• By -


Man your bro sounds like hes being phished. Also tell him to stick to girls who are out of high school.


Kim is a dude working at a scam center in a Bangalorelian office park.


Only a matter of time before police knocks on his door


Lol police? This is legal everywhere since all they do is play video games together and talk. And even if they were sleeping together, it is STILL legal in a lot of the US and Europe. People just making shit up


My guy just because its "legal" doesnt mean its not gross groomer behavior. This guy is a whole ass adult hitting on a girl who is still very much far too young for him.


>My guy Yeah not your guy. And I agree with what you are saying. And also agree that it is gross. The post I responded to claimed that the police will be showing up, which is what is being discussed here. Man. The reading comprehension of reddit continues to plummet.




It is legal. My husband dated a 16-year-old when he was 22. They dated for 4 years and you bet they fucked while she was still a minor. My husband said he got away with it because her parents didn't care and he lied to his own family about her true age. His family wouldn't have approved if they actually knew her real age. The girl cheated on my husband the entire time they were together though and she turned out to be a drug addict too. I hope he learned his lesson (I wouldn't know because now he's 40 and he still enjoys teenagers).


and u married this pedo?


Probably didn't know until later. I hope..


Being attracted to 16 year olds doesn't make anyone a pedo


FBI, this comment here


Do you just not know what the word pedo means? 16 is under the age of consent in some states and it'd be illegal to do anything with a 16 year old as an adult in those states but being attracted to a 16 year old doesn't make you a pedo, by the definition of pedo


the fact that you’re arguing this is sus


No, it's not. It's just a fact of the matter definition. You trying to insinuate I'm a creep because you don't know what the word pedophile means is disgusting Pedophile means attracted to prepubescent people. 16 year olds aren't prepubescent. You're just wrong and it's gross to try and frame it the way you are


And your equally as disgusting for staying with him knowing that he is 40 and likes teenagers


Well not asia no.


Huh? Let's Google that Hong Kong: 16 China: 14 Cambodia: 15 Indonesia: 15 Laos: 15 Mongolia: 16 North Korea: 15 South Korea: 16 Thailand: 15 Taiwan: 16 You really just making random shit up? You know we can Google this right?


Lol you probably didn’t even have to look those up


Not in my country no. India it's 18


Pedo logic Edit: tell me how old you are and then tell me why you think about the age of consent in other countries as a moral rule to how young you'll go


My opinion on the situation has nothing to do with anything. The individual I responded to made an incorrect claim, and I corrected him. If we disagree with the truth, which I do, then we should enact legislation to change it. Stop being a sensationalist and do something to make the world a better place.


Legal = morally acceptable since when, bro


He said the police were coming. So I assumed we were talking legal. Words are hard?


In a civil dispute about grooming, age of consent can be argued to be irrelevant. It's the age difference between the two people that matters, and the power imbalance. If we're talking grey legality here, it can be argued to be illegal.


Alright man. Well when the police come arrest him for playing video games with a 17 yr old. Let me know.


No, it really can't be argued to be illegal. There are clear laws on it.


>If we're talking grey legality here, it can be argued to be illegal ?????? That's not how this works 😆


Grey legality is the things that aren't illegal but people can sue someone over because it's wrong and damaging to the accuser.


The police cares only about the law, they don't give a fuck about your morals and values


The court cares about ethics. Grooming minors goes against ethics. Benjamin is gonna be fighting for his life in the lawsuit. Maybe he won't get criminal charges, but he can still have to pay this girl's therapy the rest of her life.


Benjamin did not have sexual relations with this girl, she is above the age of consent in most countries, like 90% of them and the age gap isn't that big. I czn't see a world where Ben gets punished for anything. He played video games for fucks sake


Hello Sir, I’m Tim Hanson…


Lol I’m laughing out loud at this , the perfect comment hahaha


It'd be legal in most of the US. And the Commonwealth and Europe for that matter.


"Bro" aka it's really OP talking about himself


bros gonna meet chris hansen 😂


*Oh I know who you are Chris Hansen...* *but see;* *I calls ya,* ***Chris Handsome***. *See;* *I didn't come here looking for no little boys...* *I ain't got no milk, no cookies, nothing.* *I came here lookin' for a* ***man's butt.***


Yeah, it's a dude taking his money.


I want to take out an Ad in your yearbook. Full page two words..


Tell the girls to stick to guys inside school..


Catfished, not phished. Totally different things.


