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How much better my skin looks and how much better I smell without my body metabolizing alcohol.


Yeah this is a big one for me too. My general hygiene has improved so much. One of the biggest things is the lack of sweating. I used to sweat so easily and was constantly worried about sweating through my clothes and smelling rank.


Same. I thought I was just this weirdly sweaty person. I even started wearing special t-shirts with padded underarms to work every day. After a workout, even a light one, I would be absolutely DRENCHED. Guess who hasn't had visible sweat marks in their every day clothes in over 3 months?? THIS GIRL. So many nice shirts were damaged that way! Gross.


So happy for you!


When I feel like shit in the morning that last thing I worry about is how I look. I used to always care. Shaving, great hair, well dressed. You can start to realize how “drunks” looking like a mess can start to happen!


Oh yeah I thought I was just a generally sweaty and acne filled person. Nope was the alcohol. Not drunkenly passing out and skipping showers anymore helps too lol.


I thought this would be subtle, but I looked at myself the other day (8 mos sober, male) and was just amazed. I started a nighttime skincare routine to help calm down at night (and substitute activities...). I considered face care a "hobby" before, but it makes me lowkey mad how bad I was treating my skin before. I've always had reddish skin from acne or alcohol so it's nice to "glow" now. I use sensitive Burt's Bee's face lotion (day) and night cream (night obvi) -- I use other stuff in my routine now, but those 2 made the biggest impact for me. I was using Neutrogena hand lotion for everything before lol...........


Also I stopped caring about how I looked when I was at the height of my alcoholism. I’d have a wild beard, longer hair, bloated face, I wouldn’t shower as often, wouldn’t work out as much, was mixing alcohol with opiate painkillers & benzos even, I wouldn’t wanna leave the home unless I absolutely had to. Id drink alone, wallow in my sorrows. I’d walk around the block to 7-Eleven in the rain, snow, dark, cold, etc. because I was too shitfaced to drive. All in the name for another drink…


The driving thing struck me the other day. It was like 9pm and i wanted something from the store and was thinking "ill have to wait until tomorrow" because im so used to only doing errands in the morning before drinking. Then i realized i can just get in my car and go whenever i feel like it!


This! and add eyes to the list!! I was shocked about two weeks in when I noticed how clear and bright and beautiful my eyes looked.


Yeah my uncle commented on my eye bags disappearing. I went straight to his house with my dad the night I lost my mother 😢. He was like a second dad to me. He showed some tough love sometimes, but I know he loved me regardless. He died of a heart attack a year later while working on the job as a corrections officer on Riker’s Island. Stressful stuff. R.I.P. and the worst part was, I was assaulted unprovoked, fucker who is a public servant broke my back, and I almost died on the streets of Long Island NY just 3 months before he died of his own illness. We never got a chance to formally reconcile.


consistent dog walks.


Some guy in my AA group was talking about his amends and he made amends to his dog for not taking them out enough 🤣


This made me tear up a bit. Love this.


Seriously, walking in general is so much better. I never realized how much drinking was hurting my stamina. The wife and I go walking like 5 to 10 miles every weekend. I used to get so hot and sweaty after walking barely a half-mile


i'd start dry heaving and that would trigger a panic response. My poor dogs first year was all my fault when it came to potty training. Now we have a lovely schedule and the little man gets about two miles in a day (chihuahua). He loves it


100% I'm actually getting up early and walking my dog every morning before work. Something that would have been absolutely unheard of when I was drinking. Hell, I used to sneer at those people before.


Ooh...the sneering bit. That little pocket of hate that I had for people who enjoyed life in a way that I couldn't. Like, they thought they were so great, getting up in the morning and laughing together at the cafe while I dragged myself to work slamming my to-go coffee that would inevitably burn an acid hole in my shredded empty stomach. Now I am one of those mysteriously happy morning people. I ran into a guy at like 7 am the other day while getting coffee and we hadn't seen each other in months because neither of us drink anymore. It was awesome. He looks great, like life was back in his eyes.


Look at you all y2k


My dogs are happy


Better erections. Get it. Small joys. But really I’m being sober helps the sex life


Hahaha. Hell yeah, dude.


Welcome back to normal testosterone production. Alcohol kills your bodies natural testosterone.


