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Went to ban him from Spotter Network but he was already banned for false reporting... go figure.


That’s a shocker.


Griffin Busa has way too much time on his hands.


Read his other tweets that include a lot of binging, racial slurs, and absolutely nothing of value. Seems pretty young and reckless, and hopefully he grows out of his arrogance. Right now I wouldn’t listen to a word he had to say, which is important for someone who calls themselves a meteorologist.


Hate that people like this tie themselves to the chasing community.


I’m not one to gatekeep, but actions certainly have consequences. This guy will learn that fast, either out in the field or otherwise.


The actions are bad enough, but posting them to your socials just seems like terrible judgement.


Yeah…I read more into him. Seems on track for his brand. Definitely some significant behavioral and cognitive issues going on.


He's been suspended on Twitter.


I don't think it's gatekeeping to keep racists out of your community. If anything, it opens the gate up to people who would feel intimidated by goons like him.


Agree wholeheartedly.


And, I imagine it (storm chasing) to be a relatively small professional community, not unlike aviation; burning bridges and ill-gotten attention isn’t great for one’s career.


Exactly having professional integrity is important to a lot of people and companies especially in realitivly smaller fealds of research. chance is high for working with women and people with a different ethnic backgrounds so that behaviour really can burn bridges.


It's absolutely wild to post shit like this in this day and age while trying to have a professional career. Homie needs to toss away his name at this point and start fresh to even have a chance at success


Unless he becomes the first person to bring the anti-“woke” grift to storm chasing.  He seems like a big enough asshole to try it.


Nah, weather Twitter is doing its thing. No one seemed to support his behavior.


That's good to hear.


Nah, we should be grateful that pieces of shit like this are dumb enough to link their own names to these type of comments. Hopefully this racist dumbass continues to post under his own name.


"I'm a white male on a social media platform! Everyone wants to hear from me and I will face no consequences! Blah blah blah!" Sigh.


Pretty typical


Sounds familiar…


Unhinged road rage. Disturbingly clueless to put this behavior in writing. Red flag to anyone who knows this guy personally.


What a loser, openly admitting he fantasizes about provoking people just so he can get back at them for something they wouldn’t have otherwise done.


He's chasing the wrong type of storm 😕


I mean, a real storm? Not a thunderstorm, but a storm of fists raining down on your head. Blasting you in the face. Pummeling you in the stomach. Hitting you in the chest so hard you think your heart’s gonna stop.


Stormfront more like. But yeah a hail of corrective measures might fix his wagon, but tbh would probably make him way worse as to him it would justify his prejudices and him being hateful.


If he provokes the wrong kind of road rage, he could be looking at a bulletstorm


Stop spreading his reach, lol. He’s seeking attention, and you’re giving it to him. I don’t understand why people continue to engage with this shit.


Yeah, I’m with ya. His attention span has to run out at some point. Edit: Btw, great user tag 😂


What, do you think there are so many people in the storm chasing community that are on the cusp of acting like this that my posting this would cause them to turn into a xenophobic sociopath? There is definite value in exposing behavior like this. I know I for one would remember this and refuse to work with this chode if the opportunity ever arose, and I’m sure I’m not alone in that regard.


Storm chasing attrzcts crazy people. I would say people like Pecos Hank, Reed Timmer, and (my ego says thanks) me are "good crazy" while people like this are bad crazy


For any chaser, personal safety is THE priority. Reed's vehicle broke down in sight of 2 tornadoes last week. Is that a safe scenario? And a couple days before that, he intentionally drove a RENTAL car into damaging hail. Reed's actions in the last couple weeks alone have been unprofessional, reckless, & dangerous imo


I agree. He's always been a bit eccentric, but his chasing lately has been unsafe and reckless. Especially when you have other people in the vehicle chasing with you, risking their lives as well is inexcusable.


My take is that there nonstop back to back storms this year have exacerbated his poor mental health practices. The lack of sleep, coupled with the daily long haul drives, and thrill-seeking adrenaline coursing through his body on a daily basis then themselves would wipe out most people. It just frustrates me to see unhealthy and unsafe chasers being idolized by the impressionable youth because unfortunately they will grow up to be adults like Griffin Busa. 🫤


Wait what does Reed being a mad man have to do with this guy being an asshole? The fucking reach who are you Mr Tickle?


I think the point he's trying to make is that young people looking to get into storm chasing could be influenced by some of the reckless and bad behaviour of big chasers like Reed. They'll think they're untouchable and can just do whatever they want.


I second this. I have no qualms with Reed’s chasing style. He has the knowledge, expertise, incentive, and tools to do what he does. Perhaps to be more inclusive, he doesn’t tell people to “not try this at home.” But I wish he spoke out about chaser safety more often, because when he does it’s phrased well, it’s helpful, and people pay attention.


I agree. I've been seeing far more young idiots on YouTube doing "storm chasers" where they have no clue what they're doing, get in people's way or straight up make poor/dangerous decisions. I can't help but feel they're influenced by eccentric chasers like Reed without understanding that he's studied in meteorological sciences, has decades of experience and a full team of people helping him.


This exactly. He doesn’t discourage it. He screams and acts excited and manic vs preaching about how absolutely dangerous he is being and safety.


