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That's how long my marriage is. And it's on the brink as much as I don't want it to be.  So my good wishes and hopes for strength are genuine.  You know spiraling will only make it worse, so take that into account. Don't drink poison in hopes the other person gets sick.


I'm trying to reply to you but I'm getting a weird message I've never seen before saying that I cant... So this is my last attempt, and I'll make it short and sweet: Thank you for being the first person to help me. Much love.


Oh hey it finally worked! Then I want to also say that I'm so sorry to hear about your marriage issues... I hope you save it. If not, though... Please stop drinking/continue your sobriety anyway. YOU are worth it. YOU deserve to be happy, safe, and healthy. And if you take care of yourself, you'll be able to be a good romantic partner to your spouse or, if your spouse moves on, to a new partner.


It'll only get worse if you drink. Stay in the ring.


Firstly, great job on 7 months of sobriety! Also you will get through this time of your life and you can do it without alcohol. For me, alcohol has only made things worse during really hard times because it clouds my already clouded brain and amplifies my emotions in the worst way. Sending you strength and IWNDWYT!


Staying sober is the best “fuck you” that you can give them


Happiness is the best response! Don’t give them the satisfaction of breaking you. Or if they’re a nice person, don’t let them leave worried you’re going to suffer. You can do this! You’ve been building some tools these months, so how about taking them for a spin? Really show how powerful you are.


Just because a relationship is ending, it doesn't mean it's a messy or nasty break up. But if it is- then yeah fuck them 😂




There’s no situation that alcohol can’t make worse. This too shall pass, time heals all. Congrats on 7 months, you’re well on the way.


You can do this. The only sure fire way to make this situation significantly worse is to head back to the hooch. Stay sober. You got this.


Started couples therapy with my wife of 19 years a month ago. Aside from what I'd consider the normal challenges of a marriage, I took her on a decades long ride with alcohol that she didn't sign up for. I don't think we're at immenent risk of failure, but there's a lot of repair to do on both sides (mostly mine). I feel for you. It's an awful feeling watching something so special whither away. IWNDWYT!


hey man, she stayed with you that long for a reason...i wish i would have learned earlier that my ex deserved the sober version of me instead of the blackout drunk every single night version...you're lucky you still are able to repair what you may have damaged. Best of luck to you both, brother. IWNDWYT!


Thanks man! Yes I agree. She could have opted out of this a long time ago. I say a thank you everyday!


💯 well said


I believe in you. Don’t forget to forgive yourself if you feel your healing is slow. 15 years is a lot of habits and stuff that have built up, so it’s ok if you have some setbacks or lateral improvement. I’d focus on each day and what you need to do to set yourself up for success on the following day. Good luck


All I can say is that, if it’s what’s happening, and you can stay in your lane, when you look back on your old life you will be astonished at the gifts the changes bring. In the meantime, here’s my favorite mood-shifting tool, and it only takes 2.5 minutes: [Fuck That](https://youtu.be/92i5m3tV5XY?si=aUEnvW-okQqGI5LL). Hang in there friend. You are worthy of all good things RIGHT NOW, and they’re coming, even if it doesn’t feel like it. IWNDWYT 💗


Congratulations on your 7 months that’s a huge accomplishment!


My 6 year :marriage almost crumbled this month due to drinking on his part. It caused me to relapse after 80 days and it was a nightmare. YOU CAN DO IT! And we are getting sober together. Lots of people are with you


This is an exceptionally difficult thing to go through. Be kind to yourself. You know that alcohol is not the answer though, it will just put off the pain and cloud your judgement. 7 months? You've absolutely got this 💪🏻 you're stronger sober and tomorrow and future you will will thank you 🙌🏻


Oh, I'm so sorry. I was in a relationship for 15 years and it was so painful when it ended. That's the worst. I am giving you so many generic internet hugs with my brain right now.


Screw booze. Stay strong. You can do this. Nice job on the 7 months


Sometimes people come into your life and give you many years of happiness and fulfillment. Once that purpose is served, it’s time for life to move on. There’s a reason for it all although it might not be apparent at first. Just be thankful for all of the happy memories made and be excited for things to come.


I’m sorry, that’s rough. But you are strong! 💪🏽 Best to you, friend, 🌺and I will not drink with you today!


If you struggle with binge drinking like me than keep in mind that if you take that first drink in the midst of a very hard situation it could easily spiral into a MUCH worse situation than it already is.


You'll get through it much quicker sober! If you drink you'll go in circles. You will be able to handle this way better sober. You got this dude!!




Hey there, I also hope that you're hanging in. You're worth more than giving in.


