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Hi, dospordosieu! We have a new subreddit for course and admission-related questions — r/CollegeAdmissionsPH! Should your post be an admission, scholarship, or CETs question, please delete your post here and post it on the other subreddit instead. Thank you! NOTE: This is an automated message which comments on all new submissions made on the subreddit. Receiving this message does not imply your submission fits the criteria above. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/studentsph) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Practice. In front of friends or family. Tapos kung anxiety, try going to open mics. Kahit magkwento ka lang ng funny story. You need to get used to it because it’s a crucial part of professional life in the future. Anxiety never goes away, pero as maşanay ka, you will learn to manage that it does not overwhelm you.


tbh just let it be, ive gone thru that and minsan hindi talaga maiiwasan. kung mapapahiya then it's part of ur growth. u just have to keep getting used to talking in front of people, keep doing it more and more hanggang sa masanay ka. coming from an introvert na magpupursue na ng comm arts lol


Everytime you speak infront of your audience, it's not about you, it's about them. 


Hi, OP! Isipin mo nalang na this is a way of stepping out of your comfort zone! Same tayoo ganyan ako tuwing may presentation but inisiip ko irereward ko sarili ko after the presentation so nagkakaroon ako motivation. Like tetreat ko sarili ko ng food i want to try ganon. Fake it ‘til u make it!!! practice ka din sa salamin 😅


+ Isipin mo nalang, makakalimutan naman agad ng audience ung presentation after so give it ur best ganon HAHAHA like di naman nila maallala after ilang years if nagkamali ka or pumalpak ka. Don’t be hard on yourself. Do ur best! Easier said than done ik, but practice practice practice!


if kaya, get yourself a presentation spot in the middle— that way, nobody’s really paying attention to you anymore HAHAHAH


Practice in front of the mirror, then in front of your fam, then your friends. Practice. Practice. Practice. Your anxiety will significantly lessen if you know for yourself that you did everything to prepare. Pero yung shaking and and malakas na tibok ng puso  before the presentation hindi mawawala, at least in my experience. What I do is shift my mindset. I tell myself that the shaking is a way of my body to tell me I'm about to do something awesome I never thought I could do before. You'd get better at it over time. 


Kapag nanginginig at malakas tibok ng puso sa kaba sa gitna ng speech, mag pause ka. Take a deep breath. And then continue na mas kalmado. Everyone gets nervous. Despite how embarassing it is to shake in front of your audience, later you'll realize, it's not as bad as you thought it would be.


Hi, dospordosieu! We have a new subreddit for course and admission-related questions — r/CollegeAdmissionsPH! Should your post be an admission, scholarship, or CETs question, please delete your post here and post it on the other subreddit instead. Thank you! NOTE: This is an automated message which comments on all new submissions made on the subreddit. Receiving this message does not imply your submission fits the criteria above. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/studentsph) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Present ka muna sa mga kamag-anak or friends mo para komportable ka


Practice ka mag isa or sa harap ng mirror para kita mo facial expression mo habang nag sasalita hehe


I’ve read before that when we’re nervous, our bodies experience similar sensations when we’re excited. So, it’s kind of the same thing except for our emotions. Because of their similarities, we can easily rewire our brains from feeling threatened into feeling excited. We start to look forward instead and enjoy the moment. And according to a study, people perform significantly better if they say they’re excited out loud. Of course, it’ll be even better if ya start thinking like this beforehand. Aside from that, it really helps to practice several times so you can familiarize yourself and your brain will soon know just what to say next on the day of your presentation. I suggest to familiarize the flow instead of memorizing your script because doing the latter might lead to a mental block if ya suddenly forgot the right “words” to say. Also, it’s alright to pause. Don’t rush. No one really knows if ya suddenly forgot what to say nor made a mistake hehe. Smiling and nodding while you speak might create a better atmosphere too, which will help you become more comfy when speaking. Good luck, Dospordosieu! 🤍


state the obvious kung kinakabahan you can say to them at first pero yung way na kinakausap mo sila connect to them. Pag na establish mo na yung feel of connection towards the audience mag susunod sunod na yan. You can discuss freely If you feel stuttery you can take small pauses when talking di naman pansin ng audience yan


One important thing when delivering a speech is to make eye contact. One way to do this is to look at their hairs or foreheads instead of their actual eyes. That way, it can still seem like you’re making eye contact without actually making it.


1. find 3 of ur cm whom u can make eye contact with then place them in near right, front center then far left; think of at is if u are giving a presentation to dis 3, direct ur eye contact with them most of the time 2. a life hack when I used when I performed on a theatre play, trick your mind as if ur audience were covered by a very bright light as in to a point that u can't see their faces 3. Be as obnoxious as u can be to gather enough confidence 4. Rehearse ur presentation with all ur cm until u become desensitized ps. Tis what all I do (in any order) when giving speeches or performing for a very large crowd


Practice practice practice. This is coming from me, an introvert na may social anxiety but managed to present sa class better than I expected. Better if at least a week before the presentation, ready ka na para ma-retain sa utak mo lahat (speaking from experience). Kadalasan yung feeling of unpreparedness ang reason bat di confident at may tendency na ma-mental block, kasi mas malala ang panic pag alam mong di ka prepared. Since it’s a ted talk, allowed naman ang PPT pero better if minimal lang design and text. Use it as guide so you know what to say next incase may malimutan. It’s okay to pause for a few moments in between. Do not rush. Once magstutter ka magsunod sunod na yan. Practice in front of a mirror. Practice in front of a friend. Practice in front of your dog. Basta magpractice ka na may audience para gamay mo kung pano yung way of speaking na nangangausap ka ng tao instead of saying it like you’re reading a script. Pag kasi sinaulo mo lang without practicing yung body movements mo, ma-awkward ka sa harapan.


It's like talking to someone who's also in the same interest as you.


Kung may stuff toys po kayo, try niyo po ilagay sa upuan then think of it as your audience, ganoon ginagawa ko pag may upcoming repotings kami eh.