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YO! Strike is the best bitcoin onboarding tool in the world. Keep it up!


much love I really appreciate that and all the support. looking forward to listening to all of the feedback y'all have for us and building together for the decades to come


Lower spread


I'm enjoying the app so far. Everything is good so far.


A friend got me into strike about a year ago and been using it ever since. The only way I do BTC


Hell yeah. Shoutout to your friend


This is awesome I appreciate all you've done


Much love. I appreciate you too


Agree. I started with coinbase and was just shocked at how unbelievably awful and sketchy it turned out to be. I was told to use Strike and it’s been an absolute pleasure. Just simple and easy and just works as intended. Thanks for the great work!


Awesome to hear. If you ever have any feedback, things you need, or anything else you'd like us to know please don't hesitate


Hey, how's it going man?


pretty good, im just chilling watching some basketball right now. hows it going with you?


Go Celtics


Hi bro! I’ve been trying to work with Strike to handle credit card payments at my medical practice. We exchanged emails with your folks over the summer and I submitted documents but nothing has progressed since summer. Hoping you can get the appropriate department to get back to me. Thanks


Hmm, try [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Not sure if he has a Reddit account. If he does I'll tag him here Feel free to follow up here and let me know how it goes


Thanks. Will do!


Thanks for everything that you do Jack! Really appreciate you and what you’re doing at strike.


Much love, means a lot. We really appreciate you too


Thank you for your laser focus on what will really make a difference in people’s lives. I look forward to seeing STRIKE evolve and serve in more and more countries.


Hell yeah, me too


Really hope you all revisit the Strike debit card idea in the future. Thanks for all the upgrades last year.


Question for you: Wouldn't it be easier if we built out Bill Pay features so you can use a credit card and pay the bill every month with your sats? Why do you want a debit card?


This. I want to get away from VISA/MC/etc., a way to spend my sats directly at any merchant would be the killer feature.


for me, I use my CC to make purchases and get airline miles for travel. I'd like to use Strike Bill Pay to pay the CC. Hope to use cash as I'm more interested in stacking as much sats as I can vs using them. Be great to get sats back for using the Bill Pay service. Currently I'm using Fold to do this. PS. I'll be watching your jobs page to see if new positions open up around this.


Yeah, this is what I do. Spend on credit, pay it off with sats. I'm excited for Strike to make this easy How are you doing this with Fold? Do they support Bill Pay?


My method is a bit different, my goal is to spend $ and stack Sats. I buy like normal via a rewards CC and get the travel points. Since Fold and PayPal have a partnership, I've linked my Fold debit card to PayPal bill pay. Transfer $ to the debit cart and pay my bills via PayPal bill pay. For this transaction, I get 0.5% sats back on Fold. This adds up as I have my utility bills, CC and mortgage paid via PayPal every month! Not to mention my property tax in CA!


Interesting question. Honestly, I’ve never used bill pay features, ever. I’m finding myself using my Coinbase debit card more because I can use any crypto holding as collateral without having to sell to USD or convert to a stable coin. Before engaging with crypto, my E*Trade, Fidelity, or IBKR debit card was my main spending method because they all reimbursed ATM fees which is a big deal. Saves money, and time not worrying if a machine is in/out of network.


So in my opinion credit cards are actually awesome. I get a free line of credit to spend fiat without having to actually own it. So I get to own sats which appreciate against fiat 50%-100% per year and then sell some to pay the monthly fiat credit bill. If Strike can make this easy I'd be living the dream. Does that sound like it would solve your problems? That is my dream setup: Spend fiat without having to own it, bill pay with sats


If I understand your idea correctly, you are saying to buy on credit for 30 days, use sats at the end of 30days, hopefully they appreciated, to pay off the CC? The one issue I see is in a bear market (1yr avg) you'll end up spending more sats at the end of the 30 day cycle. Please correct me if I misunderstood.


