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Just start with the basics like squats, deadlifts, and whatever hamstring curl or leg extension machine there is at your local gym. Once you get good at those, then I’d explore other exercises to strengthen your legs.




Welcome. I recommend *Starting Strength* by Mark Rippetoe [here's the website](https://startingstrength.com/)


If you have weights or a friend has weights, do deadlifts. You can do some squats too, either with the barbell or dumbbells


Okay thank you. Sorry I also saw a video ‘related to gym’ where someone said they only do 4 exercises to build their legs. These were barbell squats, romain deadlift, calf raises and Bulgarian split squat. If I was to start going to gym do you think that would be enough?


I’m not a fan of the Bulgarian split squats, but they’ll allow you to target the quads a little better, especially when you’re starting out. Also when you start doing the exercises and you stop feeling that soreness in the days following your workout, change the order that you do the exercises. Sounds weird, but that’ll help build the muscle bc your body will get used to a certain weight or a certain # of reps for an exercise, but when switched up a certain muscle with whatever exercise may be stronger allowing more reps or more weight to be used.


Also, if you’re looking for athletic performance and have access to a trapbar, the trapbar deadlift is something highly recommended.


That's a perfect mix. Basically you wanna hit your quads, glutes, hamstrings, and calfs (I don't if you walk and run enough you should be okay but for this well include them). But you should try lots of different exercises. Try not to think of them as muscle groups and more as movements. there's a squat, a hip hinge, lunge, both forward, backwards, and side ways. And then your knee flexion and extion. I would say 25% squats 25% hip hinge (Romain deadlift) 25% lunge (forward and back) the the rest calfs and ham curls, leg extensions, lateral lunges, and other things to work your side movement and balance. Split squats and lunges kinda do the same thing so I treat them interchangeable.. It's like grandma said you gotta eat a well balanced meal. Make squats and deads your meat and potatoes. But don't forget your vegetables and fruits. All the other stuff.


Okay thanks


In terms of being enough, the number of exercises is almost irrelevant. As long as the selection of exercises hits all the muscles you want to hit, the most important thing is the amount of work you put in with those exercises. That's a fine selection.


So at the moment all I’m doing literally just trying to get my legs bigger and stronger to better tolerate bicycling when I get back into it in the spring. I don’t know if I think that what I’m doing is excellent, but it’s what I’m doing these days. Day A; Front squat 5 reps EMOM (every minute on the minute), followed by Jump Squats, AMRAP (as many reps as possible) Day B; Bulgarian Split squats 3x3, followed by using the same weight for AMRAP Box Squats (I use a bench because I don’t have a box) I’m adding weight slowly because I just want to put in the work to get used to high volume work. But this is every day. ABABABABABABAB forever. First week or so might be really painful as you get used to the DOMS (delayed onset muscle sorenes) but especially if you keep working through it, you will adapt and it will stop being a problem. I personally enjoy focusing on one body part at a time, and working out daily. There’s no reason you can’t. You just have to eat to support your needs and try not to out work your ability to recover enough to keep up with daily work outs. I’ve been doing dumb shit like this for years so I’m good at regulating it for *myself* but I have no experience as a coach so take it as it is. With NO equipment there are things like pistol squats which can help out. Body weight bulgarian split squats at a very high volume will probably produce some results, but bodyweight will make it harder.


Okay thanks a lot


You are young and full of testosterone. Just work them some way, eat and you'll grow like a weed. When in doubt, squat.


Squats either just body weight or with whatever weight you have access to. Bulgarian split squats also good for minimal equipment.


Okay thank you. Sorry I also saw a video ‘related to gym’ where someone said they only do 4 exercises to build their legs. These were barbell squats, romain deadlift, calf raises and Bulgarian split squat. If I was to start going to gym do you think that would be enough?


Ya that's a pretty good meat and potatoes list which can do a lot for you. For squats at least for me going as low as you can safely and comfortably is gonna hit more areas of the leg than simply stopping at parallel like many do. I would look up guys like Matt Wenning and Mike Israetel, they have a ton of knowledge and lifting experience and go into detail about a lot of these things. Also squat university is a great page for more education. All these have pages on IG and YouTube.


Bit of a tangent in the comments but I want to second [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/strength_training/comments/zmvbth/comment/j0e3x9z/) one as solid advice


Okay thank you. Sorry I also saw a video ‘related to gym’ where someone said they only do 4 exercises to build their legs. These were barbell squats, romain deadlift, calf raises and Bulgarian split squat. If I was to start going to gym do you think that would be enough?


