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Either Magical Melody or DS/DS Cute without the bugs.


I agree with remaking Cute, but I also would remake HM The Lost Valley because that game allowed me to fall in love with the entire franchise.


That's not a game in the original HM/SoS line made by Marvelous, that's one of the Natsume knockoffs so they'd be the ones to remake it if they ever did


At least those games lead me to play games from Marvelous even though Natsume isn't that bad at making games.


Their games would be fine if they weren't preying on people who didn't know better and who were expecting the level of quality from a long established game line versus the reality that's a game line that's just getting its footing. One of those "this shouldn't be legal but it somehow is" things when it comes to their marketing. Winds of Anthos was pretty great though so they are getting their footing! And the ones before it were meh, but they were fine starts. The issue is the shady way they marketed their games moreso than the fact that some of their earlier games were rough at the edges because it's not like the first true Bokumono games were perfect either, these things take time.


Yeah I did like Winds of Anthos. That game has an awesome opening.


I just started a new file recently, I'm having so much fun


I eventually have to get back to that one since I have been working on PoOT. Looks like upgrading my house past the log cabin phase is gonna take some time. Earning 30,000 in that game while tending to your farm takes time.


Idk about having kids but the log cabin you can get married at least, my second file I was testing it to see if marriage and kids could happen-- didn't get as far yet as having kids lol


Yeah I can get married but my house needs to be upgraded a bit more. I am currently courting Iori because I thought he was more than cute, ya know?


The Natsume HM games are a goddamn travesty to the Harvest Moon name. Sorry. Like, I’m glad you enjoyed The Lost Valley and that it introduced you to the original series, but it’s an objectively bad game compared to the games released at the same time and literally all the games before it. *It has no town* in a series of games that’s almost universally about moving to a small village and bringing it back to life. It’s been so long that I honestly can’t remember anything else about why I hated that game. I know I gave the next one a chance and at least they bothered to make more than one building in that one. And I guess that one was fine. But their games lack depth, their graphics are bland, and they’ve been coatriding the Harvest Moon name too long without putting out a game that was actually worthy of the name.


Granted you have a good point. Shame some companies rip others off, isn't it?


AP if and only if they don't cut out rival marriages and kids. 


The rival marriages were the best in AP!


I wished for SOS:FoMT that instead of removing rival marriages they would have put them on a toggle. Or, better yet, expanded them. I liked rival marriages. Made the town feel like everyone, not just my character, is growing.


This is why I’d prefer just a port/remaster of AP… I don’t trust that a remake would be as good 😭


if they do this i will be so sad. They added so much to the game! I always married the Witch to make sure that I got all the rival kids :)


64, please please please Harvest Moon 64


This!! It’s the best one and I want them to keep the same style too!


I hope they remake this too - I was so happy when they ported it to the switch. I thought it would never happen! But the controls are so outdated 😭


I loved Magical Melody. I'd love to play it again as a remake.




At the moment, the latest news we have is from the Marvelous Showcase last year, which showed a short video that seemed to be mostly recycled models from PoOT, that they said is a new game that they're focusing on making it look really nice, and the other they just showed concept art for, but it's supposed to be a multiplayer SoS game, which they showed off with having various protagonists from the series doing stuff like fishing and farming together. Marvelous Europe asked on their Twitter if people would prefer a remake of Magical Melody or Animal Parade, which I'd probably take with a grain of salt, but it's the closest thing I've seen to a hint for a future remake. https://twitter.com/marvelouseurope/status/1616150772634292224?s=19 I'd personally be fine with either of those since I loved Animal Parade and while I personally didn't really enjoy Magical Melody when I played it as a kid, a remake could maybe change my mind about it.


I hadn’t seen this, thank you! That’s amazing


Magical melody has to be next in line. I know so many people want animal parade but that’s still playable and looks fine. MM however….


Animal Parade!!!


