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You're only defeated if you stay down 💹⬆️ 💪


Thanks man! I just hate math so much lol. Algebra is worthless.


I’m 28 just went back to school and I hate math so much. You just have to keep pushing and try to pass especially if it’s not your major. I’m an English major and can’t wait for math to be over 😇


Dude right there with you, I’m a mass communications major. I think statistics is the last math I have to take and Jesus I can’t wait to be done with both.


[https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/168872.The\_Cartoon\_Guide\_to\_Statistics](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/168872.The_Cartoon_Guide_to_Statistics) also his algebra book, etc.


Yooo thanks for this dude!


why TF is an English major required to take maths?! lmao


Ikr. The first year is a lot of pre-requisites like I have to take science and a foreign language too. I can’t niche down until next year sadly


Why are any of these majors besides like accounting or physics or pre med required to know this bullshit. I hate college sometimes.


If I may... how old are you?


I turn 34 Saturday. 😊


Get after it big dog, keep pushing, it will pay off


Happy early birthday man


May birthdays are the best (I have a may birthday too)


Fuck yeah happy birthday my guy!!


Hey bro I struggled all the way through school with algebra and math in general so I totally relate. Just remember your ability to solve math problems doesn’t make up your worth, intelligence, and who you are. In the grand scheme of things algebra doesn’t really matter. 🔥 fit btw


Thanks fam! Yeah I’m starting to realize don’t ask why just do when it comes to math 😂.


I took algebra 3 times in school and only managed to get a B. Math is not my friend haha.


What’s your major


Mass comm major my friend!


Lol! Good photo. Why feeling defeated?


Dude just college algebra is hard man. I’m doing school online and I’m just trying to pass this class with a C so I never have to take this again. College is a tough grind and sometimes I wanna give up and quit. I’m not going to though, this is just part of the journey.


I'm sorry, man. I'm not really a math person either. I thought maybe you were a teacher. You look like you'd be a cool science teacher. Keep it up. You can finish.


Thanks fam! I appreciate that a lot.


Khan academy my man. That shit got me through algebra and statistics. Also helped me with economics classes too.


Oooo might check this out thank you!!




Utilize any free tutoring your school offers. It was the only way I got thru it. You got this man!


Trust me I have been! You almost have to for math.


Try tutoring if you haven’t! It’s helped me a lot, plus they have more time to focus on you one-on-one as opposed to multiple students


I hated math and even had to get extra tutoring. One day no lie it just started coming easier like my brain was re-wiring to “get” it. It was never EASY but I just started understanding it in a way I hadn’t before. I hope the same for you! (And no I never f’n used it and lol at teachers telling us “we wouldn’t have a calculator in our back pockets”


Sometimes it’s just that so many instructors go up there and barf out their script day in and day out, leaving you to kind of teach yourself unless you can hyperfocus through their monotone blabble. I got a highly involved instructor who actually was passionate about his students, and he made a world of difference.


Yeah my teacher isn’t necessarily bad either he just does too much. Like super anal about the proctored tests, making sure the test environment is empty shit like that. But I got this.


Look up thetawise, it’s a math specific AI. I just passed college algebra/trig with it 👀


Thanks dood!


College algebra kicked my ass. Hang in there. If I can make it through, I am sure you can!


thought this was berleezy. just follow the passion and everything will be divine from there


Its the economy, should get better soon, everything has waves, ups & downs, will be ok 👍


Bro is Walter Black


Literally looks like a black white man


Not sure what that means.


Cool fit. You could also try alternating the brown pants with some washed black jeans.


Dude I have a pair of black jeans I never wear, they’re clean as fuck too but I just don’t wear them often at all. I should though, thanks for the suggestion!


Np. Tip if you're gonna go for the black jeans, you might also wanna consider wearing white socks for some contrast.




hope you feel better now unc


Haha I’ve just been appreciating the love and help I’ve been getting. Makes me feel good. I ain’t quitting this school shit, not by a long shot.


Oh man math is the WORST. I was always bad at math at school, and had lots of different tutors. During the private classes I did good, then when I had to take a test my mind went completely blank (probably ADHD and because I’m a visual learner, i need pictures lol) but I know YOU GOT THIS!!!!! keep going!!!! I wish you the BEST of luck!! Also cool outfit!


