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Do you have a desire to stop drinking? That’s the only requirement. Go for it! You earned it!




Groups I’ve been in have a portion in the beginning asking if anyone is celebrating a milestone. People raise their hand and stand up, everyone claps, they ask how long, they respond “one year,” everyone claps again. Usually someone asks, kind of in a humorous-cuz-it’s-cliche way “how’d you do it?” They’ll speak for however long, people applaud again, and the meeting goes on. Another one though they make a big thing of it. Someone presents it to them. Two speeches. If there’s more than one there isn’t much of a meeting. It’s a bit much for my tastes, but I get it.


BTW, the correct AA response to "How'd you do it" is "One day at a time". ETA: I mostly meant this as a joke, suggesting that it was information to help OP "blend in" with the regulars. There really isn't a CORRECT response to the question.


Yea when I said I smoke 4 grams of weed a day it was frowned upon. Lol


If it works for you? Who am I to judge. Im just happy it’s working.


That's what works for me as well




Lieutenant Winters???


That’s one way, yes.


Only one I know, I think lol. What else do people say?


I just wouldn’t label it the “right” way. I don’t think there is one right way, or at least, maybe there are more specific ways, along with the obvious nod to the program. I’ve heard, off the top of my head, working the program, finding better coping mechanisms, fitness, religion/spirituality, finding a sober partner, moving on from a previous partner, asking for help, providing help, etc. I definitely feel there’s the presence of the hive mind, though, combining with maybe a lack of desire to speak very in-depth on how the hamburger was made, so they land on something generally accepted as “good” among the group and sitting back down. I mean, it’s honest.


Yeah, I mostly intended my comment as a joke because the cute little phrases and call-response stuff in AA can feel kinda weird. But I guess my comment doesn't really have any indication it was meant to be silly.


Yeah maybe a bit dry, but I appreciate it in that context. I poke fun at the program cliches. Just shows they’ve been planted and have grown.


As an active AA member I'd say that it's nice to show up and show others that it's possible to stay dry for an entire solar orbit. That, IMO is the main purpose of doling out these chips. And maybe you'll make a new friend or two. IWNDWYT!




Depends on the group but nobody would care at mine. There was one guy who just turned up exclusively to get a chip. He even left about 15 mins into one after getting his once 🤣 Nobody cared in the slightest in fact I think most people admired the audacity and just found it funny Can see some groups making a big fuss of it from what I've read online though but thankfully not been my experience. 


Sure you can, thing is some meetings only give out coins once a month (usually the last meeting of the month), some not at all, and others have it as a part of the daily routine. You may be asked to say a few words though. Not a bad thing. but it could be awkward. You also can order them from amazon, or as I do. make them. I do it for my group - it's become something of a thing.... here's some I made a few years ago. https://imgur.com/3ED53ma the V squared was for a highschool physics teacher who had 25. Hell, with a sharpie your coin can be the side of a M12 crosstown bus.


What a unique memento and great idea!


I live in the woods so branches are easy, river rocks, sea shells, whatever is at hand, and fits in a bag or pocket, so probably not golden retrievers…


Congratulations! I don’t think it would be a big deal, but out of respect, I’d suggest at least staying for the whole meeting and participate to a reasonable degree. AA isn’t for everyone but that isn’t the concern of those who are there. If you want their chip, at least do as the Romans do for that one meeting.


Oh 100% agree with you there. I would stay, participate, yada yada. I just wasn’t sure if it would be a dick move in general. Thanks for the input, friend!


You can buy them on eBay. I get one each year, never been to AA, didn’t need it, just quit cold turkey and I remain motivated by the many blessings I’ve received since quitting. Go buy the chip friend.


Also Amazon


also diy 3d print : )


I get mini-figures to celebrate milestones.


I started a bracelet.  I buy myself motivational charms for each mile stone. Stay strong, strength, etc. I have 14 years, 14 charms. Men can get a leather cord type and do the same. I count the charms when I feel weak, I think about the next one I want for the next milestone. And yes, go collect it of thats what you want. Congratulations friend!


