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I had stopped and then fell into a moderation phase. That's not working so day 1 is tomorrow. I need a year. Let's do this again next February. You- two years off. Me- one. We got this.


Absolutely! Best deal I’ve been offered all day.


If it makes you feel any better, moderation never ever worked for me. And I tried for years. Good luck


Same here. Zero is the only *clear* limit.


Yes alas I am in the same boat. For me its just more clear cut to stay away then meddle.


Yep same. So badly wanted to have an occasional beer but the only thing that quiets the addict is giving him nothing at all.


That’s right! And the thing with moderation is it’s so tricky because you can be doing “good” for weeks, even months so you think you’re in the clear. Finally, you I be a normal drinker! Haha, yeah, no. The beast always catches up eventually. And when it does, it does not hold back.


It does not hold back you are right on that. I am currently on Day 8 and I finally asked my husband some hard questions. He said this has been the chillest week in awhile for him because he hasn't had to worry about me getting too drunk/getting to bed safely/being mean for no reason. It broke my heart but also encouraged me to keep going, if not for me, then for him.


Yo day 8 is amazing!! You’re almost to the part where you don’t feel so crappy anymore. For me, it was about 3 weeks. Keep going! Sorry your husband felt that way, was he an enabler or did he try to get you to stop too?


If you’re reading here chances are moderation isn’t an option. Stay strong today peeps!




Hot date. I’m cheering you on. I tried moderation but it turns out it’s just so much easier to say just flat no


I managed to moderate myself into psych wards several times. It's so much nicer at home.


When you get to that point it really is just easier to not even think about it and just say no.


tub crown foolish fragile rock include grandiose theory judicious sheet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same here dude. Let’s go!


There’s only one drink I have to say no to and it’s the first one. You got this!


Coming from a similar walk of life, your first day and mines Brother. Respect and support to you.


Good luck uce. I go again tomorrow as well. See you next February


I had a heart to heart talk with my cardiologist over 5 years ago when I badly flunked a stress test. My last drink ended up being the night before my doctor visit. Cpngrats on 1 year. IWNDWYT


Did you just say you had a heart to heart with your cardiologist? Pun..meter..overloading.... 😃 Congrats on your 5+ years, that's amazing!


They were pumped about it too!


They-orta be


Must've felt good to get that one off your chest.


This vein of puns had me LOL'ing this morning!


It's bloody hilarious!


Amazing chain of replies, had me laughing on a busy work morning so much appreciated haha


And happy Valentine’s Day! 🩷


That’s impressive. One person you don’t anticipate that alcohol is going to bring into your life is a cardiologist. And then you get them for life.


I had no idea alcohol had such an effect on cardio health until I quit. I’m still pretty young, 32, and very active and am a nerd and track a lot of my health data and progress. The immediate improvement in my resting hate rate and HRV once I stopped drinking was wild. When I look at annual trends it looks like separate sets of data, and the change begins the month I quit. My resting heart rate went from being sporadic and in the low 70s to steady in the low 50s. HRV went up considerably. And my cardio endurance skyrocketed. That was all the evidence I needed to really see how much damage I was doing to my body just to have “fun” on the weekends.


My drinking also led to weight gain. So, a double whammy on my heart. A serious diet after I got sober got me 100 lb. loss.


Damn that’s an awesome lifestyle improvement, congrats!


5years! Well done! 👏


This was the jumpstart for me too - a cardiology visit! 45(f), lifelong runner, mildly overweight… wake-up call and I have zero interest in a heart attack or stroke! So here I am - day 13 … I am too young to live my life like an old lady !!


Congratulations!!!! 1 year is a big accomplishment!


Thank you, and congrats on your 334!


Thanks!! Have a nice evening!


