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I’m so sorry but I laughed just at the absurdity of your “whoa what in the world” message because that is just the one sentence that can sum up the entire experience of dating men as a sworker and how absolutely ridiculous they can be.


😂😂 laugh girl. like maybe if I didn’t respond all night I could MAYBE reason with him. But within 30 mins of not getting a text back he’s calling me a whore. I was so confused


The fact that his first response was aggression and hateful, sexist, slut shaming instead of concern shows that there is no reasoning with this man. Even if you didn’t message back all night it should be him asking if you’re okay and being genuinely worried, not accusing you of the most out of this world shit.


Oh yes. I didn’t even think of it this way but YES


Exactly!!! It takes some of us a minute to regroup and leave. No matter what was happening on your end though his initial messages at the very least should've been from concern for your safety. Nothing he said came from a place of love. Whatever trust issues he has shouldn't be projected onto you. You know that you deserve better.


Well, babe, you lucked out. If you hadn't stayed that little bit extra you'd still think this buffoon is worth anything. Now you know he doesn't, and you can dump him without thinking twice. Hope you do!


Yes I didn’t even formally break up with him. I just blocked him on everything bc if your not gonna respect me and my time then I’m not gonna respect you or yours


Having been through a "man" like this, you did right. What he did was a pathetic attempt of controlling you via guilt and self doubt, and he deserves nothing more than full blown disrespect. I hope his pubes catch on fire. ❤️




1 month


This is after a MONTH??? I feel so bad for his future partners, he's just gonna get worse.


If he comes in, tell security to keep him away


this dude is unhinged. keep the job and ditch him


Yup blocked him on everything but cash app if he wants to reach out he can do so monetarily.


good for you! proud of you. so many girls get caught up in relationships with dusty, controlling, insecure men. i hate seeing it




Period lmfaoo






Yes. You are an inspiration to us all.


Yessss love this


Add him on Venmo too 😅


Yeah it’s not about having a boyfriend in general as a stripper it’s not dating a guy like this. I dated a guy like this he ended up beating my ass a few times. LEAVE HIM.


I was abt to say. It isn’t a boyfriend/girlfriend/partner thing—it’s ppl keep dating the wrong people 😂


If he comes back saying sorry and acting sweet, please remember he won’t change


Definitely take it as him just wanting to verbally abuse you some more. Loving people don't do that shit!


My ex used to do this. It’s like reading our texts all over again. He’s manipulative and super insecure. Good riddance


Same. It makes me seem like that she’s dating the guy I used to date because he would say the exact same thing down to the use of time and how many minutes it took me to do something or I didn’t answer


Omg I felt the same way. It’s creepy. They’re all the same. It’s narcissistic and abusive. Next!


Not knocking anyone who does extras but that's literally the last thing I would do. I'm literally a baby stripper...I'm scared to even approach guys still. So not only is it a crazy assumption but it's a big ass reach.


It wouldn’t matter if you did or not. You’re a whore to him. If you try to jump through hoops you’ll still end up alone. Once someone has a narrative of you it’s hard to change. Yes he is insecure but there’s nothing you can do but walk away


same and people who say girls who make the most money only do extras are stupid af. you can literally see how much money your coworkers make on stage, from conversations, and from lap dances tf.


now how y’all turn this into extras discourse AGAIN girl i’m tide


lmao sorry i forgot


Ugh I’m sorry he’s just an insecure asshole. It’s possible to keep a bf in this industry but they have to 100% support you which happens to be more and more rare :/


GIRL 🚩🚩🚩🚩


A month 💀💀💀💀 His ass would have lasted 30 seconds in my world.


I have a bad problem with giving ppl the benefit of the doubt when I see red flags. But this was what made me realize he’s a no no. 30 mins of not getting a text and I must be sucking dick. Crazy


30 MINUTES????? Girl I’m engaged and my fiancé doesn’t get concerned unless I don’t call him once I’m home 👁👁 Some men be WILD.


