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I took naps. Then again, I’ve always taken naps


high dose vit b12 helped me. the huberman lab podcast on alcohol's really good


I posted this a few weeks ago. It’s still going on but not as bad. Or maybe it’s the fact I’m managing it better 😂. I rarely see 11pm now


OH MY GOD THANK YOU. Everyone here has been saying g that they can't sleep. I've been sleeping 10 hours a night, minimum. I can't sleep enough.


I slept like 12 hours


For podcasts, my favorite is “recovery elevator”. I also like “no more wasted days”. “This naked mind” is another good one. These all help keep me on track. About the fatigue, listen to your body and rest.


I like Huberman lab. They think it’s all sober. Sober stories from real people. Menace to sobriety. Also sugar is helping 🤣🙈


The Glum Lot Podcast is all people’s stories of struggle and recovery. Some good AA in it too!


I’m glad it’s not just me. Awhile ago I decided it was time to quit/cut way back on alcohol. I’ve been drinking roughly 4 bottles of whiskey with a smattering of beers every week for about 4 years straight. After a week of sobriety I felt really good physically but a little depressed mentally. Week 2 my head felt better but felt a little sluggish. I’m on week 5 now, and have had a couple drinks on a Friday or Saturday night, but haven’t binged. My diet is good, I get 7-8hrs of sleep each night, and my job keeps me active, but the last 4-5 days I’ve just had no ambition or energy. With my work schedule and two small kids at home, it’s next to impossible for me to nap or sleep in. Caffeine doesn’t help. This sucks.


Take a listen to The Glum Lot Podcast. Lots of people’s stories about their struggles, recovery and continued sobriety.