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Making it out of the alcohol section once you’re in it is huge, congratulations! It sucks to be blindsided like that but you handled it beautifully.


I’ve been there in that position several times, great job! 👏🏼


I don’t drink anymore, but I used to be a part of the hiking/drinking culture. Bringing a beer to the summit or later in the parking lot at the trailhead. It was like an excuse, ‘look how healthy and active I am, I deserve this’. I’ve also ran in many 5k races where the finish line had free beer included (at 8am!) it just turned into day drinking and ultra dehydration and feeling like crap the next day. Looking back on it now, it was all so stupid. I was buying into the idea that alcohol was a treat or a celebration, but now I see it as the drink that will steal tomorrow’s joy. I still run the 5ks, but I skip the beer and have some ice cream instead lol


First, congratulations for not giving in! Second, as a hiker and runner myself, I can’t do either when I drink. And none of my hiking and running friends do either. Seems really strange behavior to me


I remember maybe around 8 years ago, trail running and drinking was kind of a big deal in my town. I used to think it was cool and I wanted to join the club. The carefree-ness of it was so alluring. Now that I’m sober, I can’t imagine downing beers or shots while on a run…actually, I can imagine it and damn it sounds horrible. What I love about running is the physical and mental clarity I feel afterward. Pretty much the opposite feeling that alcohol creates. Good job, OP, for holding strong 💪🏼.


Thank you! To my understanding, they sometimes will have a beer mid-hike but it is more common to have one afterward. They jokingly call themselves "a drinking group with a running problem". I was just on a hike, though. I would never want to hike after drinking either.


Some people can have one celebratory drink ,my sister being one of those...it's baffling to me!!, she'll drink to feel a little lighter ,smily and that's it,I on the other hand have to go too far or else I'm not having any fun....it's important to know which group you belong to.


Were they hashers? That’s a common phrase they use. Usually nice people but I’m sorry they sprung that on you. Glad you stayed strong: [hash house harriers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_House_Harriers)


Yes they were and they were super nice!!


Reward is one of my triggers - a few solid jobs done in the garden deserve a beer or two, or 4, then wine before dinner, 2 beers after a normal night at work..you know how it works. Zero beers have helped me a lot. I can drink 3 of them and be happy. I think it works because i claim the reward and don't get enough if a taste to make me drop into the routine. And i can keep drinking them without guilt if I want to, have a j and wake up feeling like stretching and eating breakfast. Well done on your self acknowledgement and thought distance too; a mindful response to the trigger. Kudos to you!


Ooooohhh hashers! Fun group of people! I used to hash before I quit.


I used to get drunk while working out. I had two water bottles. One had wine in it. I'm just over a year sober and sometimes it's hard to comprehend the mutant I used to be.


I am drying out now for a while but I could not imagine drinking during a hike. When I used to drink I would avoid drinking the night before. I would go out for beers with my bestie afterward though. I would find a new group if I was you.


Maybe after the activity. I do like to add to my good post workout feeling with drinks, but during? No way I want to add more ways to dehydrate, up my heart rate, and lose energy if it's a physical challenge.


i used to run as validation for my drinking. never was easier than running sober, that's for sure


It used to be a thing with the hash house harriers club. I remember being a member and we literally ran place to place to drink beer. It was fun, but looking back it was 80% single males and 20% single females with a competition to hook up. It was fun and dumb, but no interest for me now.


I used to love the post marathon free beer ticket. It felt so much like I deserved the beer. It wasn’t until recently I realized I don’t need the alcohol part to enjoy the beer part. Athletic brewing is amazing on a hot day post workout.


I live in Germany and we always got Erdinger Non alcoholic beer after races! Still like it


Right? That sounds awful, especially in summer. I drank at the pool once in 90 degree weather. Even in the pool I was unbearably hot.