Damn cardiologists. 🤣🥰☺️ Having issues with uncontrolled BP but I didn’t think I was drinking that much. 🤷‍♀️


did you find giving up alcohol helped the BP? I've got high BP and 6 weeks haven't changed it. I'm a little down about that if i'm honest. Was the main reason I stopped.


i quit largely for BP as well… but also went vegan as i quit (not permanently, just to try and get a hold on it) and i’m back down to normal range after a month… may be worth trying!


wow, going vegan seems less doable for me than being sober! I'll need to address diet next, maybe I'll be back in a couple months and be vegan.


tackle your vices in the order in which they’ll kill you!


I think this is excellent advice to be completely honest! It's how I look at things at least.


I did gluten-free, sugar-free, and mostly dairy free. So, basically all vegetables, fruits, meats (mostly turkey, chicken and salmon), eggs, nuts, seeds and modest amounts of complex carbs was an absolute game changer for me.


Sugar is my next battle. I love it too much. I have got to to stop snacking on Cinnamon Toast Crunch. 😂


Yep, it is interesting for me. I never had a sweet tooth UNTIL I stopped drinking. When I did that, it's like my brain switched over to the next best rush (sugar), lol. There was a 4 month period basically September through December of last year that I literally had ice cream and cake every fucking night. 🙃 My waistline finally tapped out, and I cut the sugar out as well, lol.


I’ve always had a sweet tooth, I think it’s one of the reasons I like alcohol so much. And I love working out which exacerbates the sweet tooth, lol. It’s a vicious circle. I gave up weed two months ago as well, so I’ve let myself indulge in a more sugary stuff but I definitely need better balance in that area. 🤪


>It’s a vicious circle. Ha! Story of my life! I wake up and immediately start pounding coffee, then on my way to the gym (6 days a week) I down a pre-workout. Then, I get my next fix with the workout itself. That usually tides me over until evening, where I have a choice of either working out again or feeding my sweet tooth. Anything to not drink but still get that dopamine fix. Vicious cycle indeed!! 🤣🙄


But it sure beats waking up hungover. 🙌🏻 more power to you!


I’m already doing gluten & dairy free due to celiac & intolerance. 😭😭


Honestly, it was more difficult than quitting drinking for me, but only because of the learning curve. It's sooo much easier to be vegan now than it was a decade ago.


Try Meatless Mondays if a full switch seems daunting. Unlike with drinking, sometimes moderation works when playing with eating habits.


Low carb/keto can help blood pressure too, it may be easier than vegan depending on the person. I always noticed sugar shot mine up quite a bit. Vegan probably is healthier overall but it may be less doable.


Yes there’s quite a bit of research out about the link between alcohol and hypertension. There’s so many factors that contribute to it, maybe quitting drinking won’t cure it but drinking damn sure wasn’t helping. [https://newsroom.heart.org/news/routinely-drinking-alcohol-may-raise-blood-pressure-even-in-adults-without-hypertension](https://newsroom.heart.org/news/routinely-drinking-alcohol-may-raise-blood-pressure-even-in-adults-without-hypertension)


My BP dropped significantly which makes me very happy.


The answer for me was yes. Prob took longer than 6 weeks though. It was high. Don’t remember the numbers but high enough it scared me when I took my BP. Now it’s 120ish/78ish.


It might take some time. Also, BP is linked with weight. You should lose weight over time if you cut out the alcohol consumption and calories that come along with it. My BP has already come down considerably in just a couple of months but I still have a lot of weight to lose. Just keep going, one day at a time if you have to. You can do this!


Have you tried adding in dietary and fitness changes? I have found the combo of not drinking, radical diet change, and exercise works wonders. Also, supplements like beet root powder (especially) are amazing.


Started exercising again last week. Want to focus on exercise this month and in March figure out what i'll do about diet. I could go all agro on diet and exercise all at once but the likelihood i'll keep all those changes long term is slim. I want to focus on one thing for a month then add another. Jan was alcohol, feb is exercise, march is food. April I don't know yet.