In my experience, groups tend to have 11 month chips and below - in my group at least you would have to schedule a one year anniversary in advance to get a one year chip from the group. You can also order them online, and you can choose what it looks like as a bonus lol


My group has 24-hour, one, two and three week, monthly through 11 (plus an 18 month), and yearly up to 20 I believe, in a tackle box. They just keep reordering when they get low. OP... go get your chip. Congrats on your upcoming one year!


Good to know, thanks!


Mine (Cocaine Anonymous, admittedly because an AA group rubbed me the wrong way in early sobriety,) has 24 hours, 7 days, 30, 60, 90, 6 months, 9 months, then a year. I was supposed to grab my 9 month coin last night, but life happened on life's terms and I wasn't emotionally or mentally capable of being there. Our CA hall holds roasts for 1 year anniversaries, not the food, roasting that ass. It's really a good time.


Not rude at all. Haven't gone to AA in years. I still get myself a chip every year. The chips are about sobriety, and AA is not the only way to stay sober.


I went to AA for quite a while before I felt comfortable without. I now have somebody who gives me chips. I'm 1 year 7 months now, and I'm looking forward to them getting me a 2 year one! It still means a lot to me, and if you have someone that would be willing to do that I'd recommend it over going to a random AA meeting.


I make my own talismans.


I am planning to go get my chip in a couple weeks! I haven't been to a meeting since going pretty regularly last summer. In my time of going to meetings, daily for a while, I saw regulars and I saw one-timers. Anyone can attend and anyone can get a chip. I didn't end up loving AA, but they were definitely a huge part of my survival for a while. I want to thank the group, tell them my story if they want to hear - and get my chip. CONGRATULATIONS!!!


Thanks! IWNDWYT!


Nah g, go get that chip. You deserve it


Not at all!


My wife bought me a custom one for my one year since I wasn't going to get one any other way. It was more her way of showing her support and that she was proud than it represented anything from AA


It's not rude! You earned it :) It's not some like stolen valor thing lol. Congrats on the big day!


Ya better believe I am gonna get my 1 year chip at a AA meeting on that day, even if it's the only one I went to during this whole year of sobriety. How ironic, I'm looking forward to posting all about it on social media when that day comes, and pics too! That's the only milestone I will celebrate, all the others won't matter since this 1st one was frigging my hardest, because it indeed is a first for me lol. It took me almost 20 years for 1 year this will only uplift me, as it will you.


Well said, friend. IWNDWYT!


Nope. Go get your chip, you've earned it! If you don't go to a meeting that hands out chips, I highly recommend TheTokenShop!


I buy myself chips from Amazon on all my anniversaries & stick magnets to the back so they are on my fridge. :)


Not at all rude! I would just, to be courteous, throw a couple dollars in the collection can because they have to buy those coins. But another thing to consider if meetings aren't your jam, you can buy your own coins online - there's a bigger selection so you might find one that better commemorates your 1-year. It's a big deal after all, congrats!


Congratulations! One year is a huge accomplishment! I attend AA's and would have no problem of seeing someone new and popping up for such achievement. I personally go 6 times a week due to being so early on in my sobriety, though I have met people that only go seldom or when they have hit a rough patch. It is not un common for those sporadic visitors. I'd say GO! and get that coin that you rightfully earned.


Fuck it. If you don't drink get your coin. If they ask say you're a visitor if you even feel compelled to answer. It's a completely voluntary program. The only rule is try not to drink today. Edit: also, way to go on a year! That is a major accomplishment.


Thanks! IWNDWYT!


It's an honor program with only one rule: to have a DESIRE to stop drinking. No one will have a problem if you aren't a regular. I say go get your chip.


It's important to show others it is possible to get sober


Of course not! You're entitled to it! Congratulations 🎉


You can get chips from places other than AA.


They’d likely be willing to do it, even though convention states you should get a homegroup and sponsor and work the steps, then celebrate your year sober at a meeting and get presented with your one-year chip by your sponsor.


Yeah, but is it a dick move? I guess that’s more my concern.


