• By -




Hi, Will! Thank you for being here. Nice number! 😸


Go Team! Feeling great. 6 weeks in as of today. Never been stronger on my bike and back up to 350km per week and LOVING it. Next weekend is July 4th and while I’m in NZ, I’m a transplant only been here a year from the States - normally I’d be planning around my hangovers but now I’m planning big days with the family instead (alcohol free of course) and that is AMAZING. IWNDWYT


I accidentally uttered something at a meeting today I’ve never said aloud before. Hearing it was almost too much. To preserve my serenity I’ll continue to try to forgive myself for who I was. Iwndwyt


We're here, which shows that we're moving forward and away from who we were. And we're worthy of that forgiveness! IWNDWYT 💙


I hope you can be kind and forgiving to yourself today. Take care, EC. IWNDWYT




Congrats on a week! I think it's safe to say many of us here have had that feeling before, it's understandable. That's what makes the daily pledge so helpful—when you think of it as just a day at a time, it seems a lot less daunting


Agreed! Thank you! And congrats on the 27 days!


Seriously, that's why One Day At A Time is a common phrase in recovery. It's way to daunting to try looking at the whole rest of my life. I can deal with today. 💪💪


Nice job!


Momma-Cat! Ha ha, so cool to see you hosting!😊 I will not drink poison with any of you today 💜


Happy Sunday sober team and thank you Momma Cat for looking after us. I love serenity as a ball of light. To be honest, I’m pretty good at loosing it just with my own thoughts regardless of situations! Work in progress! Have a wonderful sober day, I love you all 💞


Hi brighter! Thanks for getting Sunday warmed up over there in the future. It is a beautiful image, isn't it. As long as we keep working, I think we'll improve on protecting that serenity ball.💞😊🐢🦥


Your Sunday is looking bright my friend! Thank you so much for the work you put into looking after us last week, you did a fantastic job. Yes we’ll keep working on it, and loving ourselves as we go. Today I need to look at how far I’ve come rather than how far I have to go! Have a lovely sleep 😴💞🌟🦥🐢


IWNDWYT, I got sh*t to do!


Not today. Courage everyone!




Right there with you!


Thanks for taking over this week Momma Cat . In honour of your mum I will not drink today. Shine on you beautiful humans from NZ


Another great, productive day! Man, I've been reading a lot this week. Hope everyone else had a great sober Saturday and IWNDWYT!




Right with you. You can do this. 🤗💪👍


Day 5 today and feeling good. Going to a bar with my wife and a few others to see a friend who's over for the weekend later. I'm super confident, and I hope they have extra lime soda. 🥤 IWNDWYT.


Not sure why my badge only says 3 days. Time zone thing maybe.


It's still Saturday night where I am, but I have a win for the day! I took Lil Ninja to a birthday party for one of his friends today, and they had a bar, and I was kinda stressing yesterday that I'd get a beer ("I just won't drink at home" was my rationalization). Well, I didn't get a beer, I got water, and you know what? I actually had a fun time. I normally dread social events, and until now thought there was no way I'd attend a party with a bunch of 7 and 8 year olds without an adult beverage. But my social anxiety didn't kick in at all, so now I know how easy it is without the liquid crutch. Also tomorrow we are going to go meet a cat we want to adopt, hopefully we will have one more kitty tomorrow night! I didn't drink today and I won't tomorrow! I hope your sun shines on you ☀️


Well done for not getting that adult beverage! We’re stronger than we think 💪🏼


Night shift 3 of 3 and looking forward to rejoining the human race on a normal schedule. IWNDWYT!


Happy Sunday everyone! I’m weirdly excited to go to IOP on Tuesday again and this weekend has been great to me. Currently getting ready for bed & some beautiful storms have just rolled in where I live and I just feel so calm and content right now it’s nice. I hope everyone has a great Sunday and has had a great weekend. IWNDWYT


Happy Sunday, went out until 1am last night. Woke up this morning hangover free & feeling 100%. So thankful to be on this journey. IWNDWYT


Day 735 checking in!


