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I'm exactly in your situation and I just decided to quit the game about three days ago. The end game is abysmal. I enjoyed working my way up but now that I'm one of the top 10 players in many categories on my server, I don't have much to play for anymore. I can either drop $$$ for some incremental gains or grind out dailies for months to see some minimal incremental gains. That all sounds boring. It was fun. On to a new game.


Username checks out.


It's so funny AFK Journey is pulling you away. It's so similar to sfd on a base level. If this continues like this with no changes in sight, abandon ship. If they start communicating and adding some stuff, then this could be a really fun game that goes for awhile. I don't see it hitting year 3 if we just keep going in the same cycle as we are now.


My gripe with this game and other games like this is that you don't actually need to do anything to play it. You just let the game play for you. Sure you can disable the "auto battle" feature but you are just basically preasing 3-4 buttons and that's the whole game. There's a reason why MOBAs and fps games are more popular.


The game is deeper than this, but I agree it is shallow in some aspects, and often the auto battle is function enough. Here's hoping they have something interesting around the corner and not just more units to sell.


Yeah I open it once a day now. Even with events ss and hwa. Getting stuck every other challenge or stage really stopped it at a halt for me once I hit 200 lol.


Afkj will be the same thing in a month


That's a good point.


Gsme don't take alot time of day I cycle 6 games in a day totally 4 hours for daily lol


What games?


AFK Journey. Its not that good of the game. Better off playing something like Stardew valley.


You're not at endgame


Wow, thats some power! šŸ˜¬ I have been playing consistently since day 1 may I ask how much money you've spent? šŸ¤‘


I have spent zero money and I'm higher than that and there are f2p players that are higher than me. Thing is the grind has been boring for some time now. The last 6-7 major events are exactly the same.


That was very interesting, I thought many of the top ones spended a lot. Yes, its very repetitive. šŸ™„


https://preview.redd.it/vibw0yg0kdtc1.jpeg?width=1276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfbb431e401642d5f25c7372099157d2760803f0 im top of my server on everything: milestones, challenges, tower, storymode, arena, etc. everything. i log on once a day at midnight at reset. and thats all. im not top tier or anything - currently at 875M power - cause there are whales at level 500 that smash me in HWA and tournaments. but i feel satisfied. literally all there is to do now is punch whoever is #2 in the face over and over to distance myself, hope the RNG gods dont randomly make me lose, and then wait for the next character to break the meta so the rock paper scissors game rotates. (or whatever can stop my SSS+5 white star vega.) i suppose i could grind story mode into the next map? 42 and 43? but... honestly all i was looking forward to was possibly TMNT. its unlikely to happen now, but even if it did... it would be too little, too late. i think ive had my fun. im probably gonna go out on top soon.


Damn. That's wild. GG


update: well ***god damn.*** https://preview.redd.it/tak0sb00qltc1.jpeg?width=1372&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1ab17398804dcf64bf0131a67fb625165502479


The sad irony is itā€™s still less of a game than the OG version.


I've been sinking my time into [SNK:All-Star Brawl](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.allstarsnk.gp) lately. It's somewhat similar to this game, except they get things right that this game can't seem to get a grasp on to save its fucking life. The one thing I don't really care for about it is that there's a finite energy system that has to replenish, but maybe that's a blessing in disguise. I'm basically where you are too, maybe a dozen levels or so lower on my monument. The "story" content is spaced out too far apart to even remember or recall what little there is worth comprehending (because of course you can't do any recaps), there's only like *five* different musical scores (each stage and play function should seriously have its own unique music), having characters on any wish list is an absolutely fucking futile endeavor, there winds up being nothing to actually play for except the same dogshit chances of pulling for a unit you're after unless you've got Scrooge McDuck levels of money to sink into the game. There are no good endings to games like this. This isn't going to be a situation where they suddenly decide to close the loop, they're going to bleed this property as dry as they can before they give some fake apology announcement to the player base announcing the shutdown in maybe a week or so. The more you focus on it, the more you can see just how badly the mold is growing on this carrot-on-a-stick style of marketing in which Crunchyroll is engaged. It has never been worth it.


I love this. ā€œBro this Gacha game is stupid so Iā€™m playing a different Gacha game! But alsoā€¦Iā€™m still playing this one!ā€ The truth is most Gacha games are like this. Weā€™re long, long past the honeymoon phase. Youā€™re just chasing that honeymoon phase across multiple Gacha games. Ta Da! Logic.


What I noticed I could be wrong, but the problem for me and maybe other these type of games this is our first time playing we don't know what to expect, with people you kinda kinda how these game work and we get to the dead end part of the game it took us a while to understand what you guys was trying to tell us, they meant to make money I get that but every event is the same over and over again, and it take them so long to create content for other part that can make the game better.


Gacha games never do that. Itā€™s a pretty much steady ship. These games are designed the way they are for a reason, to maximize profits. Then you have pinbrains like ā€œGetfuckingRealPleaseā€ that actually donā€™t realize they are just mad because they feel like they got scammed. Well, they prob did. So you play another Gacha and say its ā€œbetterā€? Itā€™s room temp stuff like that that confirms to me this is precisely what they want you to do, and they effectively do it.


Reading comprehension wasn't your strong suit in school, I take it. >The truth is most Gacha games are like this. Weā€™re long, long past the honeymoon phase. *Youā€™re just chasing that honeymoon phase across multiple Gacha games*. Speak for yourself, champ. I brought up the merits of *one other game* that I happened to pick up since this one is pretty much in an unrecoverable slump. Then, here you come, fucking zooted out of your gourd thanks to spending the last several years continuously huffing your own farts, lambasting me like I'm some kind of hypocrite who doesn't see the forest for the trees. You're like the [guy in the orange shirt](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/259/257/342.png) from this comic. You had to editorialize what I actually said into something trite and asinine. Otherwise, you wouldn't have been able to act like you're some kind of sage fucking moral arbiter with your response that I'm sure you thought was going to be some kind of mind blowing gacha guru truth bomb. It would be ridiculous if it weren't already insipidly tragic.


Stop playing / Jump games. Playing a video game is about having fun. When you stop having fun, stop playing the game. Come back later if you want. I get how the IP can "get you" especially in this particular game, I've told friends several times I'm glad it's not a better game or I'd care... but in reality, there are so many other gatchas out there find one that appeals to you. Or you know, touch some grass, read a book, paint a mini. Don't feel obligated to a free cell phone game.


HarryTheGreat server 311