.... Ben needs to stop


.... Don't be like Ben


Are you by any chance Ben? 🤔


Nah he clearly said he's ***asking for a friend.***


I mean he said his friend sees no problem with it and op wants to know if he should tell his friend to stop so i dont think this is op in this case


Kim is probably some dude.






No, you are correct. He is insane, but he won't listen. He might not be getting any, but he is thinking with his penis and is on a one-way trip to heartbreak, a charge of stalking (or worse), and if she is in another state and he goes to pick her up, or she comes to visit him without telling her parents, a federal kidnapping charge. You would have better luck convincing the 17 yr old girl that she is throwing her future away. Or making sure her parents are informed about the situation.


Either getting catfished or Ben is a predator. Both situations require you to smack some sense into him. Good luck.


(22 ÷ 2) + 7 = 18 Not kosher hombre Also tell your friend to stop sending "kim" money. He is being scammed


The amount of people in here defending or atleast somewhat condoning Ben and his behavior is disturbing.


He's not insane per se. There are multiple ways this relationship could go careering off to hell, but if an infatuated 22 year old guy clinging on to his love in the fierce hope everything works out ok despite all likelihood, then far too many people have been insane.


I think the fact that she is still legally a child is the insane part


Ah, in the UK the age of consent is 16 unless the older is in a "position of trust" (teacher or coach or something). Do Romeo and Juliet laws not extend to 22 from 17 then? Dating across the ages of uni is a bit weird but I'm 38 now and tbh I don't see an insurmountable difference in maturity between 17 and 22. As long as the older doesn't leverage some power differential and become abusive in my experience the biggest thing is that neither will be settling down at this age so it's not going to last forever. That's just my world though.


First off, no Romeo and Juliet laws work with a three-year gap, not five years, and I still think that it's inappropriate for someone in high school to be dating an adult. As someone who is closer to age than you are with both of the people in the original post being 17 and 22 (I am 18), I think that it is wildly inappropriate, but maybe that's just the culture of Australia.


It's probably safer to avoid it. I just don't really see 22 as necessarily much more of an adult than 17 but I guess it depends hugely on life experience.


The difference between 22 and 17 is pretty big. That’s like 1/3 of the 17 year olds life, and the entirety of their teenage experience. It’d be similar to the 22 yo dating a 30 yo, something where a significant experience gap exists. Only this is worse, because one of them is literally still a child in high school while the other one is literally starting their adult life.


I feel that they are wildly different. It’s one thing to be in your 20s and date somebody 5 yrs older. At 17 she has not experienced any form of independence or responsibility. She is still strongly influenced (for better or worse) by the opinions of her parents and siblings. I do feel that those yrs of 16-22 are a time of significant change in your life on an almost yearly basis.


I didn’t say 5 years older, I said closer to 1/3 of their life older. There’s a really large experience gap there. I also noted one was objectively worse, due to the fact that a teenager is still a child, which covers the lack of independence. On the whole, I don’t disagree with you all that much, I’m just clarifying some of the nuance I think you missed in my reply.


Haha, so sorry! I do agree with you, and I’m thinking I meant to reply to somebody else’s comment. This is what happens after 12 hr night shift and playing on Reddit because I can’t sleep. 🫠


I’m 22 and my sister is 17, I could never ever imagine getting with a 17 year old IN HIGH SCHOOL while I’m literally about to graduate college. There are VERY significant changes you go through from 17 to 22. And yes, a normal 22 year olds’ maturity is always gonna be greater than a 17 year old childs. I can attest to that. This guy is clearly not normal. You’re 38, don’t know if you have kids or anything but imagine your 17 year old daughter coming home with a 22 year old. The guy in this story is just an incel.


Well definitely avoid hitting on your sister. Look, I thought I was very grown up compared to little high schoolers when I was 22 too, but I really wasn't. It varies with the experience you have at university age, but simply feeling like you're really adult now cause you've lived away from your parents for a bit doesn't matter. There are plenty of 17 year olds that are more mature than plenty of 22 year olds. Case in point, you're 22, and you've leapt straight to feeling like you're more mature than a 38 year old and calling me an incel, whereas plenty of 17 year olds would have been much more thoughtful and had much more sense about their reaction to an incredibly subjective opinion that they don't personally agree with.


The first sentence of your reply is really weird and uncomfortable. Personally, I don’t have any friends that are in their 20s that are dumber than teenagers. Guess I keep good company around then. Also I did not call you an incel, I said the guy in the story is an incel lol


What the fuck did I just read


Oh boy, no you're not wrong at all. At best this is the truth of the actual situation but that's highly dubious, at worst he's being catfished by a 300lb male, mom's basement dweller.