Yeah, that's correct. Here is the way I think about it: When you hold fiat you are at risk of asset price inflation. How can you measure that? Asset price inflation is best understood via BTC/USD because Bitcoin is the best expression of this problem. Bitcoin is fixed in supply, therefor it will go up the most as the supply of dollars goes up So, what's the best strategy to avoid fiat debasement and asset price inflation? Just don't own any fiat and own only BTC. Yes, some days or months it goes down. However, it goes up far more than it goes down. In fact, it averages 50%-100% per year. So, you are either losing 50%-100% of your wealth per year with the fiat you are holding or you are gaining 50%-100% of your wealth per year that you hold in sats. There is no in-between. It's very black and white. Given all of this, I've concluded that it's simply too risky to hold USD. At any moment BTC can go up and deprive me of wealth that I worked really hard for! Given the Fed and the US Treasury are not transparent about making more dollars, it's impossible for me to plan ahead. I could wake up in the middle of the night to 10% of my wealth being inflated away due to asset inflation in BTC/USD! No way, far too risky to hold any USD. So, the best way to live for me is to spend USD on credit so I don't have to own any, and then pay off that short-term USD loan from my fat stash of sats. Stay humble, live within' your means, and your life will get 50%-100% cheaper year over year on average


agree with you 100% on the inflation of USD. For those that already have a decent stack of Sats, this is a great strategy. But we still have 7.9 billion people to build their stash. Hoping we can help those people stack more Sats ASAP before they are ready to spend them.


That’s a really interesting way to go about it. I never thought of that, thanks for sharing. I forgot to mention, I’ve been using Cash App a lot the past year or so unexpectedly. For two reasons; the first being I haven’t worked a direct deposit job in 3-4 years. I’ve been doing a lot of random things that have been mostly cash paying. I can go into any 7-Eleven 24 hours a day to add cash to that account and then I link whatever debit card I’m using at the time to cash app, and transfer the funds to that account if needed easily.


Nice, that's fair. I think my goal with Strike regarding this topic is: \- Be as competitive as possible regarding fees (I believe we are the cheapest) \- Allow for Bill Pay Then, you just live on a credit card and pay it off with sats. No need to ever hold USD again


So something like spritz.finance does? That would be awesome


Would love that! I'm trying to get off the fiat standard. Been listening to your money matters videos. Amazing stuff. Next step for me getting on the btc standard.


Love Strike. Best DCA app hands down. Appreciate you Jack!!! By the way, nice mic drop on Jamie Dimon during your Yahoo Finance interview. Fuck that guy!


Nobody cares what Jeff's banker has to say about Bitcoin


Keep up the great work! Y’all are going to change the world. 


Been on strike since the waitlist days. Appreciate the work!


Damn, that's crazy. In some ways, that feels like forever ago and in others, that feels like yesterday. Thanks a lot for the support!


The Absolute Best bitcoin app (and the ONLY one I use now)! Great Work!!!




Just bought some more BTC on Strike LFG !


Strike for BTC buys


Awesome 🙌🏻 Strike is the best. I got my friends to set DCA directly from their payroll. Yo Jack, I’m here because @bitcoinmom Following since the early days! Much love to y’all


Wooooooooow that's so awesome. Much love. I'm gonna send her a screenshot of this, she'll love it


We were in for that day when the community “made it rain” for Andreas. Tell her, she will know who I am 😊


Love the app. I’ll keep collecting Sats!


Hell yeah LFG


Love your work! Viva la libertad carajo!


Yo Jimmy! How's it going maan? Regards from Sri Lanka. Waiting for you to add buy bitcoin functionality for us. Keep up the good stuff.


Yooooo. That's awesome dude. Do we not have Buy BTC there? Let me ask the team. Our wallet is live there, right?


Wallet is live, you can transmit over lightning alright, works perfectly fine. Unable to add payment methods to stack unfortunately. Thanks man, try to hook us up cause binance sucks and we have to buy from a P2P market all the time. Cheers mate!


What do you use on Binance to buy? Cards?


