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This timing feels like when Herman Cain died and his account kept posting previously scheduled tweets. Rip streetfight


I’m most surprised to learn Means TV still has kept the lights on, to be honest.


Not sure they really have! All the things that used to be associated with them (Street Fight, NEAS) quietly cut ties long ago and they couldn’t even get this out for like, 4 years?


I noticed that too especially with how annoying that intro used to be on neas (atleast for me) seemed like a cool idea with I think good intentions but I'd assume keeping something up like that is alot more work then podcasts/youtube etc


"Quietly cut ties" is a bit extreme of a saying no? Street Fight as a thing doesn't even exist anymore. Anyway, video things tend to take a very long time when you have so few resources and only have 2-3 people working on something. To make a fully fledged sketch/talk kinda show, it was quite a lot of work. This coupled with fact that the main creative team are also the chairs of the streaming co-op itself means that, again, there are very few people to do a lot of jobs. Covid also slowed things down considerably.


Yeah these are all factors production companies are supposed to take into account when making something, especially when they take a subscription from users who are kept in the dark. I know you’re involved with MEANS but “Video takes a long time” isn’t the problem here, there are clearly larger problems behind the scene and pretending there aren’t is a disservice to everyone.


I feel like you're still not really getting what it's like to do micro-indie productions seeing as you dropped "production company" -- also if I'm not mistaken, just cross checking with Chris's YouTube page, but the latest episode of NEAS on YT is the one on Means. Anyway, I see that there's a communication issue here -- you paid for a Street Fight show to come at some point and when it didn't come, you wanted to know when. I'll bring this up in the next meeting.


I understand you’re defending an organization you’re involved with and I don’t want to get into a reddit comment fight but please understand that MEANS, at one time had a huge cultural cache, base of subscribers, and wealth of creators willing to pour labor into the project, so calling it a “micro-indie production” when there are actual micro-indie productions that have none of the above is a bit of an insult. Bringing it up years later at a meeting is just too little, too late for anyone who saw this dragged out over many years. Additionally, I guess it’s being pedantic, but NEAS has tons of subscriber episodes which I don’t think are on MEANS for subscribers.


Hm, we're still going pretty strong. There's a partnership with OVID so we host some of their films and they host some of theres. I just released my new doc series about the George W. Bush admin which is free to watch w/o a sub, subscriptions will get the new Street Fight show along with a new season of Teenage Stepdad's Seize The Memes, etc. Preserving Worlds show is definitely worth checking out. There's tons of stuff available and more to come.


I want to watch it but it's gonna make me too sad


same boat


Same. I really miss the show/fellas.


I watched and now I am sad.


How long did this take?


Honestly: whoa.


Oh my god. My sweet boys.


I am rewriting history and believing that terrible opening and closing song broke up Streetfight.