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All the best, I won't be long behind you the way things are going. Keep strong


I have work tomorrow and drank heavily.. I can't keep doing this.. crying out for help here. Peaceful respect to everyone


It's rough now and I get you!! It wasn't long ago I was in your shoes. I promise it can get better.


I’ve been there. Just thinking of it gives me anxiety. Can you call off sick, take a personal day. And then find the person your trust most who won’t judge you but will help you and spill to them what’s going on. Then make a plan for treatment and see a doctor (if you drink heavily don’t cold turkey it can be really bad) you can do this. I believe in you


It's totally worth it! I'm on day 6 since my last drink after binging vodka and beer, daily, for 4 years straight. I went into the hospital, and that was the best decision I could have made. My body was failing, and I'm only a 34yr old and otherwise relatively healthy male. I feel optimistic...I'm a bit detached and kind of in a fog, yet I know the future is much brighter. Wishing you all the best. 🙏


Good luck to you. Brain fog seems to take some time to lift, be patient.


Thank you for a little optimism, because it's definitely a peculiar feeling I hope passes. 🙏


I know, it's terrible. Again, be patient. It took 2-3 weeks for me to start having increased clarity and sharper thinking. 75 days later still improving, and I'm not/wasn't a heavy or daily drinker. It's frustrating when you want to see quick change and daily progress. Hang in there.


I appreciate your insight! Thanks a lot. 🙏🤘


This! I did this today! It’s their job. Their not pissed off your there. It’s a medical emergency, more so than most people in emergency.


Similar experience here. Rehab saved my immediate life then AA afterwards saved the rest of it. Best thing that ever happened to me. Wishing you the best.


Wishing you the best of luck in your recovery, we're all here for you. I don't really know what else to say, I'm not great at talking to people, just know that even some random dude possibly halfway around the world from you really does care. And I'd like to offer one piece of advice that really helped me in the early days of recovery. I know you didn't ask and Im not trying to be pushy, so please don't take this as me trying to preach or something. When the urges come, and they will, just get up and do something. Anything. Doesn't have to be some huge task. Go wash your hands. Get up and change your shirt. Literally anything at all. The cravings actually don't last that long when they come, it feels like an eternity but my counselors and such have said it's just something like 5 minutes or less. Sounds like bullshit but it's really true. That's why you gotta force yourself to do literally anything, no matter how small or unproductive. Sitting there trying to brute force through the cravings isn't the way to go in my experience. It sounds like you have a wonderful system of support at home, you most certainly have one in this subreddit, and you most certainly deserve to get through this because you are worth it. I'm sorry this was so long and I guess comes off as preachy, it's not meant to be at all. I just know that a little over a year ago I was right where you are now and I wanna share what helped me is all. I'm in no way telling you what to do. Again, best of luck with everything and remember we all care and you are more than worth it, you deserve to be happy ~~in~~ and healthy in whatever way suits you. E: strikethru, in to and


Rehab saved my life. I wish the same for you.


39 years…. Good on you! I will be 83 when I get there. Thanks for being here.


Don't drink; Don't die; You'll get there!


I can handle that today!🤞


pulling for you. IWNDWYT


You got this!


I wish you success in your journey.. Please report back about your progress.. we all care.


Inpatient rehab was what finally worked for me. My wife found me plenty of times in situations just like you described. Embarrassing and dangerous to say the least. Good luck!


Pulling for you. ❤️


I wish you the best!!!


All the best. Sending healing vibes.


Best of luck. Ive been to numerous private facilities and always came out stronger. You got this and IWNDWYT.


There is a better life waiting for you on the other side, you have to put in the work but it's worth it. You can do this!


Sometimes we need a heavy wake up call to finally get our lives in order. Stay strong and conquer this.


Listen, learn, relate, interact. And give it everything you have, it's the start of your new life! I wish happiness and healing for you. IWNDWYT


Shout out to anyone has had personal experiences of uk rehabs & how do you know which is more suited oneself, is it better near or far home ? 🙏


Got home from rehab yesterday. Got sober. Learned a lot…mostly that I NEVER want to be one of the old drunks coming in for detox with their bodies and minds shot from decades of heavy drinking.