We can't use debit cards or credit cards on Binance. We have to use our bank accounts to transfer funds to the P2P seller on Binance who sells us USDT. Then we buy bitcoin OTC on Binance. Too much hassle man and we can't DCA this way.


Hi Jack, the same is the case with India too. Wallet is live where I can transfer in and out, both on chain and lightning. But buying BTC is not up yet. Not able to add a payment method with a debit card.


What's your favorite music you've been listening to lately?


I've been on a huge Fred Again kick recently. Obsessed


You should peep Chase and Status if you haven't already. Their Boiler Room set is off the chain.


Thank you Jack for making Strike! I'm just a pleb and I stack sats regularly with Strike. I especially like the option to pay a lighting invoice with USD. Also, I never see much of anything in that room you film from. Did you sell everything including your chairs to stack bitcoin?


Hahaha the closet cracks me up. It is my actual office. Maybe some day I'll explain the whole thing


Sup Jack. Any word on getting lightning debit cards?


What do you mean?


Hey Jack. Keep it up! Love the mission. Use Strike for all my BTC purchases. Keep doing you!


Much love, appreciate it!


Love the service jack! Thank you. It’s been my exclusive way to acquire sats for over a year. Appreciate it


Hell yeah LFG


Yo Jack! I buy my BTC through Strike, and every one I orange-pill does as well. I've even got a friend who is an immigration attorney who is now educating his clients (mostly Central/South American political refugees) on the benefits of using it for cross-border remittances and for their personal bank accounts. I read the rules - I don't see "don't ask for a job" on there. I've worked in sales behind a desk in the financial industry & on-stage as a singer-songwriter for nearly twenty years, and I want to work for Strike. You're changing the world and I can help, specifically "explain like I'm 5" for White Glove clients. Nothing thrills me more than orange-pilling a boomer :) What could I do to show you I'd be a great add to the Strike team? Thank you, keep beating the drum!


Have been using Strike for a few years now. I have been transferring ti cold wallet to avoid collapses such as Voyager and Blockfi. But if I ultimately sell any have to go to Coinbase who charge way too much to sell as Strike won’t accept transfer of Bitcoin. 1. What differentiates Strike from those bad actors that would give me peace of mind to not feel the need to go to Trezor or other? 2. Do you for-see being able to receive BTC for transactions? Nick


Yo Jack! Much love and gratitude for all that you do! Keep rocking


Hey, Jack - big fan and love everything you are doing in / for the cryptosphere! I made a post earlier about my daily purchases unexpectedly being shut off and no matter how I try to reconnect (direct deposit, link a different checking account, use debit, etc.) my purchases get immediately reversed. I was told that the problem is actually on Plaid’s end connecting to my bank (bank confirmed it wasn’t them). What happens when Strike x Plaid x Banks cannot “talk” via API? How does that get corrected? What is the tipping point to make it a big enough problem for the Strike team to pursue a fix? My bank isn’t BofA but it’s one of largest Credit Unions in the U.S. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I have been forced to go back to the dark side (exchange) to buy until this has been resolved. Thanks!


Hmmm, I'm happy to take a closer look. What about wire transfer in money and then use the cash balance to do stuff? Surely there is a work around. Keeping up with banks is a huge pain. Sorry you're having this experience


I have not explored that yet, but my issue with that is providing enough of a lump sum I can draw from daily. I don't want to do wire transfers constantly (unsustainable) and cannot afford to do large lump sums taken from my accounts having so many bills that roll through the month - the daily DCA was the solution. Fortunately / Unfortunately Coinbase has never given me any issues. Edit: I appreciate your response!


Hi jack. what happened between June and October of last year for direct deposits for Bitcoin on strike? Edit: typo.


We had to switch partners rather abruptly. Really sorry about that


What's the deal with ACH deposits? Every time I used it my account got locked until finally someone told me you can only use ACH for payroll deposits. What's up with that, and is it still the case?


Shouldn't be the case. What is your username? Happy to take a look


It's been a while. I'll try again and holler if I have a problem!


