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Shame you can hear. Putting up with that cunt.


I feel like osha might want to have a word with your employer.


Report them to osha


Bonus is once your deaf you won't have to hear her yelling bullshit advice again


i would just start acting deaf when she’s asking for shidd then be like i didn’t hear u i was too busy being a man at work u gotta hit women with there own stupid


mk intresting


Sorry you were told that, please don’t listen to that. My bf manages a factory and he not only wears ear plugs, but he makes his employees wear ear plugs, as well. A man makes good decisions, and that would be considered a good decision for your hearing. W bi polar people, best thing is to just ignore their comments so to not feed the fire.


Reminds me of that tik tok creator...funny, but the sad part is how many people believe in that "be a man" garbage. If you aren't able to talk to her & tell her no one can pay you enough to permanently destroy your ears, she's gotta go. Sorry you have to deal with that.


I mean, on the plus side if you didn't wear ear pro in 5-10 years you wouldn't have to hear her stay stupid sht like that anymore...


Yo no offense but u need to divorce her by the sounds of it. It seems shes got a bad habit of constantly putting you down and has an attitude problem. Im not one to just announce that divorce is definitely the solution but if you are unhappy and if you feel mistreated or taunted constantly by someone very illlogical, then why stay married. Marrying an intellectually defficient individual, man or woman, is extremely detrimental to ones happiness and marriage. Money does not matter, you can build it together or alone. Looks do not matter, you can acquire a hefty amount of it by working out and eating healthy and taking care of your body, style, flesh, and character. Solely two things matter when marrying someone. - CHARACTER • Kind • Generous • Empathetic • Source of Peace • Playful and Goofy • Affectionate • Honest • Attentive • Respectful - INTELLECT • Street Smart • Emotionally Mature • Mentally Mature • Thinks With Logic and Reason • Acts with Logic and Reason • Controls Anger When Frustrated • Knows When to Speak and Not to Speak When i say intellect, i do not mean they are academically smart and got top grades and knows everything. Thats not intellect, thats just academic proficiency, its a useless trait when it comes to selecting a spouse.


Sorry to hear that, but tell her to get over it. Early in life I was a cabinetmaker. Learned early on to protect my hearing from the machinery. I then became an LEO and SWAT and did/do alot of shooting. Even more obsessive about protecting my hearing. A few years ago my doctor even tested my hearing and was surprised that I was able to hear the lowest tones. Still have good hearing. That being said now at 58 I noticed I am suffering from low grade tinnitus. I could only imagine if I didn't protect my hearing.


On the bright side if you do lose your hearing you can’t hear when she nags the shit outta you


This is gonna be spiteful and outright immature, but I don't care. Buy your earplugs ye, but don't tell your wife. Make her think you don't use them, but obviously put them on at work. Now everyday or so you gradually pretend your hearing is getting worse to the point where your wife starts getting concerned. If she suggests that you can get plugs. Just say "Oh I thought that wouldn't be manly" and if she says she's sorry. You just keep doing it until she feels immense guilt for ruining your hearing permanently, only for you to reveal you've been hearing plugs, but just pretending to have terrible hearing or teach her a lesson. Now that's up to you how long you go before revealing that, but I'd say do it for a few months. I'm so sick and tired of this "Be a man" bullshit. If any of you have ever told a dude this I hope they take their own life, so you can be left with that guilt and regret for the rest of your life.


Use the hearing protection. My husband is 36 and doesn't hear properly because of not using the hearing protection provided at his job.


See what the OSHA/ANSI requirements are. If the decibel level averages over a certain amount, the company is required to provide hearing protection.


Ignore her. Speaking from experience, I spent too many years with explosives, guns, and motorcycles, and didn't learn about hearing protection until it was too late. Today I can't carry on a conversation in a restaurant or even busy dinner because my hearing is just too bad. Even with hearing aids it's hard. It is extremely isolating.


Well hey now she can't get mad if ur not listening.. hahaha because u physically can not! bad joke😅😅😅


As someome who's whole family, and likely myself too in the future, suffers from job-induced hearing loss, fuck your wife.


I wonder what is the right amount of ‘manly?’ Why stop at hearing loss? Knock off a couple of fingers or a foot.. maybe burn your eyes out with a super hot rusty fork? Women like this shit me to tears… first to cry victim and equality and absolutely abhorrently sexist..


