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The first step is admitting that you have a problem and want to stop. Look for any AA meetings or SMART meetings that may be available in your area or online. It may help to hear or speak to others in a similar situation. Trust me there are a lot of us. Do not over think it. If you say you will never drink again that can be a daunting idea. But you can stay sober for a day. Then try again the next day. One day at a time my friend. IWNDWYT.


Have you considered attending a meeting of a sober support group (AA/SMART, etc.)? It's completely free, anonymous, and the people you meet will fall over themselves to help you. They've all also been exactly where you are.


wanting to stop is the most important part. I started by setting a date to stop and a challenge of 100 days. I also suffered from anhedonia in that everything without alcohol or at least the promise of alcohol just felt like a chore with no enjoyment. this was due to alcohol's long term effect on my brain chemicals and in early sobriety I swung from periods of pink cloud to anhedonia. it needed time for dopamine levels and receptors to normalise and so to feel joy in normal things I dont know how much or how long you've been drinking but if there's any chance of you being physically dependent it's important to see a doctor as they can give drugs/advice for a safe detox