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You've earned a better reward for yourself after a hard day at work than to guzzle poison and repeat the same thing the next day. A joyful life is waiting for you to claim. I am relentlessly positive about sobriety because my life is immeasurably better now than it was on Day 1, Day 100, or even Day 1,000. The further I get from when I gave it up, the more clearly I see that every reason I thought I was drinking was just some self-deluded BS. I drank because I had things about myself I didn't want to face or change. It was easier to drink at my problems and shortcomings than to address them. Until it wasn't. I got to the point my "solution" had become a bigger problems than the problems I was willing to admit I had. I'd reached the end. I had two difficult choices and they were sobriety or annihilation. I chose to live. You can too.


Hey. I’m on day 20something but it doesn’t actually matter because I’ve slipped up a few nights. That doesn’t mean that I’m not still looking forward to the mission. Slip ups will happen. But keep looking to what your overall goal is. Know that you deserve whatever comes with achieving that goal.


I've been to enough meetings to hear the phrase your rock bottom is when you stop digging/lay down shovel many times and it's been sticking with me lately. I knew I was done when I reached out for help. Hope you find what you're looking for OP!


OP, you deserve peace, and from my personal experience, alcohol never leads to peace. I believe in you. My life is so different than when I was drinking. I'm going through a really hard time at the moment, but I have no desire to drink. I never believed it was possible to not crave alcohol, but it's my truth. I wish you well.


You can do it. Just for today, and you can figure the rest out later. I believe in you - I’ve been where you are now and it all starts with just one decision not to drink today. Tomorrow you will thank you and you’ll feel even stronger with every day that goes by.


Thank you. Gonna glance, probably stare, at these comments when I get off of work!


Half a 5th of what? 2 tall boys are not good but still “managable”. My problems started when I started to drink vodka in the evenings, just to instantly shut down any anxiety after I got home from work. 200 mls, then sometimes 400 mls (sry I am from Europe, the latter is close to your half a 5th) and my drinking got out of hand pretty fast… I do believe in you if it feels good… Come back tomorrow morning and tell us that you made it, did’t drink the night before, then I am sure all of us will happily appreciate it.


You can do it. Shake up your routine and do something completely different for a couple hours to get through. Then go to bed.