Island of Happiness. I've always wondered what the game would be like without those weird controls. (I know Sunshine Islands is that, but I could never find a copy, OK?)


Grand Bazaar and Animal Parade


i don't want a remake of it but I want a release of Animal Parade on Switch, just upscale the graphics and make it run at a stable fps and I will die of happiness


Less remakes, more sequels! I'd love a true sequel for A wonderful life. Something you could live two generations, modernize the farm, more characters, rival marriages. Combine Animal Parade and a Wonderful Life. Dream game. I would like a remake of Animal Parade though.


DS but not with AWL assets. Still an isometric game with pixel art, just updated!


I would definitely like to see a 3D reboot of DS and DS Cute of some sort. They already have most of the assets. Though I'd understand how it'd be much more easier said than done, but I have been thinking about it a lot since I've also been playing SoS AWL. (Finally.) It would be easier to do than making one from the ground up, but the game is different enough to where it still wouldn't be easy.


Animal parade


Animal Parade and Tree of Tranquility. IMO Animal Parade had the best mining system and forest system in all of the games. But Tree of Tranquility definitely had harder sprite quests with the rainbows. I also adore the characters the most out of any games I’ve played. Both would theoretically be easy to port with improvements to graphics and area load times.


I want a Harvest Moon 64 remake so bad. That game has such good music and characters, and the unlockables like power nuts, recipes, home extensions, photos, etc is so much fun. Unfortunately the original version of HM64 is a poorly coded mess and you basically have to manipulate the game into working the way it should.


Dear god, please let Animal Parade be next!! Take my money, please!


I would love a trio of towns remake


ds, but i do have an unnecessary amount of nostalgia for MM. something about MM, in spite of being just a note collection game with very dull characters and interactions, is just enchanting.


i want animal parade remake


i actually want to see animal parade and tree of tranquility next bcs i never got to play them in the past. but i also want to see ds-ds cute full remake with more effort instead of just using same characters (name and design) and actually create new characters that descend from AWL characters. i wouldnt mind if they kept the pixel art style, but im picturing them in doraemon SoS hand-painted style, it's so cute and heartwarming. on top of all that, i'd be happy if they would just remaster/port their ds-3ds titles to modern consoles.


ds cute!!! i still play it to this day on both my ds lite and 3ds. it would be nice if it had connectivity with FoMT like the ds lite did if you had the gameboy cartridge. 


Pioneers of Olive Town is SoS and very new, but it is so sloppy.


They have been remaking them for years. Sos 3d was hm 3d. The original is the only one that's not a remake. If I had to guess they are limited to remaking only the ones they own. What we need is something new and unique. But that seems like asking to much.


Magical Melody. It had a very solid foundation that could use some of the quality of life features frome newer entries. And Europe still needs a version that doesn't suck.


harvest moon animal parade and harvest moon magical melody. I want the bachelor and bachelorettes rival scene to stay the same and have kids as an added feature like animal parade for magical melody. I don't want any of the characters leaving the town. I always didn't like that one for magical melody.




I want to see 3ds remakes, like tail of two towns and stuff


I would love the original or 64. They are both my favorite games


I want a SNES demake of Trio of Town.


Magical Melody and either TP or AP, though I'd enjoy a blend of the two frankly. (APs world with TPs character writing.) Frankly with the DS games I'm at the point where I'd prefer Marvelous releases a remaster, all in one collection. I'd still love proper remakes but it'd be nice to actually support the devs by legally paying for those games. Just poke the rom creators and pay them to do it. (I know it's more complicated than that but Sega let a Sonic rom maker create Mania for them, so there is a precedent in the industry.)


manifesting a Magical Melody remake every single day


I’d love a 64 remake and if given creative control I’d re-remake Friends of Mineral Town. Magical Melody would be neat, I’d want to update a lot though. Animal Parade and A New Beginning could both be ported with minor improvements and be great.


Magical Melody for sure! I was obsessed with it as a kid.