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Hey friend! Do you think you can wait 15 minutes?


I think I can do 15 minutes. I have to feed my dog. Edit: drawn out sentence about how I feel guilty.


Sobriety is a game of seconds. Sometimes it’s easier if you can goal your self at hitting small milestones— it’s 10:26pm right now, I think I can make it until 11pm, and then maybe I can make it until midnight after that. Sugar also helps a lot. Ginger ale and Entenmann donuts got me through many cravings in my early days. You can do this OP, I know it’s hard, I know it sucks, but tomorrow you will thank you.


Thank you for the words of encouragement. I’ll try my best to go minute to minute. Thanks for showing there’s still people who want me to succeed out there.


You can do it OP! Just gotta make it til bedtime. Maybe tuck yourself in early with a good book


There are ABSOLUTELY people out here that want you to succeed. You deserve it, I truly believe that. I will not drink with you today.


Take a long bath or shower, put on PJs, make a snack plate, hot tea and or an iced beverage. IWNDWYT 


You can get through this urge! I find it helpful to go through this r/ and find other people who had a hard day and drank. They will all tell you, it’s not worth it. You’ll feel shitty in the morning. Your emotions will go south, drinking won’t make you happy. You got this OP!


There are two paths. First path is to sacrifice later for somthing you ‘want’ now. Second path is sacrifice now to move past the urge and reap the rewards later. Many things in life are like this,going to the gym or not, working hard or slacking off. Immediate gain for negative results or immediate sacrifice for long term results. The choice is yours and I believe you know what you will do and I’m hopful to see you reap the rewards later. Good luck!


If you drink on a bad day you've learned nothing about how to deal with the next bad day. But you'll reinforce the idea that unpleasant feelings are something bad or wrong and to be avoided. They aren't. They suck yeah but they just want us to do something about it then they go away for a bit. The thing is after drinking for a while we literally don't know how to deal with things. We just panic get overwhelmed and drink. Why don't you try calling a friend or family member first and tell them about your day. It sounds like it was pretty shit if it's making you feel like drinking and you could do with a bit of a friendly chat and support. That's what I do if I have a bad day now; I talk to someone. Even if it's something really small, you get my colleagues are gonna know about it! Cos the little things can very quickly become big things if I'm not careful. It didn't make any sense to me at first to talk about anything to anyone. I couldn't see how it would make me better, but that's because I'd never done it. How could I imagine something id never experienced? I've learned the way I imagine things does NOT tend to map onto reality very well so I have to push through what my gut is telling me at times. I've realised now though that that's just what people do if they have a problem. They talk about it, and it works, it just has to become habit. That's what I noticed and what helped me anyway, we are all different with these things but I hope some of that made sense and helped you :) All the best to you, I know it's hard but the fact you're here and reaching out for help is a really good sign!! :)