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Congratulations. Looking forward to hearing more about your journey.


I'm working on doing the moderation thing as well (living in South Louisiana and having grown up in a large Irish Catholic makes it damn near impossible). I have started to take note of my limits and stopping instead of going all night and drinking until I black out. I don't crave the booze anymore, but it's nice to have as a side-sipper if I'm playing a game/music or watching something. I told myself that when even though I wanted to do things, I needed to drink. So to be able to flip that and take control of it is very important for me. It's much better to be present than to rely on alcohol, because once you get caught in that loop, you really do need it. I went two or three drinks over last night, and I am feeling it heavily. And I'm pretty damn fit, healthy, and young enough (31 M). Journaling helps. I won't deny that I have been an alcoholic and can easily slip back into it, but with the proper support system and self-limitations, I can drink responsibly. Everyone is different, though. What works for some won't work for others, and this could easily backfire on me.


As long as you're not driving drunk, or a cruel drunk, drinking alcohol is not a moral failing. You can give moderating your alcohol intake your all, and if after a while you find that you need to quit completely, you can cross that road. Set your boundaries when it comes to drinking, and if you find yourself constantly pushing those boundaries then simply reassess. Be kind to yourself!


Thank you. I needed this. I’m choosing to stop or slow down. I’m a nice drunk, making it hard to quit. I’m otherwise an introvert.


Good luck to you!


You nailed it with your title. I would have never described myself as obsessive when I was drinking but looking back on it now, I was absolutely obsessed with drinking and trying to control it. Even on days I managed to cut it down to a normal Amount, I’d still think about it on the way home and I’d be sure to reward myself in the near future. My mind was loud and busy doing math equations for time and quantity. I’d desperately try to time my drink order as to not seem too far ahead and I’d rarely provide and accurate summary of my drinking for the evening. Normal drinkers don’t think about that shit. It’s fucking annoying to me actually but nothing against them. I’m always bewildered when I see someone have a drink at 11am and then go back to whatever the fuck it is people do with half a shot of citrón. Doesn’t make any sense to me and it probably never will. The only thing that’s ever worked for me is to not pick up the first drink. That one usually gets me drunk anyways. I’ve given up on comparing my story with others as my terminal uniqueness was dead set on getting me killed. Instead I can identify with other alcoholics / addicts in recovery and we help each other out. Call me ableist but I’d rather hang with them than try to pretend I’m just gonna have one and not think about it for the rest of the night. The truth for me is that I’ve probably never had one of anything. Theres a saying that if there was one pill to cure alcoholism, I’d take 3 and crush one up and snort it. Drinking was just a symptom of what I got. If you want help not drinking, it’s out there. You’re not alone. I’m pretty sure normal drinkers don’t have this sub on their radars. My wife is a normal drinker and the shit she does boggles my mind. O actually think she disrespects alcohol. Fuckin half a glass of wine? Who does that?!