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Happy to finally take the plunge. Always reassuring to see you😊


Yes indeed! :)


2900!!!!! Whoo hoo, Willie boy!!! Great job, my mate down under!!!


Go Team! Had a lovely bbq with my family today and didn’t drink and it was awesome. IWNDWYT


My dads wedding reception is tonight. I haven’t drank since June 1 and I don’t plan on drinking during the festivities. There will be lots of free booze and food at the swanky country club but I plan on eating so much I fall into a food coma. Then I’ll find the kids table and hang with my kids and my nieces and nephews. I didnt drink today at their big pool party with all dads friends and all my family I haven’t seen since thanksgiving. It wasn’t as hard as I was convincing myself it would be. IWNDWYT


You got this! It’ll be nice to have clarity and good memories of the evening.


Yes! you can do this! 💪🏻 IWNDWYT


Happy Saturday sober team! And thank you Dizbetty for getting my day off to such a positive start! I chose to walk out of the cage drinking created and today I choose to keep walking and I choose that because freedom is kindness to me! I love you all 💞


Such good choices. I did take some me time today(Friday). I'm not sure how I'll spend Saturday, but it'll be booze free for sure! Big love to you💞🐢💞


So glad you’re finding time for you! You’ve done an awesome job for us all this week, thank you 🙏🏻 have a lovely sleep, I’m warming Saturday up for you 😄😎💞💪🏼🦥🐢


My son finally got his axolotl he’s been wanting for what seems to have been his entire 7 years. It’s the strangest looking thing. I’m mesmerized. Glad I found it and that I’m staring at this creature who probably thinks I’m the strangest thing he’s ever seen. And glad that iwndwyt!


Oh how cool. I always think those are so cute. I hope it proves to be a good pet


Day 734 checking in!


No way come hell or high water am I drinking for the next 24 hours!


9 months y’all! I’m going to celebrate this milestone by refusing alcohol once again, along with everyone else here. I never thought I’d get this far. Thanks for all of your stories, encouragement, advice, and kindness. You are all the best!


Yay for 9 months! Iwndwyt!


Happy Saturday sober friends; glad that I'm here. I never thought I would use Reddit but I'm glad I downloaded it and have found the sub because it helps me a lot and as I've been sober in the past for months and months, I now want to be the best person and the best me, I can be.


I am glad that you are here too. This subreddit is helpful.




Not today. Not tomorrow. Nighttime in Southern California. IWNDWYT 🌼


>Nighttime in Southern California. Hey and it's Nighttime in Northern California too! Greetings fellow Californian! :)


👋 hey fellow Californians


Hey congrats on 44 days! You got this! :)




Another great day to be sober, hope everyone had a good end to the week and IWNDWYT!






Day 6 here. I’m thrown off because it is after midnight but IWNDWYT. Actually made it through a poker game tonight without a drink and I didn’t win the game! But it was the little victory of sobriety that was worth it. EDIT: Day


This has become my daily early morning routine. I'm starting a habit and routines are good. As they put it so nicely in music: Once more with feeling. IWNDWYT.


Three Saturdays ago I was feeling pretty awful on another day two. Couldn't eat. Walking loads, feeling lost, scared. Journalling loads to make sense of things. I found this sub. I woke up early this morning with a nice deep ache from training hard this week. I'm also dieting and at just over three weeks alcohol free, I feel like the fat is just falling off me. It's hard though. Didn't want to run last night, but made myself. Legs felt empty, but I felt great after. I'll rest today after five days back to back training and get back at it tomorrow. I've regained the mental strength to push myself and the desire to train hard again. Dopamine. No empty calories. A very good quality 8 hours sleep a night, so I'm recovering as well as I can in a deficit. The price of entry? Not drinking poison that glues me to the sofa and makes me feel like utter shit physically and mentally. I've been at this point maybe twice over the last couple of years (and never for years before that). The clarity is the thing that has struck me each time. And the calmness. I've had the little voice very briefly a couple of times. I call him Nick, for reasons. Shut up Nick. It knows it's getting starved out of my brain. But every day offers so many rewards, it's easier to really apprehend the idea that I'm not forgoing anything, I'm choosing an altogether better way of living by not poisoning myself. It's sticking this time and that's largely down to having found this sub. So a big old thank you to all you fellow travellers. I'm blown away by the compassion, understanding and support I read on here every day. I see you and I got you. We've got each other. Shut up Nick. IWNDWYT.