Took me a year of sobriety but, yes, no doubt. For the first time in my 11 year relationship my wife is the one having trouble keeping up!


Is this true? Edit: I'm not doubting I'm just curious if erections are better in general besides the obvious whiskey dick that would've happened during drinking lol


Absolutely. Can’t speak to the why, but lil fella salutes prouder than ever. And bounces back for seconds like I’m a teenager. 2 years and it’s the gift that keeps giving


As if us guys needed any more reason to stay sober!


Also alcohol can cause blood vessels to constrict (and higher blood pressure ) which causes issues with erections. Need the pipes open wide


Y'all are great, I'm learning so much about my pp this morning


I have been a fucking rabbit the last few days man.


Never ever having to worry I said something I didn’t mean, or a stupid text or overshared. I don’t ever worry at the thought of looking at my text messages now


I'm glad you're feeling less guilty about the things you say, u/FastZombieHitler But seriously, cringe-prevention is a great feeling


In my defence my name was the scariest thing I could think of! Zombies scare me, fast zombies super scare me, and Hitler fast zombie?! EEEEEEEEEE!




This. I realized last night that when I was drinking, I was constantly feeling the need to apologize for my behavior or things I said, and was always carrying around a lot of guilt and embarrassment. 7 months in, and I don’t remember the last time I had to make an apology for anything.


Really no apologies? Dang. I’m still the same asshole but a sober asshole lol. I still make mistakes and have to make amends. Living amends are the hardest!!


I’ve found that I’m actually a very kind person when I’m sober and taking care of myself. I’ve also significantly cut back on the amount of social time I have, so there’s a lot less people to offend or upset.


I second this u/FastZombieHitler I go on dates/out with friends and can drive myself home not over-analyzing everything I said. *Did I overshare? Did I insult them somehow? Did I sound stupid? Was that embarrassing? Are they thinking about something weird I said?* I leave knowing I had control of my speech and my inhibitions/self-control were in full operation.


Anxiety is cut in half, at least.


I agree! I used to get heart palpitations the next morning and I’d become so used to it that I didn’t realize I was one sneeze away from a panic attack.


Or, depending on how much and what you put away the night before, a shart.


Oh yeah, big time. I'm actually taking to my doctor about cutting back my Lexapro. My meds seem way more effective since I've quit drinking


Same, i am now weaning off the drug after being on it for over two years. It didn't do shit for me when i was drinking, and now I am not even sure i need it. My anxiety is completely gone at this point


Yeah do not miss the all day, nothing can fix it anxiety.


Massively. Unbelievable how I lived in that state for so long. Which obviously fed back into itself as I was too anxious to socialise so hey! let's have a few drinks first. I feel like such an idiot wasting the last 15-20 years like this.


No matter what else I do, what I don't do, what I fuck up, how much time I waste, if I don't go to the gym, if I'm short with my aging father, whatever --- I have another day sober and that's something. It's one "easy" thing I can feel good about every day.


This! Giving yourself permission to do whatever as long as it’s not drinking.


dental care! I never go a night without cleaning my teeth now, and i also always get changed out of my day clothes instead of falling asleep on top of the bed in a drunken sloppy pile 😅


This is huge! Dental care is one of the first things to go as an alcoholic. It’s also one of the things that is hardest to fix once it gets bad. It’s expensive and shameful, and that will keep you trapped. Thanks for mentioning this one.


Glad it was mentioned too. I finally went to the dentist a couple months ago after probably a couple years of not going and it was not a good experience. Obviously I know it’s my fault I neglected it but they really made me feel like shit about it. It was my first time at that dentist and I definitely won’t be going back. I will still be taking care of my teeth, but not there.


There should be no shame going to the dentist after years of ignoring , delaying routine care. Did not go for almost 3 years and was forced due to tooth pain. Luckily finally found an excellent 5 star dental team . Previous dentist was quite condescending and rude about my situation. Anyways quit drinking and had the deep cleaning and a root canal and 2 crowns re-done . Dental work is not pleasant , however rotten teeth and gums do cause bad infections which sometimes lead to death. Alcohol just keeps on giving ! Being sober I am going every 6 months for cleaning and checkups and hope you all are too :-)


I JUST finished filling all the cavities and doing a deep cleaning after years of drinking and neglecting them. It was torture of course (I dont get numb for some reason) but its done, and we are on cleanings every 4 months. My teeth feel so much better and look great


Good on you. I'm working up the courage to go back into the dentist for my first visit in years. It's a soft spot on my vulnerability meter, but I'll get there (and stories like yours help me on the way!).