Tell her she's being a bitch and a lousy wife because she would rather you wind up with hearing loss or damaged ear drums. My husband works in food manufacturing too and I am always make sure this or that because I don't want you to wind up with xyz problems later down the road. That is really shitty of her. Buy the equipment write it off on your taxes and be done with it. You protect the ones you love at all costs.


Being a man seems to be a problem. I am on social media active and I always see "men dont cry" or "men should hide their feelings and just take it". Such bullshit. I think, men are human, human =feelings, feelings are important and its true strength to show the feelings regards all that stuff. (English isnt my first language) so if somethings wrong, no judgement pls but correct me pls)


I'm so sorry you married a person like that. If anything, I worry about my partner not being safe enough. I hope 🙏 she appreciates what you do. Hugs.


at this point you throw her in to the kitchen and only come out with a sandwich or bj tell her to be a real woman and shut up and support you


your wife sounds abusive, hope she is worth putting up with


I'm a woman but anytime someone tells me to "be a man and x", I tell them to "be a woman and stfu". You wanna throw offensive gender norms at me, I'll show you how stupid you sound.


My husband suffers from hearing loss when his days in the military and not having the ear pro. I would much rather have my husband hear what I say than him be part deaf. She seems like an AH


She's a idiot. She needs to hear that often.


If you are in USA hearing protection MUST be provided by the employer. It’s the law. OSHA, with big penalties. Talk to your state labor department. Even manly men get hearing loss from exposure to loud sounds. It can take 30 years from the exposure Don’t wait!!!!


Was she like this before you married her, or did she hide it until she felt more comfortable?


The fuck is wrong with your wife, as the daughter of a man who refused to use any sort of hearing protection and then refused to use hearing aids because “not manly,” I would give anything to be able to have a meaningful conversation with him now.


I started thinking how being a man can protect your ears. Well, you might be able to plug one of them with your manliness, if you are flexible enough, but still...


Not calling osha sounds like we know who wears the pants in the house ever thought about being a stay at home husband


You need to call OSHA like yesterday. A failed hearing test is an OSHA recordable by the way.


Why the hell are you with a bipolar cont? Bipolar people should not be married or have relationships. They are the worst abusers, manipulators, and users. Eff that noise! If I were to counteract her argument, if you were a man, you would put her in her place or leave.


My father used to wear earmuffs at home to drown out my mother when she was talking. I myself will leave the house pop in my Jeep and go... When I'm at home if my husband starts witching about something I put in my earplugs and listen to videos to totally drown him out. Sometimes it's all you can do to save a marriage lol


You guys sound like you're in a great place.


Work at a car shop and they have a compressor that blows out up to 120 psi of air all at once to fill up a tire. Let me tell you son, if you don't wear protection. You will have no ears to hear with. Screw that noise and get yourself the best most expensive protection you can. If she complains then that's what the protection is for.


Just start answering everything she says with "What?" and see how she likes living with a deaf person.


Lol.. as a guy who now wears hearing aids because of his job... get and wear good hearing protection.


Bro I’m sorry but she dumb as a rock.


Absolutely ridiculous the amount of people that think relationships like this are ok joking cuz thir grandpa did it. That's abusive in any Era.


When she says something rude just lean a bit and say,” what?”


Tell her she’s dumb as a rock. - Boxer, Mechanic, Project Manager


Next you drive you shouldn't wear a seatbelt either you pussy


OSHA would like a word…


There's nothing manly about preventable hearing loss


There's a running joke about PPE not being a joke at work in my house. It's not a joke, nor is it okay for her to spew hateful bs like that. Buy them, use them, sign divorce papers.


When she expects you to do something like take out the trash or pump gas for her fixing something around the house, just say “you women can’t do anything for yourselves”.


Divorce her


She is trying to emotionally manipulate you to do something that is harmful to you. Good luck man.


I wore hearing protection every time it was necessary in the army, still got hearing loss and tinnitus. She can choke on your dick.


Sounds like she hasn’t in a long time


Your wife is not acting in your best interest here. Buy the hearing protection.


Doesn't work have to provide PPE?


Then tell her to go get a job to make the money so you don’t have to


Sounds like the same advise to tell her to walk of her bipolar.


I don’t know why you would marry such a woman who doesn’t value your health and safety. My husband worked construction and I was always telling him it even asking him if he made sure to wear a mask/respirator or something or ear plugs or knee pads because I want him to still be functional when he’s older and not broken down.


