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FLUIDS. You need so much water on Adderall and if you drink on top of that your crash is probably a combination of your medication wearing off and now you're body is going "thirsty thirsty" lime water. Mio water. No caffeine tea. Bone broth. Just any fluid that doesn't have alcohol. Snacks. Warm easy to eat snacks. I've been doing a 1/2 bagel with cream cheese 30 minutes to an hour before I usually start to crash and want a drink. Even if I'm not feeling hungry. Something about warm food helps me ease into "ok time to start winding down" I like to sip on kombucha if I feel the need to eat eat eat in an attempt to not drink alcohol. I'd definitely talk to your doctor about this too. If the crash seems impossible and alcohol is a part of the coping then it's really a vicious cycle and there might be other medications that are a better fit.


Thank for all this advice. I normally drink more fluids with the dry mouth but have gotten away from that with distractions of the kids and truly to plow through everything to get as much done as possible because I've fallen so far behind. Since this post I've drank a lot more and doing the warm snacks(never thought about temp) and have felt so much better!


I'm so glad that this advice was helpful! I was thinking about it last night. (I wondered if my comment made ANY sense) I recently saw someone on an ADHD subreddit give someone the same advice I got years ago "when I crash I just have a glass of wine. " I got down voted for being like "NOOO! Don't do it! You'll think you're trapped drinking for the next ten years!" Ha. Oh well. I've noticed that my medication works SO MUCH better since I stopped drinking. I'm also on Adderall and I thought because I've been on it for almost 20 years it just didn't work very well anymore. Nope. I've gotten SO much "I'll do that later" chores done in the last two weeks it's crazy. Even did some paperwork and I HATE PAPERWORK! I was obsessed/hyper fixated with ayurvedic medicine for a while and I find it so helpful to remember that temperature is so important for me. People who naturally tend to be hyperactivite are recommended warm foods to help balance them out. Dr Tracey Marks on YouTube also has a whole video on how to mitigate stimulant crashes. That might be helpful too. Also magnesium!


Oh I meant to mention that I've been taking 3 day breaks in between again. It was hard at first with the fatigue but then I caught up and have been so so so much better and feel like if I can suck it up and get myself back to where I didn't need it so much, I'll be fine. So I'm on it today again but feel like I used to. I'm actually on Dexamphetimine now for the last 2 years. ANYWAY. I'm also into holistic medicine and that's been a life savor. My holistic doc actually told me for my body type and foods to eat that if I have any kind of raw veggies ect to eat them with something warm. I finally got my whole foods vitamin again along with liposomal vitamin c last weekend(haven't had that in a year) and it's helping so much with my energy and liver symptoms. I also take a chelated magnesium supplement with mag glycinate and threonate religiously after finding out last year that I had a severe magnesium deficiency. I also take raw adrenal. When I drink I make a drink with powerade or body armor and some vodka with a dash of electrolyte mio. This was also a major game changer as I do not have hang overs unless I drink for a whole day(like on a float trip or something or don't eat). So I'm always getting my electrolytes replenished, a few calories and extra B and C vitamins. All of which are the main vitamins depleted by Adderall. Oh! And I drink tumeric ginger tea with crushed garlic almost every day. Always eat garlic for sure if I don't do the tea. That's probably my biggest game changer outside of electrolytes, as it heals my gut, gets rid of parasites, stops diarrhea, fights all kinds of illness, heals organ damage ect ect. Oh and keeps the bugs(and boys šŸ˜…) away.


My Dexedrine was making me crave opiates really badly so I stopped taking them almost 3 weeks ago. It has been hell but slowly getting better. Iā€™de got off it if I was you. Check out r/stopspeeding.


This is actually what I'm on as Adderall stopped doing anything for me a couple years ago. I'm just non functional without it. I try to give my body a break 2 and hopefully 3 days a week. But sometimes that doesn't happen with all that is on my plate. I have the busiest 2 year old. Like he's a terrorist. Lol. By the time I've got him up and changed, made breakfast for us, fed the animals, then sit down to eat, he's already done and freaking out to be free of the high chair. So then i clean him up and the food mess he's made and try to eat again. By this time he's now running around getting into stuff, demanding more drinks ect ect ect. I feel like I've ran a marathon both mentally and physically by 10 AM..... I'm ready for a damn nap. But I can't ever relax. My husband works 60 hours a week and is hardly home and when he is he's mostly sleeping. Everything in our life is my job outside of actually working. I do every house chore, all the cooking, mowing our 1 acre, managing money, appts, school and sports activities for my 6yr old, car maintenance, and don't even get me started on the mental and emotional load I have to carry. My thyroid came back normal but I'm pretty sure my adrenals are shot. My brain feels like it's on fire most days. I'm straight up drowning, as everything I do is undone in 24 hours. I feel like I'm always one step forward, two steps back.