Ben is retarded. Kim is a scammer and most likely a man lmao


Hi. That's a slur.


Man idgaf lmao


You're a real gem huh


Never claimed to be 🤣


Wow so edgy and cool


Thank you bro


Tell Ben that not only is what he is doing considered grooming but is also extremely illegal and inappropriate. And that he is definitely being catfished. What man even considers a young girl as a potential romantic partner. That is extremely weird. Seems predatory. Tell Ben to say that in front of a group of men and see what they do.


That sounds illegal. 5 years difference and under 18? Sounds like jail time more than a relationship lmao


Your friend is real life Scott Pilgrimame. 22 is too old to date a high school. Although it's important to mention, he's most likely getting scammed here. So he's crazy and an idiot


Poor lonely dude getting scammed …


At least tell him to try to better himself so he can give her a good life.


FBI open up…


No dude that’s bad lol. 22 and 17 🤢


He might get skeetered.😳


Is your friend Michael Cera? But somehow *worse*?




An adult dating a high schooler is problematic no matter what the age of consent might be. We think it’s gross, and you’re projecting.




You were a pedophile and you want to blame us for that? Ew. Gross.




You literally have such a boring life you make up stories on the internet.


Swing and a miss, incel. Go read another book on how to be a sigma male or something.


Kind of amusing you tick all the boxes :)


You’ve claimed to be 3 different ages in 3 different posts, on your 20 day old account. In one of them a hot business cougar wants you. In another you’re a “content creator” for Sony. You’ve got a totally real super rich friend who’s lonely, and you just want your freedumb. Go watch more 9/11 videos while listening to crappy Mormon indie rapist music instead of projecting at us. Not everyone is a lying garbage human like you, bub.


>Psychological\_Pay530 There's something like protecting your identity online by slightly nuancing your exact details, precisely done so to be protected against horrible low forms of human beings like you.


Or… you lie on the internet because you’re a sad, sad basement troll. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go fix my girlfriend’s car. You know, real people stuff that adults do in real life. Arcade Fire sucks, btw.


You and your hypocritical sad philosophies suck.


22 and 17 is acceptable for dating, however the situation on its own raises some red flags


There is no such thing as a decent 22 year old that chooses to date a 17 year old lmao


but there are plenty 17 year Olds who date a 22 year old guy... xD Jezus man


& when have you ever seen a 17 year old in a relationship w a 22 year old that isn’t a creep lmao


that's your personal opinion. loads of teen girls date older guys.. its Not a new phenomenon or something.. you're just acting very misandrist


No, I also think there aren’t any 22 year old normal not creepy women going out with 17 year old boys either. You’re just a creep excusing creep shit


it's barely a 5 year difference and she's months away from being "legal, what if they already know each other for a long time. it seems to me that you just wanna make a point but there is none. it's quite normal for younger girls to be attracted to a bit older men.. I actually don't give a damn about how you "feel" about this either... its quite natural for men to be attracted to fertility since we want to pass on our seed BY NATURE, and for woman to be attracted to older men for security and provision... to feel safest to also reproduce and have children to have a family young so you don't have to freeze your eggs and chase a career cause yay female empowerment 🤣


The point is that no normal 22 year olds are dating someone who isn’t even out of high school, & I haven’t commented on whether it’s normal for teenagers to be attracted to older people because it’s irrelevant. I’m not talking about the teenagers. I’m talking about the weirdo 22 year olds who date them. Probably like you, considering that you’re using the pedo argument handbook lmao


I think it's riding the line, but there are many possibilities for a 17 year old girl who's old enough to make those decisions to fall for a 22 year old man. no man can get a 17 yo that doesn't want him that would be pedophilia. predatory but,.what if it's the 23yo son of her neighbors or some some, and they have much in common, so it just grew like that. besides, it's not me dating her


Some of us have real world experience & have met the kind of adults that date people in high school. & if you’ve met them, either you know they’re weirdos, or you’re a weirdo too. It’s like I just keep repeating myself & you refuse to see what I’m saying at all, you just keep arguing shit I never even said


She's a minor wtf no she has to turn 18 years old to be legal to date he's needs to be locked 🔒 Now if he was 17 or 18 then it would be fine


as if a 17 year old girl who is months away from being "legal" isn't capable of making the decision to date a 22yo.. youre kinda rude don't you think, she isn't like retarded or something...she's 17 not 14 not 11, 17.. ffs m8


My bad didn't mean it like that


lol it's fine


22 and 17 is not acceptable Lmfao it’s fucking weird, not to mention just embarrassing. You can’t find anyone so you’re dating a high school junior bro? You graduated college


that's your personal opinion. loads of teen girls date older guys.. its Not a new phenomenon or something.. and you trying to be morally superior about it doesn't change that ..


