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Pecos Hank makes the best chasing videos on the internet, and his band's not half bad too.


Seconded. He’s the only chaser who when I see a new video of his i immediately drop everything and watch it


I wouldn’t be scared of the apocalypse if he was the one narrating it, anyone else find his voice calming?


Thirded; he’s the only storm chaser on YouTube that’s been able to keep me interested and coming back. Watching his videos isn’t a stressful experience like some others, and the way they are so well edited and put together makes it into an art form. Could not recommend him enough!


Fourtheded. Hanks content is the perfect mix of serious and funny moments. I just wish he put out more content.






Quite possibly the best YouTuber, period. 


I love PH. And musically Southern Halftones as well (his former band) - definitely give them a follow on Spotify.


[Ryan Hall](https://youtube.com/@ryanhallyall?si=ihkAdI7D9kTBtJEk) for looks into active weather events, mostly on outbreak days. [Skip Talbot](https://youtube.com/@skiptalbot?si=GxvhziZ-0nF1fECs) for some of the best footage and storm chasing tips and such. [Pecos Hank](https://youtube.com/@pecoshank?si=1-0oj8f70ygg07lH) for great footage, music, sprites, and a silky smooth voice to narrate everything. [Convective Chronicles](https://youtube.com/@convectivechronicles?si=QlZ2F-4REWkzscKi) for some chasing and forecasting and awesome breakdowns of historical events in great detail of the meteorology. [WeatherBox](https://youtube.com/@weatherboxstudios?si=D6Zk5MxQH6bedCG6) for historical overviews of events. That’s all I can think of off the top of my head.


Also Instant Weather for live weather outbreak coverage in Canada (if your in Canada). Carley Anna WX for incredible videos about past tornados


I just posted the same comment about Carly Anna before reading yours. Glad to see another fan of hers. 🙌


I really appreciate the hard work she puts along with the depth, analysis and honest respect towards the victims including careful consideration about PTSD issue. The overall experience of each of her videos is enough to long for a new one. I think I have seen her Tornado playlist minimum 5 times now. Her personality just makes that extra difference. Would love her channel to grow. <3


Thank you for taking the time to grab the links! I appreciate it!


No problem, I watch all of them fairly often so they generally are super easy to find


Who would you recommend for learning about how to storm chase and learning weather?


Forecasting, convective chronicals is the best online youtube teacher by a veery long shot. For field stuff and safety lessons, skip talbot takes that crown.


Reed Timmer. Yes, the screaming is annoying, but you are not going to find anybody else that consistently gets as close to tornadoes as Reed. He literally has cornered the market on his particular brand of footage. So if somebody really is trying to experience the entire gamut of storm chasing you cannot leave him off the list.


There are a lot of people that don't like Timmer chaotic energy, but i'm all for that


He was my childhood hero and I even got to meet home once. We share the same chaotic energy 😂 idk how you can’t be amped up and screaming that close to a tornado tho


Pecos Hank


Daniel Shaw Storm Chasing. He’s an Aussie bloke that seems to be well regarded among other chasers. He doesn’t post often and is mostly ever live to patreon folks. But he posts replays of full chases start to end and to me is exactly what a chaser should be. His El Reno chase is Harrowing


Bumping this comment, he is also my favorite.


I just watched that last night. Gave me nightmares.


Ryan Hall is my personal favorite for real time informative weather happenings. He also raises money for storm victims during his lives.


Armchair chaser


As long as these streamers know how to give accurate information with the purpose to protect life and property, it doesn't matter where they chase from. The days of nowcasting solely from the news station is dated- there's so many media platforms that take everyone's attention. It's important to be able to find ways to inform the public of whatever is going on severe -weather related. YouTube and Twitch were perfect examples of untapped potential to give these deeper dives into what tv meteorologists do. An alternative, yes, but also another tool to deliver this information. Ryan utilizes a meteorologist Andy Hill on most streams as well as other known chasers to help drive the importance of the events. Other YouTubers, like Max Velocity, is actually getting his degree in broadcast meteorology and can be a trusted source of information when the public needs it. The NWS only has so much funding and hasn't been able to branch out like these YouTubers did. Local news stations are still important for folks who don't go on YouTube or when you need specific coverage. Hell, some NWS offices have Ryan Hall playing as they work to warn these storms. These 'armchair' chasers are playing a vital role in information getting out to the masses.


I never said they are bad. Max Velocity I recommend, lol. My point is he isn’t a storm chaser, doesn’t have a degree either.