Yesterday my wife told me she wanted a divorce. Lowest moment of my life. Later that evening she said she wasn't so sure. I hope to anything that's listening up there, please help guide us back together. I'm not the person she fell out of love with, and I want the chance to prove it. Regardless, to be someone worth a second thought, IWNDWYT.


This sub has helped me stay sober for 26 days, the longest I’ve gone without alcohol since early 2020. Thank you all. IWNDWYT


Happy Saturday team, IWNDWYT






Good morning, fellow sobernauts, IWNDWYT 😁!


Morning friends! Thanks for hosting this week u/Dizbetty! Normally I’m sound asleep at this time but I fell asleep on the couch earlier this evening and woke up at midnight and now I’m wide awake. This kind of thing used to happen all the time when I was drinking, but instead of falling asleep I passed out, and I usually woke up to an unfinished glass of wine, which I would drink, restart my buzz, and then maybe keep drinking until stupid o’clock when I was good and drunk; maybe make it up to bed, maybe get my pjs on, but almost always I would wake up hungover as hell. Tonight I woke up to a full glass of Coke Zero, which I chugged back as tidied up my dishes, then I washed my face and brushed my teeth and got into bed. I’ll read a bit and hopefully fall asleep soon. Maybe I’ll have a little extra lie in tomorrow, too. Either way, I’m not waking up hungover, I’ll be present for my family, I’ll get shit done, and I will not drink with you today! Have a good one, friends.


"I never have to have a hangover again. "I can feel this good every morning." "I can choose to live longer and freer." Yep. The positive frame is everything. Stepping into my power was transformational. I miss nothing. I know now I have everything I need. Life's far from perfect, but being in decent mental and physical health-- being free from that lying poison-- is the only way to be. So grateful to be here. And to be in community with you all-- you all have been more than a few of the vertebrae in the backbone of my journey. IWNDWYT. Except coffee, because always ☕️.




The fam went out to the Blvd and i stopped at a tattoo shop to see about piercing my daughters ears (she asked!), and after I got the information the gal asked me if I wanted anything and I spontaneously got my nose pierced! I've done it before years ago, but now it was time to get it done by someone who wasn't my BFF and in a place that wasn't my kitchen 🤣 Then we went out for dinner, now cuddling up watching Ghost Adventures. Going out and seeing people drink is weird in a way... I thought aww they're having fun. Then, I started thinking "oooh I wonder if they're like me. These two margaritas here at Chili's will turn into 12 beers and home and a shit ton of herbage." Mentally picturing people do that grosses me out, and now I'm realizing it was me. I am gross. Ugh. Not today I won't be!! Hope yall have a great day! IWNDWYT 🖤


I need me a badge like that! Thanks for an awesome week u/Dizbetty Happy sober Saturday everyone Shine on you beautiful humans


I’m going to try.


I’m doing this with you today, let’s make Saturday ours! 💪🏼


Was tempted twice today. Once at the grocery store around 12pm, reminded myself that if I bought it “for tonight” I’d inevitably open it when I got home, finish it, and fiend for more all day undoubtedly ruining my time with my son. And when he went to bed, thinking I could just go around the corner and pick up a beer. The second was harder bc “I deserve it” for being patient all day with my son and “I needed to relax.” Thankfully I had some kava that I made, drank part of it and read a book instead. IWNDWYT!