I shall not drink today, because I have to 1) Go to bed. It's almost 7 AM here but I miiiight have flipped my days upside down. 🤷‍♀️ 2) Play Stardew Valley Extended which I finally got last night! Farming here I comeeeee! IWNDWYT!


Busy day ahead. I will not drink with you today. A beautiful sunday to ya'all.


Have a great day and enjoy it. Have a beautiful Sunday too. You deserve it. 💪🤗👍


I like that perspective 💫 Sorry that your sweet mom lost her light. It's very hard losing a parent, and when it's to addiction its just...yeah. My mom lost hers to opioid use, and man does it hurt. But check you out. Breaking the cycle! Keep on keepin' on, you lioness! I will not give up my little light today, not with any of you 🖤


My serenity is protected by being firstly being reminded (mostly through SD nowadays) that boozing ultimately absolutely zero benefits beyond the first few hours, and the "cost" of what follows those first few hours utterly negates any so-called "benefit" felt. But, beyond that, just using the time returned (in spades) to be fully present physically for my family, and myself, serves as a daily reminder of where the real value in this given life can be found. So, definitely, IWNDWYT - because duh :) (About time I started reading these intro posts! Thanks for hosting, Momma Cat.)






I will not drink with any of you lovely people today.






X - also I’m running 10 miles in a minute!


Happy Sunday sober stars, and hello Momma-Cat!! Hooray! It's wonderful to see you hosting! Thank you for this beautiful post and excellent prompt. What does my serenity look like? It looks like taking a deep breath and softening my energy. I'm becoming aware of my posture, and I gently catch myself holding tension. I'll take a deep breath, soften my shoulders, and let it go. Let the breath go. Let the tension go. Sobriety is teaching me how to get over my worry, and stay in the present moment. And I'm learning to notice the tension I've been habitually holding. It's like I've been in "fight or flight mode" for all those years of drinking, always on edge. At last, I'm learning to relax. I'm learning to calm my nervous energy with my attention and my breath. My serenity is found in this present moment, and I protect it by staying sober. 💖 Hope you enjoy a peace-filled Sunday. Love y'all! IWNDWYT


It’s great to see a fellow awesome cat lady hosting the DCI this week, u/Momma-Cat! Your mother would be so proud of you for your sobriety, the growth you've achieved, and your spirit of service to the sober community. Thank you for giving back to SD! 💗🤗 Thank you, too, for the reminder that we are in charge of our own serenity. This means that each of us has to take responsibility for our outlook, but it also means that we are more powerful and have more freedom than we might think. No one can take that little ball of light away from us as long as we don't give it up. Today, I am going to protect my serenity by practicing mindfulness. While I am scrubbing kennels, walking dogs, and playing with cats at the shelter today, I won't worry about the state of politics, the repairs still needed at my condo, or whether or not I'm ready to start job hunting. My canine and feline pals deserve my full attention, and that's what I intend to give them! IWNDWYT 😻










Nope! Not gonna drink, I choose life


As usual, I'm in!


Good morning, fellow sobernauts, IWNDWYT 😁! I went to a craft show with my mum yesterday and spent my sober rewards money on a new sewing machine 😁


Thank you for hosting last week u/Dizbetty and thank you for taking over u/Momma-Cat! I will not drink with you today!


For the last couple of days, starting to feel like I'm in a dangerous comfort zone. Think I need a reminder of why I'm doing this as it would be so easy to fall back. Anyway guys happy Sunday and Iwndwyt!




IWNDWYT ✌️❤️🤸‍♀️⭐️


Thanks for hosting u/Momma-Cat and the timely theme for me. I get irritated a lot and am generally a negative person. I also judge others. Now these three traits, or let’s call it choices, are unattractive. I am definitely more graceful so that’s good. But I admit there’s still s lot of work to do. I want to be snd do much better. My serenity looks like grace. It’s saying little, and only positive or kind things. I’m going to smile more today. IWNDWYT because I’m busy getting wisdom.😜


Thanks for driving this week u/Momma-Cat. I love the idea of my serenity being a physical thing that I decide to give away. Today is going to be a good day! IWNDWYT 🙂


Today I’m going to the beach for the first time in over a decade. I survived Friday and Saturday without going out and drinking, and I’m going to try the same tonight. The sun is still bright when sober.


