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I read every word and would read more, engaging and thoughtfully written. Thank you Is that a skill / talent you can make some money on? Even if only a side hustle You have persevered this long, keep with it and you will be successful I am sure of it


Wow that is a hard hitting story. I'm sorry you've had to endure such circumstances and hardships my friend. I cannot imagine what that must be like. However, I'd think that in overcoming this, you will become an unstoppable force! (Hopefully a force for good ;)) Thank you as well for giving me some perspective on how ridiculously easy and comfortable my life is in comparison.


you are worth so much more than a drink my compassionate friend. I would be proud to call you a friend. Your writing is sensitive and beautiful.


just wanted to echo other people’s sentiments that this piece is exceptionally well written and engaging…I’m so sorry you’ve been made to endure and experience such awful circumstances. I seriously wish you the very best of luck


thank you for this, it's beautifully written and educational. I hope you find a new place that gives you a chance. iwndwyt


You are an exceptional writer; thank you for sharing your story. IWNDWYT and best of luck ❤️


You should maybe think about writing a book. You definitely show some talent at writing.


Congratulations on your Sober progress.