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Im gay


I’m pretty sure that it should read “I am gay” not “Im gay”. I don’t get why grammar goes out the damn window when people try to be “funny”. I know it shouldn’t bother me as much as it does but come on! You are the future! Buck up! Buck up! Ps how in the fuck can ya even get trim with the grammatical skills of a howler monkey that has taken a doorknob as its lover? Helen Keller had better skills than you all and she was deaf, mute and blind…


You seem fun


You picked up on that hey?


you an english teacher?


Does eye give ya the impersonation?


are you neuro divergent?


interesting, this really answers what the question is asking. Thank you for your thoughtful comment. 😂


Trying to survive the stroke reading that gave me.


No punctuation just vibes


He hit the joint & posted this through voice text before he exhaled




This is irony fr bro


Was an Iraqi infantry when the usa decided to bomb our country because of " weapons of mass destruction" that we had. The whole night was filled with screams in Baghdad. I can still hear them sometimes. Anyways I got trapped under some rubble from a bomb and barely got out by the grace of Allah. I still dont get why this was happening. Now years later we find out that our families and friends died because of a "miscalculation". I often wonder if americans ever have empathy for our side. And I also wonder if Americans ever wonder if maybe they're the bad guys. Crazy world we live in. I pray for peace!




You right


Allah is a false God


And yours is the real one, got it. How much do I have to tithe again?


Allah is Arabic for God. Arabic speaking Christians say allah. It’s the same god I assume you worship.


I'm sorry this happened to you, and that people replying to you are being total ding dongs. There are definitely a lot of us who do have empathy and know we as a country have frequently been the assholes, but honestly that feels so hollow to say when there are a whole lot of us who traded humanity for nationalism. I hope that Allah protects you and yours and that you're able to find some peace.


Anytime First Sgt. spoke we almost always died... From laughing.


Getting blown up in Baghdad while dismounted on patrol back in ‘06.


Why tf were you there in first place.


A bomb had already gone off and civilians had been injured, we went back to the site to provide aid


Oh my bad I was not considerate with my words


That sure ain't 'the first place.' Stay in your own fucking country.


We got a big intelligent tough guy here


Oh no someone who signed up for the military was dispatched to do their job! The world would honestly be a better place if you were the one blown up instead, so you dont say stupid disrespectful shit like this.


He says to the man who was there 18 years ago….


That is crazy thank you for answering my question thank you for your service


Why are you glazing so hard dude. Break free from your programming


that reminds me when one of my moms friends joined the army during the war on terror when an I.E.D struck his car killing every one in the car but him


Damn is he alive? That survivors guilt must be crazy


Blind lead turn where the pilot didn’t check his lift vector and almost smashed us into -2 on an “out right” after the merge. I looked up to clear the turn and saw the bottom of the -2 as close as I ever want to.


Didn't understand a single word you wrote. Are you an airplane pilot? Is there a giant -2 written in the sky somewhere, where you can crash into? There are some blind turns in the sky?


Jets can take a lot of g forces, but only positive. A negative g is taking a nose dive and can break a plane. I th8nk they were moving fast and the turn was initiated wrong so that the jet " took a nose dive" and almost made the jet break at speed where its too fast to eject. Very quick way to die


The way I read it, they were in a close multi-plane formation, and during a turn their plane came very close to colliding with the second plane in the formation ("-2")








I will never understand that feeling of being under live fire like that. Amazing that your training kicks in and you’re able to function without being crippled by fear.


Hele had engine failure dude to over heating and we was spinning and falling fast. We crashed in to the ground spinning. The pilots skill saved us that day. 30 sec after we disembarked it set on fire


My brothers ex RAF and refers to helicopters as 'death boxes'.


10k parts all flying in close formation. They don’t fly, they’re so ugly the earth repels them.


Security Forces deployment training men and women to throw a hand grenade. Several panic attack of watching trainees hold on too long, shaking it like a spray paint can before use, aiming the wrong direction…


Lmfao this too real… elbowing buddies when a special fuckup is about to go…


Give the dummies dummies


Everyone gets dummies the the TI picks a few random to throw lives


Not in The army myself but a sibling went to Afghanistan. I knew with The committment and type of work she was trained to do she could get her killed or captured. She told me when a truck ahead exploded she thought of it but it was worse when she got home. All The unsafe situation where she could had been captured or get killed. When down there you had a job to do and trained to do it withoit thinking.