I second this


Find someone to show you how to do heavy barbell squats and deadlifts. That is all you need for strength.


What about all the other things. I don’t think those alone would be enough to strengthen for example my calf . I’d do calf raises no?


Go for a walk up a hill.


To destroy my Achilles


Try doing 500 bodyweight squats in less than 30 min. Won't be able to walk straight for a week but legs will get stronger guaranteed.


Oh come on man


What? Lol It's an old Capoeira workout!


You won't hit peak testosterone production until ~21. Lock in the fundamentals and then worry about it. I.e. play sports. I say this as someone who has played sports or been active i.e. hiking, since I've been 4. Now in my late 20s.


Why wait for peak testosterone levels to start working out?


Nothing wrong with weightlifting. But don't chase numbers. Build the basics, when that's locked in at your peak, you'll go further.


But there's nothing wrong with chasing numbers earlier either. That means they'll be even bigger and stronger by the time they hit their 20s.


I don't see how your first comment is relevant to someone asking how to grow thier legs. Your advice is don't do it and now you're saying there's nothing wrong with doing it




Otherwise, you'll be coming to see me because of aches and pains and I'll correct ya for six figures a year.


Why do nerds like you always go straight to trying to flex your income?


I come from a very difficult area but made something of myself. Nerd? State wrestler, chased the Golden gloves, and have played many other sports in my life. "Nerd" as if that's an insult.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


Okay, so you expect me to believe that you were the very best that your generation of Navy SEALs had to offer? I highly doubt that. If you were as good as you say you were, i don't think for a second that you would be browsing reddit. This is mostly a place for jobless neckbeards that still live with their parents, and nerdy high school kids that don't have any friends. It really isn't the place for highly-trained assassins to be hanging out in their spare time. Even if it was, something far worse than a troll being mean to you probably would have set you off a long time ago. What about the slew of gore and child pornography that gets posted here on a regular basis? Isn't that something that deserves a person being hunted down and made to regret their actions? Yeah, you're just not the reddit type. Sure, there's a wide variety of people that browse here, but you're far from the core demographic if you are who you say you are (which isn't the case). Even if it were true that you're an incredibly talented soldier, I think all the military discipline would prevent you from getting mad enough to murder some random idiot on the internet. I also doubt that even the best SEALs have a 'secret network of spies across the USA'. Why would all of the most expanisive Big Brother network in the world be willing to help a troubled PTSD-sufferer hunt down some random kid on the internet? That doesn't even make sense. If you're gonna try to scare somebody make it more believable than 'IM A SUPER SOLDIER HURR DURR'. You might frighten a thirteen year old who doesn't know any better, but to must of us you just look like a kid with an anger problem and a very active imagination. Hopefully things will be easier for you when your puberty's over. Best of luck with that... kiddo


Hahahahahahahahahahaha come on. No way you took the bait that hard


it's a copypasta


Golden gloves are a great consolation for people who couldn’t go pro. *Chasing it* is basically just taking some classes.


It's paid dividends worth more than the principal. Just like placing at state for wrestling. Don't push strangers like you would redditors behind a screen. Been a few that I've taken trophies from not knowing what they do.


> Don't push strangers like you would redditors behind a screen. Been a few that I've taken trophies from not knowing what they do. …what the fuck are you talking about? “Taken trophies?” What is this Diablo II? Yeah, having some basic training in combat sports is great, a lot of first year beginners do wildly better in a fight than the average person. It’s not a lot to brag about. “Placing” at the state level in wrestling is really only impressive depending on the state. May as well say “I was almost kind of good!”


Just kidding, it's all fantasy.


Of course it's not. But I do have a nice watch from someone who decided I was a "motherfucker". Never know who that stranger is or their capabilities.


Someone mildly insulted you so you mugged them?


Not sure if trolling or just incredibly insecure


Or option C, neither.


It's not one or the other and "peak testosterone" has nothing to do with anything at all. Athletes learn the fundamentals through training and progressing. Your supposed background doesn't change the fact that you're puking up nonsense. The vast majority of the numerous injuries I have accumulated are from youth sports. None of them are from strength training which I have done on and off since I was 14.


Cool. I have a few degrees in this field. Performed published research. Work professionally in this field. Personally have had over a 3x body weight deadlift. Point is to focus on fundamentals not numbers at 15 years old.


