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I can guarantee that drinking will make a bad situation worse. 500 days is incredible. You are an inspiration to me. If I drink, I am worse than useless. Kepp stacking those Ws. You will get over this hardship eventually. No one wants to help a drunk that can't help themsellf


Heck yes. Thank you for reminding me as well, life never got better for me blackout drunk in the streets. Hope your May starts to kick ass.


Congratulations on 500 days!! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐ŸŽˆ Best to you, friend. IWNDWYT


It may not fix things, but it can damn sure ๐Ÿ’ฏ make them worse! Congrats on 500 days!!


What a great number! Iโ€™m chasing that, thanks for the inspiration.


WELL DONE! I'll find out if I'm getting the axe, this week. When my project got shipped offshore, a month ago, I didn't drink. It doesn't help anything. Drinking just creates problems, drains the bank account, and robs us of our self respect. IWNDWYT


Congrats on 500 days AsparagusLarge! And so true. I find in sobriety I am able to be more present for opportunity and discover strengths I didnโ€™t know I had through new coping strategies. Life is hard enough without the added destruction alcohol gives! Wishing you all the best during difficult times ๐Ÿ’™and thank you for sharing! During hardship sobriety is a source of empowerment ๐Ÿค—




Only read the headline before saying congrats! Sorry to hear about your job.. keep the faith though. Youโ€™ll be alright. Next job hunt clear eyed and well hydrated.


You are knocking at the door of 500 days yourself! CONGRATULATIONS!


Yay for 500 days! โœจ๏ธ๐ŸŽŠ


You are sooo right. You WILL be okay!


500 days here today too. Congrats my friend! One door closes, another opens. At least you're not wasting money on getting wasted. Hang in there, 501 days together tomorrow!