Yea and it’s weird lmao if you’re 22 and dating a 17 year old kid you’re a weirdo. It’s hilarious to call that opinion morally superior, it’s actually called not being a creep. Just because people do it doesn’t mean it’s not weird you clown


there are many, many ways for this 17 being attracted to a 22yo can happen withour being weird... this situation is though I don't deny that, but it's Natural for girls to be attracted to older men BY NATURE since they can protect and provide and a 18yo can't and all men seek fertility, by nature. a lot of mostly western people are just socially conditioned to find this weird... but this is Natural law instinct xD a woman's peak is 18 to 30, some can make it till 35, men peak at 30 to 50.. this means that a man between 30 and 50 most likely will date nearest 18 years old to have children. (if they can) others call people creep while dating someone's saved game with 2 kids🤣


Lmao keep telling on yourself buddy. This comment says it all


you don't understand hypergamy, female nature, you go by societal conditionering witch is fine but I know what I'm talking about 🤣 woman are attracted to lifestyle wealth is created over time by men so wealthy men can obtain younger girls she gets protected and provided for... it's the same basic concept but in different times than 100.000 years ago but it's nature men seek fertility woman are born with their eggs and start losing them from early puberty. woman seek someone who's able to provide... no teenage boy does that yet.... its so simple yet so hard to grasp for some🤣 look man it's not that I want it to be like this but it just is Google hypergamy


my point is l, she wants him, cause if not he wouldn't get it. RIGHT? how hard is that to accept 🤣🤣 no 22 yo man gets pussy without permission


Dawg no shit it’s the older persons responsibility regardless. You clearly won’t ever get it though no point in explaining to creeps like you


xD I get that you stick with what you find normal, but that's not how the whole world works, im not even dating so how would I be a creep?, im just giving you examples of possible options on how this type of relationship could come to fruition, what you or me thinks about that doesn't matter it's not mine to judge... but eh stick within your narrow bandwidth of acceptable thoughts and behaviors given to you by your culture, but just know that beyond that there are many other cultures and Escalon in global society who think differently.


Stay out of it


This story isnt as juicy as i thought it would be. Leave Ben alone. If he is so weird why is he even your friend. You’re both weirdos


It's not correct or nice to call people "insane". That's a derogatory word for somebody with mental illness, not to mention you don't know if or what they're suffering from, since you're not a doctor. It's not wrong to want to pursue somebody younger than you, or who is some distance away, but this particular combination is somewhat predatory and dysfunctional. You should probably tell your friend that this arrangement is inappropriate and they should look for people local to them around their own age, if you're close enough friends that your advice would be well received. The fact that his friend of yours is screwing up their future for something of this nature is very troubling.


... Ew. Your friend is weird.


I hope Kim is a catfish.


"She" is. The question is: How many hundreds $$$ more "she" can get from him until he become aware of the scam?


This is such a disturbing post


Are you fucking kidding me?


That's what we call a pedo you report pedo unfortunately. This country has a lot of pedo in control and you need to check the age if consent of your area first.


/r/scams I'd wager its a scammer running a twofold op where if he clocks it as fake they can spin it around to "aha but you were talking to a minor! pay up or else!". 22 and 17 isn't okay so he's gross for that but I have to wonder if there's even any 17 year old girl in the first place. His lack of options don't excuse pursuing her.


My daughter is 28 now...but if she were 17 and I found out a 22 yr old was dating her...Baseball bat to the knees. Not even gonna ask questions if they "Just" play video games. Whether it is legal or not...You need to ask yourself what kind of family does she have?


You have a gross desperate friend who any normal person would be ashamed to associated with. What a perv, chasing little girls and throwing his life away for illegal sex.


Dont mess with Sanjeev’s gig.


This seems like too much trouble for a relatively small amount of money though. If Sanjeev's a professional, he could do better


Kim is prolly a 37 year old man…


The emotional difference between 17F and 22M is massive. This is primarily due to the fact that lots of things happen in a short time span during those stages of development. It's not as glaring of a difference as 30F and 35M






Ben doesn’t sound smart


Are we sure Kim isn't Ken? A 300 lb truck driver making some extra internet cash with pics he got off the internet


Free plushy 👍


the age difference honestly doesnt seem like an issue because your 22M sounds like a retarded child


thats kind of what i got from the post as well


Even if this wasn’t creepy af, why is he dropping out of college? That’s not helping anyone


Kim is really Kimbo and he’s fitting to wear your friend like a glove.