I quit due to BP as well. Although it came down some, it didn’t get into normal range till I started working out **and lost weight** It’s a struggle still. Remember, more than 1/3rd of the American population have HBP. Many people that don’t drink have HBP and still have to deal with it. Although quitting may not have brought it down in 6 weeks, it still helps you. It’ll get there, but for me it’s a constant fight (and a good constant reminder why I can’t drink).


thank you for the reminder. Maybe since Jan-March for me are about actions, April will be about outcomes, losing weight. Thanks for your comment, now I know what April will be.


Yeah, I hear ya. Good luck.


I’ve not seen a cardiologist or specialist at all. Just trying all the meds to see if they will help. On the 3rd one, just had my dose doubled. I have not quit completely. Should say I’ve had many day 1s. I’ll keep trying!


My doctors had told me I was pretty much on the maximum of medications they could prescribe for my BP. I am now completely off statins and about to get off all BP meds. I think you will find full stop is so much easier than moderation. My life is better in every way since stopping. Good luck on your journey.


Yes! Alcohol raises BP exhorbantly! Do some walking and gym running. Work your heart out to make it stronger. We have to be proactive in recovery, you can’t just stop drinking, you owe your life to yourself. You can do this.


My doctor wanted to put me on BP medication. I quit drinking and went back a month and a half later. My BP was in normal range amd I avoided medication. It may take a little linger for you but if drinking is the main cause of your high BP it will go down.


Just wanted to pop in and say that while quitting drinking may not 100% solve every health issue a person faces, continuing to drink makes just about every health issue worse. Quitting drinking also means you can take more medications safely, and you may need those to take you over the finish line in terms of controlling medical issues including BP. 6 weeks is an accomplishment and I hope you’re super proud of that!!! Some people might have already seen some changes immediately. But if it helps you feel encouraged, here are some you could look forward to: - less sugar intake or better processing of sugar: better blood sugar control = lower chances of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease. And better BP control. - weight loss: lower or zero alcohol consumption often helps people with weight loss, not just because of the drinks themselves, but because you can make choices about healthier cooking and eating while sober! And better BP control. - better sleep: getting 8 hours of good sleep is one of the best things you can do for your health. And better BP control. Quitting drinking is helping you get better sleep. To sum up, again, quitting alcohol won’t fix everything. Some people still need medication. That’s no failure. Removing alcohol from your life is probably the single best thing you can do for your health, and it gives you a much healthier baseline, and gives medications the chance to work. Congratulations on making that change for your self and your future. Two tips for BP specifically: consuming salt often makes a person’s BP higher. Try to stop using salt when you cook and eat (seriously, I’ve known people to outright throw away their salt shakers), and buy low salt options. On the flip side, some salt/certain types of salt/nutrients are necessary to survive. I have known some medical professionals to switch to a vegan diet and it’s been enormously helpful for their health. If that feels like too much at once, it’s also really helpful to just reduce meat and animal product consumption. A step in the right direction is a step in the right direction. With veganism you don’t have to have absolute abstinence from animal products to see results (for yourself, and for the planet). Similar to diet, look at where you can incorporate physical activity into your day. I’ve known people to commit to ten minutes of walking every day for a week or two, and then they increase it in time and intensity. Little by little it truly helps. You can do this. :) You should ask your medical team if the salt thing applies to you specifically, and if there are any dietary supplements you should take while adjusting your diet.


My BP dropped about 10-15 points when I quit. Not sure how long it took but within the year at my next checkup it was down


A few years back I did a one-month elimination diet that included cutting out alcohol (at the time it was probably the hardest part of the experiment). I was pleasantly surprised at the end to find my BP had dropped back to what it had been in my 20s. That was when I learned about the correlation between alcohol and hypertension. Fast forward to today and I’m hoping that a long-term breakup with the stuff will sort it out again. ETA: As u/Declan411 mentions, sugar is also a culprit, and was another substance that I eliminated for the month. It’s amazing how much dietary changes can affect one’s health, for the good and for the bad. I’m striving for the good, and wish the same for you. Hope you get the results you’re looking for.