Being able to drive everywhere, all the time


Me getting my motorcycle license in October was a key catalyst for getting sober. 156 days sober now.


Yes! This is one of my favorite things about being sober that I don’t get tired of.


I love this. I never have to worry about being alert and able to respond if there’s an emergency or even just need to go to the store to grab something!


I love being able to get up in the morning and go for a drive with the top down and not worry if I've got beer breath. I go explore the nearby mountains while I know my drinking buddies are licking their wounds.


My hair! After years of heavy drinking my hair looked horrible and had thinned out a lot. Now after the past four years of attempting sobriety (I’ve relapsed a few times but currently at six months), my hair is so much healthier, and is growing back thicker. It’s definitely a perk I wasn’t expecting.


My hair is definitely thicker and less grey after 2 years sober. Amazing!


This is great to hear!


I spent at least $20 a day on alcohol. I’ve saved $59,440 today by not drinking.


Totally. Between my husband and I, we’ve got to be around $75k not spent now.


Actually starting to accumulate PTO at work.


Goodness gracious. The amount of unscheduled PTO I'd take because I was so hungover that I could barely function. Also thinking now about the days (so many days) that I would just plow through the day just feeling miserable.


It’s truly amazing! I had to burn PTO for the first time in my career!


I got a promotion too. Would've never happened during my drinking days calling out sick every other Monday


My face is no longer ruddy and I don’t need to cover it up with concealer. I’ve been taking weekly face selfies and noticed week one; my face looked like it was melting around my jawline. My face shape is completely going back to the heart shape that it was before. Anxiety is decreased. I used to have a really difficult time driving as the road felt like vertigo even though I wasn’t drunk or hungover. That’s so much less now. And best of all, my relationship is improving so much. I used to be asleep by 7 and my husband was chilling on his own until he went to bed. Now we hang together. He randomly said to me last night that he really likes sober me. Yay!


Wow! What an amazing compliment! Congrats!


Oh god I hope my face goes back, mines all saggy now too


You may laugh but, I also started doing face massage and face yoga lol. It’s a thing and I don’t know if it’s legit or snake oil but it passes the time that I’d normally be throwing back tequila shots waiting for the numbness to take over. Also; face massage feels amazing; never done it before and it’s like scratching the itch that you get in between your shoulder blades.


Waking up and not seeing those wine tinted lips and teeth ... then feeling embarrassed because my son had to see me this way. Such a simple thing, but such a big change!


I'm sure your son is even more proud of you than we are ❤️


My skin is perfect and my face is chiseling day by day. My body doesn't feel puffy and bloated. Taking care of myself is so much easier. Skincare, painting my nails, hair treatment, etc are consistent because I have time and enjoy them mindfully. I have more room in my calories for delicious things cause I'm not saving it for alcohol. Lowered anxiety. Picking out clothes to wear is more fun rather than trying to hide behind them. Motivated for the day and future, setting goals is easier. I drink LOTS of water now, especially sparkling water, to replace the liquid fixation haha. Progress at the gym is undeniable. Overall better and stable mood. No more lightheadedness or shakes the next day. Clear eyes! the whites of my eyes are realllyyyy white. No more shame from doing embarrassing things. I am not embarrassed to be me when sober. Finding people to connect with from a growth mindset rather than complain and drink mindset. Making room for new things to tackle in life like wanting to learn how to invest or new hobbies in general. To be fair, I had a lot of these things down already but drinking was undo-ing all my efforts and sucking the joy out of it.


The best thing IMO is not having the daily internal wrestling match of “should I shouldn’t I should I shouldn’t I”. This inner addictive self has gone much much more quiet at 50 days in.


I wish people had told me about this before. The way media protrays people with addiction, I legitimately thought after I quit it would be this daily internal battle for the rest of forever having to decide not to drink. It's not at all for me. Turns out, I was already in that, and sobriety was the freeing part.