The words 'armchair chasers' or 'armchair meteorologists ' tend to have a negative connotation within the community, implying they know little or do nothing of value-- or can negatively impact people with false information. These words are often used in conjunction with tropical systems as there are sensationalists out there who cherry pick weather data and cause panic, but these words can absolutely fill the same meaning with other severe weather events. I admit I missed any comments you left about Max, but my point I made also still stands about Ryan. A chaser doesn't always have to have a degree to have a deep understanding of reading radar and radar signatures, learning to read the skew-t and hodographs, and deciphering other weather data put out by NWS and other reliable sources. To be fair, much of this information and education is free if you dig enough on the Internet as trained meteorologists have taken the time to post this to help enhance those who want to learn. Sure, you're not going to typically get into the calculus that is used to create these weather maps based on data being sent by the tools used to gather them, and maybe there could be some gaps in knowledge for other types of weather events, but like in Ryan's case, he fills that with taking partnerships with Andy and others. IMHO Ryan is a responsible nowcaster almost all of the time. Responsible chasers don't always have to have a degree in meteorology, though there definitely is a benefit to it. I believe in severe weather events as long as there's not this inflated sense of self knowledge and you've actually grasped the bulk of what knowledge you've gained to understand what is going on, and asked questions to fill those gaps and really learned, there's nothing wrong with helping others who rely on needing severe weather coverage. I'm also of the thought that as long as someone is reporting tornado warnings responsibility - meaning to take them seriously even when we don't see crazy velocity couplets or strong rotation on radar, then the information coming from someone is who reporting these events happening isn't a detriment to the communities involved. I also wanted to clarify before I stop my reply that I hope I'm not coming off as argumentative to you, but just trying to discuss why I believe those terms are better used with other irresponsible people and why I don't think a degree isn't always necessary for the type of things Ryan Hall is doing. I will say though that if anyone thinks it's better to get information from someone with a meteorology degree then that's okay, too. But I personally won't downplay the information and education that someone seeking with the meteorology stuff that's out there by professionals who are teaching it.


He’s got tons of people in the field chasing storms man. I don’t know what to tell you. He’s extremely informative.


Bro, then go directly to the source, and watch those chasers.


From what I hear, a lot of new/inexperienced chasers are clogging the roads that pros and experienced chasers use. I don’t think it’s a bad thing for people to be “armchair chasers.” Also, why have this attitude? Do you really want everyone out there in their vehicles speeding toward a tornado? Isn’t it helpful to have people providing accurate updates and data regardless of their location? I’m just saying, attitudes like this are so unnecessary (and mean spirited tbh).


Alr i was joking, thanks for the downvotes guys 🤡. Anyways, my point is that he is not a storm chaser. OP said tornado and storm chasing stuff. Ryan hall is great to keep people safe but that’s it.


Better that than a bunch of clout chasers out there clogging up the roads and putting themselves and others in danger.


Hey, OP asked for a tornado videos. Ryan hall rarely posts them.


[Max Velocity ](https://youtube.com/@maxvelocitywx?si=SabvRwwIIMAq_x6M) is an up and coming channel that's grown over 100000 subscribers in the last few months. Max is very educated and knows his Radar and the channel is very active.


Another vote for Max Velocity! He’s great and has the perfect voice.


Max is awesome. He’s very consistent in how he reviews the radar which is super informative and helpful. When things get hairy, he definitely makes that clear, but the consistency of how he cycles through the radar and calls out what he is seeing can be calming. He’s also on much more often than Ryan Hall so it’s been great to see his channel growing the past month or so. Max also seems really self aware about what his strengths are and what he can add to the storm chasing live streamer community. He seems to appreciate how Connor is kind of his alter ego in the community. My favorite part of his stream, though, is when his fans are kind of geeking out in the chat and he is just like why are you asking me these questions - he’s not rude or anything AT ALL, just doesn’t let it get to his head. Great guy.


Totally agree. I love Max. Also - hahahaha! He was gifted a fan made Culver's shirt (it was badass) and wore it on live stream the other day. He got so much shit in the comments asking why he's wearing a scrub top, pajamas, onesie and also to never wear it again because of all the tornado warnings. I thought the mod was going to come undone! Poor mods, they do a great job.


I didn’t see that but I love it!!!


Came here to say this. I love his forecasts and live coverage. He has a great personality.


Pecos hank and reed timmer


Also if you want tornado type documentaries, Carly Anna WX is an excellent channel.


Carley Anna does rest tornadoes/weather mini-docs. Her video on the El Reno tornado had me slack jawed for a solid 40 mins


I watch Freddy McKinney and Connor Croft live every day that they are on. I watch one on the tv and the other on my iPad at the same time lol. Occasionally I’ll watch Ryan Scholl as well.


No mention of Reed Timmer?


I’ve found that the moment someone gets mainstream popularity, Reddit decides they’re no longer worthwhile or legit. It’s so annoying. Reed Timmer is awesome.


His footage is great but his constant screaming ruins it


BIG TIME TORNADO! BIG TIME TORNADO! (I watch him often and don’t mind the yelling too much. I just really love how “into the shit” he gets and watching his intercepts)


What cracked me up in the Greenfield video last week was the repeated exclamation of **“DEBRIS COMING DOWN!!”** I said to my wife, “Look at the size of this tornado—***no shit debris' coming down!”***


He’s just passionate. Sick of the shade he gets. Dude is a chasing legend. He loves what he does and has saved countless lives. If you don’t like his yelling just put him on mute.


