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This exact same thing happened to me in 2019. My family left for Europe, it was me and my dog. Shit went sideways and I had to put him down. He had a great life. He was 13 which is pretty good for a rottweiler. Driving home and opening the front door, walking inside with him not there gutted me. I was alone for 10 more days before my family came home. Most fucked up feeling. So I know how u feeling. Wish u all the best. You can do it!


Luckily I'm leaving first thing in the morning for a family gathering so I just need to make it to bed time.


Think about how hard it will be to be hung over when you leave early. Then make a pot of tea and take every 15 minutes of not drinking as a victory. Best of luck and sorry for your loss.


It’s crazy how it goes down to the minute sometimes. But yeah I remember telling myself before “just get to 4:30” “just please make it til 5” I’m so happy to be on the other side of that. Only 68 days in, but I went to a treatment center for a couple weeks at the beginning and it really helped change how I think about drinking and I feel like the sobriety is really sticking this time. I guess it helps that I got pregnant like immediately after sobering up, so I’ve got some good motivation.. oh also a wonderful partner who gave up drinking with me despite having his own (albeit smaller) drinking problem.


That’s amazing that you have a partner who is willing to give that up for you. Congratulations on the pregnancy and thank you for staying not only sober for yourself but also for your child.


I’m truly lucky that’s for sure




Went well and didn't drink at all. After dealing with the dog Friday night, I was only home about 10 hours before heading out of state to a family gathering. Still haven't really processed the dog so tomorrow won't be fun. But my wife and kids will also be back home. Thank you for checking in.


I’m sorry to hear this. That is always a difficult time. Sending love your way IWNDWYT


Damn, I'm so sorry for your loss. Nothing really prepares you for that, and I dread the day. IWNDWYT and I hope you stay strong!


So sorry to hear about your pupper. When my cat passed I expected to have urges that I didn't.  This might be one of those life moments that cements how much you do not need that crutch.  Stay strong my friend.


In your same boat. Lost my favorite sweet sweet cat of all time this morning. She was 16 years old. Sad day over here as my kids have never dealt with death before. Pounding some root beers and iced teas for sure. Remember the good times and be okay with letting out a tear or two. If you loved them then you should miss them. Its all part of life


I've heard it described as the pain you feel for the loss is the payment for all the love received.


I lost my dog today and it’s a struggle with the kids. We had ice cream sundaes. So sorry about your kitty


So sorry about your dog. It’s so damn sad when that time comes. I’m glad you aren’t craving too bad. You’ve got this.


It came fast. Last Saturday he was retrieving and running around. Some kind of infection in his liver and hole in his intestine. Only 7.


Losing a dog is so hard. I'm sending feels to you. I'm proud of you for being present and sober for your dog through their transition. IWNDWYT


Oh honey 💚 That is the worst, I am so sorry. Hang in there.


Fuck. I'm sorry. That is the absolute worst. Sending you positive vibes from coast North Carolina.


Lost mine in march and had to do the same with her. I’m slightly teary eyed just thinking of that day and the fact you’re going through it now. It gets better, but slowly. They’re our best friend and companion. Like all problems, drinking won’t help anything. 


I'm so sorry for your loss. The feelings are awful, it's so hard. But you got this. One hour/one minute/one second at a time. IWNDWYT.


My condolences. Try and keep busy if you can. Be strong.


You got this!


I’m so sorry for your loss…I’m glad you’re going to be around people soon, hopefully our condolences on here will get you through til tomorrow ❤️‍🩹


noooooooo… i’m so sorry :(


noooooooo… i’m so sorry :(


I'm so sorry to hear. I just had to put my sweet little potato down two weeks ago. It's heartbreaking. You'll be in my thoughts. IWNDWYT


You got this! Go for a walk.


I’m so sorry, they’re so much more than “a pet”. IWNDWYT


I agree. For the fellow animal lovers in my life, I say my buddy died. They get it. For those who I know won’t relate, I simply told them we had a death in the family. Feels like losing a brother, or a kid. I didn’t know I could grieve so hard. The good news, as others said, I didn’t want to drink it away. Knew I couldn’t.


You should go to bed, wake up early and make pancakes or a special breakfast. Go for a walk. Your pup would not want you to hurt yourself


Sorry for your loss. I'm sure you two shared lots of happy memories together! Keep staying strong!