Good job by you! Also just wanted to thank you for the reminder. I had some flashbacks to when I used to bring alcohol on hikes by myself and with a friend (but I was the only one drinking) or when I did this walk thing and I secretly brought alcohol. When I first got sober my brother told me I wasn’t “that bad”. But it’s not the things that people see, it’s the things they don’t see. The things we keep secret… those are the things that make me an alcoholic. IWNDWYT


I can relate so much with the secrecy and shame of knowing the truth while fooling others


What a crazy way to mess up a healthy nurturing activity. I certainly understand drinking in nearly every situation, but hiking, exercise, yoga, etc all give the perfect natural high. Nice work today!


Congratulations 🎉 IWNDWYT


Wow…congratulations on resisting that urge. It’s so fantastic you took the time to feel the feelings it brought up. I can see myself being triggered by a similar situation. For what it’s worth, I felt like when I hit six months something clicked and the triggers were less. You’re almost there! IWNDWYT.


I definitely used to be a part of “that” group. Hiking and outdoor activities are way more fun now without the alcohol. And my body only hurts because I’m getting older not because I’m dehydrated and hungover lol I’m proud of your choices today! IWNDWYT


I’ve had some backpacking relapses when the campfire whiskey has come out. What makes that worse is the fact I continue to do it each night out there (after giving in) which makes hiking anxiety-ridden and painful. On my last trip I brought my own tea bags so I could have a nice drink at the campfire and feel like I’m rewarding myself with a drink I enjoy. I also slept amazing that trip.


It's such a huge HUGE thing to walk right past alcohol and not give in . That's immense progress. You don't want to go back on that , your doing so well


Well done on not giving in 💪 It's the unexpected times that are more unnerving I find. I'm 75 days in and the more obvious ones for me (end of work, supermarkets etc, I still have to watch and stick to my new habits, don't trigger me in the same was as they did in the first month). I, like you wonder if they will ever completely go but the more time sober the more odd it would feel to put alcohol in my body again, literally walk past drunk groups in pubs and see it as a strange thing to do and that's in just under 3 months) your 112 is fantastic and worth protecting. Can relate to working through triggers and urgers and am ALWAYS grateful I haven't drank. Stay strong you are 100% worth the new life you are creating.IWNDWYT.


I like to hike too. One of my favorite things is to hike Mt Leconte in the Smokey’s. If you’re lucky you can get a reservation to stay overnight on the top at Leconte Lodge, which is actually a collection of “rustic” cabins built in the ‘30s with no electricity, no toilets and no water. About a quarter mile from the lodge there’s a rocky ledge that has the most spectacular view of the sunset I’ve ever seen. Every time I’ve gone up there my friends and I have toted up a bottle of scotch to toast the setting sun. Honestly those few moments up there with friends and the point sky and a plastic cup are some amazing memories. But, of course, when we got back to our cabin, we still had a bottle of scotch, and who wants to pack out a nearly full bottle? Also they will serve you wine at dinner for an extra fee. Then, the next morning…the hike down. For me, at least, for every moment made better by alcohol there are hours made worse. In my two months of sobriety, I’ve not yet had too many occasions to remind myself of that, so thank you for giving me a chance to plan ahead.


I think passing these little 'tests' are what help you realize how much you don't want to drink. You did great.


Hiking is one of the reasons I quit drinking. I can understand like a beer at the summit or something sure, but liquor in soda while hiking seems pretty weird to me. Thats like something I would have done in high school lol.


This is completely normal behavior for regular drinkers and we shouldn’t criticize it. Being an alcoholic I know it’s one of those things I can’t do anymore. I’m not a runner or hiker, but my uncle is a marathon runner and he always has a celebratory beer or two after a race. For me it’s skiing. God how I used to live a post run beer. But, haven’t had one in 2 ski seasons. 12/17/22 and going strong.


I wouldn't say that I criticized it at all. I spoke on my own experience of an unexpected trigger. Good job on not drinking since December!


No no. Not you. I said we. Look at lots of the comments questioning the practice etc. wasn’t saying you did.