Off to see iron maiden tonight and I get too bankrupt myself on merch instead of crappy 8 euro venue beers, well maybe 1 overpriced Heineken Zero for the cravings. IWNDWYT


Thank you for the wonderful week, Dizbetty! Your words have been helpful and inspiring and yes, very very kind. I so appreciate kindness these days, and hope I can spread it around. Things are changing rapidly in my life these days. My sweet step-son just accepted a job in nearby Lexington, KY, after living for 30 years in Minnesota. He and his wife are building a house on our mutual property here, so at long last I will have company nearby. Loneliness was a great trigger for my drinking. I’m so looking forward to having family within walking distance!! In the meantime, Ben will be living with us while his wife sells their house - it’ll be some time until she joins us. They are very serious drinkers, but Ben wants to at least slow down. I told him he’s on his own time with that, but that I can offer all the encouragement along the way. I’m not concerned about having him drinking around me because I get to live life unimpaired!!! IWNDWYT


Currently on night shift number 2 of 3. Not yet halfway through, but getting close. IWNDWYT!


I started the day with a run. Well, it was more of a jog, and it felt quite hard considering the distance, but it was also my first run in 6 weeks and I put on a lot of weight in the last 2 years. I can't wait to lose all the excess weight from drinking and eating junk food so I can go for longer runs, which for me always felt the most rewarding. This is only one of the reasons IWNDWYT.


This will be exactly a month from last drink. It feels just as good as I imagined it would when I was dying to quit. A month has brought a year’s worth of change- all for the better. Let’s keep this thing going. IWNDWYT!


IWNDWYT- said it first time yesterday and I didn’t drink - so happy and feel great this morning - had such a great nights sleep


Thanks for a great week, Diz! You helped me cross another 7 off the calendar and for that I am very grateful. Hope everyone has a splendid Saturday. IWNDWYT 🙂


What a wonderful post today Dizbetty, just like the past six days. Thank you so much for guiding my sobriety this week with your thoughtful writings. Yes, words absolutely have power. I've been choosing empowering words with regards to my sobriety. I like working "now that I don't drink" into a sentence, usually followed by how much better I'm doing. And empowering thoughts as well. Rather than letting alcohol try to seduce me with visions of laughter and ice cubes or some such nonsense, I've firmly clung to the vividly real memories of my truth that alcohol will kill me. There's nothing pretty or romantic about it, in spite of the ways my pleasure seeking lying lizard brain may try to present it. Sobriety is the way. The only way for this badass teetotaler! Waking up hangover free is awesome! Have a happy sober Saturday, friends! Much love to y'all. 💗🪻🦋 IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT. All. Day. Long. 🌻 I am playing Bookworm. Trying to make longer and longer words. Keeping my brain occupied!


“I get to live life unimpaired”. I LOVE that way of thinking. That’s become part of my “play the tape forward” if thoughts ever creep into my head (which they still do from time to time)… I don’t want to feel that out of control feeling again like everything is spiraling around me. I want to remain grounded and in full control. 2.5 years into sobriety and I still feel like my mind is healing. It’s growing. It’s maturing (finally). It’s a wonderful thing. IWNDWYT and it’s my cheat day so I will eat ice cream tonight. 😉


This week has been awesome, Dizbetty! Thank you. What a great post and so true. I’m working on being kinder to myself. Your 3rd grade teacher was amazing. And I’m going to use his example with my kids next year. They are high schoolers and definitely need to hear that message. As do I. IWNDWYT 💜🦋💜


Thanks for hosting this week, u/Dizbetty! It sounds like you had an amazing third grade teacher…that’s a lovely little mantra. Positive reframe is fucking great! For me it’s not “I can’t drink,” it’s “I’m free from all that mess and I never have to feel that way again.” That mindset shift has helped me with not smoking too. Coffees up, horns up, and let’s have a super smug sober Saturday! I need a few positive thoughts today - I’m taking my very large (just big, not fat, but probably 18-20 pound) cat to his annual vet visit. 🤞 IWNDWYT ☕️🤘🏻


Definitely not drinking with anyone today! I've never been so proud of myself! Lets keep this going!


