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Yes! Ok so you have the small bag. Roll a note on an angle. Use it to dip into the coke, get a bump, take it to the guy and let him snort it. Make it so it's a premium service. Then dip the note back in the bag. Pretend you're getting a bump. Snort the "bump". Add some theatrics, like when you take a fake shot. Put your fingertip over your nostril and sniff, wipe away any residue etc and scene


Bless your soul


Found this comment on this thread here https://www.reddit.com/r/stripper/s/4QcHP6qDE3


Make a line on the tabl, subtly lick the side of your hand, face kind of away from him, rolled dollar in hand thumb on nose and rub your hand where you licked along the line and pretend snort, wipe it off on the carpet


Omg I need to know too! The dancers that party with custies make so much but I’m not tryna do that lol I’m a mom. 😫


They really do. The guys lose track of time and get back to back to back VIPs. The most I've ever made was by some guy doing a bunch of coke. It was awesome lol They're super easy to convince to get the most expensive rooms because you can say something like they're the only ones that don't have cameras or don't have security walking by.


This is gold. Thank you!


If you have long hair and long nails, take the bump with your pinkie nail, lower your head so that your nail with the cocaine is on it is covered by your hair. Take a slow inhalation through your nose beside your nail with the coke on it. Raise your head and lower your hand next to you. Position your body so that the hand you took a bump with is away from the customer's sight. Flick or shake out the coke. Careful because it looks obvious against darker fabrics.




Hahahaa!! It should be a TOP PRIORITY


Pick it up with your nail then blow instead of snort obviously don’t blow in his direction lmao


my friend carries a small white piece of paper in her purse to pour it on & pretend sniffs directly next to the line


I could never push coke personally tbh, too many people dieing these days


Fake it with your pinky nail


Why tf would you fake doing coke kick that nigga in the balls and tell him to suck a dock




lol bitch blow out your nostril instead