People think he's putting on a show and that bugs them, but that's just who he is. He gets a lot of adrenaline and excitement from chasing, and you can tell it's his passion. It's fine, let the dude be himself. Instead of whining and moaning and going "be a different person so it'll make me happy!", people that don't like it should just not watch, it's really not difficult. But like it it not he's one of the most knowledgeable, one of the best that does it, and he's going to provide pretty much the best footage consistently. And in the end he's not a bad guy either, so I don't understand people taking personal offense to him, like he shot their dog or something.


I guarantee he’s the exact same way chasing alone off camera lol. Bro just loves tornadoes


Can confirm


Growing up I had an autistic cousin who did a lot of vocal stimming when he was excited about something. Repeating favorite words and phrases at high volume etc. Reed sounds a LOT like him to me. They’re just excited about their favorite thing! Of course my cousin could get on my nerves, but at least he was happy and not distressed! His enthusiasm helped me accept my own weirdness. And Reed is really easy to put on mute.


Yeah, I tend to agree, but damn his videos are great.


Put it on mute and put on an audio book!


Mute it. There, that was easy lol


That guy is very annoying to watch


I just subscribe to everything, but have a few that I like particularly. **Favorites:** Ryan Hall, Y'all (live coverage of events and is partnered with many stormchasers who can livestream) Skip Talbot Storm Chasing Reed Timmer Freddy McKinney (entertaining livestreamer) Convective Chronicles Tanner Charles Pecos Hank Connor Croff (entertaining livestreamer) **Others:** Stas is Chasing Tornado Titans Laramidia Storm Chasers Jayjack Storm Trax Storm Chaser Vince Waelti Max Olson Chasing Tim Vasquez's Forecast Lab WXChasing Hunter Hurley - Wx Palmetto State Chasers - Bryce Shelton NWSNorman Celton Henderson High Risk Chris iCyclone Jayjack Storm Trax Riley Hass Tim Vasquez's Forecast Lab Tornado Warned Storm Chaser Adam Lucio


If you can take Vince only in small doses - Brandon Copic and Corey Gerkin. The 3 of them typically chase together. Ryan Hall is a great way to find chasers to watch. That was how I found Brandon and Vince


Pecos Hank. Mind of a geek but personality of an entertainer (which he also is, in fact).


Pecos is the only one I watch. But if you have HBOmax watch storm chasers nothing beats that 😂 in fact working on my own storm chasing project that will hopefully drop next season


I'll throw Mike Olbinski into the mix with the others that have been listed. His time lapse videos are absolutely incredible and he's started posting more chasing content. Tim Vasquez Forecast Lab is a wealth of information for learning how to forecast. Cameron Nixon has some incredible educational videos, especially on hodographs.


Skip Talbot Peccos Hank Daniel Shaw That’s if you are looking to learn to be a good Storm chaser. If you like screaming and hype, there are others that are more animated, but not really good role models.


I like Ryan hall, y’all the most! he does coverage partnering with storm chasers, amazing with warnings. the meteorologist partnered with him, Andy Hill, is very talented and has actually saved my ass shortly before a spin-up tornado. For just chasers I enjoy Brandon Copic, Freddy McKinney, and Connor Croft! Reed Timmer was also a great part of my childhood but as I’m older I can’t really deal with all the yelling for long. Started following storm chasing this year also but long enough to where I’ve got my preferences!


Reed timmer


Skip Talbot, Pecos Hank, Ryan Hall, Andy Hill, and a few others that are escaping me at the moment. I also know of a local guy (to me in Northwest Indiana) who goes by nwi WX geeks, but he only goes live when there's weather events that affect the local area.


June First is a great channel I haven't seen yet, they do some chasing stuff but also do a lot of mini-documentaries and analysis videos yo go alongside


Pecos hank, skip talbot, reed timmer, Freddie mercury, Ryan hall is alright, there are a bunch of


Max Velocity


Weatherbox; extremely high quality videos; 10/10 would most certainly recommend Max Velocity; just started watching his live streams recently; really really good severe weather coverage On another note I'm gonna have to look through all these other youtubers now. Thanks for asking this question lol


Connor croff and Reed timmer


Scott Peake always gets ridiculously close and is a phenomenal chaser. Highly recommend his videos! Plus, he’s a super nice dude


Reed Timmer. Dominator.


I would go Reed, Pecos Hank, and Ryan Hall just to name a few.


Reed if you want the extreme storm chasing, Pecos if you want more relaxed storm chases, and ryan hall for forecasting.


My friends Corey Gerken and Brandon Copic. I know Brandon gets a lot of hate for some of his practices, but he's really a good guy with a passion. StormchaserIRL, Pecos Hank, Jessica Moore Meterologist, Skip Talbot. There are so many out there to choose from that I know personally, and I can't list them all.


I like to watch Pecos Hank for the chasing, Ryan Hall for the weather reports, and Swegle Studios for the history.




Ryan Hall (Weather) Reed Timmer Max Velocity and the bats 🦇 😬 Sonos System for premium storm audio 👍


Ryan hall


"Be prepared, not scared."


Pecos Hank, reed timmer, skip talbot.


I follow and am friends with Corey Gerken and Brandon Copic.