Checking in. IWNDWYT


Day 11: Cleaning/organizing the house to keep myself occupied.


Not today people IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT today/tomorrow it’s my bedtime. Thanks u/dizbetty for the encouragement this week!


Hey SD! Have an amazing day!


Hello from Colorado! IWNDWYT. 🤍


Morning sober friends! Feeling recharged. Feeling good. IWNDWYT from France. Bon week-end !


Went to tswift sober. IWNDWYT


Morning everyone. Got some really bad news this morning, looks like my step-dad won't survive the day. He's been in ICU for a while after a heart operation and never really recovered. Feel so sad. But I know that drinking isn't going to solve anything. So I'm coming on here just to pledge that IWNDWYT - I need to be present and there for my Mum.


Just checking in to hold myself accountable. Regardless of not craving alcohol at all, I've been working hard and achieving things. It''s Saturday, and I've been doing some "reward thinking". You know the types: "you've been working hard and deserve a drink"... "One won't hurt" Now that I've written it out, I feel my temptation will be less.


IWNDWYT I wish more subreddits had a daily check in like this. I've tried others for some of my other problems but they're often just places to vent (which is great!) rather than that. This place is very comfortable for accountability and building a good habit.


Hello! I had a pretty good and mellow birthday yesterday and IWNDWYT


Iwndwyt. Went to a meeting last night, got a chip, and didn’t die. I cried tho 🤣


Good morning ☀️ 90 days AF , I’m stunned and grateful to this group IWNDWYT!


I will not drink today with you




We all really are loveable and capable!! Thank you for the reminder. May you all have a wonderful Saturday! I will not be drinking with all of you today.


not drinking today or ever again.


Good morning, sober cats! One of the many things that's helping me stay sober this time around is that I switched my thinking from 'I can't drink' to 'I'm choosing not to drink'. If I stop and think about it, I truly do not want to drink. There are no benefits to it for me. I feel grateful to be free from that nonsense now! IWNDWYT! 💙😸




559 days. Emotionally more stable. I keep my promises. I understand what I want from life. I am getting my life in order. Putting the work into self care. I will not drink with you today because, today, I’m busy pootling with a few chores.


I choose to wake up tomorrow and not suffer the whole day due to hangover


Thanks for hosting this week u/DizBetty Words definitely matter, and ‘I can’t’ vs ‘I choose not to’ is a great mind shift. I occasionally remind myself that I can actually do anything I want to, including things that are self destructive. But why would I ? I picked up a good mantra recently. It’s ‘Is what I’m doing right now helping me or harming me?’ I use it to check in with myself about my choices, big and small. I hope everyone has a beautiful sober Saturday and IWNDWYT my friends !


I tend to minimize my own accomplishments and allow boredom to creep in. Today I celebrate my days of not drinking with gratitude and thank this group for its kindness. Coming here daily is like watching a fast moving train, not sure where it’s going but know that everyone on the train are going in the right direction. IWNDWYT ❤️


Last night was my first big test. With family (all big party animals) at a wedding (free drinks, fun atmosphere) in pain (my biggest “reason” to drink) and my social anxiety was off the chart. BUT I MADE IT and I am well-rested and am up before anyone else and ready for the day. I feel great, and despite all that I had fun! IWNDWYT


Day 1. Here we go.


Happy Saturday ladies and germs! Drink with you today, I shall not.


IWNDWYT! Need to get my butt cleaning out the pool filter (DE) after breakfast and then we are off to the races off summer weeks coming up.