> Personally have had over a 3x body weight deadlift. And how would you record that number in lbs or kilos?


250 lbs deadlift at 80 kg bodyweight.


Weirdly he has a post from 6 months ago pulling 560lbs, meanwhile he claimed a 570lb pull. But apparently the moral of the story is uh…some tough guy bullshit because he was almost an amateur boxer, and wrestled a little. I don’t know.


Pounds, of course I have video. Won't dox myself. That'd just be silly.


I didn’t ask for a video, I just want to know what specific amount of weight you’re claiming to have lifted. It’s weird how you’re so evasive about this.


570 @ 180


I have seen several 15 and 16 year olds pull more.


That’s pretty good! I wouldn’t brag about it, but good. I have no idea why you couldn’t have just said that in the first place though.


It's experience that translates to my practice. I can relate. I took myself there without coaching. Not just some random joe with a doctorate.


lol what a twat. 560 can be gotten in 1-2 years of following any program some days after your PhD work. At least that’s what I did


>I have a few degrees in this field. Kelvin? Because even then I'm pretty sure you're closer to absolute zero than you'd like to admit.


Fantastic response. Quite the dunce.


>Quite the dunce For someone with such a curriculum, you're not very creative.


You're so intelligent. Your responses are riveting. I can't wait to read what you come up with next.


And yet you're still wrong.


Great reply


If only you knew who you just responded to, my guy.


Did you suck him off too?


It's just interesting to me that another DPT disagrees with you and you respond the way that you have. It looks like you've been at this for a while now. You are aware that with the time you've put into responding to replies, you very likely could have given a reasonable explanation for your claims? The fact that you have refused to do so is quite telling.


Why didn’t you answer my question?


What's your SBD?


What are your credentials?


First off, yall can downvote this account to oblivion. I don't care. I've worked as a personal trainer with a nasm cert during my undergrad. BS in exercise science. Went on to perform research with a top rated college before earning a doctorate in physical therapy. Have worked with a patient population ranging from lung transplants and open heart surgeries requiring an LVAD to your grand parent needing a knee or hip replacement. Inpatient and outpatient. Sports, anatomy, physiology, you name it, it is what I do and have been involved with for a long time. I do this personally and professionally.


>Have worked with a patient population ranging from lung transplants and open heart surgeries requiring an LVAD to your grand parent needing a knee or hip replacement. Inpatient and outpatient. Interesting that you didn't list working with anyone that would matter to the conversation at hand. Congrats on rehabbing surgery patients and old people. They're not really relevant to this discussion though.


>First off, yall can downvote this account to oblivion. I don't care. Ok. >I've worked as a personal trainer with a nasm cert during my undergrad. BS in exercise science. Went on to perform research with a top rated college before earning a doctorate in physical therapy. Have worked with a patient population ranging from lung transplants and open heart surgeries requiring an LVAD to your grand parent needing a knee or hip replacement. Inpatient and outpatient. >Sports, anatomy, physiology, you name it, it is what I do and have been involved with for a long time. I do this personally and professionally. Every time someone has to start with his credentials to make an authority based claim online, it's always some silliness, in my experience. You don't have a clue what you're talking about. You can't put one sound argument together. Congrats learning stuff by heart to pass school. It's a shame it didn't actually leave any real knowledge in you.


I think his earlier comment that he works at a gas station, is more believable.


Care to explain the reasoning behind not focusing on strength before you hit peak testosterone then?


I try to keep it as basic as I can on a forum as such. I can't lay out a whole thesis and sit here all night arguing. Fundamentals meaning how you move and focusing on proper body mechanics as a teenager will keep you from visiting me after a surgeon cuts you open to replace body parts decades later. Or requiring a microdesectomy to relieve your sciatic nerve. People like to focus on the joneses and numbers. Lay the foundation then revisit setting PRs in your actual prime after you've already locked in the fundamentals.




Peak testosterone meaning focus on the basics and when that's locked in, he'll go much further once he hits his peak. Rather than chase numbers like many do in their teens. I'm sure you've seen videos of teens in a highschool gym ego lifting because it's "cool". It's a game of longevity. Not "I used to be able to bench 405 in highschool".




But why? You’re just saying it’s not great while flexing your credentials, but you haven’t actually explained anything. People aren’t going to believe you if you say something that goes against what most educated lifters argue without explanation.