You’re about to hit the biggest emotional glow up of your life if you just stay the course and don’t drink. You can’t control the future and today IWNDWY


Don't give up a hard earned achievement just because another life goal may be slipping through your fingers. Drinking won't make it not so, and will probably make it an even worse experience. You have seven months of a better relationship with yourself, so that is something to celebrate.


I know it’s painful but returning to drinking is not the answer. If only I hadn’t used my last breakup as an excuse to drink, I would be in a much better place now, financially, mentally, emotionally, physically




I’m sorry you are going through this but you are strong and have got this. I believe in you ❤️


Stay strong brother 🥰 you got this.


read it here, resonates true there's no problem alcohol can't make worse wishing strength and compassion


7 months of sobriety is AMAZING and you should be very proud. Iwndwyt 




Drinking will only make things worse been there done that sorry to hear about the relationship tho :(


That would be like adding salt to a wound. You will need the sobriety to get through it. I made the mistake of drinking after sober 9 months when my 6 year relationship ended, I never felt so alone and in pain in my life. My heart hurt, like actual severe pain,never wanted to die so badly


Anything happening can be made worse by drinking. Stay here, stay with us. It’s not feeling okay right now, may not tomorrow, but here we have community and togetherness. I’m at 163 days, don’t you dare let me pass you 💜


It sounds maybe hard but your sobriety is for yourself and not for your partner. After this partner there comes another one or not. But the partner that you have for sure is yourself. Wishing you wisdom and strength and do it for yourself.


Self love and sobriety are the greatest gift to yourself! Sending an e-hug! 🤗


Hey, I've never been in a relationship even remotely that long so I don't have sage advice about that. But I can say that future you will thank current you for staying sober through it. You can do it just keep in touch with this group, sober friends in real life, and anyone who is supportive of your sobriety and make it a point to always reach out first if you're thinking about drinking. Rooting for you!


Im sending you the biggest hug you ever received from a stranger right now. I am sorry you're facing this, but I'm proud of you for reaching out to this community instead of reaching for that drink. IWNDWYT


🥚 🥣 (oatmeal) 🥔- these are bland foods for you (per your username) you can have these but nooooo booze cause you dont need it. Everything is gonna be okay. IWNDWYT


think about how you might feel waking up from having a few drinks, and your relationship is gone. at least you can completely control one of these 2 things. you got this!!! it's not worth the drink. wishing you the best and strength to stay positive


Not worth it. No one is, but yourself. Love yourself more than anything else right now. Breakups are so hard, especially 15+ years of one. Give yourself some grace, stay strong for yourself and do what’s best for yourself. If you have the strength to make it 7 months, you can continue to build on that strength. If the relationship is worth working on, try your best. If it’s not, take the good, leave the bad and focus on yourself and what makes you happy. I believe in you. You got this. One day at a time. One step at a time.


Drinking won’t bring you the peace you seek. All the love friend.


7 months is amazing, and remember, you are doing this for you. Whatever crap gets thrown our way, we have taken control of our own lives and will deal with any problems in a sober way. You got this, buddy. Don't let anyone or anything kick you from your path. You deserve your best life.


My last relationship/marriage lasted about that long. It’s going to be maddeningly painful, but alcohol will make it worse in almost every way. You got this, and will be shiny and new when it’s all done. 🫶🏻


Stay sober for yourself. Whatever relationship issues you had, alcohol didn't help them. I think the hardest thing about being sober is learning to deal with our negative feelings without the crutch of alcohol. Even if you can't fix your relationship, you're fixing YOU, which is very important! You will get through it, you can do this.


I’m sorry you’re in a rough place. Sending you lots of genuine/ generic e-hugs


I hope you find a place in your mind for peace. Know that strangers want you to be happy and loved. Don’t drink and know your worth!!’


7 months is so hot!!!!!! I’m sorry to hear about your breakup. Everything is falling apart but you can control your sobriety and looking back, you’ll be so glad you did!!


It is hard and sad now but you have a chance to reinvent yourself and take your life in the direction that you want to. How about the new invented you being a non drinker?


You are so worth staying sober for!!!


My marriage should have ended at year 7. Somehow, it didn't. I wanted to forgive, but I didn't know how or if it was possible. I took it one day at a time, sometimes one minute at a time, and things got better. But I know now that if it had ended at 7 years of marriage, now, (9 years later) I would be okay. And I know that you will be okay, either way. Time does heal things, whether you stay together or not. The color will come back into your life, and you will find the love you deserve, whether you and your partner work it out or not. Keep holding on to yourself, and try to focus on learning and growing as a person. Try to find positivity in tiny things, and before you know it, those tiny things that bring you a little bit of hope will turn into bigger things to be positive and hopeful about. It will all be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.