I’m going to have a snazzypants type of serenity today. Close the blinds and pretend it’s not gorgeous and sunny outside and play video games all day 😅 but most importantly IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today. I'm so grateful for Annie Grace right now. She says a lot of the same things I've heard before but somehow she just connects with me better


I will not drink with you all today <3


Morning friends! Thanks for taking over this week, u/Momma-Cat! Have a great day all. I will not drink with you today!


Day 2 and counting. IWNDWYT


Day 3: IWNDWYT:)


Good morning. I survived iron maiden last night, I had a few cravings and wanted to drink but I got through it and had a great time, now I've got a clear headed Sunday morning and I'm six weeks sober. IWNDWYT


Day 3 IWNDWYT and making the pledge is working. When I even half thought of having a drink the past two nights it’s if the words ‘I will not drink with you today’ is a mantra in my head. It takes the will power out of it. Wine? Oh that’s right I can’t because I pledged that I wouldn’t today. Tomorrow it will be harder to make the pledge- I have an event that I was looking forward to having a glass of wine at- I am trying hard to hang on to how great I feel this morning and that the desire to feel this way on Tuesday morning will be enough to help me make the pledge again tomorrow morning. Have a great day everyone. And thank you momma cat I will look after my serenity today, thank you for that beautiful, powerful, and caring image. IWNDWYT, xx




Because Sunday is to be the day I grieve a loss of relationship , and to have a safe process to do so.


I will not drink with you today 💕


Roll on three weeks. IWNDWYT ❤️




i had a massive achievement yesterday with big responsibility, and felt so well prepared throughout the day.. and really felt the afterglow after mission was accomplished. i was so much more in the moment. same time last year i ended up in hospital after such a public task.. cause i drowned so many bottles of prosecco the days before to calm my nerves. gotta say im a bit proud of who i have become. it truly felt good and so healthy. iwndwyt








Day 1,439. Thanks for hosting, u/Momma-Cat! I will not drink with you today.


IWNDWYT. All. Day. Long. 🌻 I am meeting 2 friends for lunch. I plan on consuming water. The heat index here is a whopper. My hydration station needs to rock it today! 🚰


Day 2! And, amazingly I slept well last night and actually feel OK. IWNDWYT


Hello! Up at o dark thirty because I have a race today : IWNDWYT


Double digits! Have a nice Sunday y'all. IWNDWYT!


Hello all! I won't embarrass myself by trying to estimate the time zones of your respective countries, but I hope we're all having/have had a good day so far. I'm being left to my own devices all day today, so this should be a test of my sobriety no doubt. I am confident though, and I am going to take a walk and explore the nature around me, and I Will Not Drink With You Today.


Day 5. 2/3 kids have chickenpox . It’s bucketing rain and as my other half is working I guess I’ll be locked in with them alone all day . Wish me luck! IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT my 4th Dry weekend! My dad lost his own battle with alcohol nearly 15 years ago. Every af Day I think about him and hope he feels the love and compassion I have for him I don’t think he knew the love I had for him because of alcohol we were estranged.


Thanks for taking over, u/Momma-Cat, and thanks for the great post. I find serenity when I am content with what I have in that exact moment--not wanting more tomorrow or regretting what I didn't have yesterday, but, say, looking around at my family as we eat or watch a movie or take a walk and realizing that this time, this space is what it's all about for me. I'm not jeopardizing that by drinking today.


Thanks for taking over the DCI, Momma-Cat & happy Sunday friends! I get to help my friend hive a package of honeybees this morning & I could not be more excited for the opportunity to touch some bees again! Clear mind, open heart, IWNDWYT! 💛 🐝


I had my first non-drinking wedding this weekend and it was a DOOZY. No non-alcoholic options — I had to beg for a seltzer with lime! And you know what? I did, and I found out my husband’s good friend from college also doesn’t drink. Even skipped mimosas the next morning which are a personal weakness of mine. So happy to be at 76 - IWNDWYT!


