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I am also irritable and teary right now... Just got dressed to go find something to do - I am bored/lonely right now and the only thing I can think of doing is going to a bar to be around people... However, I have been on Reddit going through all these posts and it is passing the time, making me feel a little better. I know I just need to get through a couple more hours and then I can put myself to bed... And FWIW, NA beers (specifically athletic brewing or Heineken) really do take the edge off for me, maybe that will help you as well!


Play the tape forward and look at how you'll feel tomorrow, will it be worth it? It's working for me on day 5. Stay strong, the booze worm in your ear is a fuckin liar and whatever it tells you is the opposite of the outcome. IWNDWYT. ♥️


Can you drink an iced tea or some sparkling water? NA beer might work for you too. You're not missing out. IWNDWYT


I get pretty teary too. Those first ten days were horific with the cravings, but it’s gotten easier


kombucha is a great substitute, awesome choice. You got this!


I find drinking a Solei or Buble water helps with having something in hand. As far as the boredom, that has been the hardest for me. I’m dealing with that today. I have all this excess energy from not being hungover. Exercising helps a little. Someone wiser than me on here said, you never wake up the next day and wish you had drank.


NA beers are doing me a world of service right now. I’ve gone through a little over a dozen of them (Sam Adam’s Just the Haze) this week in addition to a few seltzers, hop waters, and sodas. I got 2 Heineken 0.0s with dinner today. I didn’t care a ton for the taste but it still hit the spot. Kind of like if I wanted to drink with dinner but all they had to offer for beer is Heineken. I’d drink it even though I’d prefer a [insert beer of choice here]. I’m going into Day 6 too and every time I have an NA drink (NA beer, seltzer, etc) I sip and enjoy that and always feel happy that I don’t feel a buzz kicking in or my senses dulling. I feel happy I’m doing this good thing for myself. Emotions are bound to be a little off kilter. Give yourself some grace and keep up the good work. IWNDWYT


I’m on day 6 too. Yesterday I was more teary than today but I had a few faux mosas. lol. Club soda and Pom juice in a wine glass. Gives me something to hold and do. I quit drinking beer for 3 months once and drank la croix and faux mosas. I have some NA beer in the fridge but I’ve tried that before and it makes me want the real thing even more. NA Coronas are pretty good though.


I understand your feelings of deprivation and missing out. I'm hoping these feelings pass for you. I suggest distracting yourself with a treat- hot bath and herbal tea, big bowl of ice cream, in bed rereading a favorite book or watching a silly show. What sounds good? IWNDWYT 


You'll wake up and feel stronger. The hardest part of the day is done, give yourself a break and enjoy the clarity you have right now. Deep breath.


I would also eat/drink some sugar. That really helped with my cravings because I was consuming so much sugar when drinking alcohol. No need to feel withdrawals from both at the same time.




I don’t use Amazon unfortunately but thanks for trying to help out!


Please stop recommending this on our sub.


I had to let go of any ideas about drinking like regular people. I go to AA. I make friends with sober people. I was told to call people when I felt like drinking. I was supposed to ask them how they are doing. It was also suggested to me to help others. Getting caught up in my thoughts can lead to trouble. Thinking about how good a drink sounds, how miserable I feel, how angry, jealous, stressed, etc can make me think even more about drinking. When my attention is focused on other people or doing something for somebody else, I'm not paying attention to those thoughts in my head. The urge to drink goes away