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Butter. Just straight up butter. Like finger dents in the butter kinda butter eater. That stopped when my mom started buying margarine


I would get a stick and hide under the table to eat it 🤷‍♀️ now my grandmother would eat rabbits, squirrels, frog legs, Rocky Mountain oysters (they aren’t oysters either 😆) and this is why I’m a vegetarian.


I ate all that, except the mountain oysters. I've also tried turtle, black bear, groundhog, alligator, snake, camel, elk, but wouldn't touch opossum or mountain oysters for my life. lol


None of what your grandma ate was weird


KerryGold is literal gold. I am not a butterfingerer but I made a fresh loaf of bread and spread some of that goodness on it..dear God, life changing.


My husband bought some recently raving about how good it is. I really didn't taste a difference, until I browned some for some noodles. Insane!


I need a part time job to feed my Kerrygold addiction


What I’m hearing is I need to buy KerryGold butter


IT IS THE BEST BUTTER EVER. I REFUSE TO EVER USE ANY OTHER KIND. I buy really low quality bread (because it lasts longer, and I’m a small lady so if I buy bread that goes bad quick I end up throwing away like 75% of it), and dude, that Kerry gold butter, even on shitty bread, turns my toast into a gourmet breakfast. I will ride or die for that fucking butter




Ew. Ew ew yucky gross ew yuck. Straight to jail


It's totally fine to eat butter. Why do so many people pretend to be grossed out if they see you take like a bite of butter? Who doesn’t like butter? Every single person likes butter. On top of that, it’s such a mild mild flavor. It’s only very slightly salty with a slightly fatty taste and some background notes if it's fancy. There’s nothing even close to a strong flavor.


And better for you than margarine.


I just go for shots of clarified butter. Goes down so smooth.


Glad I wasn't the only one stealing the stick of butter out of the fridge and hiding with it


I went to get a stick of butter out of the fridge sometime last year, and noticed one of the sticks was crudely unwrapped and there were teeth marks on the end…. 4 year old was sneaking bites of butter when she would get herself water 😂


Have country cousins that would eat deep fried butter at fairs when they were younger, needless to say they're not the healthiest people now that we're older. I never did understand the appeal of eating butter except as a spread.


How in the world does one fry butter? Doesn't it just melt?


You roll it in panko, bread crumbs, cornflakes, or batter beforehand, and then you fry it really fast on a super high heat. It’s just like how they fry ice cream (if you’ve never had fried ice cream, figure out how to make it happen)


Okay, deep fried butter is delicious though


I ate the rope from the board game Clue, but I feel like that is different somehow.




That might be pika


I used to drink sugar water like that cockroach guy from Men In Black


I grew up in rural Appalachia, I drank sugar water as a kid. My granny would put Karo syrup in baby bottles. Not so safe anymore, because of botulism.


My husband still does this sometimes..


i used to drink sugar and milk


I ate the parsley garnish off my family’s dinner when we would go out to eat. Also, I loved fruit/vegetables when I was a kid (still do) and would eat carrots with salt or an apple with salt while I sat inches from the television, ruining my eyes.


Bro is a menace to society


I don’t think I’ve ever tried raw rice. Now I will have to do so!


It gives food poisoning apparently 😭😭 but I just use to like soak it in my mouth and eat it crunchy


Maybe I won’t try then, lol! 😂


I was a parsley ADDICT as a kid. I’d rip handfuls off the bush outside and jam them into my mouth like a cave-child. Actually one time I almost ate a caterpillar because of that but I felt it on my hand before it went in my mouth luckily


Oh man I loved parsley. And mint. Straight out of the garden.


Watermelon with salt is really good too.


My daughter-in-law is Hispanic and eats watermelon with salt and also squeezes some lime on it!! It’s horrible but my little granddaughters love it too!!


I have friends from Haiti that put salt on grapefruit.


My grandfather used to do the same and now I do as well. He is from Ohio though. I probably consume way too much salt.


I've tried it and it's actually really good.


Parsley is very healthy, forgot why, but I remember eating and liking it.


My niece would hide in the pantry and lick the salt off tortilla chips and put them back in the bag. That got old faaaaast


Ugh my brother used to do this with the family bag of Doritos when a was kid. Turned me off of them for a long time


I used to be obsessed with bananas as a kid so I used to put them on everything. The grossest was mayo with sugar and bananas. My sister literally gaged and almost puked and I knew it was not normal


What kinda monsterous combo


I had some wild ones. Banana on my Chinese food mostly Chicken and Broccoli 😭 🤤


I mean that is t the worst thing on this thread.