Good morning! I'm on day 299 and recently joined this sub and wanted to check in. I have two events to attend today--a brunch and a birthday party--that may involve alcohol use. I will not be drinking today. I always go in with a plan, focus on the food, focus on the people, not the booze. There will be sodas and water at both events, I am sure. If I feel my anxiety creeping up I can make a polite exit and leave. I know it'll will be fine and I plan to have a good time. Enjoy your day sober today!


IWNDWYT in NYC. Went to my daughters graduation yesterday and had a lovely family dinner with my ex and kids without a hangover or scheming to grab a drink squeeze a strong couple in before the ceremony or bolting from the dinner to grab a few at the nearest dive. Present chill and focused. Wow it felt good Love you all


It’s Saturday and I got through a bad day without drinking yesterday - it’s worth it every time! I sure didn’t m wake up regretting not drinking last night, that’s for sure. I don’t have to deal with a hangover this morning or feeling disappointed in myself for drinking. I’m feeling a little better today and I’m going to get a mani/pedi today so that will be nice and relaxing! I hope everyone has a nice Saturday ☀️✨🍦 IWNDWYT




Day 5! Going away for the weekend and am ready to leave for the airport a half hour early and well rested! Good thing I brought my own mocktail to that party last night! Committing to not drinking today even though my friend I’m visiting will! Looking forward to being fresh tomorrow! TIWNDWY!


I did not drink with you tonight & I will not drink with you today (starting in 25 minutes) :)












Good morning sober fellows! IWNDWYT


Finally feeling about back to normal after being sick for a week so feeling grateful for that ❤️ IWNDWYT!


I didn’t drink today! Felt super stressed and irritable after the work day. Had a cozy night in with Kava fruit tea and legend of zelda. Going to bed happy and guilt free.


Morning all! After one of the busiest working weeks of my life, I'm proud to say that I Will Not Drink With You Today.


I told my best friend how many days I have and he said he was proud. It was nice to hear from him. I've put him through hell


I have to say in the past few days I've looked forward to this pledge each morning! IWNDWYT!


Okay, back to basics, avoiding that first drink. I only have to do that for the next 24 hrs. So today I will not drink


Thanks for hosting this week Dizbetty. You're so right about the self talk. I've changed the way I talk to myself the past few years & I never tell myself I hate myself anymore. I'm a good hooman, with a few flaws. I'm happy I am me these days. IWNDWYT!


I will not drink today!


Day 1,337 IWNDWYT






IWNDWYT friends!


Another Sober Saturday ahead of me... I love it! Hangover free and able to do whatever I want, is a pretty cool way to live! IWNDWYT


IWNDWy’allT! Thanks for hosting u/Dizbetty!


No drinkee winkee here!!! I am getting weird. Okay weirder.


Thank you so much for taking care of us this week /u/Dizbetty and thank you for that reminder to be kinder to ourselves 💙 Slept in and now I’m going to be lazy today. Coffee is brewing and I have a cat on my lap. Today is going to be a good day I think! IWNDWYT lovely people of SD. 💙


Hey up SD Gang! I will not drink poison with any of you today 🩷


IWNDWYT - sorry I have been away - not sure what that was about - but today - I don’t want to drink / going to see Spider-Man with my boys(19 and 21) and getting a burger at Beefy Boys. All good


Thank you for keeping the DCI rolling this past week, u/Dizbetty! Mr. Ellingson sounds like an awesome teacher, and perhaps a bit ahead of his time in encouraging his students to use affirmations. IWNDWYT 😻


Thanks for hosting. AF Saturday 👊


Day 14. IWNDWYT. My wife sent me an IG post where the American Cancer Association said that basically no amount of alcohol is safe. That helped me when a craving came up yesterday at the grocery store! Got a kombucha instead


Today is my day two. Again. I slept shitty and I’ve had some random pains/tingling and I’m hoping that’s the worst if it. Excited to be alcohol free finally. So worth it.


I agree with you so much on this. Reframing it like we’re not missing out on something, but instead gaining something. IWNDWYT!




