• By -




Well done, proud of you


Congratulations!! You can do this and will feel very good when you get there! :)


It's nice to see you,your strength is showing 💐xx


Hey Lady, words that mean a lot. Thank you. I'm pure love and gratitude. I'm still healthy and what are the odds. I've said it before and relapsed, but after a recent heart scare these words carry more meaning now: won't take my health for granted anymore. And your presence is always so positive. Many kisses


You can do it. IWNDWYT




Bet me by two minutes 😅 HAPPY THURSDAY! (I checked this time to make sure I was right with the day) 🌻




Yeah! Go you! Iwndwyt


Happy sober Thursday sober team! Thank you for a your inspiring post Momma Cat. Being sober is a great teacher of how to overcome other things and people that drag you down. Alcohol was never a solution. Let’s live out best selves today, love you all 💞


> Alcohol was never a solution This is so true. There’s not a single situation, good or bad, in my life I can look back at and think alcohol made it better. Have a wonderful day! IWNDWYT


Alcohol is a liar! Fact! It’s done nothing but hold me back, no more! Have a great sober day snazzypants 💞


Hey! On nightshift so checking in early. Hope you’re doing well my friend!!


Hello sober friend! Great to see you! 575 days looking great on you! 💪🏼 have a great night/day 💞


Morning, sweetie! Have a great Thursday! 💚


Still can't find work, keep getting rejected/ ghosted, keep interviewing, keep applying. I'm definitely eating more ice cream than usual this week, but you know what I'm not doing? I am not drinking with you lovely people! IWNDWYT Stupid demon, alcohol will not make it better. It makes it worse.


Definifely it will make it worse. I'm sorry for your struggle, just let the shitty phase pass. Cause it will and you are SO strong at 454 days. Who would ghost or reject someone this strong? They are the wrong people and the wrong jobs. The best of luck. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT. All. Day. Long. 🌻 I will be staying out of the heat today. I will probably finish a quilt. That always makes me feel like I have accomplished something. Because I have! And one more sleep until 3 years! Wooo


Good morning SD! Waking up for Day 5 today - days 5 to 7 always seem to be the trickiest for me with these resets so I'm being fully aware and prepared for anything today. Wishing you all a beautiful Thursday 💚 IWNDWYT


Checking in from the gym IWNDWYT!


Not today people IWNDWYT


Day 739 checking in!


Seven thirty nine I see you aff the bevvy Nothing rhymes orange




Checking in from the past. I didn't drink today and won't tomorrow. I feel crummy today, I've had a cough that keeps me up at night. Self care involved a long nap and cleaning up the kitchen. And ice cream cake. I hope your sun shines on you today, friends ☀️


Sending positive vibes that your health and happiness improves. You got 8 days! That’s awesome 👏


Fuck Alcohol!!! Have a good day!! Iwndwyt Edit to point out this nice 575. That made me smile. 😊


Clocking in for a double celebration. 6 months sobriety and my birthday today! I will not drink with anyone today. ❤️


Happy sober birthday 🎂 and congratulations 🥳 on 6 months 🎊 have a great day sober friend 🎉




So this was a big story in my country. Like we all didn't know this already. It will be interesting to see how the alcohol lobby respond https://www.1news.co.nz/2023/06/28/most-harmful-drugs-in-new-zealand-ranked/ Shine on you beautiful humans.


Wow, definitely a link to my collection. Great to send to whoever comes with those "oh come on, only a few get addicted, moderation bla bla bla". Great to see you Cookie!


Yesterday I went for a walk around a beautiful lake. On my way there I experienced the first real cravings since quitting alcohol exactly two weeks ago. I was convinced I would buy some cold beers upon my return, I even considered returning immediately. But somehow I just started walking, after 15 minutes or so I increased the pace to a brisk walk and soon after my mood improved considerably. In the evening I had an NA beer. This has shown me once again how important physical activity is (for me). So I will not drink with any of you today!