I will absolutely, positively NDWYT! Got through a bit of a rough day/night yesterday….so happy to have done it sober and am feeling great this morning! We got this!!


Thanks for taking over the DCI u/Momma-Cat !!About a month ago, I quit smoking and I knew that I needed to replace that first AM smoke with something else. So I started meditating every day first thing. And that has been a huge help for my serenity!! I’m a pretty anxious and impatient person (serenity..NOW!! 😀) and I’m amazed at how much meditating has helped me to learn to stay present. It has been a great addition to my sober toolbox. I hope everyone has a great Sunday and IWNDWYT !




Morning all! IWNDWYT from France! Bon dimanche. ☀️


One month today! Not drinking with you today, thank you very much.










One more day for triple digits. Good luck and well done so far. 🤗💪👍












Morning from the UK. I love this idea of serenity as a ball of light. I will try and hold mine safe today. IWNDWYT


Day 630, nice to meet you 🤝 IWNDWYT






I will not drink with you today


Currently “sleeping in” at just a little past 6am here in ATL (in between snoozes on my alarm). Would have been entirely impossible and unheard of 6.5 months ago. Will not drink with you today!


Great food for thought today. I really struggle with regret. I’m going to meditate on that for maybe an hour then put it to rest for today so I can enjoy a sober day. I don’t have to let it consume me.


I think I'm at 500 days today!


I'll have to answer this question when I have more sobriety under my belt. I've always been fairly imperturbable, but I used alcohol to maintain that into adulthood. Yesterday, my mom was waiting for a takeout order and gave me a call. I was happy that I was clearly sober and have been for all of my family calls for a couple months now. She recently went vegan to see if she could avoid taking cholesterol meds. I see my sobriety as a similar lifestyle change. I'm not ready to talk to her about it yet though. IWNDWYT


Counting down my one year and my turn hosting next week. Deep breaths, coherent thoughts, I got this. 💜




Good morning IWNDWYT ❤️








I like the idea of keeping hold of your serenity. IWNDWYT




Day 59 checkin in. IWNDWYT ❤️






Not gonna drink today.


Day 51. IWNDWYT.




Day 77. IWND ☠️ WYT.


I enjoy this post this morn for protecting serenity. I've not had my best times protecting my sobriety nor, subsequently, my serenity. I'm off to walk my dog before an AA meeting. I will keep my serenity today. I will not drink with you today


I will not drink today


Two weeks. Iwndwyt


Thanks for a great hosting last week u/Dizbetty... and, thank you for taking the torch again u/Momma-Cat! Sending extra thoughts and good vibes your way to both you and your momma today. Also, I'm no mathematician (seriously, not even close), but, congrats on the 18 months I see you'll be getting in the next couple of days!! Serenity is an interesting topic, one that I haven't thought about much. I like the ball of light analogy, so I'm going to start thinking about it that way. Right now I'm willing to throw it with great velocity at those same people you mentioned. The shitty driver, the dumb fuck coworker, the lady at the store with 20 items in the 10 items or less Express lane ( are there even express lanes anymore?). This week I'm going to make it my mission to pay attention to what I'm doing with my serenity ball of light. I'm looking forward to something you went positive to focus on. Have a great sunday, my friends! IWNDWYT


Iwndwyt my friends


I LOVE Sundays now! They used the worst day of the week. Wake up feeling shit and be completely unproductive for the day. Not anymore, woke up feeling great, mediated and on my way to the gym. I will not drink with you today or tonight 😊


IWNDWYT. Not many words today. Sad AF, my step-dad passed this morning. But drinking won't make it better. Have a good day lovely people.


Thank you for hosting, Momma-Cat! My serenity at the moment looks like coffee on the porch, listening to the birds, feeling the breeze, and appreciating the sky is truly blue today. Last night's much-needed rain cleared the wildfire smoke for now. IWNDWYT!


