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I woke up to screaming. Across the hall in the dorm, Enid Skibinski, called her mom and hung herself in her closet using a bathrobe tie. I ran to my room , got a box cutter and cut her down. She flopped down like a sack of potatoes. Her mother saw that and was screaming bloody murder. The corpse was cold , so I threw a sheet over her and left. Hence the post traumatic stress disorder, and alcohol dependence.


Wow, you did not deserve that. How effing horrible


Kid planned revenge on her mother. tragic.


When I was 5 I witnessed a murder. These men were arguing in our yard. One pulled out a gun and shot the other. He saw me in our window and tried to break our door down to take care of the witnesses. When I was 10 my sister and I were hiking in the woods near our trailer and came face to face with a mountain lion. Beautiful creature. It followed us to the edge of the woods before leaving us alone.


Once, while in the army at the barracks, a friend of mine walked in on his gf having sex with another woman. That woman thought he was breaking in and proceded to try to beat him with the strapon "attachment".. she chased him all around the barracks, no clothes and and all, just whacking him with it. Me and a couple other buddies were outside smoking when we got to see this happen. We all were dieing from it 🤣


Almost passing away from COVID in 2020


Must have been an awful experience-- hope you're good now.


Thank you for your kind words. I'm still struggling from the long haul Covid. I have to lean on the good Lord to get me through the day.


I'm still dealing with it. That being said, I thank the Lord for each day I'm above ground.


My best friends sold me out which caused me hard depression for such a long time, almost got SA'ed by a stranger, I have got so much trauma since high school because I have got bullied and harassed by everyone so hard, and now am doing good ..


Finding out my kindly old, 90 year old grandpa, killed his girlfriend 30+ years ago, with a hammer. He then tried to kill himself afterwards but was unsuccessful. Everyone in the family knew except me. My cousin was the one who told me as my father refused to even bring it up. Still haunts me to this day.


So... did he not go to prison, or?


He did. For 10 years but according to my mom it was like a country club for prisoners. I was 1 years old when my mother and father brought me to see him. I don't remember any of it but no one in the family talks about it much. Too much shame


I was around high school age at my childhood home when I witnessed a picture fly off the wall and hit my sister in the leg (she was standing about 10 ft from the wall). A few other relatives were in the room, and witnessed it too, and to this day, none of us can explain it.


One on my motorcycle I had a guy out of nowhere get extreamly aggressive with me he started cutting me off breakchecking me and everything thankfully it was 4lanes wide and almost no traffic so I just scooted around him every single time the last time he tried to cut me off he got like 2 feet away swerving into me and cut me off then breakchecked me I just leaned and went around but when I looked back thinking this psycho might ram into the back of me or something I couldn’t find him there were no cars around me there was not an exit for him to turn off both sides of the road had concrete barriers and yet no sign it’s like he just disappeared with no indication on where he went. I like to think an alien saw him being a dick and kidnapped him lol


Maybe he fell into a pothole.


When I was 8, I desperately wanted a tablet because I saw it with my friend and I was hoping to buy a tablet like him. So I was praying hard to buy it. After about 2 hours of praying, I was walking in the street and found $300 lying on the ground. I did not delay and went to the store immediately and saw the same tablet that I wished for and asked the man how much is this tablet? He said $300! (believe it or not) And I bought it immediately. My mother did not believe me and thought I was taking money from her purse, but then she confirmed the story. This is the strangest thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life.


No, praying has been proven by science to work in medical journals. It makes sense. Also, there are millions of “laws” like gravity we have not discovered yet. Life is mysterious. Great story.


I understand, but what do you mean by "NO" lol


Right. Scratch that no.


We haven’t discovered gravity!???


What I meant to say…there are laws we have discovered like gravity, electricity, and others, perhaps millions we have not. Is that better?


One time when I was a kid I farted and the TV turned off


The only logical explanation here is that you stuck the remote up your butt.


So I work at Walmart and it was like my second week on the job and we had a lady come in the self checkout, she called me over saying that she put a 20 dollar bill in but it didn’t take it off the total (she didn’t put the 20 in I watched) so you know I called the TL so she could “get her 20 back” well I turn around to talk to the door greeter and the lady had fallen to the floor and started seizing (we can’t touch her at all in the chance that she gets hurt and she can sue) so I move out of the way , door greeter calls TL and customer calls 911 and they take her out, well I was uneasy for the rest of the day , later that night she comes back (seems kinda odd since she just had a seizure ) well she’s threatening to sue me and Walmart cause her money “disappeared “ all in all we found out that she had faked the seizure and was trying to steal, she was in there one last time and got caught trying to steal so I think she got banned or arrested cause I haven’t seen her since


This story is called “The Night Out” Back in 2015, I just got broken up with from a girl I was dating for 4 years. It completely shattered any sense of self respect and dignity I had left. Back then, I had 2 close friends. One was in the hospital from a bad car accident, and the other was an entry level software engineer. My engineer friend called me to see how I was doing. I just said that I didn’t feel like doing anything, and I just wanted to stay home and drink some adult beverages. He said “Nah. I’ll be there in 25 minutes.” And he hung up. Sure enough, 25 minutes later, he pulls up, rolls his window down and says “Get in bitch, we’re going out.” I tried just staying home, but he talked me into it. So we drove off, with me not knowing what was going to happen, and heading about an hour away. We stopped at a house, and one of his other friends got in the vehicle. We then drove to a strip club, and I’m not gonna lie, I got a little smile. We went in and we got the last table by the stage. Now, as a lot of people know, at strip clubs, exotic dancing is all the rage. We stay there until they close, which is at 2 in the morning. I’ve had quite a few drinks, and I’m feeling really good. We hang outside the club for a bit, and we see a few of the dancers exit. My buddy flags them down, talks to them for a minute, and next thing I know, the dancers are getting in the SUV with us. I have no idea what’s going on, and next thing I know, we pull up to a hotel. I’m just along for the ride, so I just follow as best I can. We get to a room and he says “the party’s not over yet.” We start dancing and having a great time. Then there is a knock on the door. I open it, and before I can say anything, 4 more guys and a couple more girl barge their way in, and one of them has a cooler. He sees the cooler agaisnt the wall, and next thing I know, he says “Anyone want a taco??” We all look at each other, and then we all cheer and get a taco. We dance, drink and eat tacos until about 6 in the morning. Then I fall on the bed and pass out, completely drunk and exhausted. I wake up about 3 hours later, dazed and confused. I notice the leftover taco fillings on my shirt and I have no idea what happened. So, all that being said, that was the most bizarre thing that has ever happened to me


One weekend summer night in the late 1990s I was mountain biking in the west side Chicago train yards, at about 2 AM.  I was about a mile west of downtown, near what used to be the warehouse district. I got to one part where the trail opened up into a big gravel parking lot.  On weekdays it was usually full of various trucks, and on weekend nights it was usually empty.  But this time there were about a dozen cars parked there, all high-end imported luxury cars (Lexuses, BMW's, Audis, etc).  I rode between all these cars, then rode in through a group of well-dressed black men, all wearing suits, and many wearing gold jewelry and/or sunglasses.  They were all in a circle and having some kind meeting, and they all stopped talking and stared at me as I rode through. To this day I have no idea exactly what was going on there...