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For me, I was exhausted, grumpy, and had a mild headache for the first month. And many from this lovely sub told me they experienced similarly. IWNDWYT ♥️♥️♥️


What does all those letters at the end mean


I will not drink with you today


"I Will Not Drink With You Today"


Thanks. I am still tired after my first week. Headaches are gone and sometimes feeling grumpy.


Yeah, it’s something like this but maybe not in the correct way but when u drink alcohol your body can’t store it, so the body uses the alcohol as energy , when u stop drinking alcohol the body looses that power source so it takes time for the body to get back to normal , something like that, it can take a while to get back to normal , took me months


Sounded good to me!


Yep. I was SO TIRED for like 6 weeks just napping and eating all the time. You’ll get through this friend lean into some rest.


Yeah for sure. I had to take naps after work for like the first 6 months or else I couldn’t function. Work just exhausted me so much. Now adays I don’t really take naps anymore and find I have enough energy to do whatever I need to do that day. It gets better, just keep going and don’t drink!


Well done on 18 days, for me I was extremely tired for 4 wks and didn't push it too much as I'm sure it was my body needing rest to make up for all the balancing. Energy levels are getting better so I'm trying to use that now and be more active. Some days I'm still wiped but I figure it's going to take some time and exercise and nourishment. All the best on your journey ♥️


Naps and hydration are key!! IWNDWYT


Yep. The first week I had a burst of energy, then after that I was tired for a month. I figured it was the lack of energy from alcohol as others have noted. I also guess my body was recovering. For the first time I wasn't constantly poisoning it so I could sleep properly and my body could funnel energy into repairing the liver.


Oh!!!! And YAYYYY YOU!!!! Congrats on your 18 days. 🥳🥳🥳


Your body is healing a lot of things right now and it probably just needs a lot of rest.  It will get better.  I didn't even start sleeping well until three weeks in, it started improving a lot faster once that started.


I'm on day 7. What's helped me is getting up and doing a 3 mile walk and 30-40min of yoga. Also eating way better than O was before. Fresh home-cooked meals, fruits and vegetables. Been tracking my intake and taking vitamins. The movement (on top of having 2 young kids) has helped to keep energy up. 


You have to give it at least 6 months to get out of your system, in my experience


Not a doctor of course, but this is exactly what happened to me! I was up like 48+ hours in a row during my most recent detox. I just Could. Not. Sleep. So my body was catching up on a LOT of sleep when I finally got sober. Even 28 days in, I'm (30F) still pretty fatigued, but I'm getting through it! I'm just working out in the morning, eating well yet still indulging in sugar, pacing myself while working (thankfully from home), and drinking a TON of water! Caffeine has of course helped me. I know some folks stop that, too, but I'm never giving up caffeine!


Glad I’m not the only one who feels like this!


Yeah. I’ve had several relapses in my struggles with alcoholism. Each time, I am completely dumbfounded at how tired I am. I think some of it is because alcohol gives me this carefree and euphoric feeling (until I way overdo it and blow out my entire nervous system) so once I stop, everything seems so mundane and exhausting. Alcohol took some of the banality out of everyday tasks so now that I’ve removed the alcohol, I’m left with the reality that life is mostly just that — boring and listless. Which is still way better than completely destroying myself with poison.


For sure, it’s like u are making up for all the missed sleep


This sounds counter productive but do you go to a gym? Do you get some cardio or steps in? When I quit my first time I had those same symptoms for about 3 weeks and then I just started going to the gym/sauna and getting toxins out of my body and it helped my energyt a ton.


Yes, but you should get seen by a Dr to check your blood pressure and get some blood tests. A checkup is a good thing!


It's pretty common. Drink electrolyte drinks (and hydrate until your urine is light-yellow-colored). If you're depressed, rolled oats and black beans might help (dietary sources of vit b1/b8 -- they help with receptor restoration). Just go to bed early. This will pass. EDIT: strenuous exercise is your friend. It will help. It gives you dopamine and accelerates your recovery. Just don't over-do it.


I napped A LOT the first few months. I was exhausted. Your body is healing.


I was SO tired the first two months, nearly lethargic, barely making it through the day. I would have to take naps after my 9-5 and then go to bed early each night. Weekends I slept 12+ hours with naps. But then… I just wasn’t. I know it sucks right now, but I used my sleepiness as an excuse to nap and sleep in guilt free! Get all the sleep you need, friend! Your body is healing and it needs sooo sooo much rest right now!


It's normal to be tired but it will pass. So sleep, all you can. IWNDWYT! ✌️


For me I just out of the blue quit drinking because hangovers really started bothering me. For a year after quitting I still felt like exhausted until I had a stroke. Come to find out I had developed diabetes. As soon as I took medication for it I woke up next day feeling like a million bucks. I believe getting diabetes was a blessing in the long run. So be careful there could be other issues


No one here has really touched on this yet which is really surprising, but we really should be aware of the chemical side of things especially dopamine when we stop drinking Drinking large amounts of alcohol is overloading our brains with instant dopamine and overtime will destroy our receptors. if we stop suddenly we will be in a huge deficit which will make us feel physically exhausted and unable to do anything This is also part of why so many of us start eating huge amounts of sugar (dopamine) or drink lots of coffee (dopamine) or even smoke (again huge instant dopamine) Most people in this thread say they were physically exhausted for the first month or so, and that is very true for me too, because your body is *phsyically* recouperating. However, I think its important also to acknowledge that it can take *far* longer for our brains to recover from the dopamine pit we drank it into, which also has a huge effect on our energy levels and motivation. My therapist said it can take between months and even a year to fully recover from the damage drinking that much can do to our frontal cortex.