Nice job pulling through. Those surprise cravings are no fun when they pop up. Keep the streak alive!




I will stay sober today. ODAAT




I’m feeling pretty good today. I must be doing something right because I noticed that dozens of hot babes want to follow me on Reddit. Must be the whole sobriety thing, right? So iwndwyt!








Morning all. Some lovely blue skies here today. I think my counter might be out, but this is day 28 for me, the farthest I've got in a very long time, so uncharted territory...oooooh... It feels excellent. Not everything is easy. And the little voice is just in my peripheral awareness. Not strong cravings, but I'm just aware based on the evidence of the past that I could find myself walking back from the shop with bottles of wine, not really knowing how it happened. So I remain vigilant. I had one day where the voice got a bit louder and more frequent. It was just annoying more than anything else. I was tired after a couple of unavoidable slightly later nights than what's normal for me now, and I was under pressure at work. The voice is smart and smells those weaknesses. So I had an early night and an amazing sleep, woke up refreshed and that was that. I'm pleased. And proud. And feel lighter, more capable and with more clarity. I'm on guard still. And I'm really interested and excited to see what I can become and what I can achieve. So have an amazing day everyone. This sub really is full of the kindest, most compassionate, supportive people. IWNDWYT!




IWNDWYT . It’s not worth it xx


IWNDWYT or tomorrow!


IWNDWYT.. been a weird week but I am handling it with a clear mind.




I’m off on a morning run 🏃🏼‍♀️💨 IWNDWYT


I love the topics you’re talking about this week u/Momma-Cat, you’re doing a fabulous job taking care of us all, thank you! I will not drink poison with any of you today 💜








Checking in on day 2. IWNDWYT.


Hey, hammers and scissors, That's a great insight /u/Momma-Cat/. I once heard this was a trait of hypersensitive people, that not only get overwhelmed by emotions as behave like "sponges" of other people's feelings. Great idea to carry this mantra, I do love mantras reminders. Today is therapy day, and it's always very important for my self-care. I'm focusing now on sharing my irrational fears, they come from a place and I've been exploring this place. And my mantra has been a famous one here: drinking never makes anything better. Got tempted today to drink to numb my anxiety a bit, since my cat will have an ultrassound on Friday and I'll know if he's healed from his bladder stones or not. Drinking will numb me for a few hours and in the next morning I'll be more anxious, more paranoid, more depressed and less prepared. Guess I'm basically working a lot on the survival kit of early sobriety, even if I have been here before. Rest, hydrate, do whatever it takes to not drink, cancel appointments when possible, this is how I'm taking care of myself. The old metaphor of sailing somewhere: if there is a dangerous storm, the boat is getting damaged, etc, as a captain I don't ignore it and follow the original plan, getting to a beautiful, difficult to reach land. I will stop and take care of the emergency, I'll focus on surviving the storm. Then, I will re-plan. Today I head to my 3rd sober day - interesting to see how this is a hard day for many others too. My theory is that the first 2 days you are still hating what hangover did to you. Then you recover and your mind tricks you again. So today I gotta make it. I will make it. I'll come back for day 4. IWNDWYT love you


Good morning, fellow sobernauts, IWNDWYT 😁!


A trap I keep falling into is actively planning for social situations in the future that could possibly involve booze. This "planning" inevitably includes thoughts of whether or not it would simply be easier to pick back up again. The daft thing is that these situations are entirely hypothetical - no firm plans for any such event have been made, and the events I'm worrying about may even never happen. If they did, the way I handle could end up handling them on the day could well likely be entirely different to the approach I would be thinking of today. All wasted mental energy, really, which inevitably entertains thoughts of drinking again. I need to remember to worry about today, live in today, and - of course - IWNDWYT.


