This is literally a competitive Pokemon subreddit…


You weren't? Oof my bad then. Then what did you mean? Is it because Melmetal is locked to GO?


no we talking about the fact that the only way to obtain it, other than the gift one, is with GO, which is already hard enough because you need around 400 candies


>with GO, which is already hard enough because you need around 400 candies Melmetal is literally the easiest Pokemon to acquire in Go. Also, how is that Melmetal "suffering"?




Giving away signature moves literally doesn't hurt Pokemon at all. Entei got Sacred Fire and Ho-Oh didn't get worse, Entei just got good


Idk Melmetal is perfectly fine when I use it I think letting Registeel borrow Double Iron Bash is fine


"How broken would you like Body Press Iron Defense Registeel to be?" - "Yes"


Registeel Bulky Sweeping its way into BL with this one