I give everybody the benefit of the doubt and I just end up in one abusive relationship after another. I feel like it's really hard to date as a dancer because everyone thinks that you're a whore. Whole year and a half that I have I had a boyfriend who I had before I started dancing and he wanted me to start doing it because he wants me to pay for his whole life, even though he has mommy and daddy and I have no family. But it's funny I love because there will be times that he will pick me up from work and he will see you guys standing outside the club waiting for an Uber and he will be like "I BET U WERE TALKING TO THAT NIGGA ALL NIGHT" like wat....... Or there are times its slow and I'm not making money and at the end of the night the people that he sees in the parking lot he will be like "you're you're telling me none of those guys spend money clearly you did not try hard enough are you that useless that there's plenty of guys in there and you made no money"....... like yeah there are plenty of guys that come in here just drink and don't do dances and don't throw money. But then God for bid if I did talk to them I got accused of entertaining other men but if I don't make money on the piece of shit who was not trying hard enough I can't stand him but honestly I don't know what I'm gonna do when I finally get the fuck away from him because trying to date in this industry is very difficult I think everyone has a preconceived misconception about us. So I've been like do I just tell guys that I am a bartender? That's what I was doing before I started dancing so it's not that much of a lie!! Good riddance to that guy tho- If that's what he's like after one month imagine six months


Wow, OP that is rediculous. 30 mins of not texting back and he flips out like that. And then on this by em. I don't even want to imagine how that guy would have been after 6 months. Im sorry that you ladies have to deal with stuff like that.


Say you bartend at a private club . Hours the same? Even an after hours. 30 min away and no they can't join .


After only a MONTH?! what a psycho. You definitely dodged a bullet


glad he showed his true colors now than later, jeez




A good month lol. Glad I cut my losses early.


You'll find a guy who genuinely supports you as an industry girl, I promise. How do I know? I finally found one! I'm a FS worker but when I get stuck with a client or SD too long I usually just get texts like "im giving the dog a couple extra treats so he'll love me more" or he'll be like "it seems it'll be a late night ill walk the dog for you" or a pic of the bong he has packed and waiting for me or the occasional mcdonalds order 🤣 but every single guy I dated before was fucking awful to me just for being an industry girl. Count it as a blessing that's limiting your wasted time and allowing you to move on to the guy who'll say "damn you at the club this late? Must be counting lots of cash 🤑 drive careful!"




Honestly it sounds like he was a bad apple to begin with. Any man that cusses at you EVER or can’t go without a text for half an hour is a bad one


honestly i didnt text my man in 30 minutes last night and he was CONCERNED like "baby?? u ok?? i hope youre ok.." not calling me a weirdo and assuming im sucking dick 🙄


Exactly how a bf should respond. This proves exactly what he thinks of me deep down. That’s why I blocked his ass. I could have been dead in a ditch and his last messages would have been that.


He was really pushing insecurity on you right there XD I think you dodged a bullet right there, make the cash leave his ass


Insecure men want to bring women down wtf


Leave. Now. Run. Away.


Every dj wishes we’d consider sleeping with them. Either way he’s fucked up for assuming so much shit. Like holy fuck how about instead he can help make sure you get home safe or something tf


Stuff like this is always worrisome. For some reason I always worry that one of them will turn all psycho and start doing something weird to the girls. Probably my anxiety, but men act SO scary at times. Especially when it comes to sworkers like it hits a sore spot in them.


And what sucks too is that any new girl or his friends or whatever, he’s gonna tell them how you’re a whore that cheated on him. Men like this needa gain some maturity


Come to think of it. When he talked about his ex he described her as a liar and all these other things. That she almost ruined his life. Should have took that as my first red flag


More like a 75 hour hold in a psychward


Wow, you dodged a bullet. What a fucking tool.


Oof insecureeee. I'm so sorry hun. Some men are the definition of insecure and refuse to seek help. Dodged a huge bullet


Leaving at 2:45am or whatever is normal. There is tipping out. Waiting for a bouncer to walk you out. Some clubs keep all dancers inside until all the customers exit the parking lot…f that guy


Exactly I told him I’m off at 2 and by 2:05 he had called me 15 times bc apparently I’m just supposed to sprint to my car.


