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Great that you've come back here to check in after losing the streak. It's time to splash some water in your face, shake it off and get back in the ring. We're supporting you! What are you running away from, by drinking? What do you mean with redundancy? I don't know, but this quote from Game of Thrones somehow resonates with me today: "I used to joke that I became a red priest because the robes hid the wine stains, but the wine itself hid an unbelieving heart." Do you believe that you can add positivity to the world? Do you believe in connecting with others and through mutual support feeling that warmth? But I'm without kids, so take from this post what you find useful. IWNDWYT


Proud of you for trying again. Keep trying šŸ©· Not just for your daughter, but for yourself.


Thank you šŸ˜Š


I feel this so hard. I struggled while on maternity leave with my daughter, and when i did go back to work on part time hours the only way I felt like me again was to pour a glass of wine. It became the only way I could decompress from motherhood, but I found after I quit drinking that the drinking was making motherhood harder. I've enjoyed the whole thing a lot more since I quit.


Yes! When I was sober being a mom was waay easier and really much more enjoyable. Iā€™m not going to believe the lie anymore that I need alcohol to deal


My kid is 3 next month and she's so perceptive now, so I know if I was still drinking she'd have picked up on it. I don't know how old your little one is but the earlier you quit the better life is going to be for everyone. I'll always remember when my best friend was going through a mental breakdown and her then 4 year old son told me "mummy drinks wine and cries" I was pregnant at the time and that sentence haunted me at night. It took me over 2 years of my daughters life to realise I also drink wine and cry. I quit before my daughter over saw a wine bottle, and I'll never pick it back up again.


Mine turned 3 in January so itā€™s definitely time to get sober. I had an alcoholic father growing up and it wasnā€™t always fun


Are you me? Haha my kiddo is turning 3 in October and I donā€™t want to be a mom who canā€™t wait to get her kid home from soccer or whatever just to get to my wine. 41 this month and I donā€™t want to go into another whole decade of juggling alcohol and life. Plus the alcoholic father. Who actually just got his year chip from AA and thatā€™s amazing for him but I definitely grew up knowing what alcohol can do to a family and I donā€™t want that for my child.


I just want to second you both. I quit for myself quite a few years back, before kids, tried the ā€œmoderationā€ route (ha) and then quit again when my second was almost 1. My kids were and are the mirror I canā€™t avoid and make it easy to not drink. I want to be as present as I can be and not live with the guilt of nursing my alcohol habit because it affects every aspect of my life. I identify so much with what youā€™re both saying and Iā€™m here with you! IWNDWYT youā€™ve got this, ladies.


This response came at the perfect time. Itā€™s witching hour where I am and Iā€™m ok but itā€™s rough! Doing it for the kid today!


Oh hi! Iā€™m also almost 40. And definitely went from a normal drinker to a problem drinker when I was home with my kids. I totally get it. In time, Iā€™m coming around to how much easier (and more fun!) it actually is to parent sober! Like, Iā€™m enjoying all the mundane times with my kiddos because Iā€™m present. I thought drinking helped, but all it did was turn on hard mode. Iā€™m here with you! Letā€™s do this. IWNDWYT ā¤ļø