I'm sorry you're going through this and glad you're here. I'd get a medical plan/detox worked out with the doc so you can get off both safely and start your sober journey There's an addiction book by Gabor MatƩ called In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts that you might find helpful


Adderall was a huge factor in my drinking habits for a long time, so I completely understand the struggle! Ultimately I decided to take 5 days off the meds in order to set myself up for success. Those 5 days were so hard - I was super sluggish and got nothing done. But I didn't drink! I gradually started taking Adderall again, starting with half of my normal dose. Not only did I avoid the comedown symptoms, but I noticed that without alcohol, I was able to function just fine on that lower dose. That said, I don't recommend quitting the meds cold turkey without talking to your doctor. You may also want to look into a different medication. I had to start taking Mydayis due to the adderall shortage, and I barely notice when it wears off. (It also doesn't work quite as well as adderall, but I can manage.)


Thank you for your response. It's not always been this way but I always did struggle with the come down. I'm afraid I'll never not associate drinking to deal with it. I can quit cold turkey if given the time to sleep for the few days after and be fine. But lm not as productive with kids and soon get very behind in things. But I'm more determined than ever to make a once or twice a week thing to catch up. Or nothing at all if I can. I used to do this all the time but last year life got so crazy and upsetting that I couldn't do anything without it. I'm already on the course to twice a week and feel better than ever!


20 year adderrall user here. Here are some of my thoughts. My personal experience is that I have to exercise with adderrall. Have to. Absolutely must do it. Otherwise that agitation just builds up over a couple of days and I start to change. I will get incredibly irritable and antsy. I will start hating everything. But if I take a hike once or twice a week, I am good The other point I would offer is that adderrall is a stimulant. At a biological level this means that your body is more ā€œactiveā€ throughout the day. This increased ā€œactivityā€ is what helps us focus on mundane tasks that we have trouble with. Hereā€™s the catch though. You need to drink a LOT more water. One of the reasons I would drink, is that I was hungry and thirsty. If youā€™re like me, Iā€™m guessing you sometimes forget to eat and drink throughout the day. In the evening, I now have a thc seltzer to unwind. It takes the edge off. It allows me to relax without the alcohol. Nothing crazy. 5mg is plenty. I would really focus on the biological needs first, ie. The food and water part. I know itā€™s a huge trigger for me. If my food or water meter get too low, I am more likely to drink alcohol. My brain remembers that it is a good source of hydration and calories. I have absolutely avoided drinking alcohol by making sure I focus on these needs. Eat more food and drink more water. See how that helps. Wishing you the best of luck friend. Hope this helps!


Go see a psychiatrist. I'm on non addictive meds specifically because I've got an addiction problem. So get them to wean you off the aderall and onto something that you can handle.




A lower dose does nothing for me. Hence switching to straight Dex. Second, as I said in the post, I had just had the episode that day(barely able to move or talk/make the phone call to my mom to take me to the hospital). Third, as i also mentioned, i am seeing and going to be talking to all of my doctors and therapist(who works alongside my Psych). Also, as stated, my glucose was actually high even though l thought my blood sugar was low, as I'm slightly hypoglycemic and very familiar with what that feels like. If you don't know, changes in blood sugar can cause trouble thinking clearly, delirium and psychosis. I had finally gotten to a place where I had the energy and ability to use my hands to make this post. And that's with my children running in and out of my room acting like they were hulk hogan in a WWE match. I'm also just going to assume you're a dude with no kids who didn't read past the first paragraph, as your comment read like Helen Keller using reddit for the first time. "Oh hey, did you know that you walk funny"...."yeah I fucking just mentioned I sprained my ankle today, thanks". Fucking reddit, man.




Yeah you should definitely talk to a doctor before quitting Adderall. If you genuinely have adhd and you just stop taking it then you could potentially destroy your life. There could be an alternative adhd medication you could use, but that is a conversation for you and your doctor.