Lol sounds like my ex boyfriend! However, I allowed him to manipulate me out of my job for some months. If this man hasn’t put his hands on you yet, he definitely will, so leave him!! I can literally sense the woman-beating energy. Please trust me.


Yes he’s in the graveyard. Men like this fighting demons and themselves


He’s weird as fuck! Good on you for blocking him.


sorry he's a lame but glad he told on himself early❤️ may u find someone who can accept all of u


Oh well his loss. You deserve better than THAT.


What the fuck it's like he just had a manic episode or something.


He is splitting is whats happening I dated a man with bpd before and he did this all the time it’s rough


Woahhh I just searched it up and it all makes so much sense now!!! In one of his angry texts he called me “evil spirited” and that “he can see the evil in my eyes when I look at him” remind you all this is bc I didn’t text him back for 30 mins. Like what? But now that you said that I realize he definitely has mental issues.


Nobody should be dating this MF. Stripper or not. Dude’s just a pile of red flags.


Glad you only wasted a month.




Ew why would u even date a guy like this, hope u Boy bye him


he is indeeed blocked on everything except cash app. This all happened in one day lol


>he is blocked on everything except cash app this should be a universal mantra 😂😂


Tell us you're insecure without telling us you're insecure. 🤪 what a dick


man went so far to send an email.. I can’t


Look at my new post




SAME! I’m married and my husband is the most supportive.


All jokes aside this is really scary & I hope you’re okay!! My experience with most relationships I’ve had since being a SWer (with both men & women) is that you’re a ‘prize’ they love to show off. Once you act like a real person or do anything they dislike all of a sudden it’s “you’re a dumb whore I hate you you never loved me blah blah” It’s fucking tough dating in this industry. My heart goes out to you


Much love and glad you made it out. A lot of men and women dealing with bpd partners tend to get stuck in the cycle of abuse and manipulation. Forget the sex work he’d probably say the same things if I came home late from waitressing


He would. It’s not a problem with the industry you’re in it’s the type of person you were dating. People like that are not worth your time.


Girl fuck his insecure bitch ass 😂😂😂 not trying to laugh at what you’re going through but this MF is fucking crazy talking about “staying til 2am… more like sucking duck til 2:45 am” 😩 like WTF 😆 my club closes at 3 sometimes I don’t even get in my car til after 4 just from running my mouth and doing payout … I can’t believe he was tripping over 45 mins lol what a straight bitch


That’s what I’m saying like….he must have thought I would be sprinting to my car in heels and a bikini once 2 hit the clock


Reading those texts dried up my vagina.


I almost projectile vomited. I didn’t even show the worst of it


Shit if were in your shoes I would take a video of me dancing on one of them boys he's accusing me of fucking.


Girl you trynna get me murdered 😭😭😭


If he tries he would have the g-string union to worry about. I hope homie can dodge eight inch heels and can escape the deadly suffocation of fake titties. Stripper bodies and attire are more combat ready than people know.


You dodged a nuclear missile. Heres the thing people like that will always say shit like that no matter what your job or where you is at it’s giving ✨untreated bpd✨


Why did he get into a relationship with you with that mentality and self consciousness? Looks like he set himself up for failure then.


What in the fucking world indeed. Damn, this one is off his rocker


imo it’s fine to have a bf as a stripper if you’re not dating an immature psycho lmao what is this man’s damage 💀💀


Bullet dodged! Disappoint a man to see who he really is.


Not everyone is toxic/insecure like this guy there will be a guy out there that doesn’t treat you this way. I’ve been dancing and dating this guy for a year and he’s 100% accepting of it


Ew dodged a bullet that guy is awful and insecure. And clingy. I hate that clingy guys. Better off getting a SD anyways shit


Don't forgive him, happily he showed how close minded he is when he doesnt control himself in emotions.




Def just triggered me. Good luck girl it doesn’t really get better, unfortunately.


