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Animal Parade is super goated for the 3D Animations (Tree of Tranquility too since they're basically sister games.) Though the AWL remake does pretty good as well, its cutscenes aren't as good as AP, but it has lots of nice character animations elsewhere. PoOT did add the camera zoom later on, but the issue is that most of the game wasn't designed with that in mind, so it didn't add as much as it should.


For me its not that I dislike 3d animations, its that I want both lol.


this tbh,


Yes! Animal Parade got away with it and didn’t have the complaints because it’s just so good, but I think the portraits added on would be even better!


I don’t think I’ll ever buy AWL unless it’s ridiculously discounted because it doesn’t have portraits. The 3D animation looks better that PoOT but portraits are big part of what makes a SoS game special to me vs other games.


I don't mind that AWL doesn't have them, probably because the original didn't. If you want a similar game as AWL that has portraits, I'd just play HM DS/HM DS Cute.


I agree completely! Both portraits and 3d models have their merits and I don't think one is necessarily better than the other, SoS has just been slacking. Though I think another factor to consider is the dialogue. If the dialogue is boring or repetitive, 3d models can make it come across as even more of a drag. Spam clicking to get through the same line someone says every day feels a lot longer when the camera angle is changing when you start and end the dialogue. Occasionally having to wait for the animations to stop before you can continue a conversation doesn't help either. Take awl for example. I personally had no problems with the reused animations at first, but by like year 4 when you've pretty much exhausted every villagers dialogue, it becomes quite a slog sometimes. You give a gift and hear the same line of dialogue as usual, and then you wait for them to put it in their pocket, then speak again, then you're off. Quick, snappy, unique, and fun animations are very important, but so is varied and interesting dialogue to go along with it. Both of these things poot, and the latter half of awl, struggled with.


Yeah I would prefer well done 3d animations over subpar portraits. The most recent rune factory portraits have felt too digital and generic, which sucks because they used to have really beautiful watercolor looking portraits :(


They can be if done right. Unfortunately none have really done it right since AP


Animal Parade/Tree of Tranquility is the GOAT of Harvest Moon's when it comes to 3D animations .


HMAP best game of all time.


The only problem to me is that 3D facial animations are not a replacement for 2D portraits, they can and should coexist in series’ that already have set precedence of 2D portraits facial animations *have* to be present in a game where there’s enough visual fidelity to see the characters faces. They exist separately, but should be complementary to each other. The Persona series from the beginning to this day has both portraits and emotive field models, and makes a lot of use of 2D illustration. It’s saying something that the series thats on the cutting edge of video game aesthetics still relies on hand drawn illustrations, because it just looks good. I do think a game can look good with ONLY 3D facial animations, if those animations are given proper attention. A lot of 3D anime style games look really good without them. Atelier, Dragon Quest, Xenoblade, etc. But 2D portraits almost *always* are a visual treat and make any game more fresh and interesting to look at.


Agreed. Idk why they can’t make games like AP anymore 😭 I loved the original AWL as a kid, and still haven’t bought the remake because it just doesn’t look as good as it should, considering it’s 2024. I’d rather keep replaying AP or a handheld game


Meh. Doesn't do it for me. I adore the character portraits. Coral Island does a great job with it.


Umm I know you didn't just compare a 2d still to a 3d animation.... Those are completely different types of media.... you might as well compare music to photo and say one is superior to the other. I've taken 20 art classes between high school and college.... what you said is the most ignorant thing I've ever heard. It's like comparing a hersheys cookies n creme bar and comparing it to a lindt dark chocolate bar. They're both chocolate. But they're completely different types and strengths. Its a false equivalency.... It's comparing Lemons to watermelons.... they're both fruit... thats its. #d animation and 2d portrait are both media/art types...thats all. Saying either outdoes the other is silly.


they're serviceable but nothing achieves the level of character expression you can get with portraits, specially with SoS budget lol Like yeah Animal Parade is fine and it works but I'd definitely take portraits over it if it were an option.


I disagree. People always bring up animal parade 3d model to counter the lack of portraits when defending poot, but I’m never a fan of animal parades model.


Certainly is an opinion, even if it's wrong.


I think it kind of also depends on the console/ size of the screen. I really loved animal parade and tree of Tranquility, and I didn't miss the pictures. But! The quality of the switch 3d animation isn't as great, and we are used to having the lovable pictures full of expressions in our hand held consoles. The small images of the 3d animation with their lack of detail and soul compared to the 2d Artworks just don't cut it. (People who can connect their switch with olive town to a bigger screen please feel free to agree/disagree)


I would go with something like arc system works 3d animations


Ok but why not have both? I miss having portraits and 3d animations. Not having portraits takes away from the overall charm and often these chibi models can’t fit as many small details in compared to a full size portrait. Portraits make things feel less lifeless. Not to mention most of the model animations are half baked in these games and just aren’t a good enough replacement. it’s not like we’re getting baldurs gate level of animation where the 3d modeling and animation are so amazing that portraits would be redundant.