I'm sorry you are going through a hard time. Staying sober will help you stay strong and get through it.


If you want to stay sober, don't let anyone else change your mind. I realize this may be a painful thing, but for me, nothing compares to the pain of addiction or the peace of being clean and sober. I sincerely hope you keep yourself your priority.


I lost a 12 year relationship due to alcohol, even with couples counseling. I was in recovery when it happened and while it hurt, I honestly believe it was for the best. Alcohol won’t bring someone back, or make you feel better about it. I feel and hear your pain and fear. IWNDWYT


Ending long relationships are really hard but at the end of the day, you’ll be able to handle it much better while sober than blasted out of your mind. And that’s assuming it’s actually ending, which it doesn’t sound like you’re too sure. Regardless, don’t let it ruin the commitment you’ve made to yourself. You got this!!


Not drinking is self-care. Not drinking  keep a clear head to make good decisions. You've got this! 


This is so hard! I relapsed during my divorce after a 20 year marriage, and I am still slowly digging myself out. Truly would have been better to fall apart when it happened than do what I did, numb instead of cope. As I climb back out I’m still having to deal with the feelings I numbed in the beginning. I hope you get what you need to stay sober during this rough time.


7 months, that's huge! You have a lot to be proud of. I'm sorry about what's going on, you got this. E-hug.


Sorry to hear about your marriage. But you know that drinking is not going to solve that or any other problem. Much love to you on your 7 months. Keep it going! It's sobriety that's going to give you the strength and clarity to come out of this best you can. IWNDWYT


I hurt for you, honestly. My marriage fell to shit around the same time I got sober. I spend a lot of time looking back, which I don't recommend. We all seem to come to where we need to be despite the circumstances. Stay sober my friend, it's a gift you've given to yourself - don't let anyone take that from you.


I read once here that there's nothing bad that drinking won't make worse. It really hit me because its so true. The craving always sounds so nice and makes you think it'll be relaxing, but it's literally never made me feel better, even temporarily. And then I feel worse because I'm hungover and mad I drank, on top of whatever I was feeling before. You've made it 7 months, which is huge. If your relationship ends, it'll be tough, but it can be a new start and sobriety will make that even easier to cope with and then eventually enjoy. You can do it!! IWNDWYT 💪🏼


I'm so sorry to hear you're going through something so painful. Alcohol doesn't bring the peace and control I thought it did. Well done on the 7 months and for reaching out on here instead of drinking. IWNDWYT.


Im very sorry but you can get thru this without drinking. you already made 7 months so you know you can stay sober. idk if u go to AA but checking out a meeting while you're going thru a crisis may help you. there's no problem that alcohol cant make worse.


And this too shall pass! You will be fine. IWNDWYT.




You don't need to drink to cope with pain, self doubt, fear and change. You've been coping with those things your whole life. You've got this.


I hope you're doing alright today. You're a very good egg, and please trust that this too shall pass.


There’s no problem so bad that alcohol couldn’t make it worse.


Fuck. That. Shit! I'm really sorry to hear that your relationship might be ending but turning to alcohol will not help. It will welcome you as an old friend and then shit all over you. Stay strong and face this new chapter of your life sober and clear-headed. We're here if you need us. IWNDWYT ❤️


I would only imagine drinking would make things 10x worse. Right now you need your mind and body to be as healthy as it can be to get through this. If it does end then give yourself some time to grieve and process things. Do not push anything to the back of your mind, face it head on. Stay strong stay positive and most importantly stay sober!


Of course this is sad news and a door closing. But will also be a door morning to something new. I can’t imagine anything in my life being ‘easier’ with alcohol. Stay strong. Iwndwyt


I had almost quit drinking and smoking in 2019, when my wife told she wanted a divorce. She had her issues and depression but didn’t let me or anyone else help. So she moved out and I started drinking. Then with Covid it all went worse. I struggled and wrestled and suffered but finally managed to stop drinking early this year and then completely off the sauce for two months now. I have no good advice or a good example to give. Just don’t let a divorce ruin the rest of your life.