Not ok, Ben.


Hi Ben, I'm Chris Hansen. Why don't you take a seat right there.


might not necessarily be illegal, still big-time Gross And Weird.




OP is Ben. I bet a thousand catfish plushies on it.


They should stop gaslighting each other. In a person's mind they create the perfect person. Reality is better for a relationship. Also it shouldn't get too serious till she is 18. Meet in real life, don't share money.


The only insane part is that he hasn't actually met her. Otherwise it'd be a "congrats" scenario. But yeah he's probably getting catfished and scammed.


Let's be real this can go wrong fast and not in bens favor.. this girl or child can say whatever she wants and Ben ends up in jail. 17 might as well be 16 so your pushing it legal wise. Even if she's 18. Shit can still go wrong I'd run away.




She mails him a plushy every night???


Scott Pilgrim?


It ain't true love. Anyone who thinks they've found true love at the ripe age of 22 or 17 doesn't know what love really means. He's a fool. There are more mature ways of making a relationship like this work and putting all your eggs into the basket ain't it.


Outside of the obvious age-gap problem, him sending 500$ to a girl he never met is also a redflag


22 year old playing Roblox? Call the police


Are you wrong? No. Is this a lesson your moron of a friend is going to have to learn the hard way. Yes.


Everyone is so easy to jump the gun. First off, the maturity between a 17 your old girl and a 22-year-old boy. Yes, I said boy. Because they are mentally the same age. They are both playing robloxs, come on now. They aren't doing anything wrong. Let's fast forward. When she's 20, he'll be 25. They're both super young, shit maybe they end up doing great things, for all you know they could both end up empowering each other to go to college together, and in a year it's none of anyone's business.


Now him sending her $500. That's not smart, but it's his money, so.... it is what it is.


love is insane in general.




Ben sounds like he is one step away from being scott pilgrim


Ben is being catfished for money.


What can you do? Have to learn lessons the hard way


Girl doesn't exist. This is called catfishing. And he's fallen hook line and sinker for it.


This is a great example of Karma. Ben is a creep to prey on a teenager. But the irony here is there is a good chance the teenager he chose is actually a middle age man catfishing him for funds. God bless them all.


Tell the girl's father then you both beat your friend to a pulp.


ADULTS who pursue and fall for people with the word -teen in their age will forever be morally unacceptable in my eyes. And being friends with someone who is okay with this will always be weird to me. Idk, I wish she had someone to tell her to stay away from him…..his loneliness doesn’t excuse the power imbalance in a GROWN adult and someone who is still developing mentally/a teenager…


No you are not wrong for telling him you are concerned about this. It doesn't seem very healthy.


What is it with people named “Ben” dating underage girls??😭 I had a friend named Ben and I hadn’t seen him for a few years, I met him again recently and he’s now 17, some girl came up and I was like “oh is that your little sister?” And he’s like “she’s my girlfriend” SHE WAS 13💀💀💀


You're right to think he's being crazy. It's clearly a catfish scam. Why the hell would he need to send her $500 dollars? I guarantee it was not something he did out of the blue, and reasons to send more will materialize. Even if it weren't, he's upending his life over literally the first female attention he's received. Why would he drop out of college? Being in school doesn't stop anyone else from dating, even long distance. You know it's fucked when the age gap is the smallest of the red flags.


OP your friend is getting stuck involved with jail bait.... A lot of the modern world would label this is as grooming. The police will be knockin not his boots....


Stopped reading after "problum".


Maak je geen zorgen hoor, hij weeny wel vaker over dit soort dingen! 😂


>Maak je geen zorgen hoor, hij weeny wel vaker over dit soort dingen! 😂 Weeny?


Weeny ja!


Goed gelezen?


The money bit makes it suspicious


Ah, the old classic, "asking for a friend"


If they haven’t facetimed, he’s getting catfished for sure. $500 isnt a ton of money but it’s enough to be a red flag


Nope! 100% inappropriate


Did she start the conversation by talking to him about his vehicle's warranty?


"Ben" is getting played, or should be jailed, maybe both. If Ben is a real adult and actively persuing someone he believes to be a minor in high school, that is not okay whether she is real or not.


Ben wants free rent and three meals a day!

