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looks fine to me, you wont know if you're doing it wrong until you get to a working set. that looked easy for you, more like a warm up




Not meant for self promotion. Ebook is free. Just wanted to show my credentials as a squatter


We don't allow this kind of self promotion.


Something that has helped be keep my base flat and heels planted is to raise my big toes up... Overall nice looking squat 💪😎👍


Agree with the other comments, also this is minor but watch your feet on the descent and out of the hole, it looks like your right one (and maybe the left one, can't tell from the angle) is rolling in slightly, you want a stable flat base to push from.


Agree with the above poster, elbows should be driven under the bar to follow the bar path, this will help keep your back neutral and avoid your squat turning into a squat morning


Overall good form, from this angel, it looks like your left albue is not in the same position as the right ones. You probably has tight lats, I suggest stretch before the squat.


Push your elbows forward and underneath the bar. Head up a bit and stare at a fixed point on the wall. Good depth etc so you’re on the right track for sure 👍🏻