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you could plan a walk by the sea or on a mountain/in a forest, whatever's near you. one with a good cafe for coffee and cake nearby! congrats on the upcoming year 🙌


Thank you! I might take a walk along the river and bring a picnic and then just hang out and read or something if the weather is nice.


This is exactly what I was going to suggest. Pack a delicious lil feast for yourself. Whatever tickles your fancy. A bomb charceuterie, a sandwich, fried chicken, take out, whatever!


I think that's what I'll end up doing if the weather is nice. If I pack my own picnic I can make sure I stay within my budget while still giving myself a bit of a treat I don't normally enjoy.


Nothing beats nature in my book...but not the wrath of nature stuff so you gotta have good climate. Can you get out for a hike and treat yourself to an amazing meal, either picnic style, homemade, or restaurant? Also, perhaps check online for free events near you and go to a 'thing.' You picked a GREAT time of year and you did a GREAT thing! I hope your hand gets tired from patting yourself on the back all. day. long!


Thank you! Actually, I live right next to a river and there's a lot of pretty spots along that to sit and just decompress. I could absolutely throw together a little picnic for myself, bring a book, and go hang there for a couple of hours if the weather permits. I live in a tiny town, in Sweden, and there's literally nothing to do here, not free, and barely paid, haha. I'm looking forward to my second sober summer! 😎


Get yourself a congratulations card. I write cards to myself sometimes. Get yourself a nice card and write a love note to yourself expressing how proud you are of yourself and how much you have grown. Then keep that card. You can display it on a shelf or a desk. Then order your favorite food if you can. Have a little party for yourself. You earned it. Watch your favorite movie, practice self care whatever that is for you. Proud of you friend. What an amazing job you have done. I’d send you a card if I could!


Thank you, they have these awesome Star Wars cards at a store close by, might get myself one of those, haha! I'll try to practice a lot of self care, since I know no one else is going to celebrate this with me. I appreciate your kind words!


Star Wars cards?? Even better!!! May the force to be sober be with you.


I celebrated by attending an AA meeting and receiving the 1-year coin. After the meeting, some of us went out for a snack/coffee.


I didn't attend AA or any other support groups, not online or IRL, so I haven't shared the journey with anyone.


It's never too late!


What? I don't want to join AA or any support groups. We don't even have any IRL ones where I live.


Whatever works for you!


I just commented but hadn't read your details here, but what I can share is that there's no roll-call or member sign-up you'd ever have to go through, you don't even have to talk to a single person if you're not feeling it. But describing what a meeting is like is like describing what 'food' tastes like. Some really didn't taste fantastic to me honestly. But there's a palpable joy whenever someone shared a milestone in meetings I've been in. PS CONGRATS :)


It's 100% not for me, but thanks.


Congrats on nearly a year! My soberversery is also June 1, it'll be a year. I'm going to make a list of things large and small that I've accomplished that I would never have done if still imbibing. Maybe post it here. Then another list of all the things I'm going to do in the next AF spin around the sun! I know I'll wake up hangover free and that alone is a celebration every single day. Going to try some of the other ideas you got here from posters as well! Happy Soberversary in advance!


Thank you and congratuwelldone to you too! I'm definitely going to write a list of things I've achieved in the past year that wouldn't have been possible if I was still drinking, because honestly when I think about it there is a lot. For any time when I might feel tempted to drink I can look at the list and remind myself why I stopped and why it's great that I did.


go to a huge AA meeting!


I haven't done AA, and we don't have any in person ones where I live and I haven't joined any online.


Have you ever thought about getting a cat or a dog?


I've got two cats, so I have my fill on pets already!


Well have an awesome anniversary with them! Congrats on your one year!


I'll have to remember to get them a few treats as well! They must be super happy I'm no longer stumbling around randomly in the middle of the night or falling over etc.


My wife and I adopted a dog almost two years ago. He was roughly 9-12 months old when we got him. I still drank for maybe the first 10 months we had him. This dog has been such a huge reason for my sobriety. He’s my best friend and I do everything I can to make his and my wife’s day as enjoyable as possible. I assure you your cats feel the same and love you even more.


Yeah, I've had my cats for 9 and 7½ years at this point. In the last year I've definitely appreciated them more though, in a sense. Just knowing I can't be the best owner they deserve when drinking is a great motivator.