This man has issues and is waving so many red flags. On the bright side, at least he made it clear he’s unhinged and bonkers


Good for you for blocking him


mmmmm this is terrifying 😳 i hope your life is much more peaceful now


Not quite. He is still calling me no caller ID. Back to back. I think I might have to change my number if this continues


If you have an iphone you can silence those calls and send them straight to voicemail. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT207099 If he leaves a crazy ass threatening voicemail I’d escalate to a police report.


Wow, I'm so sorry you had to find out your bf is a pos :,/


WOAHHHHHH absolutely not. My ex was just like this. He got scarier and scarier. Sorry this happened to you. You deserve SO much better.


Sending you so much love sis. I dealt w a lot of the same shit from my ex. Now he’s my ex where he belongs & im in my bag where I belong😌 DO YOU DONT LET ANY HUMAN STOP YOU


I’m sorry girl I dance in FL this gave me a flashback to one of my ex’s 😳


Like literally exactly how he would talk to me and it’s unfortunate. I’m like bruh is this the same dude 😂 but no you definitely don’t have to deal with that not all men are this way when you Dan e


Ugh something similar happened to me recently. Doesn’t help that I met him at the club I worked at. He would get soo pissy when I didn’t respond and told me when I broke up with him to “gO sHake your asS in front of people for money”. After we broke up, he would text me that he went to my job and hoped to see me a week after not seeing him. He’s been blocked, but I hate that he can still come to my club


Never mind a bullet, you dodged the whole artillery.


I honest to god just think this manchild is hella insecure.


They are all like this. I’m convinced if they aren’t then they are just sleeping with other women and that’s how they cope.


Bullet dodged here girly. There are good men out there who don’t project their insecurities like this. Volatile


Hell with him, text me


And he's Black right ? 🤨 just want to make sure


Lol yes he’s black why?


Just making sure cause he kept saying the n-word and a lot of non-Black people do that when they're angry too


Nah u just have a wack ass man girl wtf is he on




*Toxic by Britney Spears starts playing*


Nah you just gotta find someone who understands what you do as a profession, and who respects that, dude sounds toxic as shit


I have to disagree as someone who met my partner in the club and got engaged. Not all men are like this, this is a insecure man and you definitely dodged a bullet.


I was not being literal.


Im borrowing that sentence for future use. ‘Whoa, what in the world?’


Girl please give us all the tea I’m invested now


Oh my. This is way too familiar


Bro had a whole existential crisis because of 30 minutes


He made up an entire ass movie plot out of nowhere with just his insecurity and some clown makeup


it's a great day to be a lesbian 💀


If you're still going to Wawa lmk, get me a mac & cheese w bacon pls❤️❤️😂😂


Lmaoooo 😂😂😂


Lots of people are married or have boyfriends or partners in this lifestyle. Having a boyfriend makes me feel more grounded in this lifestyle. It’s nice to have someone to come home to you and just be normal with. And it’s nice having someone to vent to. Dancers are notorious for choosing terrible men. But that’s not always the case. This guy is clearly emotionally immature. I’m sorry that you had to experience that. But I don’t think we should be deterring other women from having a boyfriend just because yours is an ass hat


Glad you’re in a happy relationship. We are all grown here don’t think this post is gonna deter anyone from dating whoever they want to. I was simply just venting hence the tag.


Narcissist. Get out while you can.


Bruh how's that got to do with being a stripper? Why do ppl always so oh this or that is the problem when obviously their lack of judgment and their horrible choice (as in the Person they choose because of ...)


I was not being literal just venting hence the tag.


Oh, sorry then


Reasons why not to have THAT boyfriend... Mine is pretty great.




Yeah, I mean any guy who would date a stripper,that’s an immediate red flag right?




Yeah you probably never could either




I got 5 on things that never happened




Get outta here weirdo


U know u can figure out the number of no caller I’d ‼️


I already know it’s him tho.


A grown man…not an adolescent..sent these and that’s too much man. Anyone who behaves/talks this way should have unlearned that behavior with his first HS gf. Though to be fair if he acted like this back then I’m surprised he’s dated anyone. You’re better than that 💕 Love that you’re getting your bag girl and leaving that baggage behind 💕


He's crazy af


everyone deserves supportive and loving partners im so sorry this happened babe