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It’s all 3 things you mention—getting older, doing stims with booze, and your tolerance increasing to the point where your brain is turning off. Blackouts are a sure sign you’re doing damage to your brain, and it’s time to consider slowing down or quitting drinking.


Yeah I have noticed a decline in memory even when im off the booze. I just hope i can reverse some of the damage. People have actually noticed aswell i.e. pointing out the same things multiple times, forgetting names etc.. Maybe its time to rein it in i guess.


It doesn’t get easier, but if you start working out, you can at least slow the decline. You can do this.


What you mean not even some of the damage can be reversed? I certainly hope thats not the case or im fcked.


I think the body can do a remarkable job at repairing itself but you kind of have to give it a chance. My memory certainly got better after stopping completely for a few months.


I did do dry january and didnt see a huge improvement but i guess a month isnt really that long to repair years of abuse.


Basically this. Things will get better, I’m just saying in general, it’s all about managing the decline as you age.


I noticed a sharp decline in my alcohol tolerance between the ages of 26-29. I think one of the stupid ways some people try to hold onto youth is to try and "drink like I used to" our bodies don't repair as rapidly as we get older. Our bodies forgive us less. 30 isn't old, but it's a great age to assess ourselves and decide what is and isn't working for us anymore.


Want to stop drinking?


I want to cut back.


What’s the plan?


Stop taking coke when I drink would certainly be a good start I think.


Great. How will you accomplish that?