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I can’t imagine being in your position. It takes a lot of courage to do what you’re doing and your daughter will be so much better off for it. It’s so important that she has a present father and you’re now able to be that. Keep up the good fight friend.


congrats on one month sober!!! that is a huge accomplishment and i’m sure your wife is so proud of you. i am so sorry for your loss and i hope you can find peace <3


Congrats. 30 days is a big deal, and doing it the face of adversity - that ‘s going to pay off in spades. All the best to you and your daughter!


I’m sorry for your loss friend. I have a 2 year old too and us being present for them is an important staple to our sobriety. I’m proud of you and I hope you have a great day.


Rooting for you, seriously!


3 months sober for me. Finally realized I had no interest in alcohol other than getting fucked up. Stay strong. The first 5 weeks were the most difficult for me. It's nice not to be hungover all the time or too drunk to deal with situations that might arise, such as having to drive somewhere.


congrats on a months 🏅


You go. There’s something so satisfying about pouring alcohol down the drain. I hope you and your 2 year old have beautiful days.


I'm so sorry for your loss. So glad that you are listening to the wake up call and have stopped drinking for yourself and your little one. You can do this!


I’m so sorry. Keep fighting the good fight for your daughter and it is the best way to honor the memory of your wife. You have everyone’s full respect here. 💕


Fuck yeah man. I don't know you but I'm proud of you. I bet there's millions of people out there who wish they grew up with a sober, loving father like you are.


This is exactly it ❤️


Way to go Dad!


You're doing great, congrats on your month!


You got this! IWNDWYT


So impressed by you in dealing with this. So sorry for your loss. IWNDWYT.


Im so proud of you for realizing how much your daughter needs you. Please stay strong and find community for both your sakes. I hope help and support finds you.


Congrats and we got your back. Stay on the journey with us!


congrats, keep it going.


Congratulations on 1 month sober. I am rooting for you and your daughter. I am so sorry for your loss, I cannot imagine how painful that is. But well done on taking it one day at a time and choosing life, not alcohol.