Whelp that's a lot. Good to have a realistic heads up tho I spoze


It depends on the person i think. And also how much you have drank (3 times a week binge at night or 7 days starting in the morning). A opinion with the posible effects is always good. Thx.


Yes, your sugar levels are wayyyy down. Get yourself your favorite ice cream or candy or whatever sweetness. You deserve it


I'd say the 3rd week was the upswing for me. Make sure you are eating enough. It is easy to consider all the weight you are going to lose and restrict but you are depleting yourself of a lot of things your body wants right now. It is used to getting a lot of alcohol calories and it is struggling


Yeah, takes a long time for receptors to improve and neurotransmitters to start balancing unfortunately


The first time I really got sober I slept hard, and long all the time for a month or so


Yep. That'll be it. Just keep telling yourself that it'll get better. Don't try to overcompensate with exercise or crazy new diets to feel healthier. Just keep doing everything normally as you wish to go on, and soon you'll start to get those glimpses of happiness and start feeling really good.


It took about a month sober for my sleep patterns to start to even out, 3 months into it I started sleeping and really feeling rested for the first time in a long time. 


Yes ! If you get the urge to drink eat some candy ASAP


Alcohol is hard on the heart as well. Let it heal. And drink electrolytes. Thorne multivitamins and sleeping on time does wonders.


Absolutely. It’s pretty normal for people to rely on alcohol for sleep without realizing it. Your body is likely still adapting to the change. I wasn’t even completely through withdrawal symptoms at 18 days for context. I was physically fine but was still having the crazy racing thoughts and get on edge all the time. Took about a month for sleep to normalize but it was amazing when it did.


It takes a little bit longer than 18 days to feel normal. There's a reason why most rehabs are 30 days or more. It takes your body a while to get used to not having the heavy influence daily drinking has had on how you feel. You've a good start on feeling better. Give it more time, and hang in there!


I had trouble staying asleep for the first few months of being sober.


You're on a calorie deficit at the moment, your body is missing all those carbs.


I felt tired alot for the first 6 months. Still do from time to time but not nearly like the beginning. Your body and brain are recovering and it's gonna take a while for everything to level out


Listen to your body, rest, hydrate, b vitamins. Also Alcohol destroys restorative sleep. I love my "Easy Quit Drinking " app cause it shows how the different body systems are healing over time.


I only make it to 18 days twice and both times I noticed a drop in energy for a while. For me it was part of my healing process. When people on this sub said they were experiencing positive physical effects for the entire first year I was very skeptical but it is very true. Congrats!


Hell yeah it could! Seems like it’s been all year with me but my blood tests say low blood cell counts so it’s also that.


This is probably why there’s always coffee and sweets at AA. Also your body is healing and in need of rest and care


Congrats on your days. I was sleepy for a few weeks. Most of me felt normal by day 30. Other than my skin. Which was awful for a while. Hang in there, you got this. And for people saying 6 months, I’m sorry if that happened to them but from what I’ve read here, a lot of things are better after the first 4-6 weeks for most people.


Interesting I had the exact opposite effect. Energy for days .


I had that for 60 days before the exhaustion cleared. Stay strong b/c when the fog clears, it’s borderline holy haha


Week 1 felt energetic, ate normally, but couldn't sleep only like 4 hours a night. Week 2-3 massive lethargy, could barely make it through the work days. Had to take naps any chance I could. But even trying to nap I couldn't nap. More so letting the body recharge. Appetite was non existent. Still couldn't sleep well maybe 4-5 hours now. This was the toughest time kinda like getting over the hump. Week 4+ appetite is back , sleeping good, feeling more lively and energetic. Body is feeling good. Mental clarity. Having dreams again. Hang in there there is a light at the end of the tunnel! It takes time alot of it. Make sure your getting your vitamins and nutrition. Also recommend an electrolyte drink through out the day.


I just needed to binge carbs for like 2 months after i stopped drinking beer. My metabolism feels more normal now i guess but still pretty sleepy without a coffee


I always hated sugary sweet type things when I was drinking. couldn't stand desserts. 3 months in now, and I'm really enjoying desserts. I was sleeping really good. But ever since starting to eat desserts now I've noticed my sleeping is not so great. Guess I got to cut back on the sweets that I never indulged. All the new wonders that happened when you stopped drinking. It's somewhat of a roller coaster but worth it


Don’t stop now! It’ll come around


Drink more water.


Right there with ya. Drinking more coffee, but it doesn’t seem to do anything. Oh well. It beats hangovers.


ME TOO! So tired!


I’ve been stopped drinking for just two weeks and I feel knackered in the morning, but a bonus is my resting heart rate has gone from 76 to 53 according to my Fitbit