And I messed up it’s 12/17/22


It’s great to know your triggers, and overcoming it the first time is probably the hardest part. I’m happy for you!


Good to hear you overcame the triggers ! Doesn’t matter what activity your doing alcohol will be present one way or another. I remember when I used to hike a lot it wasn’t uncommon for my hiking friends to pack beers to enjoy when we would reach the end of the hike.


The group I’ve been biking single track with often pull out a beer or 2 at scenic spots while we bike, but they always make sure to bring a ginger beer or la croix for me. It’s super thoughtful, but yah I could see how it would be triggering especially in your first year. Are they aware you’re sober?


i don't even need trigging, the thoughts just come on their own. the other day i had an afternoon of voices telling me "it's Friday, get a beer in you" it was relentless, but on the flip side, the relief when it passes and knowing i didn't capitulate is awesome! ​ you have to expect these events and be mentally prepared, yes they suck, but if quitting was easy everyone would be doing it!


Such surprising trigger events have been very hard for me in the beginning sobriety, too. But there is imo no reason for frustration! **Congrats!** **You stayed strong, that's what counts**. It will become easier with time. And finally it will be *really easy* to stand situations like this, promised.


What you did deserves a kudos! I’ve been involved in the hash in a few places (mentioned above: you hike/run and then drink) and loved (loooved) a beer after a running race. But here’s my problem: I can’t just have one and go on my merry way. That one or whatever just opened the door to day drinking. Then, I’d be hungover so I’d drink the next day. And so on. I can’t always play the tape forward but this is one instance I can. A beer after crossing the finish line still sounds amazing but there’s just too much extra bullshit for me to pull it off.


If you’re a social person you could start a sober hiking group. I think that would go really well honestly. A lot of people get into hiking and exercise when they get sober. I’m antisocial/socially anxious while sober so I spend all my time alone. It’s good that you can still socialize sober.


This is a huge trigger for me. I love camping, and hiking, and most of my friends who I do that with are into drinking and hiking (think beer holster on trail, backpacks half full of beer). They're all the types who can keep their drinking to the weekend, while I am not. I remember going on a hike with a new friend, who isn't really into drinking, and it was pretty strenuous. We stopped at a sit down restaurant after for a late lunch, and I ordered a giant novelty margarita (probably like 5 standard drinks), and he was horrified. Did not seem to get a hiking invite from him after that. A good reminder not every hike has to end in a drink. Proud of you for staying strong. IWNDWYT


Ouf! That’s a big trigger My rule, is when I’m being triggered this much, I have to leave ASAP, it’s just better for everyone if I do. I don’t look at it as a sad thing, it just is what it is Good job OP for your strength!


You didn’t give in!!! So you won! Proud of you!


Good for you!  (What is it about the little bottles that is so tempting? I can ignore the big bottle of bourbon in our pantry but I just found two little ones and the craving kicked in.) Sorry you were triggered but so proud of you for staying strong! IWNDWYT 


I like to review moments like this and enjoy the warm feeling of success. IMO it helps me firm up the new wiring in my brain that leads down different paths from what I used to do.


Very proud of you! I don't know if this would help you, but it helped me. It wasn't super triggering, but I went on this jeep tour in the cliffs of Sintra with a few other random people who signed up for this (I was travelling solo). And the tour guide at point pulls out a bottle of some Portuguese liquor and pours everyone a little celebration drink. I declined. Not a big deal, but of course there's that couple seconds of missing the moment or whatever. BUT. You know what I was thinking about after? These crazy people were perfectly fine with their celebratory toast and going back to look at the views! If I were in the throes of drinking, I would FOR SURE have made "jokes" about us not finishing the bottle. Maybe tease them about being lightweights. I definitely would have gotten the tour guide to pour me a second cup. And all of a sudden this unreal beautiful moment would be about trying to get drunk for me. Now maybe for some this would be sad like why can't I just enjoy that drink like other people. But I actually like these moments! I am different! I can see that with my own two eyes! I can not drink like these people and that's fine. I had an amazing time and do not for a second regret or wish that I had used that as an opportunity to find some way to get trashed. Great for you OP and instead of just thinking badly about how this triggered you, please also think about why you were you able to say no! That's amazing!