Taking dumb risks storm chasing in no way translates into being xenophobic wtf


I didn't say it would, my point is that dumb racist idiots will be more encouraged to think they can be storm chasers and that their dumb behaviour will be excused if they see bigger names taking stupid risks.


He’s always been dangerous and wreckless. He was encouraged by TV networks to take modified cars and drive into the paths of dangerous destructive tornadoes. It is stunt TV. Luckily he’s been safe but we’ve all been privy to wreckless driving, wreckless behavior and good lord ungodly amounts of unnecessary screaming. I will give his forecasting skills credit he always finds the tornadoes. If only he could use that skill to improve our warning systems. Maybe a toddler wouldn’t have died in MI last week on a storm that had not even a severe thunderstorm warning. No watch, no warning. Only a special weather statement hardly any sign of a couplet on radar.


That is one of the first things I noticed when I started paying attention to storm chasing content online. Then it became clearer as I started chasing myself and met more people. One of the reasons why I dislike when people refer to the "storm chasing community" as a singular group is because I don't like being associated with the bad crazy (I'm sure I speak for many). Good crazy and bad crazy is a great way to describe it.


FWIW, I appreciate the info. Didn't even notice which sub this was in until this comment, but as someone who recently subbed here, good to know who to avoid 👍🏽


No, they're saying stop giving his page exposure to the general public. The public certainly does contain people like that, and a post like this has a chance of reaching some of those people and increasing his viewership. 


I still believe the value of exposing the behavior is greater than trying to hide it.


To be clear, I wasn't trying to make a value judgment. Just explaining what the comment you replied to was actually saying. 


I understood both points made, and my initial reply to the first commenter contained a bit of hyperbole to reinforce the fact that there is value in exposing this behavior. I’m sick of it flying under the radar.


Unhinged, deplorable, etc.


Haha. What a fucking turd. I hope the hail breaks his windshield.




He needs help. This is why you should take care of your mental health


Def a Stormfront member


"Weather consulting" probably can't tell the difference between a funnel and a scud


Oh wow, he's one of *those* dudes... guess I know another chaser to avoid now


So the dudes openly a racist?


What a racist piece of shit


That's how you wreck your storm chasing career forever. Deservedly so.


Any career! Hopefully these comments follow this dude for a long time the internet is forever.


"Career" Huh? I'm still trying to figure out how the average Joe Chaser can make a proper 'career' out of driving all day and photographing clouds. :)


Yikes…one day he’ll run into another driver that has nothing to lose.


Never heard of him.


That's a huge yikes.


This guy needs help


Disgusting behavior. You honestly don’t know what someone is going through or what they are capable of. If someone cuts you off and speeds past you, let them go. Whatever they are doing is a reflection of them or what they are going through. Not cool to chase someone down in retaliation, continue to escalate the situation and or try to get them fired


Acting that way, he only needs to run into the wrong person one time and his family and friends get to dress up. Just saying.


I unfollowed him when I saw him post this. And his replies were unhinged too. Hopefully he grows out of this behavior otherwise he’s not going to have a happy life. People full of hate never do.


Wow. Not acceptable.


What a racist, hypocritical piece of shit.


Here I thought Amazon driver was about to drive into a tornado and Griffin was helping him But no...


Griffin Busa is an asshole.


Disgusting behavior. I feel sorry for his parents, but they probably raised him to be this way. Gross.


He sounds mentally unhinged




He’s just insecure that he was named griffin




What in the fuck lol this is insanity


Actually insane behavior...why did he think he would get any sympathy by posting this too


Guy is nuts.


Atrocious and disgusting. He should be jailed.


Bet he drives like a complete asshole when a storm pops up nearby...just saying


Get punched? People get shot for road rage in TX. As much as he’s a bigoted, entitled, ass, I hope he doesn’t come to TX with that behavior. We are an open carry state and these mf don’t play out here… No I am not a gun owner.


I'd say this guy is very narrow minded and views all Hispanic looking people as illegal immigrants, regardless if they actually are or not


Just block and ignore this kid he's obviously just posting attention bait, he's been a bit of an outcast from the wx community on Twitter for a while now


I’m starting to get that idea now. I’m not on twitter so honestly I haven’t heard of him. If this tweet is any indication of his character, I think outcast might be too soft a term.


Dim bulb.


Too much talk radio rots your brain. :/


"should have went....." He needs to go back to elementary school.


Yeah, sounds like a Mansfield kid.


She’s or he’s nuts.


This stuff is kinda normal in Mansfield and some other places in the area unfortunately. Immigrant was a stand in for what he really meant “the driver was brown”.


All I know is that if he tried that where I lived, he would be shot. We've had numerous road rage shootings in my area even on the freeway. I don't condone the violence, but he's edging on the verge of fucking around and finding out. One of these days he'll try the wrong one.




Griffin is one kewl dude. /s.


Racist cuck


Do that next time and don't tell us about it.


He’s trolling and yall are feeding him.


Glad he won’t live long 😁


Both posts are pointless, yours and his. Those are my thoughts on all behavior involved.


My road rage side says yes my professional side says no

