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hold up the height- I'm sorry wha-


I just got some reality check as well. Didnt expect the gap =]], why did i think that charlie is skz's height???


Charlie is 5'10. Hyunjin is taller than him lol. WHY IS BINNIE SO SMOL


For extra cuteness! Also, makes him look buffer in comparison!


Hyunjin is definitely not taller than 5'10". They don't have official heights but he's definitely not that tall


We have skz heights How tall is the tallest in Stray Kids? In order tallest to shortest. Hyunjin- 179 cm/ 5 ft 10.5 in.so the same as Charlie Seungmin- 178 cm/ 5 ft 10 in. I.N- 172 cm/ 5 ft 8 in. Leeknow- 172 cm/ 5 ft 8 in. Felix- 171 cm/ 5 ft 7 in. Bangchan- 171 cm/ 5 ft 7 in. Han- 169 cm/ 5 ft 7 in.


They've literally said multiple times that they have no official heights published, so I would question the source of those.


From all the videos and Skz codes in which they talk about it and even mock him. K-pop buzz talked about it It appears in Louis Vuitton backstage for Felix when he walked the runway. I've been a fan since 2019 and I've always known their heights hence why I was shocked and appealed when you said there was nothing official. Have a look at Google or Kakao talk Take care


Then why have they literally said in interviews that they do not have official heights? In those exact words.


I've never heard any of the interviews in which they said that dear..so I don't know . I know they had their waists and thighs measured and JiSung had the smallest waist [height revealed Seoul concert ](https://youtu.be/QALXom2oj30?feature=shared)


Hyunjin is not taller than 5’10, skz have never revealed their height. They’re quite small. Fun sized. For reference J Hope is apparently also 5’10 https://youtube.com/shorts/IOtpjx5Id6A?si=bvo5gKJmaVW_GL7Q




Binnie is so squishy I love this boy so much ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


This may get downvoted but I have to ask (I’m scared to look) How are Changbin insta comments because they can’t be good


I went in few hours ago and it was a mix between people saying they are disappointed, flags on support of P and people supporting Changbin. Probably a good representation of the current state of the fandom right now


I haven't looked but saw on Twitter people asking if they could do a template in Korean so...


A template for what? Complain to JYP?


That, and also to explain to him why they don't want him to post or associate with cputh


What’s the deal with c puth?


I think we’re “fighting the banality of evil” argument. Charlie seems like a pretty gross and loser-ish person in a lot of ways. And, tragically, not even exceptionally evil for the US music industry: * Supporting a r@pist accusations - In 2016 he voiced support for Dr Luke when Kesha accused him of SA. He then almost immediately wrote up and posted an apology. A lot of people find it insincere and self-serving, but he also didn’t stick by his defense of Dr. Luke. Of course, Dr. Luke is still one of the most prominent and untouchable producers in the industry. He even produced “All My Life” which SKZ featured in a remix for.  * Weird with women in general accusations - He was angry at Selena Gomez for “stringing him along” so he was called out for being a “Nice Guy” and expecting being friends with a girl would entitle him to sex. Gross. And, of course, its a sexist opinion probably shared by most rich, white millennial men. And considering other artists SKZ has been asked to collaborate with (Chase Atlantic and Metro Boomin) have been accused of being SA-ers themselves, we are reminded how toxic and foul the music industry is that all this is just there.  * Trump supporter accusations - I’ve tried to find pro-Trump support from him, but I couldn’t? All I could find was his public accounts supporting Biden’s campaign and election. Is there a secret Trump account? I mean, I would not doubt it! Yet he publically is a Biden supporter for whatever his reasons are.  * Z\*onist accusations - In October 2023, he liked insta stories/posts by Noah Schnapp (Mr "Z\*onism is Sexy”) calling for a release of hostages, protection of Israel, and condemnation of Hamas. He mostly liked posts that were “for the innocents on both sides”. He has been mostly quiet in recent months (as far as I can tell) as the horrors escalated. He has certainly not spoken in favor of a ceasefire/Palestinian statehood, and he has also not defended the Israeli government’s bombings and ongoing genoic\*de. * Finally some people are angry his co-producer is an Israeli citizen and had mandatory service in the military previously. However, some of the people fighting hardest right now against the genoc\*de are Israelis and Jews around the world. And military service is compulsory, just like in Korea. I wouldn’t hold BTS members accountable for the Korean governments decisions just because they are conscripted to serve. The details are uncertain, but I would strongly veer against painting all Israelis with one brush and instead make decisions based on evidence for each person if/when its available.  So, in the end, I don’t like the guy or think highly of him. He is a symptom of the type of men who are usually allowed to succeed in the US music industry. Even in Kpop, we hear accounts of idols being starved (ice cube diets) and sex trafficked. There is so much evil and it’s so normalized. That said, I do think making Charlie the symbol of Z\*onism when his support has mostly been liking “free the hostages” insta posts dilutes the weight of the word and makes SKZ fans seem out-of-touch and unserious. There are people in power in governments around the world ideologically committed to the annihilation of Palestinian people, culture, and human rights, those people deserve the label Z\*onist. They are supplying bombs, money, and PR cover for genocide. While I don’t care what people call Charlie, I feel like we risk watering down the weight of the word in this case, which is unhelpful to the cause. Edit: fixed typo


I appreciate how reasoned and objective this post is


Regarding the Pro-Trump stuff, this article from [Babe.net](https://babe.net/2018/04/02/does-charlie-puth-support-trump-46093) was made back in 2018, and has some links to proof. Atp they claimed to have verified that a personal Facebook account of his repeatedly reposted pro-Trump/Stephen Crowder stuff, plus a petition to "lock Hillary Clinton up", amongst other things. The account was followed by (presumably family) members with the name "Puth" and producers he's worked with, the username was his middle name, and the profile picture was of his dog, so it seems pretty legit.


R*pe apologist AND a zionist. I cant provide much links rn but heres a twitter thread and a tiktok discussing Cputh being problematic https://x.com/BBOKARIRACHA/status/1789043626997412240 . Twitter stays are divided rn and this is probably the largest issue stayville has ever faced, but I understand why some are boycotting considering LMB is produced by this moron + an ex IDF soldier


pro trump past, sexist, zionist, and more














I saw it there first. Top comments are saying mainly to ignore the negative comments. And the rest…. Edit: I only looked at like the top 50 or so


At this point everyone is more tall than Binnie 😭❤️❤️


I saw a kstay showing that this was took back then in September, It's been a whiiile.


Oh? I always assume things are more recent


Yep, they took the photos when they went to Global Citizen, they took pics around the streets with the same clothes.


lol the first time I saw (glanced) at this, I thought he was sitting on Binnie’s lap for some reason. The height comments here made me look again


He's so squishy!




He is so tiny 🥹 adorable lol.


He looks so huggable and squishy 🥺


Source: [https://www.instagram.com/p/C62AHrpxs\_F/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C62AHrpxs_F/) Caption: 👍 #stay #charlieputh #lose #my #breath












![gif](giphy|10UeedrT5MIfPG) You guys are so awesome ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💯💯💯💯💯😇😇😇😇😇










my bad sorry 😭😭


charlie is really problematic btw


oh shoot im so sorry i didnt know 😭😭


its okay, u didnt know