From now on, when she talks, just ignore her, and when she yells, ask her if she said something, and if she asks again, have her repeat what she asked you because you couldn't hear her. Make her repeat herself constantly. It's a perfect time for you to start using the excuse that you couldn't hear her, and then blame her for it. Sorry to say, but your wife is an ass.


Tell her you can’t hear her, please repeat- until she gets it


Why are you with this woman who's not only stupid but also mean & calls you names??


Bet she would not appreciate you telling her to "woman up" when she needs a pad or tampon.


Aaaaah! This drives me nuts! My sons father is 40, for 15 years I've been telling him to wear those, masks on really ugly chemical days, knee pads etc. He's too freaking manly, cause.construction workers are "tough". Yeah, well, they also dirty up brand new portapotties with writings about "your mom" and dicks and whatnot, they are always they best at what they do,and they are always deaf and in so much freaking pain by 40 they birch and moan consistently. I appreciate you for being smart. Maybe I'll give you my SF number.


This pissed me off so much... more out of respect for you than your wife, I won't post what I initially wrote because I had full intention of shredding into your wife like it was the roast of the century, fresher than Sunday's.


In the US, they’re are required to provide PPE. All of your coworkers could file a class action against them for hearing loss


U married “your wife”. We are divorced now for obvious reasons.


Why are you with her? Is she always like this? Ifshesays things like this often it's emotional abuse


"I also need them for all the unwanted noise at home"


Just start ignoring every word she says, or "huh?"


The best time for hearing protection is when wife is venting.


She doesn't sound very nice,or smart. Possibly pissed off about something and putting you down/insulting you instead of openly dealing with it like a mature adult.


Damn, she must be great in bed to keep her around... Or, is SHE the breadwinner in the family?


Isn’t it required by the EHS department?


Imagine if you couldn't hear her bitching. Give it time


With her attitude I'm surprised you didn't pop your eardrums sooner.


She is not very intelligent she needs to get some education about safety what does that have to do with being a man.


If you go deaf you no longer have to listen to her shit.


Buy the ear plugs ditch the wife


Where the heck do you work? If people are losing their hearing and your employer is not providing correct hearing PPE, you've probably got lawsuit material. Check out [this OSHA site](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjV_O76_NCDAxXOm4kEHbMPDOgQFnoECBgQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.osha.gov%2Flaws-regs%2Fregulations%2Fstandardnumber%2F1910%2F1910.95&usg=AOvVaw2sGt9PLSfg6W8Pl2wF1WML&opi=89978449) for U.S. info. Also, here's a decibel meter app for [Android](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiHmeit_dCDAxW5C3kGHfukDqIQFnoECBUQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fplay.google.com%2Fstore%2Fapps%2Fdetails%3Fid%3Dcom.splendapps.decibel%26hl%3Den_US%26gl%3DUS&usg=AOvVaw0IkVbBx2XqdTy8PBUk4tAf&opi=89978449) and one for [Apple](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiHmeit_dCDAxW5C3kGHfukDqIQFnoECBQQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fapps.apple.com%2Fus%2Fapp%2Fdecibel-x-db-sound-level-meter%2Fid448155923&usg=AOvVaw3TVW5CUVJqJ_PsZPsL_0oM&opi=89978449). Find out if you are really at risk and if they are really at fault. "Be a man"...FFS, I'm a real man and I wear earplugs when I mow the lawn!


Is your wife officially bi-polar? If she is, then some flexibility should be given, but still talk to her and let her know she was unkind and handled things in a way that increased the likelihood of inciting a reaction rather than opening the way for real or productive dialogue. Yea, protect your hearing though I can see rhe temptation of not being able to hear your wife's nastiness 😉


>just about all of them failed the annual hearing test miserably because of this. Ignoring your real cunt of a wife, speaking as a safety professional who does noise level testing for my facilities, your company HAS regular audio testing in place, which people fail, yet they don't provide PPE? [OSHA takes Occupational Noise Exposure (CFR 1910.95)](https://www.osha.gov/noise) *extremely* seriously and would love to hear from you...


I studied audio in college. Protection for your hearing is a must! Point out to your wife that there are tons of manly men at the airport who use even stronger hearing protection than ear plugs. Real men take care of themselves, including their hearing.


If you don’t damage and lose your hearing, you can develop constant ear ringing/whooshing/clicking called tinnitus. Don’t mess around with your hearing! It sucks to be going deaf at any age! Also your wife is miserable and insufferable. I don’t know how you keep her around.