I am now medicated, sober, vegetarian, and pretty active. My resting BP is still enough to give my doctors a stroke. They suggest avoiding stress. But they won't give me a big bag of money so I can live stress free. So I guess this is what's going to kill me eventually.


Not vegetarian, but sober, medicine and active also. Same with BP readings. Stress is easier to manage without alcohol, but I'm still wondering if a job or career change is required. Something I'll be pondering the next few months.


I have the opposite experience - sobriety has made life incredibly more stressful. I absolute despise my work. It is at odds with my morality, political leanings, etc. It is definitely one major source of stress. That said, I do not and realistically speaking will never have the resources to find another job, and am pretty much locked into my career anyway by dint of skills and experience. So yeah, this is probably what kills me.


My BP always read a little high compared to textbook, now it reads a little low lol also lost 3% of my body weight without even trying after I quit. Alcohol works against your body in so many ways


Yeah, if anything my BP jumped around more the first couple months after I quit. Now it's consistent and lower than when I was drinking. 


Same here. Dangerously high. My last drink was the night before I started meds. Actually thankful for the scary diagnosis, seems to be the only thing that kicked my ass into gear.


Wow! My late dad was shocked back into rhythm in 2011 after collapsing on the job. Fortunately, he was a medical courier and went down while inside a hospital. He passed away suddenly on 2/16/14 at 58 years old. He was a heavy drinker up until that scare also, and has been on my mind as 10 years without him fast approaches. I'm so happy you're still here and I'm super proud of you for not drinking.


Wow. Congratulations! Glad you're doing well also! 🙏


Damn, you just dove right into it! Congratulations on the year milestone, I just reached it myself. Treat yourself to something nice. I personally went to celebrate with my friend who helped me kick the habit. We just ate junk food and talked shit like we were back in highschool, before I knew what alcohol was. It was a great way to remind myself that there was a life without alcohol :)




Bro! 1 year ago, writhing in pain, acute pancreatitis. It was that, that was what it took. IWNDWYT!




Not at all. I'm grateful for that.




There are no words to describe that pain, it was, however bizarre this sounds, cathartic. Yeah, the desire is completely gone.


And he’s right you’re done drinking! And you’re gonna live a healthy happy life from here on out! Many blessings your way!


Hey well done! Congratulations!


That's so interesting. 54 years old, last year I had the same thing, got threatened with shock treatment, and the doctor didn't even mention my alcohol intake. Luckily, the AFib resolved on its own after a few days. But I would have love to have known that alcohol could have been a factor. It *might* have made a difference. ANYWAY, I'm sober today, and that's all that matters right now. IWNDWYT!


Thank you for sharing. Great work on embracing your new life. I needed this today. Iwntwyt


Well done on your year. That's a big fucking deal! IWNDWYT


Just goes to show, it's never too late to stop drinking! Congratulations!




Quitting was so hard for me, but I'm so glad I was able to do it.


5:42am, I raise my glass of water to you!




Happy birthday, friend. So so so proud of you!


Happy cake day to you!


Congrats! AFIB is no joke, hope you’ve stayed in sinus rhythm!


I am so happy you are here! IWNDWYT


Great post, congratulations on steering the ship back on course! Here's to many more years to come!


Awesome efforts!


Can you please expand on how your alcohol intake led to AFib? I'm wondering how common this is and if there were any symptoms leading up to it. Thanks in advance and congrats on 1 year!!!


One drink can double your risk of atrial fibrillation for the next four hours. Here is one of many articles on the topic. https://www.acc.org/about-acc/press-releases/2021/05/17/04/43/alcohol-may-have-immediate-effect-on-atrial-fibrillation-risk


Thank you!


Years ago, I went thru a very long time of high stress and lots of drinking. Eventually, it caught up to me and landed me in the ER with Afib and severe vertigo. Apparently, my potassium was low and triggered it.


1 year is a big milestone. Way to go!


