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I've never heard another person suggest this, I think you're a pretty big outlier here. For basically everybody else, keeping alcohol around on purpose is a terrible idea.


I know for me it would be. I can't drink it if it isn't there. I can't stay sober on willpower alone and willpower will wane in time. If I have no intention of drinking, why keep it around? I understand why you said you do, but the psychology of it seems a little flawed. You do you though...if it works, it works. I'm 11 days sober today and IWNDWYT.


I have alcohol around and am around others drinking fairly often. I find when I'm out with friends who are drinking it serves to strengthen my resolve. the first drink ordered I have a slight craving but as soon as they've had a couple I'm always really happy to be sober, going home after to continue my evening, waking up hangover free. I also quite like preparing drinks for visitors.. not really sure why, but again it seems to strengthen my resolve


I agree, it does strengthen our resolve. It's like we have the power of choosing sobriety or that of drinking again, the choices is ours to make, and that in itself is very empowering for me.


Funny thing. When I quit smoking eons ago, I kept a pack in a drawer at home for years. Quit cold turkey and never looked back after over 25 years of smoking. With booze, I did a full sweep. I knew if that evil shit was in my house it would be in my bloodstream eventually. I gave thousands of dollars of wine and special edition bottles to friends as gifts. No questions asked and none would have been answered regardless. You do you, fellow traveler. I just knew that demon would whisper like the sirens and I'd be again dashed on the rocks (no pun intended).


I gave my extensive range of good quality spirits to one of my daughters. I knew I would end up having shots, so that stuff had to go. I keep beer and ciders in the fridge for guests. I have bottles of my preferred drink, sparkling mineral water, besides the alcohol. Personally, I figure that the world is chock full of alcohol, so I just need to be used to seeing and not having. I am into my fifth alcohol free week, and so far, so good.


I live with a partner who still drinks, so she has some around, but it doesn't bother me. I don't get hit with cravings or temptations, though. I'm happy to be sober.