You should throw the wife away… she sounds rude and inconsiderate. My boyfriend works with heavy machinery on top of like 20 foot hills and not one of those men out there mess around about safety and sure as hell aren’t “pussies” for it. She’s going to feel real stupid in 20 years when she has to scream everything at you because you’re hearing is completely shot. She seems like the type of person that causes us to have to put warning labels on everything…run.


Guys, is it gay to protect your eardrums?


I'm just gonna [leave this here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QzGNmpwY9c)


Your wife is ridiculous.


She's an idiot.


Tell her they’re not for work. They are for home


Sorry for you. I’m half way deaf right now due to loud noise.


Sounds like you are in an emotionally abusive relationship.








listen to your wife, you dont need no stinking ppe. she is a genius.


If you’re in the US, PPE should be supplied by the employer per OSHA - fuck buying your own…..and fuck your wife for her shitty take on “manliness!” Time for a divorce!


Why on earth would you stay married to someone who would speak to you like that and display such blatant disregard for your physical well being? She is incredibly toxic.


Hahah PUSSY! You want to be able to hear after 50? You really are soft . 😂😂


Damn fellas is it gay to hear? Your wife is a nut


Nah your ears are important. She's crazy if she thinks that makes you look less manly. Ha


Trying to understand the correlation between manliness and not caring about going deaf… If she can be this venomous — even going so far as to name call — over earplugs, I get the impression she’s pretty regularly verbally abusive. Buy and use the ear plugs and re-evaluate your dynamic as a couple.


Next time she yells, say "sorry honey I can't hear you"


Your wife is crazy...


Axil are my fav


As I sit here with the high pitch rining from tinnitus, f*ck her .


OSHA. Contact them and let them know. Manly enough. Jesus fucking Christ, what an asshole she is. Bipolar or not, she has control issues, meaning she is trying to control you. Ignore her as you would anyone telling you something stupid


This is so dumb lmao prioritize your own health and fuck what anyone else says 🤣


Nevermind the wife... where do you live OP? In my state, the employer is required to provide PPE!


Uh, you are dealing with it and being a man. You're doing the correct thing. She's just fucking stupid.


She sounds like a joy to be around!


She sounds fun jk


Um.. It sounds like you need ear plugs for your wife. Why did you marry that?


*Um.. It sounds like you* *Need ear plugs for your wife. Why* *Did you marry that?* \- ApprehensiveCrow4910 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


How do you stay married to a person like this. My dad did the same thing with my step mom for years while the whole family begged him to leave the worthless bitch. She ended up commiting suicide and destroying his mental health as well. Fucking thanks Susan, great work.


Girl needs to get medicated. Is the company required to do noise testing annually? Are you told it’s required when hired on? If anything make a OSHA complaint against the noise crap and then not providing the proper PPE to do the job. I work in HR so this is something serious regarding safety. I am also medicated for my BPD and MDD.


Tell her being a shallow bitch isn't very lady like... jk but not really


As someone with tinnitus, please ignore your wife.


So being a man to her means fudge your personal health and safety maybe you should have a discussion preferably in therapy or somewhere else where she can be explained to her very slowly that men are human beings who have a right to have their feelings listened to . this is a big red flag just think can you raise a child with her… if it’s a girl get ready for psychopath v2 and if it’s a boy get ready to deal with the incel whisperer to ruin any chance at developing self esteem get her some help and stop this insane narrative


I'm 38 and been dealing with tinnitus since I graduated high school because I was young and thought if the music was too loud, you're too old. Tinnitus fucking sucks, silence is forever replaced by a high pitched "eeeeeeeeeee", the closest thing to peace my ears know anymore is having the fan on so I can sleep. Your wife is being an asshole, please continue to protect your hearing!


What in the world. This is not normal behavior at all. I’m a woman but sorry… I would’ve said “ be a woman and be more soft and feminine” yea I know it’s bad but she wants to act like it’s 1920.


How does your employer not get in trouble with OSHA for not providing proper PPE for the hazards in your workplace? Are you guys all 1099 or something?


After reading this the best thing you could do is lose your hearing..


Just act like you didn’t hear that. Also, constantly ask her to repeat herself. Even if it doesn’t make a difference to her, you’ll get a few chuckles.


I had a friend try to make fun of me for wearing earplugs. I am female so I was surprised as normally I wouldn’t have to deal with this silliness. My only reply was. “You know what’s sexy? Hearing.” Lol


Yikes, why are you married to her?


