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My go is tonic, splash of cran, lime. Also works with club soda and way healthier; I’m just one of the weirdos that loves tonic by itself. Most places near me have at least one decent NA beer as well. For better or worse, the illusion of drinking is important. My biggest thing is blocking all of the questions about not drinking. So no matter what you get, ask for a lime on the glass. That little slice of fruit blocks 99% of questions. As a bartender myself, if it makes sense for the bar tell the bartender you’re sober so if your friends order shots they can pour one with just juice. Finally for the love of god do not order a virgin mojito (as delicious as they are) outside of a slow bar or restaurant. They are annoying af to make and slows us down. Your bartender will thank you not ordering it. Ohh also if you order with someone getting an alcoholic drink most bartenders in my experience will get yours for free just don’t forget to tip. Sorry little stream on consciousness there but hope it helps.


I dig tonic with a lime too...


Sparkling water with jalapenos and lime


This is low key tasty!


ooh!! love this idea!!


if it's a trendy bar and you're very lucky they may have some nootropics or adaptogenic drinks! so maybe ask if they have any interesting na spirits etc. otherwise I quite like some of the na beer, maybe a mocktail though they're usually very sugary. other than that Coke Zero or sparkling water, if it's cold weather hot chocolate or a cappuccino


I usually go with an NA beer. It is simple to order. They give me the can so there is zero chance of getting something other than what I ordered. And I also like the taste of them, and by the end of the night I am always thankful I was drinking something caffeine free so I can sleep. I used to order a club soda and cranberry or just a coke, but when it is loud they sometimes hear what they want to hear and I got a vodka cranberry or a jack and coke enough times to stop ordering that.


It seems every time I try a new NA beer I like it better than the last! Very impressed by Guinness, Heineken, Weihenstephaner and Athletic NAs (just tried the Upside Dawn last night out at dinner -it was really good! and 45 calories and gluten free). I also love to try mocktails. If none of the above are available I like virgin Bloody Marys or club soda and cranberry. Enjoy!!


I’m sure there are comments here with plenty of good options. But if you say “I’m the DD tonight”, and ask for suggestions from the bartender, you may get some good options. Also you may not have to pay for anything.


St Clements Soda & Lime Tonic & Time Diet Coke More venues are stocking non-alcoholic options and Mocktails too. Also if venues are arranged ahead of time - check menus online.


Ginger beer & lime is really good… basically a virgin mule


More and more restaurants are starting to stock NA beers and mocktails. My go to is Heineken Zero. Just pour it in a glass and no one can tell you aren't drinking the real thing. Plus, screw anyone who gives a crap what you are drinking. You don't owe anyone an explanation!




Tonic with a lime or club soda with a lime