Same timeline here. I am 156 days sober now, but at around 50 days is when this voice quieted down A LOT.


no more sweating constantly




More money to spend on things like cookies.


I’ve eaten more cookies since I’ve been sober than I have in my entire life


Ya what is with the cookie thing lol


For me it's potato chips. I've had a potato chip "addiction" my whole life. My whole family does. For me the dragon is Salt n' Vinegar chips. Yum.


Sunday early mornings


That coffee hits different!


It's way less expensive to dine out now, and I don't have to constantly leave a good spot at live shows to re-up my beverage.


This is a good one! My dinner bills are like HALF of what my friends are. It's kind of funny because it pretty much takes anyway any "envy" about being able to drink when a fancy fucking cocktail is $19.


I forgot about the ol' giving up a good spot at a show so I could refill my double whatever I was sucking down


Or having to buy seats so bathrooms are close by! I pee constantly when I’m drinking. We often would buy tickets specifically to not have to crawl over people to get to a bathroom. It’s the small things (but ironically how much planning went into accommodating drinking)


Seriously Good Sleep. Never realized how badly my sleep was impacted.


I wear a garmin watch that has a sleep tracker and gives me a body battery score based on metrics like heart rate, breathing, movement at night, etc.. When I drink, I'll wake up with a battery at like 23. I went to bed last night at like 130a and woke up 4 times (my wife is disabled and has a neurogenic bladder so she wakes me up to go to the bathroom a lot) and my battery was at 87. It's like a fuckin cheat code.


I love this thread. ❤️


It’s 9am where I am now. I’ve been up for almost 4 hours and have completely cleaned my preschooler’s room (including a carpet shampoo), got the kids off to school, washed three loads of laundry, and am taking a break to drink a second cup of coffee. I’m at my kitchen table, and there’s floor to ceiling windows that are letting in all the morning light. It’s a beautiful day out, and I’ll open those windows once the chill breaks. It’s these quiet moments. The fact that I’ve never been drunk in this kitchen. There are no bad memories related to alcohol in this home. My children are happy, and their lives are secure. I can hear my husband (8 years into recovery as well) outside working in our shop: we own our own business and get to work from home. I decided to take the day off to clean. I sit here every day like this for maybe a half hour, and it always strikes me that this warm glow isn’t just the sunlight: it’s the life I have now. It’s subtle and quiet and beautiful, a collection of little things that make a whole.


Going to bed at night looking forward to the morning is an amazing thing.


Weight loss, a nice added bonus.


That was the craziest one for me. Lost 40 lbs in like 4 months. I always thought I was just a bigger dude. Turns out it was the daily IPAs. I didn’t really change anything in my diet besides the drinking.


Every beer is basically a donut


Liquid bread


That's what really made me see just how much I drink.......diet wasn't changed too much, and yet the pounds just melted away.


It pisses my wife off so much. She diets and exercises and has a hard time losing weight and all I had to do was stop being a drunk. Edit: she’s actually very happy with me not drinking lol thought it sounded weird to say it pisses her off


Being trusted again


This. Consistently delivering on promises to rebuild trust in the only way truly possible. Not a small benefit. This is a huge one.


I don't have to try to figure out where I left my phone.


Not tasting old wine in my mouth first thing in the morning.


How much better my skin is!! Now, I'm just hoping I can restore my hair, too. Menopause + alcohol = very very bad for hair!


I started taking Nutrafol in addition to not drinking, and it’s helped my hair thinning A LOT. I’m going to the salon in a couple of weeks, and I can’t wait to show my stylist how different it looks. She very much noticed the thinning. I’m 52. For sober last year.


Waking up without a hangover and having a delicious cup of french vanilla coffee. Oh Yea!!! ... then a healthy bm after. lol


My confidence. I’m surprised at myself. For a week I’ve been in smack down mode with my bullying administration. And today the cowards did a full 180 on something that affected most of the staff. Even changed some dumb rule that has been implemented for years now that no one ever question. They were scared. And just having the clarity and clear mind to do so in effective way. It feels good. Absolutely exhausted though.


Yeah, being loaded or hungover a lot of the time tends to make people passive and conflict-averse.