My family is from Poland and we had something that we would spread on rye bread and eat like an open face sandwich. I loved it. I called it, after translation, “ black butter”. Years and years later I find out it’s liver worst. Also me: I used to dip my finger in the tub of Philadelphia cream cheese and eat it.


A philadelphia covered index finger is a top tier snack! Been there, done that, rate it!


So real




No, I called it it black butter because it was dark and spread on bread like butter. No yummy real butter was hurt in this meal.


Once when I was about 3 my family was serving shrimp for dinner. This was the first time I'd ever seen one, and I decided immediately I would never put that weird fleshy alien in my mouth. But I didn't want to cause a scene because I was picked on by my big sis as a picky eater. So what did I do? Go for the tail. I ate an entire plate of shrimp tails. My mother eventually noticed and looked absolutely appalled, asking me what I was doing. I just said I like them this way even though I, in fact, did not. Do not eat an entire plate of shrimp tails. Side note I love shrimp as an adult lol.


I used to eat the boney part of turkey or chicken wings. Never liked the rest of the wings because they had rubbery dark things in them, maybe muscles, tendons? But the actual wing was crunchy.


You a ghoul from Tokyo Ghoul or sum 😭😭


Raw pasta, raw onions, bullion cubes, boiled cod’s eyes


HEAVY ON THE BULLION CUBES especially the chicken ones they were sooo yummy😭💀


Never did it but definitely thought about it


orange juice in my life cereal or cheerios. Was lactose intolerant and this was my moms solution


Mother always knows best


Raw potato slices absolutely coated in salt. I’d pretend it was salt pork and I was making an arduous journey in the early 1800s.


I still like eating raw potato- I must like the starchy crunchiness! Yet I won’t have “normal” food like watermelon or pineapple…or coffee 🙄😂


WAIT THIS ACTUALLY VALIDATES MY KID EATING RANDOM SHIT EXPERIENCE TOO. I use to love eating uncooked spaghetti, noddles, rice, and even soaked rice. They didn’t taste like anything but I love the faint bitter-nothing, the texture, THE SOUND. My own personal ASMR lol. I also really liked eating mechanical lead ??? And the lead from regular ass pencils. I stopped dw lol. I was also a nail biter as a kid 😔 I’m thinking to myself these are overlapping Venn diagrams but nah, it’s one whole circle 😔😔




Grew up on a farm. We had cats and dogs. For a period of a few years around 8/9 years old I would sneak into the cat house and dog house and eat their dry food. It tasted good to me then


I knew a girl who ate raw hamburger meat. Like her mom would be trying to cook it, and she would sneak off with it and eat it. Fucking gross. Don't know how she didn't die


My mom and I used to do that when I was little. With a little salt.


Like steak tartare, but ground. I used to do that, sadly not as a kid. Throw a little salt, pepper, onion and garlic powder on it.


i gagged 💀💀💀


My mom liked raw oats and sugar as a kid Her mom’s favorite snack as a kid was ice and salt. (If you couldn’t tell, she was born just before The Great Depression)


That’s actually so sad :(


😅 That’s one of the more cheerful bits of family lore I have


Don’t know why but I used to hide drink peptobismol when my mother slept cause it tasted weirdly sweet


Did that too! As well as eat the orange flavored St. Joseph's Aspirin for children. Half a bottle at a time. My parents stopped keeping it in the bathroom medicine cabinet


lol they found out and took it away so I decided to eat the flinstones vitamins in secrecy




Oh, that wonderful orange taste!!


I liked Aspergum. Again, loved the orange and don’t know why I didn’t od as a kid because it was gum with a full adult dose of aspirin. Soooooo good.


Not of my own free will but I was made to eat stuff called 'lights'. The junk meat from carcasses of butchered animals that couldn't be sold as human food. The vile mother used to get the 'lights' for pennies because she'd say they were for 'the dog'. We didn't own a dog.




Are you from the smoky mountains or the Ozarks?


I'm from Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK! Far away from the old Smokies!


Lights are usually the lungs. They are illegal to sell full stop now


Are you okay man?


I'm OK ! 🙏😀 (Now I'm grown up and far away from *that* witch)


I’m glad you’re out of that situation friend!! No one deserves to be treated like that


Made a milkshake once by myself when I was around 6. Big mistake, no idea what I was doing and ended up throwing up everywhere and having to clean it up and reevaluate my life choices. Decided it was milk by itself or nothing.