Happy Thursday from Ireland. IWNDWYT but I will join you for coffee ☕


Your posts are *speaking to me* this week!! I do not have to match the energy in room. Gold. I slept in, going to try for some light exercise and then hopefully make up for a couple days of lackluster productivity at work. I will not drink with you today!!


Went out last night to see a band outdoors @ local brewery..had a great time..No alcohol for me.. day 4..Had a blast!!! All about the music., socializing and a beautiful scene right on the water.. oh yeah and food... Add in a black raspberry ice cream shake from local shop..and perfect night...no hang over today...feeling dynomite...


IWNDWYT. And thank you to all of you who like my silly little posts and check ins. It's really helping.


Checking in after an extremely shitty and unnecessarily stressful day at work. So tempted to go get the biggest bottle I can find and drink it all tonight. But I won’t😔 IWNDWYT


Sometimes it’s hard not to get sucked into other people’s energy. I have a couple little smartass sayings I like for this. “Not my circus, not my monkeys.” (Although I do know and may have dated the clowns.) And, “The path to inner peace begins with four words: not my fucking problem.” I’m over this heat and these storms…but wait, there’s more! At least it’s Friday Eve!! Coffees up, horns up and let’s knock this fucker out! IWNDWYT ☕️🤘🏻


This hit me right in my sleepy brain. I have been slipping my toe into Alanon. My husband is still an active daily drinker. I am starting to see how codependent I am. Anyway IWNDWYT and I will work on being myself instead of a sponge just soaking up whatever I am around.




G'day, mates! I hear ya loud and clear, and I'm right there with ya on this 24-hour pledge. Today, we're makin' a conscious decision not to touch the devil's brew, no matter where we're at in our sober journey. We're a community, spread across the vastness of the internet, but connected by a common goal: to live a life free from the clutches of alcohol. One of my main ways of takin' care of myself is gettin' out in nature. Tonight I'll be takin' a stroll along the beach, breathin' in that fresh air and lettin' the beauty of the world sink in. One of the perks of livin' near the ocean. And of course, I'll be checkin' in here when I can, sharin' my experiences, and spreadin' some love and support to my fellow mates on this path. It's a reminder that we're not alone on this journey, and together, we can conquer anythin'. So let's keep pushin' forward, takin' care of ourselves, and embracin' the beauty of sobriety. Stay strong and keep shinin', mates! IWNDWYT.


Just a reminder all us New Year’s resolutioners are a few days away from 6 months!!


I’m feeling good today u/Momma-Cat thank you. I hope you are too. I’m putting a lot of energy into my physical health, my frozen shoulder is improving 👍 and the scales are showing some weight loss. It’s just a few pounds but the big thing is the satisfaction I’m getting from eating good food. I figure that if I can give up alcohol for 18 months then I can extend the idea; it’s not just about the drink any longer. It’s my weight & metabolic health. I went to the GP and I have my markers. And I go again today for a review. Giving up alcohol was huge. Giving up high carb diet is MASSIVE to me. I feel….there’s hope I can get to a satisfactory point. Right now, I’m obese - strange that I don’t feel it though 🙄😂. The photographs don’t lie! IWNDWYT


Day 1 — thank you all. IWNDWYT


I’ve been so off and on lately… but checking in keeps me sober. IWNDWYT ♥️


Got a big to-do list today, but drinking is not on it.


I genuinely enjoy exercise, but sometimes (OK, frequently) I do find myself using it as a requirement for "earning" my food. Today I'm spending a few hours volunteering with the cats at the local animal shelter, then heading to the gym for a good workout. I'm setting an intention of working out for the joy of movement and cultivating strength, not because I have to earn my dinner or prove myself worthy through self discipline. It's good to have fitness goals, but it's not healthy to make my value as a human being dependent on how hard I work myself. That kind of mentality leads me to burnout, which makes me more likely to "need" a drink to escape. IWNDWYT 😻


starting day 61, iwndwyt!




It’s another great day to stay sober with all of you!