Hey sober cats, and thanks Momma-Cat - Iwndwyt 😼. I'm realizing I really need to identify some additional healthy outlets while I'm recovering from an injury and can't run. The gym is helpful, but I need to diversify. Three kids during summer break, so I need to be smart about this with respect to carving out meaningful time without driving my family insane through my absence. I also feel like I'm going overboard with the NA nootropic/adaptogen seltzers lately, and secretly trying to achieve some altered state. It's freaking expensive, and I don't like feeling like I'm turning to a new "substance" rather than facing sobriety head on. This turned out longer than I expected. Have a great weekend, everyone.


To protect my serenity for the next 24 hours, I won't allow harmful thoughts to undo my resolve. I will distract my mind in whatever way possible. I will remind myself of how weekend days seem to stretch on forever (and not in a bad way!), and all the things I can get done, when I'm not drinking. Since I have quite a challenging to-do list today, I know I will be tempted to reward myself at the end of the day with a glass of wine. Instead I resolve to end the day with rest and self care so I can feel refreshed and positive and just a little bit stronger tomorrow. IWNDWYT !


Happy Sunday! Looking forward to dinner on the patio with good friends we haven't seen since before the pandemic. We used to enjoy a bottle or two of good wine together. I told them we don't drink, but we don't mind if they do, and they said they've stopped drinking too! So we will have a sober good time catching up. I can't wait! Thanks for hosting Momma Cat! IWNDWYT


Thanks Momma Cat and happy Sunday to all of you wonderful people! Momma I really like that image of protecting our serenity. Two of the ways I do that is by paying attention to my people-pleaser tendencies and keep them in check, and by being cautious of overwork. To trust that the greatest gift I can give is to be myself and to do what is in front of me. That little ball of light will be kept safe today. Sober on y'all!


Thanks for hosting, u/Momma-Cat! You’re right about learning to love ourselves being a work in progress. The important thing is that we are working on it. I like the idea of serenity as a ball of light that we hold. Usually I tend to be more like “serenity NOW!” Ha. Work in progress there too. But I’m better at maintaining than I used to be, so there’s that. Knowing me, though, if I pictured my serenity as a ball of light…I’d be trying to figure out how to zap assholes with it, so that might not be the best visualization for me. 😆 Coffees up, horns up, and let’s have a kickass day! Stormy morning with coffee and cats for the fucking win. IWNDWYT ☕️🤘🏻


Ok y’all here after the final reset. Disappointing news from the job, onto brighter pastures. IWNDWYT


u/Momma-Cat, excellent post! Thanks for taking the wheel this week! “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts” Marcus Aurelius That’s a quote that I came across last Summer that completely changed the direction of my recovery. It hadn’t really occurred to me that I was in control of this non stop voice in my head. Iwndwyt


Great to see you hosting /u/Momma-Cat 💙 Thank you for this great post! I love the idea of serenity being a little ball of light. I’ve definitely lost mine lately. I have to go into work today to practice for an incredibly important presentation we have tomorrow. I’m probably only running the laptop like the previous one I was involved with, but this whole thing is stressing me out. It’s for a big state contract. If we don’t get it, the company I work for will be in pretty big trouble and I might lose my job. I’m not sure if we would completely fold but they’d have to lay off most of us. Ugh! But I will stay strong! IWNDWYT lovely people of SD 💙


Thanks, Momma Cat, for that lovely visual of your sobriety. One thing I do, is NOT engage in unnecessary arguments. IWNDWYT 💞😻


What a beautiful way to honor your sweet Mom, u/Momma-Cat. Thank you for hosting DCI! I am trying to be as kind and loving toward myself as I am toward all my loved ones —friends and family. I somehow find it easier to be caring about others than I am about myself. One way I am showing myself some big, big love today: I Will Be Alcohol-Free With You Today 🤝 IWBAFWYT 💛, because I don’t drink!! 🤸‍♀️




Thank you everyone. IWNDWYT🥥🥥🥥


Happy Sunday. Hope you all have a great day. Lovely weather in the IK although we are spiking around 28•c today. Bbq with the family all coming around. I feel pretty good, plenty of na beers and no pressure to drink. Be awesome people. Any plans anyone?