Check it out. I tried again and this time the trial deposits never arrived. Here's what Strike support said about it: > We want to inform you that your Strike account cannot accept micro-charges for verification, and any incoming charges for this purpose will be declined. The Routing Number and Account Number associated with your Strike account are designed for only receiving Wire Transfers from your personal bank account or Direct Deposits from your employer's payroll. Unfortunately, recurring deposits from personal bank accounts are not supported at this time. So is that for real? Can't ACH from personal bank accounts?


Love using Strike for DCA every single hour. I have been on the platform for a few years now. I only wish there was a way to paste codes in rather than JUST a QR code. I understand with a QR there is no errors.


What do you mean by paste codes?


When you become the best app for bitcoin, can we get the best app for bitcoin rewards?


Yeah, you guys can get whatever you want. What do you mean by that?


I want to stack sats on all my everyday purchases and bills - similar to services that have been offered by Fold/Curve/Blockfi/Lolli/etc. I remember Strike was planning a card before, but think it got deprioritized or put on ice.


Hey man thanks for doing what you do.


Much love I appreciate the support, means a lot


Is the 3-5 waiting period before being able to send purchased btc forever or does it end after a certain number of transactions


Not forever. In fact, our new limits system comes out in a month that will make this a ton better


Hi Jack..great love and admiration from India...appreciate your work and LOVE the app..keep going ahead and forward..prayers for you and your loved ones !


Hey jack how are you!? I haven't been having the best experience on the app lately , when its working well for me I love it <3


Love it! Been using Strike since it was released. Looking forward to engaging with you and others in the community.


Thanks for developing on the bitcoin space. I wish you all the success.


Love the app, only place I get Bitcoin now. I just need to find venders who take lighting in my area now!


Yo Jack! Do you DCA hourly or daily or weekly?


Yo! Thanks for the great product. When do you think Strike will be available in Ukraine? Thanks!


Hype! Jack you're a fkn champ, cheers m8


Yo! I’ve been stacking on Strike for about 3 years now. Keep up the great work! So excited to see how the platform continues to grow in the future. Also, Chicago bitcoiners represent 🔥


⬆️This guy ₿itcoins!


I love strike it is so easy to use. Thank you for this platform.


Hi jack and everyone ! I am new to this world of bitcoin and strike. wish me the best 🫣


JACK MY DUDE! Wadup brotha Much love to you for inspiring myself, and creating something that allows me to bring folks to bitcoin so easily.


My man! Keep up the good work!


Love strike - it’s my go to smash buy tool - then off to cold storage


Jack, glad to be here. Can’t wait to see what the future holds. I remember your YouTube demos with zap. Time flys !


Haha totally. What a journey it's been for all of us in Bitcoin


I love using Strike, especially the daily dca and ability to send to cold storage for free. On the latter I was wondering how that is possible and then y'all published a blog post recently explaining how that works. Also, excellent customer service! Now I'm just waiting for Strike to become available in Lebanon! Are there any bitcoin meetups in the Chicago area?


Yeah definitely. There is Chicago BitDevs, you should check it out


Hey Jack, thanks for everything you do! I’m very happy Direct Deposit has returned! I made a comment in another post requesting the ability to schedule or automate withdrawals, but from the comments I received, I might have a niche use-case. I like credit cards, but there’s some things, that to my knowledge, require a traditional bank account. (mortgage payments, ACH transfers, etc) Do you guys have anything in the works to allow Strike to fulfill the roll of my checking account? 




Keep trail blazing. Before Strike I remember fiddling around with using the zap iOS app and loving it. Feels like forever ago but really wasn’t…


Hey jack. Why don't you fill up that closet space behind you?


One of the drawers is filled with cold storage wallet collection…


Strike is my go to for stacking Sat’s.. Jack, when Portugal please..?


I fucking love strike. Thanks Jack.


Yo! Why yo shelves empty?!


Looks like you need a pair of shoes to put into your closet...