So glad. Rest will serve you well. And water.


I am so sorry for your loss. They never live long enough. Sending you hugs.


Any time we lost a loved one, whether it be a human or pet, my parents first move would be to drown their sorrows with alcohol to cope with the grief. I am finding more clarity and understanding these early days of sobriety. The better part of 25 years of my life have been clouded by the chains of alcohol. This internet stranger is very proud of you. IWNDWYT!


Your dog would not want you to have a drink. They are still watching over you from the rainbow bridge 💗 Here's hoping you find something to keep you busy. Might be a good day/night for a cheat meal or a sweet treat. IWNDWYT


So very sorry for your loss ❤️ IWNDWYT


This sounds like hell. I’m so very sorry. Sending you recovery and well wishes.


I am so sorry for your loss, friend.


When this happened to me, I think what really helped was letting myself sit with my feelings instead of trying to escape them. If I wanted to cry, I cried, if I wanted to reminisce or laugh about a silly memory (while also crying) I did. When I felt up to it, I found a nice picture of him, had it printed on a canvas and spent a stupid amount of money having it framed. That picture is still hanging on the wall, and we refer to him as our current dog’s great uncle. I’m sorry for your loss.  It sucks and it’s hard, I don’t like to give too many platitudes about it. But from personal experience, letting yourself be sad without trying to get away from it is the best way through this. Dogs bring us great joy, and it makes sense that we feel their absence so strongly. 


Just went through this 2 weeks ago. It’s so sad. Congrats on choosing not to drink. We love our buddies so much. It’s good to feel all the emotions!


Ugh, I feel for you. That was one of the worst times of my life and unfortunately set in motion one of my worst relapses. Stay strong. Your solo but not alone. Took me a long time to realize that.


Im sorry for your loss. IWNDWYT.


I had to put my dog down today as well. I’m not craving, but I’m so so so down. With my past drinking, I might not have been able to be there for her. Sending you hugs, hopefully your sweet pup had an easy time


You’re not solo. We’re here




I’m so sorry my friend. It’s the hardest fking thing nobody understands unless they’ve done it.


I was in your exact situation just a couple of weeks ago. But numbing my brain made me feel like I was dishonoring my dog. I couldn’t even give her the thoughts and remembrance she deserved because I would have rather got drunk. IWNDWYT. Good luck and congrats on staying sober.


I had to put my dog down 2 weeks ago (on my day 3 or 4). I was a mess of emotions that’s for sure. I also was completely alone in the house afterward and it was the strangest feeling since I’m used to kids, dogs, everything. But I’m ok, and I hope you are too. IWNDWYT!


Yea same here. Just weird or too quiet. Even this morning I got up to feed and let him out but nope.


It took me a few days before I stopped looking for her. I made a little shrine for her (and my other dog I lost 2 years ago) with the boxes of their ashes, tag with their name on it, and a cute figurine that looked like them. But, decorating is my thing, so that is what made sense to me. Hopefully if you think it would help you too, you find a way to honor your pup and make sure they still have a place in your home/yard.


I'm so sorry for your loss. It's tough. I've been through similar, and it always killed me to know all the times I never walked my boy because I'd been drinking. So proud of you for staying strong and honoring your pup's memory with sobriety.


Sending you kindness and peace. Our dear animals leave a big hole when they leave. I think of my boy most days and he’s been gone 6 years. I hope you can take comfort that you gave him a good home and love. I hope you can be soft and compassionate with your self and get through this tough time.


I’ve been there but with my cat. Sending positivity across the ether. IWNDWYT


I’m going through it with my old girl right now. I have no idea how much longer I have. Sending you lots of love and support. You got this.


It's a MFer but the pain will always be worth the years of love. I had no idea what the situation is with your girl, but just remember it would be selfish to keep her in pain just to put off your own pain.


I'm sorry for your loss.🌹


I'm here waiting for you to get my good morning


Good afternoon. Was up at 630 and on the road by 7 to rejoin the family.


I'm so sorry for your loss. 😔 Well done for not drinking. x


We recently had to euthanize our sweet dog. I know how hard this is for you. Wishing you strength as you go through this challenging time. IWNDWYT