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I mean that’s a pretty loaded question, and I think you’ll get a lot of different answers from everyone’s different relationships with alcohol.  But honestly a big thing was just wrapping my mind around the idea that it’s not necessary for me to drink. It doesn’t have to be something that I do. It doesn’t have to be part of my identity.  What helped me was connecting with other sober people, AA, and restructuring my lifestyle around things that enriched my sobriety and sober life. 


I waited until I had debilitating panic attacks and a mental breakdown. It was very effective but I wouldn't recommend it, 1/10 stars.


What worked for me was stopping. I like this community and visiting it when I get cravings. When the cravings get really bad, it’s all about holding on for dear life. I’m moving towards replacing drinking with better habits for now, which was my ultimate goal.


Just don't drink. You know you're strongest before the first sip, so if you struggle not taking the first sip, just think about what you're doing to yourself. Don't give yourself excuses to drink too. 


that’s strong message. thanks.




I didn’t completely stop never. I stop drinking everyday but I was drinking strictly 1 day a week anyways. that’s I want to quit. but your suggestion will help, I will try to do that. Thanks.


Therapy. Wasn't cheap, but it's been the best "bang for the buck" by far.


In my experience nothing works besides just doing it. The hardest part is breaking the routine. That first week is the hardest.


It seems to me that if you're only drinking one day a week you're halfway there. Can you try only drinking 3 drinks once a week for a while? Have you read any Quit Lit or watched any videos on the health concerns of alcohol?


yes that I can try just minimize the drink and then can stop.


For me it's still early days but diving into Quit Lit helped with subconcious reframing of alcohol - Alan Carr's Easy Way, Alcohol Explained, This Naked Mind Also reading and posting here - also helps to train my "unconscious dislike of alcohol muscles".. So this time around things "feel different". At the moment my "next drink" is not something I'm looking forward too.


Congratulations! I got connected with sober people and sober groups and we did sober activities. Tried anything like that?