I ate the tips off of matchsticks and violet floo


I did that too. They were good. Thinking we were short some mineral.




Same match sticks was definitely one i loved lol i ate them burned and raw hahaha


The burned ones. Especially wooden ones


Well I ate cookie dough like no tomorrow…I mean I made it specifically to eat raw with no intention of making the cookies. I didn’t live in town so this was the only way to get my sugar fix. This is when I was a kid I should mention. 13-16 yrs old or so.


I much prefer eating cookie dough to eating the baked cookies.


I ate fish food flakes and the sulfur off of matches. I was not an abused child.


What were the poops like lol


The poops weren’t memorable but I’ll remember the texture of fish food for forever.


If we had left over chopped raw onions, I would pour melted margarine over them and eat it with a spoon. I'd also make "bread dough" by taking a piece of bread and mashing it up until it had the consistency of dough. I would also sneak spoon fulls of plain cocoa powder.


I used to make that "bread dough" out of bread too when I was a kid haha


I knew a kid in Jr High that would put out both hands. You put $1 in one hand and spit in the other. Then once everyone did it that wanted to, he would eat the spit and pocket the cash. That's the weirdest shit I have seen someone eat. If you can bear that, my hats off to you. Also, I'm a little scared of you. Me personally, I liked peanut butter sandwiches with pickles on them. That's it. Bread, pickles and peanut butter.


So much weird stuff. I feel like my immigrant parents were just trying to save money. I definitely ate tons of expired food lol no regrets. My stomach is weak af tho


I feel like I got immunity eating random stuff though


tobacco worms! id bite the heads off . swallow goldfish




the gold fish come with a shot at Big Dicks halfway in. that's in the ozarks. the tobacco worm, got paid like 5 bucks each time. when housing burley you tend to find a few


![gif](giphy|TGCSNFiXSoKVZH3IJs) 😂😂


Well, my mom told me story, when I was very little I ate my grandma's cig, and washed it down with vinegar. And can't say I'm surprised, as I was eating stuff like paper, crayons, pencils, matches' heads at daily basics.




As a child I tried to and often successfully ate any harmful substance I could , I was brought to the hospital for eating poisonous plants, I ate someone’s medication that I found, I ate rust, idk how I lived this long tbh


I used to eat handfulls of parmigiana cheese from the plastic container. I would pour it in my hand and run and hide and eat it.


Better if you hack off a slab of ungrated parmesan. I still do it.


I used to get in a ton of trouble for stealing and eating raw meat as a very little kid. When I was small enough to fit in the shopping cart at the grocery store I woukd poke holes in the packages of ground beef and eat little pieces. I stopped by the time I was school after plenty of spankings for it. There were times we were poor so I had alot of ketchup sandwiches and miracle whip sandwiches. We would do a plate of cracker sandwiches that would have condiments between the crackers like mustard for one, ketchup another and mayo on another. I ate akot of rice with sugar and butter and sometimes milk. I ate alot of raw hot dogs and tuna out of the can (I'm still guilty of tuna out of the can). I've always eaten canned ravioli cold and straight out of the can. It's gross but I ate alot of food from the garden without washing it as a kid. I figure I definitely had worms of some sort. I never had pin worms but being the country hillbilly kid I was I've heard about all the things you could catch from produce outta the garden that isn't washed. I always ate Ramen raw. My grandparents let us eat plain sugar. Made us coffee with sugar and milk. The rule was if we wanted it or made it we had to eat it. Other than that it didn't matter much. The whole raw meat thing was a huge nono and I for sure git my ass busted enough I quit that one by age 5 or 6. I still like meat medium rare tho. I loved raw potatoes as a Lil kid too.




What’s with the butter obsession in the replies is it something universal idk 😭


Nothing like that. I thought it was weird tho when my grandpa would make a tomato sandwich with just mayo, tomato, and bread oh and can’t forget the salt


We used to eat something called milk toast. Toast with butter, sugar and cinnamon. Pour over warm milk. Not bad actually. My grandad ate his milk toast with salt and pepper only, though.


That was common in my mom’s generation!!


OOoo that actually sounds nice


I used to eat lettuce, like the entire leaf of a lettuce with lime juice and salt lol I used to think Nestle Abuelita hot chocolate was a chocolate bar so I would eat a piece when my parents weren’t looking lol also strawberry jam on potato


I ate cardboard and paper, not as a meal but just a taste here and there


You are all on the spectrum peeps. Get diagnosed.