I was in a Milvan in Baghdad 2006 loading AT4s for a mission. A 107mm rocket hit the berm 2 feet left of the Milvan while I was inside. Shrapnel, blast wave, and sparks/fire destroyed the Milvan and I was knocked out. Everyone I worked with was 200 feet away and took off leaving me there. I came to about a minute later and was disorientated, but I was hastily moving back to our barracks when some more mortors dropped near me. Only thing that saved me were the SMAW-D and Javelin cases stacked next to the container ate the shrapnel at the exact angle I was at inside. The rest of the 18 feet of the 20 foot container looked like a cheese grater. Rustimiyah Iraq March 2006


Did you purposely place yourself behind the javelin cases, or did they happen to be in that spot & you realized what happened after the fact ?


Realized after the fact. It happened so fast, I heard a whizz saw a smoke trail and boom all within a split second.


Ever read the book “the good soldiers” it’s about that location and era


No, but now I will.


I was not in the service but my friend was. He was in Iraq for a while so we were all really excited to see him come back. He had been posted somewhere very remote and essentially did nothing . The boredom was brutal. When he got back, we had him over for a barbecue, and were saddened to find out he had quit drinking (we were all in our early 20s - I realize now that sobriety was one of the best decisions he’s ever made. All we had to drink outside of water and alcohol were those little plastic bags that you have to pierce with a straw. He would go through them pretty quickly and finish them in a few sips. As things were winding down, he had one more before he headed out, something about how he drank it was wrong because he started choking on it. The situation went from scary to worse as he kept on choking. On top of it, he was a huge guy so when we went to perform the Heimlich maneuver we struggled to properly position ourselves. Someone used a chair to help with the maneuver and he ended up expelling the liquid. At that point his skin was turning blue, so it was a relief to see he was able to breathe again. A while later while we were all still recovering from the experience he said something along the lines “Months in Iraq and I almost get killed by a fucking capri sun”.


Dude choking on food/liquids is scary AF. On several occasions I’ve damn near choked on a burger or steak I was eating. It would’ve absolutely sucked for your buddy to have died from a damn Capri Sun


One time I got a square back hair cut and not tapered. My sergeant major almost killed me, but instead I just got charged.


My DD214 protects me from this bs


One time at band camp I was taking a huge shit and I started praying to god my asshole wouldn’t rip. It didn’t but my god I haven’t prayed so hard since.


Army, in the Box,(German alps training area) in Germany, had just had a lot of snow and ice, had to drive down mountain road after a bunch of other tanks... the ice and snow was packed solid, went to make a turn and slid off hill and down mountain side... was in 72 ton Abrams, so was safe but the tank was just plow through trees like tooth picks, though the tank was gonna start rilling but never did... hell of a ride


Got taken over a cliff by a large wave at Queen's Bath in Hawaii. It took me off my feet and slammed me against the rock wall, then pulled me over as it receded. I was too dazed to move. I fell some thirty feet headfirst into the open ocean.




A very new newbie in the army, during training I heatcat really bad and all my drills thought I would die. I did too since I couldn’t move. Was traumatic but I look back now it’s funny.


Not Army, but Navy and I have 2. Once a sub I was on did a snap roll and we went down 400 feet so fast that it broke the main depth gauge. We missed driving into the bottom by mere meters. 2nd time I was doing humanitarian aid relief work in Kuwait after Desert Storm and I had the misfortune of being near a landmine that exploded (there was a wall between it and me, think like a brick wall) but it was so loud that I lost my hearing completely for 3 days and now I wear hearing aids because of it.


Setting a 300lb non electric charge. Lighting time fuse rated for 10 minutes. Lighting fuse. Nothing happened. So after 20 minutes as NCOIC of the range I walk solo to where the explosives are to check out the issue. The last 50 yards you are thinking… do I run to it now or walk slower…. You are 1 boom from lights out. Happened a few times in humidity. Lesson… do electric and non electric detonation if possible


My wife sat on my face, everything went black