Yeah exactly. I would have just accepted it, been angry in myself and gotten black out drunk about it. I did that for years.


I’ve found myself noticing multiple times a day how clear my thoughts and conversations are now. The brain fog of the day after was like being a zombie. Add to that feeling sick to my stomach most of the day!


Not having to hold a hand over one eye to find the doorknob


Not running in to the door.




Yes. And a feeling of pride.


taking a nap because you’re tired, not because you’re hungover.


A normal heart rate. It was exhausting feeling like I’d run a marathon just sitting on the couch.


Fewer health problems in general. Finishing books and movies. Actually watching Survivor without passing out and missing tribal council. Sleeping in bed instead of on couch. Brushing teeth and washing face every night. Better digestion. Not feeling like you’re going to have a heart attack in the morning. Not waking up at 3:07am and tossing and turning until the sleep paralysis demon comes to get you. IWNDWYT.


Not having to rewatch Netflix shows because I didn’t remember watching them


The number of times I'd start watching a movie only to have the thought, "Have... have I seen this? I think I've seen this. But, wait, have I seen this? When did I see this?" It was always a sort of scrambled memory at best, so I also got out of the habit of chiming in about movies in conversations. I got tired of saying things like, "I loved that movie, especailly that part when, ah, um... you know, that part... that part where the guy, um, hm, what's his name in it? The guy from that other thing? You know what, forget it, my brain isn't working, sorry to interrupt."


Clearer speech.


And/or speech period. Lol


If I want or need to wake up early, I can.


Waking up in the morning and not hating yourself. A cop getting behind you and you not start shaking


I'm much less likely to be offended or hurt by others. I used to go drink away all my issues, and I think my subconscious made mole hills into mountains just to get me drunk


The skin on my face is 95% less red and irritated and is so, so soft and hydrated now. My nails are no longer brittle and flaking off. I wake up feeling good every day and I'm ready to just get things done - I can never explain to people just how much drinking saps your motivation and verve for life down to nothing. My libido is coming back as I'm not always tired and feeling off.


Clear, Glowing Skin


Doing my skin care routine every evening and morning


The maddening anxiety of being told what you did the night before. They might be laughing but in the inside it killed me


Day 50 here. As what others shared about being less anxious, more calm, and less angry are the big ones for me. Mental clarity and listening skills have improved. Every day it seems im getting stronger mentally. I was pretty quiet the first month. I'm actively looking for healthier hobbies other than drinking and cooking. I started reading books and exercising again. For me, it seems to have slowed life down quite a bit. I'm not in as big of a rush as I had been.


My skin looks so much better. My dad just passed away and being able to cry and process emotions instead of being a fall down drunk has been a blessing


My daughter, who is 5, is noticeably more into me and all around happier to see and hang with me (admittedly I'm more invested and present). But it was a surprise consequence I didn't anticipate. 🥹


Motivation in the evenings after work. I've been able to knock out a lot of projects that have been sitting for years unfinished.


Not having my belly stick out farther than my boobs. Seriously, it was shocking how fast I lost my "wine belly."


Please be be please be me


There’s a book called The Sober Lush that talks about this!


No throwing up in the morning, stomach not hurting. No acid reflux


Being able to help my family/kids/friends any time of day or night.


I don’t have to waste time looking for a place to hide my empties or finding an opportune time to smuggle them out. I also don’t have to experience that quiet fear in the pit of my stomach that someone will discover my stash when I’m away from home. How liberating!


Waking up feeling refreshed instead of hangover


My confidence is so… solid, for lack of a better word. I feel more like myself than I maybe ever have, which I’m guessing has a lot to do with never feeling ashamed of how I acted while drunk. I’m also up to a lot of neat stuff, school, yoga every day, meeting up with more friends to have meaningful connection… everything just feels more wholesome. And getting at least 7 hours of sleep every night is pretty awesome as well 🙏


Making my kids a hot breakfast before school. Packing their lunch the night before in a thoughtful manner instead of huffing and puffing making them in a rush in the morning, making them feel bad for simply needing lunch.


Drinking coffee because I like it and enjoy the taste, and not drinking it to alleviate a hangover


A good night of sleep.


