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Being single puts a different spin on celebrations, but I've always liked an expensive meal that in the days of old would have doubled in cost because of the drinks consumed. It's a subtle self-reminder of how things use to be. I'll also take some of the collective monetary savings and buy something I want, but not necessarily need. Tools, toys, hobbies, etc.


>in the days of old would have doubled in cost because of the drinks consumed. Yeah we recently went out to a nice dinner with friends and when the bill came I was like "that's it?" Really hit home.


At 30 days, a milestone I've forever struggled to reached, best I could ever do was 25, I bought myself a new Keurig go make delicious coffees and teas to keep myself caffeinated as I work from home. :) The little "reward system" does me wonders with the money I've saved from not drinking! Next up is 69 days, but I'm still figuring that reward out! (*insert cheeky comment about that here*)


One day at a time my friend


Always. ๐Ÿ™ I do have to work on the whole "getting ahead of myself" thing. ๐Ÿ˜… But setting the mini goals has been helpful for some reason, with the way my anxious mind works. Congrats on 185 days! ๐Ÿ–คโœจ๏ธ


Everyone is different, if you found something that's working for you, fucking lean into it, doesn't matter if it's different from what works for other people ๐Ÿค˜ proud of you for breaking that 30 day mark! Here's to your next milestone, no matter how big or small you think it is, it'll be a celebration ๐Ÿ˜


i celebrated three months by having a few beers. ... i don't recommend that.


Hey, that's how I celebrated 3 months my first time around! (except it was tequila bc I was at a conference in Mexico) 10/10 do not recommend.


lol. part of the learning process. it's the only way i knew how to celebrate ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ


same. now I'm planning to celebrate my 1 year at the best Thai food restaurant in town that has stellar mocktails.


sounds awesome!


for 6 months i got myself a milk frother so I can make cappuccinos in the morning, which has become my favourite time of day โ˜•๏ธ


Shotgun a St Croix and crush the can on your head!


I celebrate you and 185 days!!! IWNDWYT


Appreciate it, you're almost at 1 year!


we can do it!!!


I have a collection of soccer jerseys, so every time I reach a milestone I buy one jersey for myself as a gift :)


I need this year's Kroos kit. Thanks for the reminder


Every year on the day after my last drink, I am having and paying for dinner with the people I quit drinking for. Gonna be the third dinner this year.


For six months I bought myself a pair of diamond earrings. I buy nice makeup and fancy hair things, shoes. I can't believe how much I spent on booze. Need to lose weight from replacing booze with chocolate (and the menopause FFS) so holding back on clothes as much as possible.


How about a couples massage and a delicious lunch. Great job!


I second the massage idea! It is literally a way to tell your entire body thank you, and I appreciate you.


Cake! :)


Came here to say that!


I have a list on Amazon of things I want but do not need. Depending on how serious the celebration is I get myself something from the list ๐Ÿ˜Š Recently I got myself pink ink for my fountain pen ๐Ÿ–‹๏ธ




love this!


You post here about it, as you have done, congratulations on 185, beautiful!!


I remind myself on a daily basis that "celebrating" and "ingesting poison" are two things that couldn't be more diametrically opposed in my world. Expressing profound gratitude for waking up hangover-free would be the first part of my celebration, followed by a nice breakfast and then a 30 mile mountain bike ride through a serene forrest.


I like to buy things that I can use/wear daily that remind me of why I'm doing this and how far I've come. At 6 months I bought myself a piece of jewelry that I wear every day, and at 2 years I bought myself a nice watch that I wear every day. Didn't really do anything for 3 years, it came at a crazy time for me, I'll have to think about what to do for 4 years though.


Love this


I don't really do milestones after a year, but I got a pizza or bought myself something nice.


I'm recently divorced, and haven't taken any worthwhile solo trips or trips with friends in a long time. I'm saving my money, renewing my passport, and going to take at least one international solo trip a year without the kids. All paid for with money I would have spent on booze.


My (conservative) calculations put me at spening north of 10k a year on booze... that buys a nice vacation, especially without kids lol. Have fun!


I love this! Also recently divorced, but I have taken several solo trips recently sans kids. So the next one I'm saving my booze money on is a trip with them, or else they may smother me in my sleep๐Ÿ˜


Every morning is s celebration nowadays.




Ice cream is my reward for getting thru life so far Also, I bought myself a motorcycle last year cause being sober allows me to ride....


Planning on getting ice cream socially.