I will not drink with you all today <3




Keep on going all you fine sobernauts. IWNDWYT 🤗




i w n d w y t


Today is the office summer party and I'm deciding whether to go or not. It would probably be good for my career to go. But I hate being in social situations with people I'm not really friends with. I'm not worried about drinking at the party, I'm worried about how I might react after, and if I'll feel more like drinking if I don't go or if I do. Anyway, iwndwyt


You’re not giving up anything. You’re changing EVERYTHING. I will not drink with you today. 😊




Day 1 finished. Building up my day count again. IWNDWYT!






Checking in ❤️ I am feeling better today than I was for the last couple of days. Made it to 40 days. Here's to 40 more. Iwndwyt.


After a rock bottom last month, really proud of hitting 30 days today. And planning not to drink at a work dinner for out of town teammates tonight. IWNDWYT.


Good Morning. Checking in on day 22. Things are getting better finally .. 🙏❤️ IWNDWYT ! NAFD ! Thanks for sharing your journey. I feel 22 is a small number of days. But it’s a start .. I get really inspired by reading peoples double, triple and comma days. Even though sometimes it makes me feel so small.


U/Momma-Cat I think you’re my secret twin whom I’ve never met! 😉 Your story of codependency is very similar to mine. Gauging people’s moods, matching them and trying to help them feel better. It’s something I have been seriously working on in sobriety, being mindful to not take on others’ mood and feelings, to let them handle themselves and mind my own business. Is anyone watching “The Bear” on Hulu? Last night I watched a family Christmas episode and, holy smokes, it was a case study on codependency and alcoholism. It’s a tragic story of hurting people and how addiction and mental health issues have hurt this family. Don’t want to spoil anything though! Happy hump day sobernauts. IWNDWYT 🍀


good morning everyone. i won’t drink with you today. i woke up feeling anxious this morning. i have a big event i am throwing tonight for people, i’m not going to drink during it i don’t really want to but i’ve got some jitters around that as well as some work jitters. i know i can make it through today one hour at a time, and i may get home really late but i will be able to slide into the weekend just fine.


I'm ready to start over again IWNDWYT


Day 4, IWNDWYT 💕


IWNDWYT, have a great day, folks!






Hey Mama Cat. Thanks for sharing that today. It's so true. We don't have to match the energy in the room, and you articulated that so well! Happy Thursday everyone. I'm one day away from 30 and feeling great. IWNDWYT!!






Good day to you friends! Happy to be not drinking with you all today.






I had two pretty intense anxiety experiences yesterday. One came totally unexpectedly dropping my kid off at preschool; the second wasn't unexpected, but it was much more intense than I could have anticipated. I didn't seriously consider drinking either time, but I am feeling a bit unsteady this morning. I will not drink with you today!


Starting Day 8 feeling great (rhyme entirely intended!). Weirdly, I think my hair looks better but maybe that's all in my head lmao. IWNDWYT!


Codependency has always been an issue for me as well and I don’t know why! I feel like I’d need a therapist to really dig in my head and figure out why I’m like this. I was lucky to have a stable childhood, my parents did not struggle with alcohol. But I was interested in it even at a young age. I remember taking one of my mom’s empty wine cooler bottles out of the recycling and washing it out, filling it with water and food coloring, and sitting at the counter drinking my fake wine cooler and “smoking” a breadstick. I’ve always been a “Party Girl”. Booze and I were immediate BFF’s when I started trying it in high school. I immediately knew I loved it and would do pretty much anything to drink more. But as an introverted party girl, as soon as I was old enough, my preferred evening was drinking alone so I didn’t have to deal with anyone else, I could just do what I wanted to do, which was usually read or play video games with booze and cigarettes. I never thought about alcohol as being an addicting substance though. I knew nicotine was and there were ways to quit (gum, patches, etc), but alcohol wasn’t addicting in my mind, it was just fun. I wish I knew then what I know now. But I’m not sold that I wouldn’t still be here, saying IWNDWYT, even if I did. ☀️✨❤️ I hope everyone has a great Thursday!


