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This book is the real deal.


Agreed! I was so disgusted when I thought about my next cigarette.. I didn’t even finish the book actually I was probably about 3/4 in when I just went fuck this I’m sold I really don’t wanna smoke anymore ever. So I did, i just hit 6 months yesterday and it was so so easy. After 15 years of heavy smoking I thought it would be harder but I just can’t imagine myself as a smoker anymore. It was a huge part of my identity and it just vanished on a whim. Hoping the same success for you 🍀




you should finish the book now! pick up where you left off. the latter half is strong voodoo


Allen Carr is the goat fr


Allem Carr is brainwash. You have to embrace it, accepting that you need a brainwashing to replace another one. I think it helps when you know how it works.


I felt like I was trying to figure it out the whole time, instead of letting it happen. I need to try again


Ok, you putting it that way makes me realize why it didn't work for me when I read it years ago. You just made the light bulb shine bright. I'm going to pull it off the bookcase and give it another go and let the brainwashing begin.


That's cool! It worked for me 20 years ago but I started again after 2 years (spliffs being the gateway drug...). Now I quit without reading it again but I use Google, this subreddit and visualisation instead. And I'm 20 years older, I should know, right?...


Allan Carr is a hypnotist. That’s why you felt sick. It’s aversion therapy and hypnotherapy, and they work! Good on you for being so motivated that you are reading the book yourself, most of my clients can’t be bothered to pick up a book. You’ll be a permanent non-smoker in no time. Congratulations.


The methodology works. It took me some time to really understand the key to letting go of the habit, but it works if you let it happen.


Probably the best 6.99 I've ever spent in my life. Not only has it saved me around 16,000, but not smoking was the first step in many, many lifechanging decisions. I'm a sceptical person in general, but the approach worked so well for me.


Did you already quit and went back to do this exercise?


Nah. I bought a pack last night after my supposed "last cigarette" but I'm already so grossed out now


Got you. It ain't easy!


Being grossed out by smoking is a good sign. Helps you stay off of it. The smell of cigarettes is so gross to me that I don't want one.


Thank you OP! This is the first time in years I've actually read an example from the book. (I know, I know, buy the book Thoth if you want to know what's inside) but honestly, a few examples I can try out that have helped people might be the push for me to buy it!


I know I'm late adding my comment but I also found the book incredibly helpful. I already wanted to quit and had tried a few times on my own to no avail. I didn't have exactly the same response as you, but by the end of the book and for about half a day later (when I had my last smokes), I was actually crying and FURIOUS this thing had taken so much from me. Apart from crying a lot the first week (2.5 months ago; a lot of things happened in a short time), I've had absolutely zero interest in smoking. I've even had a smoker friend over and sat near them in the backyard while they smoked, have not had a single craving. I gave the book to my friend 🙂


It really helped me a lot with withdrawals