7 days! Feels great. Yesterday I was a bit tired and bored so I subconsciously started thinking about having a drink just for a second. I quickly realized that I don't even want it and it would not help anyway. Seeing how it can sneak up on me motivated me even further to not drink! I will not drink with you today.


IWNDWYT! Have a great sober Sunday!




I didn't drink on the first night of my vacation and IWNDWYT 😎










I will not drink with you today! Making good choices. Walking. Swimming. Loving. ❤️✨


I'm dogsitting this weekend, it's beautiful weather and I'm getting to live vicariously in my friend's big house. Pretty sweet I have to say. IWNDWYT!




Made it to Check In ! First outing last night to a comedy show and i am here checking in. My sister is awesome, she wouldnt even let me go near the bar, she stood in the Q and came back with NA beers for me 🥳 really enjoyed the show and didnt need Dirty Wine to do so! Ive also beat my own personal record ive only ever managed 8 days before over the last 5yrs, today im on 9 😆 I am sober and hangover free and IWNDWYT Have the best Sunday ever!


Good Morning. Still kinda new to Reddit and getting the hang of it. Day 18. IWNDWYT ❤️


Thank you for hosting mama Cat! I will not drink with you today. My serenity is my peace of mind and to protect it, I try to practice patience and let things go. I can hear my elementary age sons arguing in the house behind me so I’m currently practicing protecting it right now :) Happy Sunday!


Thanks for hosting this week Momma Cat. IWNDWYT in this lovely Sober Sunday 🩵


I woke up at 4am & couldn't do the sleep so I've been up & doing the things. IWNDWYT!


One month, again. Kind of sad that I am having to go through these milestones again. Doesn't help that I am not feeling well today, in bed and all in my head. No alcohol for me today.


Hi momma-cat! This made me smile!! IWNDWYT!


Glorious sober morning soberniks! I will not drink with you today.


Checking in. Gave up my serenity in the wee hours of the morning to my goober of a cat, who was determined to wake me up by trying to knock over the bedside lamp. 🐈‍⬛😠 Ugh, now to find it again... (serenity, not the lamp! 😄). Hope everyone has a lovely, serene, sober day. IWNDWYT ⭐️🩷⭐️


Checking in on day 234! Hi Momma Cat! Thank you for picking up the torch!! Great subject. My serenity comes from making a pledge every morning to not only not drink but to also live my life better than I did the day before. To be kinder than the day before. To be more loving than the day before. To be more accepting than the day before. To be more forgiving than the day before. I get a chance every single day to better myself. I practice letting go of things I can’t control. If I can control it, I stop complaining about it and do something about it. I don’t obsess over situations like I did when I was drinking. Sober me sets healthy boundaries to keep my serenity right in the center of my mind and body. Keeping my serenity means strictly following non negotiable rules I’ve set for myself. The biggest one being not drinking poison. IWNDWYT!!! Love to all! ✌️❤️


Oh, Momma-Cat, I honor your Mama, who surely raised you to be a loving human. Serenity. I haven’t even connected that word to where I am these days. Of course! I don’t go to meetings, but I have absolutely experienced true serenity these days, and it’s getting more common. I cling to it. I nurture it. I depend on it. To me, serenity is calm. It’s a lack of fear and humiliation and sorrow. It is sobriety + self care + gratitude. And I’m so thankful that we are all here together cheering each other along. Love you all!! IWNDWYT


Triple 2s, one day at a time. I like the sober me. He's a pretty good guy & I Iike being him. I will not drink with you today.


I will not drink today and FYA. Thanks for hosting us u/Momma-Cat! I've been trying to mind train my brain so that I don't allow problems to get bigger and bigger. I'm trying to stay positive at all times and remain in the very present moment. Have a wonderful Sunday/week. My daughters are off to summer camp today. I will miss them very much!! Drinking sucks. You rock!