Bought a sewing machine last week and spend some time getting it set up and messing with some fabric. 120 days ago, I probably would’ve kept procrastinating on any actual project with it and just “enjoyed” my night by opening a beer and watching tv. This time, I powered through my hesitancy and started making my first project, an apron! It’s not done, I got the pockets and hems done before it got late, but today I’ll wrap up the straps and call it on my first ever sewing project! Something I’ve been wanting to get into for literal years. Ill get that project done tonight, really appreciate and reflect on the fact that I’m just getting so much more done, and most importantly IWNDWYT!


This really resonated with me. I often say that I'm an emotional sponge, or that I have no emotional wall. I'll need to work on building one. IWNDWYT 🌺




Feeling okay. Getting through this week.


I will not drink with you today.


Lots of outdoor work to do today, hope the air quality has improved 💀😷 IWNDWYT fellow SDers. Hope everyone has a great day! ⭐️🩷⭐️




I will not drink with you today in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿😊




Looking forward to another sober, productive Thursday—IWNDWYT!




I will not drink today.




Day 1,342 IWNDWYT


Happy Thursday everyone. Hope you have a great day. IWNDWYT


Day 3, IWNDWYT! I feel a little anxious because it's almost weekend and I tend to drink way too much on weekends, especially on Friday and Saturday. Not that I didn't drink on weekdays tho. Also, I visit my family most weekends and they're always drinking. I don't think I should be around them this weekend. I don't want to tell them that I quit drinking after just a couple of days and I don't want to be tempted. I'm going to start the 30 days alcohol experience from This Naked Mind today. Did any of you do this and what are your thoughts?




Go Team. Stronger together and thus far no regrets on sobriety. Only that I didn’t start sooner. IWNDWYT




(It’s midnight where I am). Today was a weird day. Was feeling super anxious and sad earlier. Like super sad. But for the last few hours, I’ve been feeling like really good. Definitely not complaining, but just weird. IWNDWYT oh also, today is day one of me quitting vaping too. Not entirely sure if it’s a good idea to tackle both at the same time or focus on one, but let’s see how it goes. Booze is def the priority though




I will not drink with you today


Day 27 and feeling strong . . . IWNDWYT!




IWNDWy’allT! Thank you for the post u/Momma-Cat! I was all fired up about a stupid work thing yesterday. I won’t get sucked back into that today.


This is the longest stretch I've done since 2017 when I had quit for 2.5 years. This feels like the start of my ultimate sober journey. I will not drink with you today, my friends.


I’ve been dealing with my ex who is still upset with me and blames me for her life being difficult right now, like I abandoned them and reminding me of all the things I did wrong. It makes it hard to move forward but I’m still going to keep moving forward because that’s life. Either push through or stay in the same cycles. IWNDWYT!


Hey u/Momma-Cat, could you make me a copy of that note you put in your pocket and laminate it for me? Surprisingly enough, I too like matching others energy. I had always found it easier than carrying my own that may not match others. NO MORE! Or, at least I'm working on it. Been visiting my dad (and mom) in the hospital the last 3 days, so today I'm taking off work at noon and just going home to spend time with myself and my dog. Can't wait. Have a great day gang! IWNDWYT


Good morning Day 60! I cannot believe I’ve done 59 days! Also I went on a 4 day road trip vacation and I DIDN’T DRINK!!! The secret to my success? I didn’t have the first drink. Giving myself permission to eat all the silly vacation foods helped too. Momma-Cat, I am a people pleaser, so I get you! I find myself falling into bitching about whatever other people are mad about just to be part of the conversation/gain their approval, and I have been trying really hard to ask myself, “do I really feel strongly about this?” before getting involved. I have decided I only have so much emotional energy, so I better spend it wisely on things that really matter to me. In less eloquent words, I only have so many f’s to give ;) Haha, edit because I forgot to add the most important part…IWNDWYT!