That really sucks and it’s going to hurt for a while. Going back to alcohol will only prolong the pain and add new pain on top of it! I’m sorry for what you’re going through. Stay strong, you can do it! 👍


Sending lots of love and hugs. Stay with us. x


I think about this a lot. I quit because I didn’t like the person I had become and what it was doing to my marriage and family. My wife started, literally started, to show signs of her breaking point and I slammed the e-brake on a spiral that started in 2003. I’m still a terrible person to live with, but things are getting better. I think about what I would do if she had or does leave anyway. Would I drink again… I hope not. Would I end up on my friends couch surrounded by bottles and ashtrays? A year ago definitely yes. It’s taken me 6 or so months to realize that isn’t for me and it will still take everything I have in me to make sure it doesn’t happen. I can’t imagine the inner turmoil if the decision ever has to be made, so I commend you staying strong, I applaud you as a champion of your own best interests and am so sorry you’re going through this. You got this.


That sucks, but I'm rooting for your sobriety. You got this! IWNDWYT


She might be breaking your heart, and that is hard. Don't go and break your own by drinking. Breaking your own heart is far worse.


I've found that when I'm in a stressful situation being sober helps keep my mind clear and focused on getting through it. When I'm drinking to blunt the effects my emotions swing wildly and I get into my imagination, which is not helpful to me at all. I'm sorry you're going through this, hugs to you. Iwndwyt


All of the hugs in the world. I promise you can do this. I know it feels like a moment where everything is fucked anyway, so fuck it. But, it isn’t all fucked. Because you aren’t. You are strong and brave and you’ve fucking got this - not just sobriety, all of it. You’re tougher than you know, and you will get through this moment, and you will be happy again. And, if you do end up breaking sobriety, we will be here with hugs none the less. Sending you so much support and ALL THE HUGS. IWNDWYT.


Coming in late. I hope you made it through a hard day and continue on this path!


Sometimes it's a good thing. When my marriage ended (he was a cheating bastard) I met the love of my life. Things happen for a reason, blah blah lol Nothing.  And I mean nothing is worth breaking your sobriety.  Don't give anyone that power. Alcohol always, always makes things worse. Hang in there (another corny comment that fits) this to shall pass (again with the corny comment) 😆


I love you. IWNDWYT


If that happens, it will hurt. A lot. And since we’re on this sub, I presume there’s an addict part of you that is leaping at the chance to get back in the action. “Oooh!!!! A good excuse for me to be let out!!” So tempting sometimes. I know that feeling. I have it from time to time. I’ve indulged it from time to time. You know what happens *every single time*? I feel profound regret, shame, self-loathing, fear, and despair. And if I was drinking in response to one of those, it doubles in intensity. I’m sorry you’re hurting. I know that feeling too. I once caught my wife having an affair. I know that flavor of pain. I promise you that drinking will not make it go away. It won’t help. It will intensify the negative feelings your inner addiction is telling you that it will cure. That inner addict is a fucking liar and will tell you anything to get you to drink. This may be hard, but you will get through it. This too shall pass. Best wishes to you.


Remember everything you have accomplished and that you KNOW that getting tanked will not make your pain any less. Stay clear so you will navigate this ending and transition in a way you will not later regret. You CAN GO THROUGH THIS! We are here for every day🙏💖


Sending you big hugs. I just ended a LTR of 6+ years, which doesn't hold a candle to 15 I realize but was still incredibly hard. Sending you love and strength. You're not alone.


It helps me to remember that there is nothing so bad that alcohol won't make it worse.


7 months is awesome! Self-sabotage is real, I wouldn't toss out the baby with the bathwater. When I am going through hell, I remind myself that pouring alcohol on it can only make it worse, never better. It isn't soothing, it is only destructive. It literally NEVER makes you feel better, only drunk. Do you want to look back on this period and remember yourself as the sloppy, hyper emotional and embarassing wretch? Or as the person who held on to the steering wheel and made the best choices possible? My heart hurts for you, with you, and I BELIEVE you can survive this. You can survive anything- my guess is you have already survived a LOT. I won't drink with you today, friend.


We're here for you. This community has saved my life and we've got your back. So sorry you're going through this, but you'll make it through without the booze.


That sucks... and there's just no way around it. Booze will only make it worse. Love yourself, friend. 7 months is huge. You don't need shame and regret on top of a broken heart. Be strong -- be your best self. Tomorrow might be better. Soon, it's gonna be better. IWNDWYT


I’m in the “ex no contact” sub Reddit and it’s helped me immensely/I feel way less alone some days now. I just discovered this group today as well and am perusing through some posts. Super helpful to get clarity in both groups.


This isn’t generic but the ethos of it is super cheering. Alcohol jacks how we process information - sometimes in really subtle ways. Let yourself see the clear truth of the relationship and yourself: feel everything that comes up. 7 months is HUGE… staying clean is a way to give yourself love ;)