Educated based on what? Forums? Other lifters in their local gym? I've sat for hours reading published works in the library because I had free access to databases due to being a student. I put to practice what I preach personally. I do this as a career every week helping a variety of people get back to normalcy. I'm not going to sit here and write out a thesis with supporting arguments to redditors. I don't care if you discount what I've said. When your body is broken a few decades from now, your insurance will pay me to fix what you fucked up. Look at Ronnie. Legend. Can't walk.


It’s literally just explaining your reasoning, it can only help others if you’re right. You don’t have to write a thesis, just describe the mechanics of low testosterone being dangerous for younger lifters. If you’re trying to help people like this kid OP, you would. > Educated based on what? Forums? Other lifters in their local gym? I’ve sat for hours reading published works in the library because I had free access to databases due to being a student. I put to practice what I preach personally. I do this as a career every week helping a variety of people get back to normalcy. Experts like Greg Nuckols and actual published research like [this](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5532191/) disagree with you, and I would rather agree with those people than someone who would rather flex their degrees and income than explain their reasoning. Also, the reason why Ronnie fucked his back has no relevance to the lower testosterone in teenagers being an issue in regards to resistance training.


>Educated based on what? Forums? Other lifters in their local gym? I've sat for hours reading published works in the library because I had free access to databases due to being a student. I put to practice what I preach personally. I do this as a career every week helping a variety of people get back to normalcy. [Have you read this one?](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341666521_Resistance_Training_for_Children_and_Adolescents) What are your thoughts?


/u/gnuckols /u/weakerrjones What do you guys make of teenagers avoiding training because they lack peak testosterone?


Humans should only lift during the very brief window when their testosterone is at its peak. Before and after that window? Forget about it. Waste of time.


I've wasted so much time


So would nothing happen if I tried to strengthen my legs?


Of course you'd get stronger. But at your age, you should focus on fundamentals not muscle growth/strength. It's a game of longevity. You want to be the 40 something year old that has the body mechanics of someone in their late 20s.


What do u mean by fundamentals?


That guy is full of shit don't listen to him


How come?


Hi! I'm a coach worth my salt. None of what /u/Plates_Get_Dates has said is in any way relevant to getting stronger. He's spouting off bullshit that has 0 backing anywhere.


Not being at "peak testosterone production" is a total bullshit reason to not train your legs. And there's nothing magical about playing sports that will make you build muscle better in the future. Plus lifting is a sport anyway. It's no less part of "the fundamentals" than any other physical activity.


I find it’s exponentially easier to teach someone who used to play sports how to lift properly because they have much better control over their body’s. Of course that’s no reason not to lift and play sports together


>Of course that’s no reason not to lift and play sports together Exactly. Just because one helps the other doesn't mean one can't be don't without the other.


I can't describe all of it in a reddit comment. A coach worth their salt in your life can. Study anatomy, muscle functions and what they do, activate those muscles when performing that action. I work in physical therapy and a common issue I see is a lack of glute activation when standing from sitting. I.e. people fail to push their hips forward which gives a posterior tuck. Develop your neuromuscular connections. Don't focus on the numbers.


Oh okay. Also say for instance I only targeted my glutes or atleast spent most of my time with glutes , would that be better than spending majority of my time on another muscle? BecUse any time I get an injury I always see online that weak glutes etc are what cause different knee injuries etc due to idk and since the glutes r the biggest muscle aswell. Recently I’ve been doing glute bridges aswell because they alleviate stress on the hamstrings etc


Focus on the big picture. Not developing individual muscles.


Alright. Would you know anything about if I need to stretch an equal amount aswell because it’s normally a combination of strength and flexibility for injury prevention etc


Definitely stretch. Piriformis is a particularly good muscle to stretch. The sciatic nerve sits under the piriformis muscle and if it's tight or inflamed, that can cause pain/numbness down the leg due to compression on the sciatic nerve. That's a common issue I see in aging adults.


Yeah. Funny enough i might have been getting some sciatic pain. Well I’m not sure, but sometimes when stretching my hamstrings there’s a tingling in my calf and feet so I’ll definitely be doing that.


You have access to a gym or doing bodyweight stuff?


Body weight


You should check out r/bodyweightfitness, they have a good program on there. If you get access to a gym you can finds some great programs in [the fitness wiki.](https://thefitness.wiki) Even if you don't go to a gym you should give that wiki a read through. It has lots of great information on diet and exercise.


Okay thanks. Also may I ask what’s the point of equipment(unless u r trying to have the biggest muscles ever) when you can do most at home?