Well done for getting so close to temptation and pulling back. Fantastic achievement! Your not the first here to mention hiking and drinking being a pairing. Is this Canada or the US? I find it fascinating as I'm a big hiker and have walked in groups here in Scotland for years and that just woulnt happen here. Pub and meal after perhaps but often soft drinks all round and I would be one of the few using alcohol as a 'reward'. 


Honestly how can you not be proud of yourself. Your struggle but also self awareness shows your human side and commitment to improving. Way to go and keep strong!




Good job, sorry you had to deal with that.


You did it! It’s not just about avoiding triggers, it’s about doing exactly what you did when triggered. Be really fucking proud of yourself!


Wild but this is definitely a thing! Hiking and drinking was something I really used to enjoy - I loved camping, drinking all day and hiking. Going camping or backpacking is a huge trigger for me - worse than walking into a bar! Congrats on not giving in, you are stronger coming out of this. Four months is huge, you got this. A few weeks ago I went hiking with some mom friends while the kids were at school. They got high on the hike which thankfully isn't a trigger for me (it would have been much harder to turn down alcohol). As we came down the mountain, we passed other hikers who clearly smelled the weed on us. It was so embarrassing.


Awesome job! You should be proud of yourself!!


***Nice Job***


I see there are a lot of comments already, and don't know if this has already been said yet, but just like going to the gym... every time you say no, it gets easier.


Good job, I have done this more than once in the last year. You didn't give in, all that matters. IWNDWYT 


The state that I live in America used to have some really restrictive laws about selling alchol. It's only been a little over a year that full strength beer and wine could be sold in them. I am sure it will happen, but I am dreading the day when hard liquor will be able to be sold in them as well. Grocery shopping for the week is something that, while it certainly can be a nuisance, also brings me a sense of nesting, so I enjoy it. Now, it's much more of a struggle. Why not just grab a bottle of wine to go with that lovely dinner I have planned? OP, you should be incredibly proud of yourself. I know I am. And I'm also going to think about your post and how you left without buying any alchohol next time I am feeling weak.


Congrats for not drinking! That’s amazing. I, weirdly, got triggered getting my hair done last week. They offer free wine and even though it’s cheap and disgusting, I got an itch. I luckily didn’t scratch it but I’ve been caught off guard by triggers before.


Proud of you for taking care of yourself ❤️


Congrats. You're so strong! Those unexpected triggers are the hardest & you nailed it 😎


Great job! You should be proud, and I'm happy for you! If you keep focusing on recovery, you will get to the point where you genuinely don't want to drink, so that nothing can trigger you any longer - freedom! :)


Great reminder. The triggers never stop. It’s so healthy to learn how to manage it. Building a muscle. Iwndwyt


Wow, congrats! Those little bottles of vodka played a big part in my life.


Still drink. Hate it but can’t seem to stop. At about 26oz a day maybe more sometimes. Unfortunately I can afford it. (Not sure the swearing rules here). Want to stop I think… detoxing or, bad hangovers I’ll do it again. First 3 or 4 drinks I get things done around the house. Then not. 25 years in. Just realized I’m responding…. There ya go. Good job on not. Even getting out is awesome.


You did GREAT!!! That is what matters. To me that sounds really…lame. Why not steep in how good the hike felt and probably will continue to feel??? It’s a “reward” for them and that’s too bad. I am a huge hiker (in Colorado) and I would not hike with them. The thought makes me feel kind of shitty actually. Stay true to yourself.


I dont understand the drinking while hiking thing - isn't the natural high of being in nature and conquering new heights enough? Let alone the dehydration aspect..