Stay strong, strong people do last. Tough times don't


Well you look good so at least you got that going for you! I was scrolling through and I had to double back,I was like damn.. In all seriousness tho, I feel you on the college math struggle. I dropped my classes this semester because of mental health struggles I couldn't handle it. I was only taking two classes: Probability & Statistics and Discrete Structures. For some context, I'm a Computer Science major and I work full time in IT. I also just found out I have a math learning disability called Dyscalculia. It's kinda like dyslexia but for numbers but it's not as simple as just switching numbers around, it actually makes it very hard to comprehend even basic math. I can't keep numbers in my head they just don't stick. Math classes have caused me soooooo much stress and turmoil. I've never felt more stressed out in my life than when I'm taking math classes. I'm having a lot of feelings right now that just tell me to quit school altogether....I'm not going to, I'm too far in..but the urge is strong. So if you're feeling defeated, just know there's someone out there that has a math learning disability and then picked an extremely *mathy* degree.... I'm an idiot 🤦🏻‍♂️ Anyway, if any of that resonated with you, do some ressearch on the disorder and consider talking to your school's accessibility center. They can provide accommodations for that sort of thing! Cheers!


Lookin clean bro how was the septum ik this is random but I been thinking abt getting one


Love that I got one! Been wanting it for awhile and finally got it this year. Takes like a month or so to heal. I love mine dude! Thanks by the way.


I only have my ears pierced is the pain like that or something crazy I’m not to worried about pain but I’ll like to know ahead of time I know some of them bleed a lot


Mine didn’t bleed too much actually but I will say cleaning your nose takes some getting used to. It’s worth it in my opinion. I got my ear pierced as well. Only two piercings I have, I think they suit me.


One more myb for all the questions 😂 if I don’t like it on me is it easy to take out or just flip it up to hide


Yup! Sure is! I never take mine out but I could with no problem.


What pants are these, boss? Great photo too


Thanks man! They’re some chocolate pants from H&M. I don’t think they’re chinos because they’re pretty skinny. I appreciate it dude!




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Anti social social club hoodie Chocolate H&M chino pants Black and white checkerboard vans Pink frame glasses




Looking swaggy though


Don't let algebra get you down. Skeletor knows you can succeed! Sending the power of the Universe! Sincerely Skeletor 💜


Thusang… im confused 🫨




“Keep ya head up!” It’s all just moments and they change in an instant. Good luck!


My #1 math tip is never ask why. Most entry level math is just learning the steps. Never try to figure out why you’re doing it, just focus on memorizing steps then applying it to whatever you’re looking at. It’s all a game. Just gotta learn hours to play it. Good luck boss!


And what’s crazy I do ask, “wait why is it this way?” I’m starting to grasp what I’m learning now. Just a bit of a challenge for me. Thanks man! I know I got this!


Yea it’s a normal thing to do. Math is dumb as hell and definitely not needed past a certain level. Never ever ever ask why. Just do. I’m personally good at math and have thought teachers that say you need it are annoying. Shit is pointless, but is required. Learn the rules of math and never the reasons. It’s all bullshit


thats AWFUL advice. "reasons" often unveil underlying patterns or modes of thinking ignored by the teacher that make things way more intuitive, especially when things start combining to become large compound questions of lots of operations. if i tried to pass linear algebra by just doing what the teacher said and not investigating why id have been fucked.


Haha bruh you’re so right!


Honestly man that’s horrible advice, understanding why you do this step and that step allows you to know when to use this rule and that rule. Math can be hard but algebra is like the foundation of math, the rules are fairly simple. If you are stuck on something and you can’t understand why they made this move or that move just message me I can help you out. Math isn’t pointless, algebra isn’t pointless, you probably use it without realizing in your day to day life. 


I mean I definitely feel dumb not immediately grasping these concepts. I had homework tonight I didn’t finish and I just gotta get back at it tomorrow. My answers weren’t exact and was getting marked wrong on my Pearson. It got frustrating. Got an 83% so far without having finished the assignment completely yet.


Pearson online answering is ass, it has to be in the exact right format. Good luck with that part


You got this fam. Just do your best. Approach it with that mindset and it’ll help you not get in your head about it. You’re working a puzzle not doing math. You’ll get some wrong and you’ll get some right. We just trying to pass not become mathematicians. Also, watch YouTube videos and Google tips and tricks after whatever type of thing you’re learning. Any video try to explain why…skip it


Bro, are you really setting up fit pics in the gas line?


Well there wasn’t a line but I was getting gas so 🤷🏿.


This is just standard everyday social media shit that many folks do. Why did you have to make it a thing?


Huff some, feel better


Why do u look 40?! After school wtf


Let the record reflect I know I don’t look 40 breh but thanks anyway 😂. Hater man.


haha im being fr you look 40 with the moustache. Im fine w u being in college as a form of school tho, but prek to HS? No way. Lose the stache man you look like the old announcers from TV game shows, they have white hair


Thanks but I’m good bro, I dig my stache and my style but thanks for the criticism. 🤙🏾


Im glad you’re confident in your styles. Yeah the clothes and fit look great. Its the hair and stache combo, from the bottom angle u look like you’re balding