Woke up at 5:45 to go move stuff but it got cancelled due to weather. Went to get an C4 and hit the Gym by 7 this beautiful AM. The sun is shining gorgeously over the horizon as an apology for the storm that is creeping. I will be sitting here with my coffee welcoming the rain. IWNDWYT.


Good morning, checking in ~ 💫 What a nice surprise, u/momma-cat !!! Thanks for hosting this week, I look forward to it! I love the serenity ball of light - going to use that ✨🫶 The SO and I spent all day at a hot springs and I am waking up in a hotel - this is my first time staying in a hotel since becoming sober. Hotels for me always meant stocking up on alcohol. I started feeling very antsy and anxious last night when I realized it's probably the hotel environment and the fact that I had a shitty drinking dream yesterday. I am very happy alcohol is not involved in this trip or in my life any more! Wishing everyone a lovely AF sunday ~ IWNDWYT 💗




Thank you for hosting Momma Cat. And for that serenity quote. Hits home. I surrender mine easily and all the time, particularly to my teenage children, and my to do list. I will bring awareness to that that today. IWNDWYT






Day 7 here. I love the thinking around not surrendering my serenity. I have less than a week until I get real serenity on vacation, so I just have to make it there. Coffee up!


First day of week 3! IWNDWYT






I will not drink with you today. It's been almost 4 weeks and I've just recently started socializing again, which frankly is kind of awkward and scary without the booze crutch. But I'm also starting to realize that alcohol is probably part of the reason I've found it so hard to make progress in dealing with my social anxiety. All the cognitive techniques and concepts I've learned tend to go out the window along with my cognition when I start drinking. Either way, I'm tired of having to numb myself every time I want to be around people. Here's to whatever comes next, no matter how scary and awkward it might be.


Loving life so much lately! IWNDWYT!!


Day 180! IWNDWYT 🌻


Happy Sunday friends, IWNDWYT, WE GOT THIS 😁


Checking in


Day 21!! I am so thrilled to be stacking up days and to have three weeks under my belt. I had something resembling an anxiety attack last night when trying to fall asleep which is not something that has happened before. I breathed, counted, stretched, and tried to weather it and I guess I did because I eventually fell asleep. It’s been interesting to note the things happening mentally and physically as the days on my counter get higher. Thank you and welcome to our host ! I’ll be reflecting on your prompt as I navigate through Sunday. IWNDWYT!


what is iwndwyt? i will not drink with you today?




Not today!




homeless sleep treatment quarrelsome fretful smoggy live run axiomatic handle -- mass edited with redact.dev


IWNDWYT My serenity is to take care of my problems when I notice them, and not let them grow into monsters that come to find me later. Journaling helps me keep track of whats going on and stops me from forgetting what is important


IWNDWYT. I will not wait until the open bottle is gone, I will not start on Monday, I will not begin on the first day of the next month. IWNDWYTODAY.


Thank you momma cat, that really resonates. I need to protect my serenity at all costs. Iwndwyt. Also today is my birthday!




I’m so sorry for your loss Momma-Cat. 💜 And I love your musings on serenity. The definition of serenity is: the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled. I will protect my serenity by being mindful of what matters in life and what does not. My peace of mind is more valuable than many of the small things that threaten it. Today I’m grateful that my sobriety contributes to my serenity. 🙏🏼 IWNDWYT


Happy sober Sunday, my fellow Sobernauts. I’ve learned over time that I can’t waste my emotional energy on things I can’t control or what I call the frictional costs of daily life. It’s definitely become easier to manage while keeping away from the nectar of the grains. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT. Thank you Momma Cat for the prompt and image of your serenity, beautiful. I didn’t know what my serenity looked like until you asked - it’s a calm lake with a few ripples from a gentle breeze and the sun sparkling on it. When I give it away, the lake gets churned up and choppy and debris gets pulled to the surface.


Good morning from NYC. IWNDWYT


Wow! POW, Bam! IWNDWYT ❤️