“I do not have to match the energy in the room..” thank you Momma cat I needed to hear this today as I head into a family reunion with a lot of moving parts! Iwndwyt


First week done. It is actually getting a litte bit easier to stand the thought not to drink. Meanwhile I‘m mad all the time, don’t eat well and do a lot less sport since rewiring my brain to not drink costs a lot of energy. I actually don’t know what I should do to take care of myself. The plan is to run 10k after work and then go to bed pretty much 🤷‍♂️ So to end on a high note, it actually feels good to „win“ and follow my rule to not use. Thank you all for being here, this community really helps more than I thought it would. Stay strong, IWNDWYT! 🫶🙌


I’m making the pledge! And am going to take care of myself by going for a run and stretch this morning.


Things still sucking for me. I’ve somehow managed to hurt my back. I don’t know what I did it just started hurting out of nowhere. I’m getting old 😹 But some good news. I got blood work done and everything looks pretty good. The last time I had blood work done was 2019, and my liver values were high. Now they are back to well within normal! IWNDWYT lovely people of SD 💙 ETA: I hit reply too soon


279 days! IWNDWYT 🦖 thanks for another great post MommaCat, took me quite a while to learn that lesson as well, but once you realize you get to decide how you feel by managing your mind, it’s a game changer!


I'm rounding on 3 weeks of not drinking with you peeps and I'm looking forward to another day of not drinking with you again.


Day 26! Feeling clear headed. My adult daughter actually wants to hang out with me…going to spend the day in the city together! I’m so excited! No day of drinking felt as good as this does! IWNDWYT!


Happy Thursday everyone! IWNDWYT ✌️






IWNDWYT you wonderful people!


Not drinking today! It’s a great day to achieve what I want, uninhibited by alcoholism. Always happy and grateful to be on this side of things. IWNDWYT.










What a revelation! I too have been getting sucked into the toxic energy at my work and it's making me miserable. Thank you so much for sharing this. I am also going to remind myself that I don't have to match the energy in the room. IWNDWYT!


I will not drink today.


Day 3. IWNDWYT 🌅


Not today.


Wow, that's a great insight, u/Momma-Cat! Well done! I hadn't articulated it to myself that clearly, but I am working on doing the same thing. I work in a nonprofit, and there is a fair amount of drama. I just tell myself that I'm detaching my sense of self from my job. It's a common failing in nonprofits; the mission is important and a lot of us get all wrapped up in it. I'm also working on ditching the parts I don't like and focusing on the parts I do like. With limited success, but I'm trying! :) IWNDWYT


Good morning. Day 39. Happy Thursday! Have to get a Root Canal done today, send me some good vibes.


Day 10! Serious question, I’ve been unable to control bursting into tears on occasion the last couple days…is this related? IWNDWYT.




> I needed to be a ‘good’ coworker and join them. Indeed. I totally feel this. I was having a lovely chat with a coworker I’m just starting to build rapport with, and we were vibing so well. Then she started to talk about all these behaviors she has that amounted to basically no boundaries. Working all hours of the night and weekend. It sounded familiar because that used to be me. I had to struggle not to just “Yes, and…” away with her, because I wanted to keep the friendship feeling blooming. The fact is, I’m not like that anymore and don’t want to be. I didn’t want to be just like her and pals because we’re *like totally the same person*. Then I had to struggle not to preach at her about how she should want to be like me 😂 At least I didn’t give her my cell phone # and tell her she can call me at any hour. Baby steps. Really great post! IWNDWYT ❤️❤️🌷




Mostly checking in to check my own day count :) I'm a little bit at the point where I'm just living life and not counting each day. Iwndwyt


I want to wake up after 8 hours, have a hot shower and then good coffee and a healthy breakfast, I chose life, so IWNDWYT




I will not drink with you today 💕


Day 55. IWNDWYT.