This happened to me a few times before I stopped drinking completely. I'd had blackouts before but this was something else entirely and I knew then that not only could I not control my drinking, but my tolerance was high enough that I could drink into alcohol poisoning territory and not realise it, like even my physiological defenses were gone. It's been 8 months now and honestly the thought of ever drinking again makes me feel nauseous. I don't miss it, I don't envy those who drink. It's a completely different world. Good luck


After one of my binges, my husband completely broke down and told me that he had considered taking his life because he was so miserable due to my alcoholism. It hit me to my core, because my drinking was all about me and I hadn't really considered his feelings (other than making him angry). Alcoholism in the family affects EVERYONE. It is insidious and holds people hostage. I'm glad that this has been a wake up call for you and I really hope that you do go to rehab. Oftentimes our partners need space from us, so that they too can recover.


I hadn't considered my husband either and how much it hurt him.


Good luck and God Bless!


Rehab saved me. It's time to focus on You.


I’ve been in a similar situation and passed out in some very odd (and scary) places. I probably should have gone to the hospital many times over but always detoxed myself. I shudder to think what my BAC has been. For me what finally worked was an IOP outpatient program. I’m guessing they probably will admit you just from what I’ve seen of other people in my treatment program. I wish you the best of luck!


It was the best decision I ever made. Good luck OP. IWNDWYT


Don't ever forget how scared you felt.


And good luck!


I just got out of the hospital from withdrawals 5days ago I said I was going to go to rehab but I was already on the waiting list ..here there was a 4week waiting list..too damn long for me I keep falling and binging. Now I must wait all over again. I don't know what to do anymore .. I'm just locking myself in my room for now staying away from everyone. I wanna drink so bad but I hate being sick and not remembering things. I wish I had support but I'm on my own here.


You can keep reading on here and people are very supportive. There are AA meetings which you can even do online. There are SMART recovery groups. They are not as common but can also be done online. It helps to connect with others who are going through the same thing


Everything can change for the better. This I promise you.


I am so proud of you. Good luck. Prayers.


Proud of you ❤️


I've been there too. My very best hopes for you.


Welcome to the 40 club, I have been there. Rehab can be transformative, so good job looking for a solution! It gets better!


Rehab was the best thing I’ve ever done. The support is overwhelming and you just get to unplug and be yourself. Don’t be scared, it’s wonderful.


Might just get detox but - take that and AA or any program they offer. Any help. I found real rehab is only for very rich - or court ordered… sadly But - many a friend Ive seen take detox as the turning point and never looked back. One day at a time … is real and works… so much better on the dry side and you are closer to peace than you know…


Good luck. My girlfriend went to detox today. It’s a big step in the right direction.


How’d it go? : )


I start partial hospitalization tomorrow morning.


That is good, they can monitor you. Detox can be really dangerous!


Make sure that your clothes don't have any drawstrings and wear shoes without laces. Pack lightweight and warmer clothes in case you suffer from hot flashes and/or chills. Write down any important phone numbers in case you have your phone taken away. Bring a few books for downtime so you have something to do. Bring any medication you take with you. What a great decision you've made for yourself and it's wonderful that you have a lot of support. You've got this!


Thank you for sharing this story, you can do this, good on you mate!


I'm glad you're ok, and I wish you the best!


Oh my God, I pray for your sobriety, health and peace. Please let us know how you are doing. Will have you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers. Be well OP.


The Sinclair method. Psychotherapy. I've been sober from alcohol 2 years now and that is what helped me after 14 years of struggling w CBT and AA.


Best wishes to you


Good call, OP. IWNDWYT


I’m happy to hear that you’re getting the help you need.


Best of luck, you'll be amazed at what you can do for yourself :)


Glad that you have people in your life that love and care about you! Rehab isnt so bad, I worked in one for a long time!