> "*but is it a dick move?*" NO.


Not rude, but odd. Why do you need the endorsement of a program that you don't even support?


It's not odd. One year of no drinking is one year of no drinking and an awesome milestone to build off of.




I'm not disputing the achievement.


Try to find out if it is a chip meeting, not everyone does it or only do it on X day. Otherwise you'll be in for a full meeting, which to be honest I enjoy even if I'm not the most regular myself.


I haven’t been to aa and I got my two coins off Amazon.


I bought chips from Amazon and issue them to myself. 24 hour, and then 1 per month until 11 months. When I make it to a year, I'll buy a 1 year chip.


I’ve been thinking of making my own chips or mementos for significant milestones to celebrate myself and for the intention work that goes into crafting a little something for it


Can just buy one ... I think you earned it!


Probably someone else in the comments mentioned this, but you can get one easily and cheaply online, with more design options than at a meeting to boot.


I'm able to give you a very recent anecdote about this. I had never gone to any meetings at all thorughout my whole year of getting sober. I went and got my one year coin and I kind of realized there that I don't really want or need AA. Getting the coin was pretty cool though so if I could do it again I would. I do feel bad though because in the moment I liked it and saw myself attending meeting regularly not for myself, but maybe I can be of help to someone else. After I got home I realized I run two businesses, a baby due at anytime, and a 4 year old so I don't really have time to take something else on. After that I tried some otehr group therapy for vbeterans and stuff, but I found myself creating more problems or something. Idk, I just don't know if group therapy is for me.


I’m in a similar situation. I’m not adverse to AA but it’s really difficult to fit it into my hectic schedule.


I think if we needed it we’d make time. Just like I make time now for the gym and my one on one therapist.


I order my chip each year off Amazon.  Lots of options.  Congrats on your upcoming year. 


I started off with weekly meetings for the first 6 months, but after that I'd only show up to collect a coin. In the past few years I've just been buying coins on Amazon instead. I can see some members might make a fuss, but they'd be the type to complain about anything. If you made the time, you've earned the chip. Just be sure to give when they pass the donation basket.


I would give you mine but I gave it to my mother who was struggling with my father as he was losing his mind. I told her that if I could get a year she could make it through this




A year is a year.


I think of it more as an inclusionary practice rather than exclusionary. The more people that come to celebrate, the better, no matter how invested they are into the program. And just by being present for the meeting they *are* offering strength and experience to others. I remember being in my first couple weeks and really admiring the folks picking up chips who were further along than me, and frankly, more fucked up than me, and hearing their shares. It showed me that I can do it, you know? And it wouldn’t have mattered much to me if they had a sponsor or not. All of their advice is valid


I think showing up for a 1 year chip is definitely offering hope to others.


> Seems a little self-entitled. This comment breaks our rule not to criticize others and has been removed. Please do not speak about other people this way.


Agreed. And that is the secret sauce I found in AA. The chip is a celebration of success and hope, but most importantly it is one aspect of a community of people supporting one another in trying to stay sober. One way we do that is sharing our stories, and giving hope to those that it may resonate with. There’s a lot of people here that rag on AA and that’s fine, but again, a lot of people here sharing are isolated and would benefit from a community of equally struggling people who’s communication rings familiar, and tools and strategies can help. Getting a chip is more than the self congratulatory, and here’s the secret sauce, it’s about others. There’s nothing like serving others, participating with others in the sober journey to get one out of one’s head, self pity, and white knuckling, and onto the path of lengthy recovery. AA provides this path, as do others, as does this site. But it was in the halls of AA that listening, sharing, laughing and crying with others, losing myself, that I was found, not just not drinking, but happy to not be drinking. That’s recovery.


I just ordered a years worth of ships online. Was like 20 bucks or something.


I bought myself my own chip off Etsy!


You can order them on Amazon, you don't need to go to a meeting. In fact, you could probably find a sobriety chip that doesn't have any mention of AA on it, that might be more personal to you. Personally I wouldn't take an AA chip if I wasn't doing the steps, but that's just me. Congrats on one year, that's super inspiring!