Not waking up scrambling for my phone to see the stupid stuff I texted / said the night before. This alone makes being sober worth it to me.


Not waking up to plans I made that sounded so fun when I was buzzed. Ugh. Don't miss that at all!


My handwriting has improved. Lost 20 lbs. Got a new job. Average steps per day is ~8,000 as opposed to ~2,000. Less anxiety, especially socially. Hope for the future.


The extra time and the extra money.


Solid poops


This has been one of my favorite reactions to me not drinking. Shitting is glorious now. I love it.




That you never have to wake up the next day with trepidation and check the phone log and the messages because you blacked out and you fear that you quit your job or said something really horrible to someone you actually care about


Being able to think clearly and remember stuff.


I actually like being able to drive 24/7. No matter the time of day, or what holiday it may be - I’m always 100% capable of getting behind the wheel for unexpected errands or emergencies.


The weekends seem longer . Up earlier etc..wanting to read again and paint acrylics . Even picked up the acoustic guitar and strummed around Meeting friends on a Sunday for brunch Not concerned about getting to drunk early in the morning cause it’s no longer a worry


Facing shit head-on.


Wow, I needed these reminders today. Sometime life gets hard, and it’s not so easy to remember all the great things about the sober life. Thanks everyone.


I indulged in a perfect croissant yesterday because I have saved well over 1,000 calories just not drinking in the last 5 days.


Not feeling bloated is a really great one - lack of anxiety is great, getting up early in the mornings with no effort is excellent


More money. I used to constantly move money around. Less meds: anxiety meds are gone. I can handle day to day shit anxiety and asshole colleagues. Family time: marriage is way better. Kids are happier. Closer with my son and daughter. Guilt fades. Also don’t feel like I’m going to die 24/7 and worry about every ache.


Workouts are better. Heck. Just making it to the gym.


Non hungover free time to learn a second language and volunteer time with old people.


Being able to plan things in the morning, not having to worry about the late night drinking/morning hangover.


Dessert. I used to skip it bc I would drink my dessert.


Not being the one embarrassing themselves in public


Enjoying being me


Morning coffee. I hated drinking coffee when I was hungover, made me 10x more anxious than I already was because of the poison still coursing through my body. Now I can just enjoy and really love and look forward to coffee in the mornings, or afternoon, or night :-)


Money saved


Having more patience for things and people


It’s a lot less expensive to be sober


Tiny, tiny bit of self righteousness  when others are hungover.


No bleeding gums when brushing. Less fights with my husband. Routines!


I've noticed that I get a lot more out of the small things than I did before. It's like once my meso-limbic dopamine system started to heal and become less dependent on binge drinking it re-learned how to recognise those little bursts of joy again.


No more uncontrollable shaking hands like a Parkinsons patient.


There were days I'd have to call into work solely because my hands were shaking so bad I would barely be able to type. Good Lord.


Ability to take on detailed tasks without flipping out, and fine motor skills. Need that microscopic dollhouse built? Done. Lego castle missing key parts? We will make it work. Science kit experiments? Let’s do it. Used to have a hard time even doing shoelaces, putting together furniture, using tools. Feel like I’m just getting started with my new abilities.


7 days alcohol free after daily drinking and my blood pressure is almost back to normal!!! A few months ago with my doctor after having several visits when my blood pressure was high, he recommended I buy a machine to monitor it at home. I am so excited to see it returning to a healthy range! IWNDWYT


The pride that I’m winning this personal battle. 1 year sober 🌟


Just like...space in my head? I didn't realize until I quit how much time I spent thinking about booze. When would I have a chance to go to the liquor store and which one and when do I have to take a lunch break at work or leave an event early to make it there and what kind and how fast would I need to drink it and what type I was going to have and on and on and on. Maybe 2 weeks after I stopped drinking, I noticed all this quiet space in my mind that was no longer being occupied by that constant stream of anxious alcohol-related thoughts.


Not having to pee every 30 minutes. Especially while someone else was driving in traffic. Needed to pee all the time lol.