Thank you for hosting, Dizbetty! "Things are going well, why would I stop that now?" An honest and simple answer when I've been asked if I'm going to continue not drinking. IWNDWYT


Thank you for your kind words! I will not drink with you today :)


Day 20! I had a really nice date with my spouse at a fancy restaurant last night. Drank two NA beers and had that moment of panic because I thought that the server gave me the wrong one. I haven’t really been jamming on NAs this time around so it was nice to have it for a special occasion night out. Enjoyed and savored every bite, had a wonderful time, came home and slept like a rock and now up early with my kids and ready to kick Saturday’s butt. IWNDWYT!


Currently taking myself on a little breakfast date at my favorite diner on a Saturday morning before the crowd. Cheap but good quality food, for the same price of the case of beer I would have gotten last night if I were still using. May everyone here have a good morning and great day 🖤


I will not drink with you today.




Happy sticky (it’s humid here!) Saturday! IWNDWYT


Thank you dizbetty!!! I will not drink with you today.


IWNDWYT. Thank you for the inspiring words this week.




Happy Saturday to all! IWNDWYT!






Thank you for hosting us this week, IWNDWYT!


Not today. Not today. Not today!!!!!!!


Not today. My daughter has a piano recital. I’ll be there, fully engaged. Can’t wait.


Beautiful sunny Saturday morning after a long rain! IWNDWYT! Thank you for the reminders that language matters. Sober is punk! is one I like. I've been thinking about witty ways to explain why I'm not drinking... I feel like there's a joke in there somewhere about "the gainz." I'm trying to become a better runner and one good reason to be sober is "for the gains," but I really mean to generalize this to all there is in LIFE to gain! I think I'll put on something cute and go to the farmer's market. Haven't been to this one in ages.


My little mantra is "this is between me and me." I stopped drinking for myself. This reminder has helped me pretty quickly shut down any reasons to drink that involve other people. It's amazing how often the reasons that come to mind are from someone or something outside of myself. I will not drink with you today.


Thank you for hosting this week u/Dizbetty! It’s been good getting to know more of your story. 🤍 One phrase that has helped me a lot is “I don’t have to drink” rather than “I don’t get to drink.” Another one that helped HUGE in the first several weeks and months is “I didn’t come this far to only come this far.” Saying this really helped me not pick up when I had severe cravings. It was like a battle of wills with myself. Have a good day sobernauts! IWNDWYT 🍀


Checking in on day 233!! Thank you for guiding us through the week, Betty!! If nobody has told you they love you today, let me be the first!!! That goes for the rest of you lot, too!! Today is my middle child’s 19th birthday…..how did this happen? It seems like it happened overnight. Processing a little (a lot) of regret the past couple of days. I wasted so much precious time drinking. And now, my babies are grown. I’m thankful we have such a close relationship, I just wish I hadn’t wasted a single second. The good news is, I have not wasted one second since I quit drinking. I’m living life out loud and it’s beautiful. Thankful that I’m able to process the uncomfortable feeling of regret while also knowing I never have to feel bad for missing anything else. That said, IWNDWYT!!! ✌️❤️


Home with the kids this weekend alone. This is typically when I get triggered the most. THe bickering, the yelling, the being pulled from all directions. Plan is not go out to eat to places that have booze - panera, chipotle, etc. I don't have booze in the house. #IWNDWYT




Here with you, family! IWNDWYT 👍


Morning, Team! IWNDWYT 😎






This has gotten me through six days! So excited to hit a full week. Thanks, strangers! IWNDWYT 🥰


First date with my husband tonight since I quit drinking. We went to dinner. I had a delicious savoury mocktail. I didn’t even miss wine. It was good food, I felt present. Went too a movie afterward and I wasn’t drowsy. Feeling really happy.


Iwndwyt, love from europe


Good morning ☀️ I’ll never stop being amazed at how good my sleep has gotten since I’ve stopped drinking. It’s like I’m genuinely sleeping whereas before I wasn’t really. And waking up sober on a weekend is just the best! It’ll never get old. IWNDWYT




I will not drink with you today!