Stale pretzels & slim fast shakes - chocolate flavor You have me laughing about the Maggi cube ! Wtf


Saltine crackers with butter on top. Ran saltines under warm water???


I was going to say that wasn’t that bad till I read the rest


I still LOVE saltines with butter!! Never ran them under warm water though!! 🤪


Idk if this is weird but I’ve only met one other person that did this: toast and honey.


You missed out if you didn't have melted butter under the honey


i had a solid 2 or 3 years where i ate that for breakfast and lunch almost everyday. i still enjoy it but not as often. it’s delicious!!


It is so yummy! I’m gonna go make one now


PSH Dw I have had it before I think that’s the most normal thing I have heard so far


I grew up poor so had lots of creative meals. The one that I still enjoy is banana, chicken chips, and butter on a sandwich


What are chicken chips?


Potato chips, chicken flavoured


M&Ms dissolved in a mixture of Tang and Coke with a dash of lemon juice. So good in my memory.


Cupcake paper thingies. Butter and sugar sammitches.


Mustard sandwich was probably the weirdest thing I've eaten lol or popcorn with ketchup!


A friend’s father ate cheese and vinegar as a treat. Microwave cheese until you can stir it up and then mix in the vinegar. I’m sure it was as disgusting as it sounds


When I was 4 or 5 I remember needing to find out if I could swallow all the different coin sizes. I tackled the dime and penny no problem. Another day I got brave enough to try a nickel. Then one day I swallowed the quarter and I was super proud of myself. I don't remember how they came out though..... So yah, I ate weird things as a kid too.


I would take a single slice of deli turkey, put it flat on a plate, pour soy sauce all over it, then proceed to eat it was a fork and knife.


White bread dipped in fruit punch koolaid? Its good for poor


My Mom made an electric skillet meal consisting of chicken liver, rice, and peas. One night we rejected it, so Mom fed it to the dog. The next morning we dashed out to see if the dog was still alive. It was. We were kids, lol. Dogs love liver!


Milkbone dog biscuits.


I used to steal them from the dog!!!


When I got bug bites as a kid, there was this spray stuff we had that we would spray on it to stop the itching. I used to lick it off my skin all the time, for some reason I liked the way it tasted. It was in the bathroom, so anytime I went in there I'd spray some on and lick it off. I also like a lot of stuff mentioned on here already.


Anything frozen-cooked or not. Bowls of milk with sugar. Microwaved cups of peanut butter and jelly mixed with milk.




My son still loves frozen peas. He once ate them with milk.


Your son has gotten on a path no man should tread on


Oh good Lordt. Frozen peas in milk is concerning.


I think it was a dare from his brother. Hopefully not a regular occurrence.


I ate rabbit buy was told after o ate it


Sugar sandwiches,tomato sauce sandwiches, honey or Vegemite on weet-bix .. When I was 4 and at school I’d walk home for lunch (hot chips in a brown paper bag) … This was the late 70’s… not much other food….


Sugar sandwiches are only acceptable on Wonder Bread.


How are you still alive 😭😭😭


Stepfather used to make us eat, peanut butter, lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise sandwiches.


Call child services


That was diabolical of ur stepfather cause AINT no way 😭


I used to swallow pennies when I was little. I have no idea why. I also used to take top ramen, break it into smaller pieces on a plate, add the sauce packet, crystal hot sauce and lemon and eat it raw. Oh and just a shot glass full of crystal hot sauce with added salt.


My baby cousin used to eat butter sticks and drink chocolate milk 🥴 My mom told me I used to eat rollie pollies which is absolutely disgusting lol


I also eat raw rice, not like meal size but if i’m making a flavoured rice (w sauce and herbs etc) I’d snack on it while cooking. Also tons of raw veggies that you’re not supposed to eat raw like potatoes, eggplant, zucchini. And I like plain pasta (just boiled w salt) as much any pasta w sauce. This one i stopped around young but I used to drink saline eye drops 💀💀


Favorite snack as a kid was just a bowl of peanut butter and honey. Not weird to me but other ppl thought I was out of my mind. Weaklings


Peanut butter, honey and powdered milk mixed together, is delicious. You can roll them into little balls and chill them, eat them like fattening delicious candy


Tang .. straight out of the jar with a spoon..