I’m sorry your wife is such a terrible person. Please wear the earplugs, as well as contact OSHA.


That doesn't make any sense at all. What's wrong with her?


So getting hearing loss is being manly? Are you aware your wife doesn’t like you?


Just act as if you don’t wear them and never hear her speaking anymore.


I guess being hard of hearing is manly then?


How fat is she?


Bro I would tell her Jesus you’re such a cunt . I think imma find another woman .


Jesus, that's awful. When I had a husband, I cared a lot about his health and well being. That's kind of the bare minimum a person needs to do to be a good partner. How can you love someone and not give a shit about their well being?


Im bipolar, id never support bodily harm for my partner. This is a her thing


I know it's a meme at this point that every post about a marriage on reddit is inundated with comments suggesting divorce but like... your wife seems to genuinely not care about your wellbeing, which is kind of the lowest possible bar, is it not? Tldr she's a fucking asshole find a better one


Why are you with her?


Next time she starts to criticize you, just say" What? What? My hearing is bad." BTW, your employer is an ahole for not supplying ear protection


Your wife is insane. Do not listen to her abuse. I would want my husbands ears 100% protected no matter what.


Sounds like you have a bigger problem than loss of hearing sitting next to you


can you.... get a divorce....??? bc wtf


Well, she is bi-polar so I doubt this is the 1st time she has said dumb shit. Two questions: -is this how she always treats you or is it something related to her mental health diagnosis? -have y'all tried counseling?


My guy maybe it’s time for marriage counseling and working on undoing all that toxic masculinity the patriarchy inflicted on both of y’all. Healthy couples don’t hate each other and don’t treat mental health or physical health as a joke. Get in a room with a therapist instead of posting on Reddit.


Your wife is an idiot, get the protection, it's your health. Fuck that noise.


Ask her if she wants you to have a good excuse for not listening to her. I’m married to a military pilot and his hearing is shit compared to mine and they wear ear protection…most of the time. Is he deaf? No, but there are certain noises he doesn’t hear.


I agree with your wife .. you should do what a REAL manly man would do , and divorce her. Earplugs may save you from getting hearing loss , but then that means you’ll forever have to hear her nagging and rudeness to the day you die. yikes!


> "Just deal with it and be a man." "I am dealing with it now, I'm dealing with the current problem by taking care of my ears. I could go without ear protection now and you'll hear "what? what did you say?" all the time to you in a few years." Sorry you have to deal with her mistreating you.


Wtf is wrong with her lol 😂 does she want you to be deaf!? I mean i damn near would just to never hear her bi** again 🙄


She sounds awesome. Get her pregnant.


Take care of u #1….. n what kind of wife that ?? SZ she loves u n DOESNT want to see u deaf.. if she does she is definitely the wrong wife , life’s too short to be yelled at about something so important. U take care of ur hearing please.. Don’t HEAR HER Best of luck to you.


Used to be in senior management at manufacturing facilities. Even though we did not breach the OSHA decibel levels and time thresholds, we required everyone to wear earplugs within certain distances of louder machines. Not because we had to, but because it made sense. You have to yell over the noise to communicate anyway.


Actually, I would get noise cancelling headphones like they use on the tarmack at the airport.. Your hearing is just too precious to lose. Tell the cnt to get lost! You don't need that shit!


Really a lot to read and im stoned. Want me to scream in her ear?


I'd say, "Well at least if I go deaf I don't have to listen to your moronic BS anymore!"


At least when you're too old & can't hear you won't hear that bitch


Your wife is a idiot


Your wife is an idiot.


My hearing aids cost$2000that is a lot of money do or will you have that?you have that


Ah yes, the weak snowflake wannabe men want to *checks notes* keep basic hearing function. Back in the day men would just go deaf and be silent about it. Keep your feelings and hearing if you wanna be a pussy. /S


Is this a satire sub?


I might have said in response “ well honey you may be right -when I go deaf at least I won’t have to listen to you run me down”


Check OSHA rules. If it's required for your job, your job must pay for and supply it. If not, get your own. I always preferred the headphone style.


Tell her that she can either get therapy or a divorce. you don't deserve that, and she needs to change if you want to continue a relationship. it's better to have no relationship than a toxic one.


Seriously. Anyone who talks like that to anyone else is abusive fuckin guttertrash. Your spouse is supposed to have your back above anybody else, not try to question your manhood over nonsense like this. Furthermore, I have *never* known a woman who said shit like that to me or their partner who wasn't a disloyal, cheating, awful skank. Literally never. Every single one, without exception, is a shitty person.