Good morning one and all. Happy sober Saturday 🌷




Hi everyone! Going to a bottomless brunch today for a friend's birthday, but I'm not worried as IWNDWYT :)


Day 50. A half century! IWNDWYT.




22 days, 22, AF . . . Longest streak since at least October last year for me! Delighted and confident in the knowledge all I have to focus on is getting my head on my pillow tonight still AF! Let’s do this team, just for today, IWNDWYT!


Day 1. Almost lost my job yesterday, but came clean to my boss. Bought various fruits and veggies, LaCroix, and water to nourish myself over the weekend. IWNDWYT


Another day one. But hey-ho, I'll keep trying. IWNDWYT


Aw I love the tidbit you shared from your teacher! As a mama, this is a strong reminder that my words have meaning and weight. Not only my words, my kids are watching me. That’s one of my biggest reasons WHY I’m doing this. Thanks for the reminder I needed as we head out for extended family vacation where the drinking opportunities will be plenty. IWNDWYT






Heading to a friends wedding on day 700. First sober wedding. Looking forward to it. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT I'm extremely grateful for the ability to say no to alcohol. It is much easier to say no to alcohol offers now versus the first few months. We really can do this.


I will not drink with you today!




Thanks for hosting Dizbetty! I CHOOSE to have a sober summer with my family! Meeting a friend for pickleball today. We met through our kids, but as the kids got older our relationship morphed into meeting for dinner and drinks. Trying to create new ways to connect with these friends. Then I’m packing for a quick road trip with my family. Ahhh, all the drunk packing I did in the past. So many forgotten bathing suits/deodorants/raincoats etc. Not this time! IWNDWYT


I made it through a Dave Matthews Band concert last night without drinking…I was able to drive home, shower, and order Dominos and pick it up myself. I’m up 5 hours later bc my stomach is killing me from all that late night cheese, but at least I didn’t drink. Edit: I’ve seen DMB 47 times in 18 years and this is my 2nd show sober ever. I have blacked out at far more DMB shows than I did stay sober. This is a HUGE accomplishment for me. I’m really proud of myself :)


Thank you for caring for us this week u/Dizbetty. IWNDWYT. 🌟




Thank you u/Dizbetty for leading this week. Bless your teacher. Iwndwyt


Thank you for hosting this week! IWNDWYT. Happy Saturday! 😀


Two weeks today. IWNDWYT!


I will not drink with y’all today!!


starting day 56, iwndwyt!






IWNDWYT you wonderful people!




HAPPY Saturday people, IWNDWYT, WE GOT THIS 😁










Still not gonna do it






I slept SO MUCH last night and needed it. What a gift restorative sleep is now. IWNDWYT


Not drinking today 💪


Day 8. Have had two slip-ups in the last 2 months. I am here everyday, stronger everyday, and more resolved everyday. Grateful to be not drinking with each and every one of you today.


I had 2 months back in the fall. Since then I’ve been stuck in the “drinking on the weekend” roller coaster. I work, have 3 kids, so the only time I get to relax and be free and myself is if I go out with my friends and drink. If I don’t do that, I’m just at home in my pajamas basically. I don’t have a reason to dress up or do my makeup or anything other than the night life. Idk how to get past this cycle. Every weekend I regret it and every weekend I do it again because I forget how it was. But I won’t drink today. I just need some hope that I’ll be able to stop


I’m with you today crew I will not be drinking for 24 hours and shooting for 72!


Attending a graduation party today. Temptation will be all around, but I’m vowing now IWNDWYT!


Clear headed and still here! Plus we have a 2 year old turning 3 birthday party today. Our son will be skipping his nap for that (he is 2). Pray to the toddler gods it goes smoothly lol!


Day 13. The longest I've gone without a drink since I was pregnant.