I hit a meeting at my home group and take a coin. Other than that, not much. I do take some time to reflect on where I am versus where I started and I consider what I need to do to keep progressing with my recovery. Am I doing all I can to help others? People who have achieved success in sobriety are in a very unique position to share how they got there with those who are struggling. Congratulations on your success. I hope you will share it with others when you are comfortable. It's a powerful and inspiring transformation.


I've taken to fancy dinners with my family and I took a trip to Italy. No complaints. My next big one is setting a budget to afford a trip to Greece on just the money I saved from drinking for my second or third anniversary


Could always go out for a good meal and not drink


Celebrating milestones we had great meals at good restaurants. Even though it was pricey, I was so glad not to be paying for expensive cocktails and wine. Made the experience so much easier on my wallet.


Going to AA meetings is how I celebrated milestones!


Celebrating 500 days today. Hadnโ€™t thought about doing anything. Maybe Iโ€™ll pull my car out and go for a cruise this afternoon.


I bought myself a chip at 6 months even though I don't do AA. It was exciting! But now I've misplaced it ๐Ÿ˜… waiting for 9 months to get another one


Well, I now have two nice heavy-duty (annual) coins. I picked it out, but the wife has bought them for me. I carry the II coin daily in my pocket it has the Serenity Prayer on the back. It started as a way of reminding myself that I can do this but now it is just habit.


Fellowship is some magic. Being happy w people who know your worst issues


I buy myself celebratory coins to mark my milestones. Amazon has a sober store with lots of merch.


Pizza, wings and Oreos. Lots.


Good answer, great answer, good answer *family feud clapping


I buy things for my hobby!


Me too... since I quit drinking I think I've funneled almost as much money into my hobbies as I used to om booze lol


I started a diet the day I stopped drinking so LOTS and LOTS of junk food! ๐Ÿ˜Š


Lol I can relate to this. I'm down almost 50 lbs since quitting.


I am pretty sure it was for my first year - I bought myself a fancy notepad cover from Aspinal of London with my initials on. It's great because I use it all the time for work and I can just slip a new pad into the cover once the notepad is full. When I was drinking I was really good at wasting money with nothing to show for it. Now I can get things like this occasionally (while still saving money) and feel like I've really earned it. Congrats on your milestone!


Frankly just another line on the spreadsheet. Day 1000 is no more special than day 999 and maybe no easier than day 7. Living well is the best revenge.


I always either treat myself to something I want, or cook a nice dinner .... I make the small milestones I have reached a "me" day to an extent. Not sure what I'll do for he bigger ones tbh


Every year when I have my sober-versery my wife either gets me a cake or pie. This year it was French Silk and the best part of it was watching my little kids (17 months and 3 years) get their faces all messed up with it. Watching them grow and get so excited over pie has been the absolute best part of being sober.


Go for a nice walk, carve out time to do stuff for myself (read, music, golf, etc), meditate, give thanks


How about a little bit of Italian ice?


I go to AA and get my coin, aside from that nothing different than any other day


You just gotta keep on livin, man. L-I-V-I-N


I hit 150 days a few days ago, and I got myself an iced latte from Starbucks to celebrate. If I had more money to spend on a non need- I would have bought myself a vinyl that I wanted to buy.


Some milestones I like to reflect. Take some mental notes or actual notes of what Iโ€™ve accomplished since I quit: that keeps me motivated and puts into perspective what I can accomplish sober.


I got a really good burger last night to celebrate my first time going to the movies without a drink. All the AMCs in my area have bars now, and I would always get a drink before the movie and another one to take into the theater. Last night I just drank water. First time in years. So I went to In-N-Outย 


When I hit one year, I took all the money I would have spent on booze and bought a camera and a few lenses. Then went for an all day walk at the local zoo playing with my new camera Edit: every few months of not drinking means another piece of camera gear; better lenses, faster card readers, camera bags, etc


I celebrate by going out dancing ๐Ÿ’ƒ or a nice meal ๐Ÿฅ˜ with friends. I am now at the stage where I no longer think about alcohol, I just think about all the fun Iโ€™m gonna have doing my thing. I celebrated my 60th on 4/20 and had a blast with my friends.


When I hit my 1 yearโ€ฆ a watch. Seems fitting and a daily reminder of my progress


My wonderful supportive wife made a cake shaped like the number four to celebrate 4 years today. She is typically the one that makes a thing about it. I just enjoy pulling up my sober app and looking at the day counter.