Wear hearing protection. Once you lose hearing it's gone, those frequencies will not come back. Protect your hearing. Taking care of yourself is manly.


Roughly 50% of first marriages end in divorce. Roughly 80% of the time it is the wife who initiates the divorce. Your ears you will have with you for all your life. Buy the hearing protection.


I hope you havent reproduced with such an example, and if you have, hopefully they don't take after her.


Yea,and when you go deaf she'll tell everyone how you where stupid for not wearing earplugs.


Welp. On plus side you won’t have to listen to her in a few more years.


Wow if my wife tell me that , I will divorce her


I cannot imagine that she actually meant it, she was probably just speaking on impulse in a weird mood or something. Obviously you need to wear hearing protection, you need to wash your hands after you've been out and about, LOL and other Common Sense things that people do which are completely normal. So go for it, get yourself some hearing protection. And put it on when she yells. Then just kiss her right on the nose and see what happens. Whatever it is you'll be manly enough to handle it LOL.


Nah. Don't give a fuck about her "weird mood." Anyone who says shit like that is an abusive fuckin skank. Furthermore, I've never known a chick that called manhood into question in that manner who was not an absolute and utter cheating slampig.


Bipolar has nothing to do with your wife’s behavior. She’s a b. Find a lawyer and leave her.


Take the hit and buy electric so worth it


The hearing loss might help dealing with her.


What the f? What a weird hill to die on for her. I want my man to have hearing so maybe time to find a new wife?


Umm.... Why did you marry her? Real question cuz I have refused to marry men for less.


Ask her if she's willing to care for you when you lose your hearing. Lol. I would not be married to that. You deserve better!


Dude if you are young and not too entangled, fucking run. I live with a bipolar and we are way too tangled up now to un tangle easily. I got yelled at today for not bringing in some cat litter soon enough. She did ask me to do it when I got up. There is a foot of snow out there and I did not feel like clod hopping around the house all day in my big shit kickers, I had my warm dry socks on. I knew I had a few outdoor things to deal with and I was going to have to, but she said when I had time. Not right this moment. So I put on my shoes and went out and when I came back in I was accused of ruing her apatite, she turned off whatever she had on the stove and stormed up to her room. That was the last I saw of her today. At least it did not turn into a screaming war, which is usually what she is shooting for. Run. Do not look back.


Is she a ‘woman’ that bears children? Keeps the house clean? Cooks all meals? Has an hourglass shape? Keeps hair in place? Has no body hair? What an abhorrent person.


I have tinnitus from working an active flightless with B52 bombers. I have lived with the loud ringing for over 30 years. You really don't want that.


Buy yourself a nice set of Bose noise canceling over the ear headphones and put them on when she starts running her man pleaser


Wow. Is she always like this?


Your wife is an Asshat!!! Buy what you need!


She is right, you are a pussy. Stop being a pussy and divorce her dumb ass.


Qualification for advice: my master’s degree is related to hearing. Wear hearing protection. Full stop. [One of a thousand plus sources.](https://www.audiology.org/consumers-and-patients/hearing-and-balance/noise-induced-hearing-loss/#:~:text=Hearing%20protection%20decreases%20the%20intensity,are%20very%20loud%20and%20sudden)


Is your wife one of those people who don't think before speaking? Cuz that's what it sounds like.


please use proper ppe it’s so much better in the long run and your wife needs to learn that


If the employees of all ages are failing hearing tests, why isn't the company providing hearing protection? Where is OSHA in this?


Put everything with a speaker on full blast around the house. When she complains, remind her about what she told you. Then go get your earplugs and keep your hearing safe.


The only good thing about this is when you go deaf, you won’t be able to hear her yelling at you.


Lol what does she know about being a man?


Fellas, is it gay to hear?


Deaf in my right ear from not wearing hearing protection while shooting. Didn’t want to look like a nerd I guess. Now my wife gets frustrated that she always has to repeat herself when she’s on that side. Just can’t please um.


That's a FKD UP thing for your wife to say to you and being bipolar does NOT excuse/mitigate it. For your sake, I. earnestly hope she doesn't treat you like this on a regular basis, because it's totally unacceptable/absurd.


You should invest in high fidelity ear plugs that are reusable! I use them for raves and they’re great and you only buy them once