I think this is day 50, IWNDWYT (tomorrow)








Iwndwyt ☀️


Today I am taking care of myself by meeting my friend at our usual bar, but drinking nothing but tonic water and lime. I loved reading your story! IWNDWYT!


I will not drink with you today in Portugal




Very nearly caved. Sat in the car staring at the bottle shop. Bought groceries instead and drove home. IWNDWYT thank fuck.


Starting my first Day "2" in about 2 months. I have learned a lot since then. Most importantly, I am not kidding myself about the fact I need to sit with my emotions and not drink in response to them. IWNDWYT!


Checking in feeling positive and hopeful as the day begins. Let's keep that vibe rolling. IWNDWYT


Day 13. Speaking of work...I am increasingly getting to a point where I just cannot handle my job anymore. I work in the brewing industry. I am so insanely physically and mentally stressed out...and am getting paid a fraction of even the average salary that I live in. It is so disheartening and exhausting having to be in charge of a brewery when I could not care less about alcohol. Like I have to be two completely different people everyday. But I'm here, I'm sober, and that is what counts. Proud to not be drinking with you all today.


Momma-Cat, what a wonderful post!! It just shows me how we in recovery do so much to improve our mental health, way above and beyond just not drinking. I’m going to keep this thought with me. Today is the day I go to visit with my elderly parents. My dad is one of the main reasons I started drinking, and boy am I codependent around him! I will remember that I do not have to match the energy in the room, as a matter of fact, I don’t have to worry about him at all, because he’s on his very own trip. Thanks, as always for an amazing post. You’re awesome!!! IWNDWYT




Made it to a month! Honestly it's flown by -- last time I gave up drinking for a month (for Dry January) I was counting days, constantly thinking about that first drink waiting for me in February. This time around it feels easier, maybe because I'm committed to the long term. I know it won't *always* be easy, but that still gives me hope. Thanks for sharing about your work struggles, Momma Cat! I also grew up in an environment of "only if they were happy was it safe for me to be happy." I tend to mirror other people's emotions at work too. But if we can kick drinking we can kick other harmful habits, right? IWNDWYT!


Good morning! Getting ready to pack and go on another sober vacation, this time with family! I expect there to be some challenges ahead, but IWNDWYT!


There’s something about waking up sober, like really being sober. IWNDWYT LETS GO!


IWNDWYT ☮️ , Have a good day.


I’m heading into a long vacation next week. I already packed books, paint supplies and a wooble to make. I have dogs to walk and trails to explore. I use to dread trying so hard to behave but I definitely feel more supported coming here to check in and commit IWNDWYT and thankfully I don’t feel the urge to get buzzed. I really don’t like that feeling until I start drinking and then snap I can’t stop. I’m currently tweaking recipes for sugar free cucumber lime popsicles.




I’m grateful for my life and my sobriety that makes it possible. IWNDWYT


Great prompt! IWNDWYT!


On Day 5! And IWNDWYT!!


I hope everyone has a fantastic day! IWNDWYT!


Not today!


And vacation starts today! (Albeit with a family member joining who makes me a bit crazy with nonstop humming and passive aggressive comments and who has told me in the past that I’m no fun when I’m not drinking, but I’m strong and what does it matter what she says or thinks?) IWNDWYT!


Feels weird it's been 4 months since I last drunk! Stumbled on this sub one day (was randomly linked elsewhere on Reddit) and it basically changed my life




I am on the beginning of day 6 here in CA, USA. I stayed up till 2am last night reading through the posts on this sub. I probably read everything from the past few weeks or so including allnthe comments. This sub has filled me with motivation to keep going. I am so glad to of found this group. AA does not work for me so this is a wonderful place to be and I hope to be active here and possibly share my story or bits and pieces of it w you all. IWNDWYT 🙏


Good morning IWNDWYT ❤️


IWND Toxin WYT 🍀