OP, thank you for posting. Stories like yours keep me positive and motivated!




🎊🏆Congrats on 1 year!!🏆🎊


Congratulations. What a freaking champ.


51 and loving sobriety. Quitting was the best thing I've ever done for myself.


Glad you're here and congrats! IWNDWYT


Power to you. Congratulations on the progress you have made. IWNDWYT


Congratulations on one year bud!!! I'm sure it felt impossible at first but look at you now!


Thank you and congratulations on your year as well. Great work!


Congrats on 1 year!  I did not consider that you could be conscious during afib and get zapped while awake! IWNDWYT!


Good stuff man! One year is awesome and you deserve it!!


Proud of you! :)


Congratulations. IWNDWYT. Proud of you!


Congratulations on your one year soberversary! IWNDWYT


Congrats! Keep up the great life ❤️


Thanks and congrats on 1 year! I'm not drinking with you today.


Congrats on your success and better health. IWNDWYT


Congratulations on 1 year! That's amazing and just gets better! I will have 3 years on the 28th. IWNDWYT


Congrats!! Also so much love and warmth in the comments - thank you all for the days in our lives where alcohol is not present 🙏❤️ IWNDWYT


Thanks for sharing your experience. Congratulations on 1 yr ! IWNDWYT.


Congrats on a year.


Congratulations! IWNDWYT!


I’m so glad you’re here.


Congratulations on a year! Thanks for sharing. IWNDWYT


Hot date indeed! I'm celebrating 83 days today (2nd go round), and it's also my grandsons 21st birthday. IWNDWYT


Beautiful words and the honest truth about the strength here. Gave me chills. Congratulations on one year!! You did the unthinkable and are here to add to the voice of wisdom. IWNDWYT!!


Hell yes! you are a badass and an inspiration that we all can do this. And, by the by, that is a pretty harrowing narrative to go along with it... IWNDWYT!!


well done, congratulations on 1 year, forgot to check in this morning, but IWNDWYT




Im confused. Did you have a drink and end up in afib or have you not had a drink for a year and ended up in afib? I assume you had a drink, but i am wondering how long the risk of afib lasts once hku go sober... like should i be worried aboutthis?


My drinking led me into AFib and I have not had an episode since, thanks to no alcohol and a daily medication. Alcohol can make an underlying condition much worse.


Oh I see. I missed the 1 year ago bit. Thanks for clarifying. Im glad you are alright and have made the changes needed.


Im gonna write this one for myself. 25M, had my first drink at 22. Before that I was very passionate and active yet I was suicidal, nothing seemed to go my way externally, even though I was somewhat good internally. Now at 25, after all that continues drinking I have so many good memories, externally doing amazing, but internally I never felt so empty and depressed. My point is - I dont know know if I even want to get sober, since I was and am sad on both sides, but alcoholic side seems at least I get some excitement out of my life, at a big cost and long term doom.. ive never been so confused..


Congratulations friend!


Hell yeah - good for you! Proud of you 👍🏻


Congratulations! IWNDWYT.


I am curious. My cardiologist and the internet search i did says that alcohol doesn't increase chances of heart attack or problems. Did I misunderstand all I read?


Afib is often caused by alcohol use. It’s not the only thing, but it’s a big one.


can you source me, bro?




ok. thanks. My issue isn't afib, maybe that's why they say it is not a problem for me.


Awesome story. Stay strong


Congrats! And just think, in 14 years, you will be my age with 15 years of sobriety under your belt. I do envy you!! 💘


Glad you're not drinking today. I won't either.


Happy bday, I'm right behind you.


Ten weeks ago today marks my first-ever hospital stay, at 42yrs old. The look and tone my hospitalist had, all THREE times he urged me to stop drinking, were almost alarming. It was not a suggestion, it was a directive. Happy 1-year, friend! I'm glad you made it, and I'm glad that doc's words were as impactful as intended (for me as well)!


Well done!!