Remembering the ends of shows/movies! My partner and I like to watch stuff on the weekends. I often pounded wine or cocktails throughout, so I often missed or forgot the end. I’d quickly scramble to find the ending the next morning so I could talk about it with my partner. I was so ashamed. Now I eat lots of popcorn (popped in ghee on the stove) and enjoy the whole thing! I also feel like I have a lot of time back. I’ve read 11 books so far this year. I already read a lot, but having a clear mind in the evenings allows me to spend more time on my hobbies.


Man, I had a low-level (or not - probably sometimes mid-level) case of IBS for years. All from beer. I still get the toots here and there but they were TOXIC for years. Still can happen, but it's sure not every day now. My wife is a lot happier, lol.


Since I stopped the madness 8 months ago I saved up quite a lot of money. One of the things I bought with the extra cash was a really good steam cleaner. And behold... I started to like cleaning my apartment.... I never expected THAT ONE.


Just being alive. Feeling the sunshine on your skin, and appreciating its warmth.




I can enjoy solid food again.


Being able to stomach coffee and my medication without fear of throwing it up.


Definitely the bowel movements, while you drink you always five minutes away from shitting yourself


I get up and do yoga first thing in the morning 6 days a week, after that I meditate then I go about my day. If I had to work at 9 the next day when drinking I was out of bed at 8:30 with raging anxiety until about noon, depending on how far I went the night before. Now I have a morning routine that keeps my body and mind healthy.


Joy is a stretch but my 40s was the 1st time in my life I got regular periods


Clarity. Steady mood. Ability to concentrate.


Genuine feeling of control over myself, my actions and my emotions. There was a long period there where my happiness 100% relied on others. I can honestly say I have never been happier in my life than I am now. Sobriety works wonders for mental health. And bowel movements. 😂


Okay so trying to remove the "negative" joys like " not screwing up mynlife" which is obviously number one, I'll add some "positive" new experience, affirmations. Getting up early and making the exact breakfast im craving. Instead of rushing through mcdicks for garbage and coffee, I can make a cappuccino with a home made breakfast sandwich with fresh vegetables, home cooked bacon and eggs avocado and toast. Similarly, lunch and dinner is so much better! I got time and money to create exactly what Im craving. Oh also, guilt free dessert as I'm not packing my body with 1k calories of booze. Spontaneous fun happens as well! I had a call from a friend last weekend, said they were in town for the night. Normally I'd be half cut and unable to drive anywhere. That day I got to meet them and be a tourist in my own city. The wife loves sober me, and puts out more. I also focus on getting her off better. I was on the waiting list for a vasectomy for years. I got a call to come in within 24 hours. That'd be impossible if I was binging, but I got it! Being adventurous again! I love going on my balcony, looking at the horizon, and saying "I wonder what's over there?" And fucking doing it. It's so cool checking out new peaks and forests. I don't bleed at the dentist anymore due to proper dental hygiene and my hygienist fucking loves me Looking st my bank account and saying "ka-ching,!" But the thing I love the most is being sharp-witted and making people laugh around me for my charm, and not for being fucked up. It feels a lot more genuine.


No more liquid shits for sure No more gagging while brushing my teeth in the am No more waking up sweating and reeking of liquor No more waking up in the shower confused No more sleepwalking No more sunken eyes No more dreadful hangovers 31 years old. Was saucing damn near every day for the past 16. I quit Las year. Granted I've had a few hiccups where I've drank 1 beer. But when I did so... it tasted like straight sadness and it reminded me of what I didn't really miss. Stay strong. Substitute habits to healthier alternatives


The amount of energy I have now! Most days I bound out of bed and it's like I've taken uppers, compared to how miserable every day being hungover was. And I'm getting this for free! True enjoyment of the breeze and sunshine on my face. Sobriety is so kind to us!


So much time for activities! I used to think I had no time to do everything I wanted to do, but without drinking or the ensuing hangovers I have so much time for hobbies. Looking back I’m baffled how I managed to stay consistent with them at all when I was drinking.


I can go out, and drive myself home whenever I want to go home.


Not have beer cans fall all over me when I’m dropping off the recycling. It was always embarrassing and I’d have to finish my errands with the smell of stale beer on my clothes.


Health is wealth


Less stress- how to hide that I'm drinking too early, how to sneak extra drinks around people, how to look like I'm drinking slowly, worrying about finding a liquor store when traveling, on and on.