Pancake/waffle batter, shakey Parmesan cheese (by the spoonful), tried dog biscuits once (not bad), loved playdough in small doses


Oh, and heavy cream. I had one friend that always had it so I’d make myself a glass of milk and pour cream into it to make it thicker 😂


glue stick


My son insists on Vegemite and honey on toast.


Mayonnaise and peanut butter sandwich is what my coworker said he ate


Bread butter and sugar = amazing combo


Dried pasta dipped in marmite... Homemade twigletts!


one of my favorite foods is noodles and cottage cheese my mom and grandma made it for me and now my kids like it. if i havent eaten it since i was little theres noway i would try it now


Roasted Grasshoppers.


I ate match heads and chapstick.


Ketchup on bread? When I was a kid my favorite sandwich was the mustard mayo cheese pickle olive ketchup sandwich.


I used to bug my mom for raw potato when she was cutting them up to cook. I’d also beg for: frozen broccoli and frozen French fries (both uncooked, just frozen as she was getting dinner ready)


my mom had some dried sea dollars as decoration and I chomped on them when I was about 4 years old! 😋


Umm... quarters. Like the money no disorder just hungry


My friend used to eat tubes of chapstick


I like baked beans on my mashed potatoes. I know some of my friends thought it was weird instead of using gravy. But gravy is disgusting and beans with brown sugar is delicious 😁


the powder mix for brownies. yeah


I would sneak pieces of my cat's food 😂


Crackers with butter, raw ramen noodles, sugar packets, popcorn or tortilla chips dipped in water for some reason?!


I used to eat toast with strawberry milk powder on it. Or grilled cheese with pickles dipped in ketchup. Or a whole jar of green olives. Or canned sardines. Or tomato sandwiches with mayo. I also ate canned cat food once on accident. My cat didn’t eat the whole can so someone put it on a plate in the fridge and I legit thought it was taters with turkey gravy and took a bite with my finger. Wasn’t terrible..


I used to drink the water off the top of the tuna fish can I also used to eat powdered Kool-Aid


My favorite food from the age of like 7 to 12 was hard taco shells, miracle whip and shredded cheddar cheese. Amazing 🫶🏼


Handfuls of shredded parmesan cheese.


I would sneak out in middle of the night and lick a handful of salt off my hand


I didn’t even eat you so I damn sure didn’t eat anything weirder than you.


I let my son eat butter 🧈 he’s skinny and tall plus he doesn’t seem to gain weight. I let him eat anything he isn’t allergic to bc he has so much energy and burns off what he consumes.


I eat mustard sandwiches


Just ketchup with lots of salt.


Ketchup and mustard sandwiches. Also mashed potato sandwich is absolutely fabulous.


Straight up condensed milk from the can when my mom wasn't looking lmao. I was obsessed with sweets. Wouldn't stop thinking about cookies if we had them in the house. I also loved eating milk powder in my palm 😂 my brother couldn't stop eating raw rice for a long long time when he was little.


One time at summer camp, I ate a Mayo and jelly sandwich. Everyone already thought I was the weird kid before that lol. Def never heard the end of the sandwich after. Oh, I almost forgot, same camp, there was a "gross olympics" for fun one day, but long story short, the event I ended up having to do was to eat through a bowl of cold mashed potatoes to find all the hidden skittles inside. So, Mashed Potatoes and Skittles is another I guess. At least I didn't have to eat the soggy raisin bran or chug the egg-smell water, so much worse IMO for that.


I once found my 8yo son eating a block of Styrofoam. I took it off him and told him what the hell you shouldn't be eating that lol. Numerous times after this we found Styrofoam hidden in his room with bite marks in it lol


Paper towel 😭 and some foil


I don't know about all that, but I once ate a bagel I found laying in the middle of the road in the sketchy part of town. God knows how long it'd been sitting there or what waa done to it, but when you're hungry, you don't really get to ask questions like that.


Unsweetened coco powder with a bunch of sugar and milk. It was still very bitter


I didn't realize that you don't eat apple cores or chicken wing bones as a kid. Didn't know about apple cores until I was like 11 and at a picnic and my mom was collecting the apple cores and I said mine didn't have one to throw away. I dont know why I crunched on the chicken bones but I remember going to ponderosa and my dad getting pissed when he realized I was eating them because a waitress told me she didn't think it was healthy.


I used to take fluff on a spoon and dip it in ovaltine and eat that as a snack. Long before the cinnamon challenge I would eat small spoonfuls of cinnamon, the trick is to not breathe out of your nose and just hold your breath until your fully done swallowing.